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人教新目标九年级英语Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 教学设计.docx

1、人教新目标九年级英语Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 教学设计人教新目标九年级英语Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 教学设计Section A(1a2d) 【教学目标】1.知识目标:(1)熟练掌握下列短语:do a school survey,score two goals in a row,take a break from running,my exam scores double。(2)能运用remember doing sth.这个句型描述令自己难忘的人和事。

2、2.能力目标:通过听说技能的训练,能用一般过去时谈论过去的经历和感受。3.情感目标:通过学习本节课,学生能够更加珍惜初中生活的点滴,加深对高中、未来生活的憧憬,树立远大人生目标。【教学重难点】重点:学生能用一般过去时谈论、分享过去的学校生活经历。难点:掌握及灵活运用与学校生活经历相关的动词短语。【课前准备】1.搜集学生三年来各种活动照片。2.制作多媒体课件及学案。 教学过程设计一、创设情境,切入主题Step 1:Leadin1.Let students discuss:“What are your special memories at your junior high school?”2.R

3、oleplay a conversation in your group and talk about your unforgettable people or things.设计意图:通过课前的师生问答互动引入本课的话题,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,同时可以有效解决学生下一步谈论学校生活经历时可能会遇到的思路上的障碍。二、展开过程,探究新知Step 2:Presentation1.Work on 1a(1)Ask students to check the things they remember doing at junior high school.Add more to the list

4、.(2)Practice in pairs using the information in 1a.2.Listening(1)Work on 1b.Listen and match the memory with the person.First,let students understand the meanings of these sentences.Then play the record.Check the answers with the students.Learn the new word:standard(2)Listen again and answer the ques

5、tions.1)What did Mary lose in Grade 7?2)Who helped her find it?3)What kind of person is Mr.Brown? Is he strict with students?4)What did Peter do to meet Mr.Browns standards?3.Work on 1cList some memories and experiences from junior high school.Share your lists with your partner.设计意图:通过学习1a,使学生对remem

6、ber doing sth.这一结构有所了解,并拓宽了思路;通过1b,锻炼学生的听力及抓取关键信息的能力;通过1c的训练锻炼学生的口头表达能力,同时巩固了对本课内容的认识。4.Work on 2aListen to the conversation.Check the facts you hear.5.Work on 2bListen again.Match each question with the name of the person.6.Listen again and fill in the blanks.Lisa remembers they had a great _ teach

7、er.He gave clear_ and he was_,too.Luke remembers when Thats life _ at school.They wrote a_ to the band _ to come.Junior high has been _,but it has a lot of _ _.Step 3:Practice1.Work on 2c.Roleplay a conversation in your group using the information in 2a and 2b.2.Work on 2d.Roleplay the conversation.

8、Let students read the text and answer the questions.(1)Which teachers will they miss?(2)What subjects do the teachers teach?(3)Why will they miss them?(4)What will they do to thank them?设计意图:将各类任务结合起来不仅锻炼了学生的语言综合运用能力,还巩固了学生对目标语言的学习、识记和运用;同时,小组合作对话训练了同学们的合作意识和团队精神;对话的当堂演示使同学们有了学英语的成就感,张扬了个性。Step 4:La

9、nguage points1.I remember scoring two goals in a row during a soccer a row 连续几次地e.g.This is the third Sunday in a row that it has rained.这是接连着的第三个星期天下雨了。2.I put in more effort and my exam scores doubled.double v.加倍;是的两倍adj.两倍的;加倍的e.g.They bought a double bed.他们买了一张双人床。 I think we can

10、double our marks in one year.我认为我们可以在一年内把成绩翻一番。3.Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you?shall modal v.将要;将会e.g.Shall we all go to the film tonight?我们今晚都去看电影吗?Everything shall be in good order.一切都应该井然有序。I shall follow all your instructions.我一定照您的指示去做。4.remember to do sth.记住去做某事(这件

11、事还没有做)Remember to turn off the lights before you leave the classroom.记得离开教室之前熄灯。remember doing sth.记得做过某事(这件事已经做了)I remember locking the door.我记得锁上门了。Step 5:Exercises Listen to the record of 2d and fill in the blanks.Clara said she would _ Ms.Lee and Mr.Brown the most _ junior high school,because Ms

12、.Lee helped Clara to work out the answers herself no matter how difficult they were and Mr.Brown always _ the time to _.三、布置作业Recite the conversation in 2d. 教学小结【板书设计】Unit 14I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.Section A(4a2d) a a school survey4.score two goals in a row5.ta

13、ke a break from exam scores double7.look forward to 期待,盼望8.remember to do sth.记住去做某事,表示这件事情还没有做。 remember doing sth.记得做过某事,表示这件事情已经做了。 Section A(3a4b)【教学目标】1.知识目标(1)能用remember doing 结构来回忆过去的人和事,如:I remember scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition.(2)正确运用四种时态的基本句型。2.能力目标(1)

14、能有感情地朗读诗歌,并能找出韵脚,体会韵律美。(2)能用一般过去时、一般现在时、现在完成时及一般将来时进行回忆、总结及计划。3.情感目标学完这个单元,每一位学生都将对自己过去的三年有一个美好的回忆,并将记住这段难忘的时光,学会珍惜当下,珍惜在校的每一时刻,每一项活动,珍惜身边的师生情谊,同时规划自己未来的人生。【教学重难点】重点:重点词汇:keep ones cool,on time,pride of, make a mess.重点句型:remember doing.等。难点:重点单词与重点句型remember doing.的掌握。【课前准备】课件、多媒体。 教学过程设计 一、创设情境,切入主

15、题Step 1:Warmup and leadin1.WarmupCheck the result of their preview of the passage and read the words to pave for the next part.设计意图:检查自主学习的情况,复习一下单词,扫清阅读的单词障碍。2.Leadin(1)Play the music Yesterday Once More.设计意图:昨日重现这首歌符合本单元话题,可引导学生对过去进行回忆,激发学生兴趣,拉近学生与文本的距离并切入本单元的主题。(2)Discuss what your special memori

16、es in your junior high school are.设计意图:以讨论的方式,从音频过渡到生活实际,重点回忆印象最深刻的人或事并且与上一课时进行有效衔接。二、展开过程,探究新知Step 2:ReadingT:Lets see what the writer remembered about his/her junior high school.设计意图:由刚才讨论自己的初中生活记忆,自然过渡到作者过去三年的回忆。1.SkimmingNow turn to Page 107 and skim the passage quickly to find answers to the qu

17、estions of 3a.设计意图:略读发现文章的体裁,从整体把握大意。2.Careful reading(1)Play the record,let them listen to the passage and write out the rhyme.设计意图:对于诗歌,需要用心去体会和享受,所以先放录音,让学生体会正确的诗歌朗读方法,体会英语不同于汉语的韵律美,并找出每一段的韵脚。(2)Let students read the poem and find what activities the writer can remember in his or her life at juni

18、or high school.设计意图:本环节运用mindmap支架,引导学生进入文本读懂文字,跳出文本宏观把握文章结构。(3)Read the poem again and work on 3c.设计意图:在听了录音的基础上,通过模仿,有感情地朗读诗歌,用心去体会作者的心情。(4)Enjoy the beautiful points together,pay attention to the key words(You can work with your partner and find the uses of the words).设计意图:通过欣赏优美句子,引出本文的语言点。Looki

19、ng_back_at these past three yearsTrying to be_on_time for morning readingsPride_of overcoming fearPreparing_for art festivalsAnd making_a_great_big_messHaving_fun at New Years partiesIm trying to keep_my_coolAnd our kind_and_caring teachersStep 3:Afterreading1.朗读比赛让学生朗读诗歌,其他的学生加以点评,比比看谁朗读得最好。设计意图:诗歌

20、是需要用心去欣赏的,好的诗歌更是经得起反复朗读品味,此处引入竞争机制,活跃课堂气氛,鼓励学生:诗歌需要品,英语需要张开嘴读!2.拓展阅读Here is another passage about memorizing the junior high school life.Can you number them in a correct order?Pay attention to the key words and the different tenses.Time might be the clue.设计意图:过渡到本节的语法四种不同时态的复习,所以提醒他们要以时间为线索,也是从技巧与方法

21、的层面上进行指导。_ When_I_get_to_senior_high,I will join the school swimming team._ My time at junior high school has_been enjoyable._ In_Grade_8,I studied harder but I still got poor grades in English.I had problems with pronunciation and reading texts._ Next_year,I will be in senior high school.I cant bel

22、ieve how fast the time went by!_ This_year,with Mr.Trents help,my English level has been improving and I hope to get good grades at the end of the year._ In_the_first_year,I didnt work very hard in class,but I joined many different school clubs and had a lot of fun.3.自由讨论设计意图:运用不同的时态详细回忆过去,同时对美好的未来进

23、行计划与展望,此环节可用轮流介绍的方法进行同桌练习。4.内容总结设计意图:小组合作归纳本节课所学内容,锻炼其思考能力、归纳总结能力及合作能力。 Step 4:SummaryTime and Tide Wait for No Man. (背景音乐为时间都去哪儿了,教育学生珍惜时间。)三、布置作业1.Write a short passage about your memory of the last three years.(用所学知识组织语言上升到语篇)2.Remember the key points and read the poem fluently. 教学小结【板书设计】Unit 14

24、I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.Section A(3a4b)1.remember to do 记着去干remember doing 记着干了2.on time 准时3.keep ones cool 4.make a mess5.一般过去时、一般现在时、现在完成时、一般将来时 Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Section B(1a1e) 【教学目标】 1.Let students learn the following expressions:degree,manager. 2.Let students listen

25、to the tape and get the main idea.3.Let students share what they hope to do in the future and give a speech.4.Let students be able to talk about their future plans.5.After learning this part,every student will have a dream of his future career.【教学重难点】重点:Talk about what they hope to do in the future.

26、难点:Prepare a speech for the graduation.【课前准备】1.了解学生的爱好和理想。2.准备好录音机、课件和学案。 教学过程设计 一、创设情境,切入主题Step 1:LeadinWhat have you got in junior high school and what do you hope to do in the future?设计意图:通过回忆初中三年生活的美好记忆,使学生置身于轻松愉悦的学习氛围,然后以“What do you hope to do in the future?”引入本课将要探讨的话题。二、展开过程,探究新知Step 2:Prese

27、ntation1.Ask students what they are good at and what they hope to do.2.Ask students to write down what they hope to do in the future.(at least three)3.Ask students to share their dreams in pairs.设计意图:让学生写下自己将来最想做的事情,并且以小组的形式分享自己的理想,既培养了学生的口语表达能力,又培养了他们的合作精神。更为下面将要进行的听力做好铺垫。Step 3:ListeningBefore lis

28、teningLet students look at pictures in 1c and ask students to say what the other students hope to do in the future.设计意图:让学生表述图片中所展示的其他学生的理想,既锻炼了他们的口语表达能力,又让学生充分了解了听力内容。培养学生听前阅读听力材料的良好习惯。While listening1.Play the record for the first time and check()the hopes you hear.(1c)2.Play the record for the se

29、cond time and complete the passage.(1d)3.Check the answers.After listeningAsk students to roleplay the conversation in groups.设计意图:通过听力方式输入课本功能句,并复习再现知识目标。在听的过程中先听后读,引导学生注意模仿录音中说话人的语音、语调,积累听力策略。小组分角色朗读,鼓励学生大胆开口,养成“学了就说”的良好习惯,培养学生运用语言目标进行交际的能力。Step 4:Group workPrepare a speech for your graduation.Pre

30、sent your speech to your group.设计意图:通过小组成员之间交流自己的改变以及自己毕业后的打算,让学生在回顾过去三年的经历的同时也为自己的将来做一个计划,进一步巩固运用本单元的目标句型。培养学生的笔头和口头表达能力。三、布置作业1.Share what you have gotten in junior high school.2.Write your plan in senior high school.3.Write a letter to say thanks to your parents.4.Learn language points:(1)A:What do you hope to do in the future?B:I hope to get a business degree and become a manager.(2)How have you changed since you started junior high school?(3)What are you looking forward to? 教学小结【板书设计】Unit 14I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.Section B(1a1e)

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