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1、人教版八年级上册重点单词短语及句子八上 Unit 1 Words1、 区分 how often/far/long/soon 其中:how far 指路程;how long 指时间,答语用for+时间段, since+时间点; how soon 指时间,答语用 in+时间段,用于一般将来时。_ is it from your school to your home? _ do you exercise?_ have you stayed in Bozhou? _ will you leave Bozhou?2、 do exercise do morning exercises 3、 go ska

2、te boarding、4、 ever hardly ever; never 5、 once twice three times6、 surf the internet; on the internet/radio/TV 7、 TV program = TV show 8、 high school9、 as result as a result of10、 Tom is take part in take an active part in 11、 as for 12、 junk food13、 drink coffee/cola with milk、 14、 eat chips = eat

3、French fries 15、 eat a piece of chocolate16、 health/healthy 区分:I am in _、 Everyone is _、 Keep _、 17、 区分: how many/much 18、 I interview an interviewer 19、 get a habit of doing sth20、 try doing sth/to do sth/ ones best to do sth = do ones best to do sth、/on 21、 of course= sure= certainly22、 look after

4、 = take care of look after well= take good care of 23、 have a good life style 24、good/wellbetterbest25、 the same as/ as as/ soas判断: Tom is as short as me; Tom is so short as me; Tom is not as short as me、 26、 be different fromMy hair is different from _、(您得); There are many _ between us、 27、 maybe/m

5、ay be _ Tom is right、 Tom _ right、 28、 although = though 不与 but 连用。29、 a lot of = lots of 后必须加名词,如无Tom has _ apples、 I learnt _、 There _ a lot of money、 30、 keep + adj keep healthy = keep in good health 31、 littlelessleast+不可数n32、 情态动词:can could may night must need shouldUnit 1 Text How often do you

6、 exercise?1、 词组:on/at weekends watch TV every day go to the movies = see a movie all/most students eating habit three or four times as for home work at high school pretty healthy come home from school2、 频度副词:always usually often sometimes hardly ever hardly never twice a month 对以上提问用?3、 句子:What do y

7、ou usually do on weekends? I usually play soccer、 How often do you shop? I shop once a month、 Here are the results of the activity survey、 She says it is good for my health、How many hours do you sleep every night? My eating habits are pretty good、 I try to eat a lot of vegetables、 I eat fruit and dr

8、ink milk、 I sleep 9 hours every night、My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades、 Is here lifestyle the same as yours or different? What are the differences、I think I am kind of unhealthy、 What sports do you play? You must try to eat less meat、4、 I go to meet my friends 、 5、 足够多得时间,足够高,跑得足够快。Unit

9、 2 Words1 1、 whats the matter?= whats the trouble?= whats wrong?= whats up with sb/sth、 2、 have a +病(fever/ cold/ stomachache/ headache /toothache and so on)3、 身体部位词+ache have a toothache 或 sore+身体部位词 have a sore back、 Back arm ear eye foot(feet) tooth(teeth) hand head leg mouth neck nose stomach th

10、roat 4、 have a rest= rest have a look (at)= look at5、 see a dentist/doctor 6、 honey 7、 should动词原形表示忠告;建议 8、 时间段ago 一般过去时得标志词。9、 so + adj/adv+that句子 so+adj+a/an+adj+that从句 such +n+that从句 n前可有adj,但在many/much/few/little前只用so、 Tom is _ sad that he cried out、slowly that everyone else can catch up with hi

11、m、 There are _ many people、10、 ill 位于系动词之后worseworst sick位于n前系动词之后sickersickest Illness=sickness n疾病Tom is a _ boy、 The boy is _、 Toms _ is very bad、 11、 advice n不可数 a piece of advice = a suggestion Advicev advice doing sth = suggest doing sth advice sb to do sth advice+that从句 Some advice 、Let me gi

12、ve you some advice on how to learn English well、 12、 I am thirsty13、 stress 压力;使紧张 be stressed out 有压力得,紧张得 14、 get up early to catch the early bus、15、 problem 指大问题,question 指小问题 16、 traditional balanced diet 17、 be weak in18、 be angry with sb、 Dont be angry with me、19、 I believer you but I cant bel

13、ieve in you believable、 I dont believe he can help you、20、 take medicine21、 in western countries22、 everybody _ having true friends、 A enjoy B is enjoy C enjoys 23、 few+复数 无,Tom has few friends, _ ? A few+复 一些 Tom has a few friends, _ ? Little +不可数n 无 there is little water, _ ? A little一些 there is a

14、 little water, _ ?24、 stay healthy stay for a few days25、 be important to sb、 It is important for sb、 to do sth、The importance of 得重要性 money is important _ us、 26、 at the moment 现在进行时得标志词。27、 notuntil 直到才 I didnt go until you come back、28、 host family29 I my teacher carefully, but I nothing、 Hear fr

15、om sb、 hear of sb= hear about sb、Unit 2 Text Whats the matter?1、 当发现别人不适时,怎么问?然后怎么给出建议,并要求建议得合理性。 2、 书上P8 P9 背会3、 重点句子:You should lie down and rest、 I hope you feel better soon、 4、 I think so、 I have a toothache I have a sore throatYou should see a _、 You should drink lots of water、2You shouldnt eat

16、 anything、When _ it start? About 3 days ago、 A does B is C didIm not feeling well、 Eating fruit and vegetables is good for health、 It is important to eat a balanced diet、 I dont think it is improving、I really need some conversation practice、4、短语 have a fever lie down drink hot tea with honey see a d

17、entist goto bed early listen to music go to the party need a balance of for example be good for Chinese medicine have a healthy lifestyle get tired sleep eight hours a night have a lot of headachesUnit 3 Words1、 背八上最后一页不规则动词表2、 go camping summer camp 3、 plan to do sth = plan on doing sth = make a pl

18、an to do sth 计划做某事。decide to do sth = decide on doing sth = to do sth 决定做某事 4、 go hiking (hike) 去远足5、 how long 指时间多久,答语用 for +时间段。6、 get back = come back to sp = return to sp、 7、 be away form 远离 = stay/keep away fromBe far away from sp 离远 My home is far away from my school、 Send sb sth = send sth to

19、 sb、 把某物送给某人。Send up 发射 send for 派人去请 send away 解雇 send messages 发短信 send an E-mail 8、 two postcards 9、 ride a bike to sp = go to sp by bike10、 go sight seeing 去观光 fishing in Italy、11、 rent a house, I _ the house two days ago、 A、 rent B、 rented 12、 be famous for/as 因而出名/作为出名LuXun is famous _ a write

20、r _ his works(作品)、 13、 I will take a vacation in , I hope to meet many eans、14、 I have something important to tell you、 Something _ in the box、 15、 one lake, two lakes16、 leave 忘记leave sth +地点介词短语; forget后无地点离开;leave sp 离开; leave for sp 到去 leave A for B 离开A到B去。I _ my book, I _ my book on the bus、 A、

21、 forgot B left 17、 in our countryside in the nature18、 learn a lot、 Learn a lot of things、19、 finish doing sth、I have finished _ the baby, (babysits) Unit 3 Text1、 What are you doing for vacation? Im visiting Tom、What is she doing for vacation ? she is going camping、 When are you going? Im going on

22、Monday、When is he going? He is going on the twelfth、 2、 背会书上P153a3、 How long is he staying? He is staying for a week、 What is it like there? 4、 go bike riding take walks rent videosquestions Think about doing sth = think of doing sth 考虑做 This time 这一次 speak French in + 月份 in June stay until Septembe

23、r spend time (in) doing sth、 In the beautiful countryside all my problems Cant wait to do sth 迫不及待做 sb need to do sth sb、 need sth/sb Sleep a lot 5、who/whom are you going with、 Unit 4 Words 1、 乘交通工具及乘某种工具到某地得方法。 Ride/ take a bus/train/plane/subway/car/bike (to sp) (go to sp) by bus= on a bus by trai

24、n = on a tram by airplane = no a airplane by bike = on a bike by car= in a car 3 2、 整十得表达及序数词Forty fortieth fifty fiftieth sixty sixtieth seventy seventieth 20、 worry about 担心 worry sb 使某人担心 be worry about 21、 Thank you so much = Thank you very much、eighty eightieth ninety ninetieth 译:61 第92 第158 3、

25、 hundred 百 thousand 千 million 百万 billion 十亿 one _ boys two _ girls _ of boys 4、 sixty minutes is one hour、5、 It takes sb some time/money to do sth、做某事花了某人多少时间或金钱。 It took me two years to learn English well、 It took me twelve dollars to buy the book、Sb spend some time/money on sth /(in) doing sth、 某人

26、花了多少时间或金钱在某物上或做某事上。 Sth cost sb some money,某物花了某人多少金钱。 Sb pay money for sth 某人花钱买某物。 6、 How far对距离得提问。“多远”How far is it? It is two kilometers、/It is two minutes walk、步行需要两分钟。 7、 take a shower take a quick shower 8、 get up early/ quickly9、 mile 英里 kilometer 千米10、 stop to do sth停下来云做另外一件事;stop doing s

27、th 停止正在做得事情; stop sb (from) doing sth 阻止某人做某事。 At a bus stop 在汽车站 If you are tired, you should stop _ (rest) It is time for class, stop _ (talk) 11、 transportation 运输, 公共交通12、 in the north 在北方 North America 北美洲 13、 be part of 就是得一部分14、 Dont always 视而定;决定于 15、 There is two boats on the river、 河上有两只船。

28、 By boat 乘船 go boating 去划船16、 more than = over 多于;大于 less than 少于;低于 no more than no less than 17、 one means two means 18、 in my town 19、 ill Unit 4 Text How do you get to school?1、 语法:讲解到某地得表达方式及问句。How do you get to school? I get to school by bike、= I ride/ take a bike to school、 How/What about Tom

29、? He walks to school、 = he goes to school on foot、How long does it take? It takes about 25 minutes to talk and 10 minutes by bus、 How long does it take sb、 from A to B? It takes sb +时间from A to B、2、 词组:from A to B get up at 七点钟 at six oclock every day have a quick breakfast leave for school take the

30、 early bus ride a bike = ride bikes sometimes get to sp think ofin North America most students go to school on the school bus in other part of the world 在世界得其它地方 in big cities in Japan the three most popular ways of getting to school in the morning the most popular means of transportation on the wee

31、kend 3、 It depends on where you are、That must be a lotthan taking a bus、 Not all students take the bus to school3、 语法:时间得表达方式数字法:7:30;先写点钟,后写分钟“7:30 seventhirty”;当分钟数大于或等于30时,公式:60已有分钟to +将到主点钟,7:35twenty-five to eight; 7:55 five to eight; 当分钟小于或等于30时,公式:已有分钟past+已有点钟:7:05five past seven 其中15可用a quarter 代替,如:45分 three quarters 30分 half8:05 8:15 8:30 8:45 8:55 4、 the number of +n复得数就是,作主语时谓语用三单形式。 A (small/large) number of +n复 许多得,大得就是,作主语时,谓语用复数 5、 Can I help you? Yes, please、I need to see my friends、 Dont worry 别担心。

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