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1、外研版初中九年级英语下册全册教案澶栫爺鐗?鍒濅腑,涔濆勾绾?鑻辫 ,涓嬪唽,鍏唽,鏁欐 ,璇炬椂澶囪 琛 紙鏁欐 锛?璇鹃 Module1 Unit 3(2)璇惧瀷Language in use绗?璇炬椂鏁欏 鐩 爣鐭瘑鐩 爣Grasp the usage of the grammars(a/an/the/鍚嶈瘝銆佹暟璇?鑳藉姏鐩 爣Use the points of this unit very freely.鎯呮劅鐩 爣Get the students to choose the best way to travel鍐呭 鍒嗘瀽閲嵚?聽 鐐?The usages of the gramma

2、rs.闅韭?聽 鐐?To use an/a/the correctly鍏?閿?鐐?Know the rules of the usage of an/a/the鏁欐硶瀛硶Team-work and communication approach.鏁欏叿瀛叿Muiti-media聽 聽 A tape recorder鏁欏 绋嬪簭鏁欐潗澶勭悊甯堢敓娲诲姩鏃堕棿Step1锛欻ave a dictationStep2:Reading Step3: 璁茶銆婁腑鍗庝竴棰樸嬩腑鐨勯敊棰?Step6:Homework for today璇曢 涓浠?Get the students to write the fo

3、llowing useful expressions:In time / on timeThe Great WallFly-flew-flownBe bad forDo harm toAt the end ofToo鈥 o.Around the world:The first plane to fly across the Atlantic OceanGet the students to read this passage, before reading, teach the following:Eventually=at last=in the end=finallyFreezing 涓瘨

4、鐨?Take off 璧烽 Then ask a few students to read it ,and translate it into Chinese聽 at last.Solve the problems which the students met in reading.鏁欏笀璁诧紝瀛敓鍏堝湪涔笂鏀归敊锛岀劧鍚庡啀鎶婇敊璇 敼鍦綔涓氭湰涓娿傛敼鐨勫悓鏃讹紝鏈変笉鏄庣櫧鐨勶紝璇峰強鏃堕棶鑰佸笀銆?鏉夸功璁捐 銆婁腑鍗庝竴棰樸嬩腑鐨勯敊棰?閿欑殑鍗曡瘝閿欑殑鐭 鍑虹幇鐨勬瘮杈冮噸瑕佺殑鍙瀷绛夌瓑鏁欏 鍚庤 Module2聽 Education鏃湡鏁欏 鐩 爣1. To grasp th

5、e words and expressions such as geography,physical,neither,present,absent,speech.鈥 nd so on.2. To listen to the dialogue about 鈥淪chools鈥?3. To talk about the life in school and compare different schools.4. To read the articles and grasp the main idea and identify the facts and views with the reading

6、 skills.5. To describe the life in school.閲嶇偣闅剧偣1. The words and the expressions.2. Talking about or writing something about Summer in LA. use of prouns.涓昏 鍐呭 鍙婂垎鏋?鏈 鍧楃殑涓 績璇濋 鏄 滄暀鑲测濓紝鍐呭 涓昏 娑夊強瀛牎鐢熸椿銆傝 瑷鎶鑳藉拰璇 鐭瘑涓昏 涔熸槸鍥寸粫鈥滄暀鑲测濊繖涓涓 績璇濋 璁捐 鐨勩傚叾涓 湪灞曞紑鍚 璇诲啓鐨勫悓鏃讹紝杩樿 澶嶄範浠瘝鐨勭敤娉?鏈 鍧楃殑鍔熻兘鏄 繘琛屾瘮杈冦?鏂规硶鍙婃墜娈?Indivi

7、dual, pair and group work to make every student active in class.Communicative approach;Bottom-up approach;Formal and interactive practice and task-based approach.璇炬椂鍒掑垎Unit1 (1)Unit 2(2)Unit 3(1)Revision(1)Module 2璇炬椂澶囪 锛堟暀妗堬級璇鹃 Unit1 It was great to see her again.璇惧瀷Listening and speaking绗?1 璇炬椂鏁欏

8、鐩 爣鐭瘑鐩 爣1) To understand what the conversation is about.2) To make notes while listening.3) To ask and answer questions about a trip to some place.鑳藉姏鐩 爣1锛塗o get some information from listening.2)聽 To talk about the travel plan to some place.鎯呮劅鐩 爣閫氳繃浜嗚鍏朵粬鍥藉 鏆戝亣鍩硅 鐝 紝澶忎护钀瓑鐩稿叧淇伅锛屾嫇灞曡 閲庛?鍐呭 鍒嗘瀽閲嵚?聽 鐐?

9、1)To understand what the conversation is about.2)To grasp the words and expressions.3)To ask and answer questions about a trip to some place.闅韭?聽 鐐?The subject and object agreement.鍏?閿?鐐?Key structure: The subject and object agreement.鏁欐硶瀛硶Interactive approach鏁欏叿瀛叿Tape-recorder, computer, 鏁欏 绋嬪簭鏁欐潗澶

10、勭悊甯堢敓娲诲姩鏃堕棿涓:Warming-up:Activities 1 .(It鈥檚 ready for listening,because some new words may be in the listening dialogue.)I come out with sunglasses and shorts so that I can lead to the new lesson and learn the new words:I say to the students:Hello, you know what I鈥檒l go to do?鈥擨 will travel to USA.I

11、 am wearing sunglasses and trousers are in the accommodation is in an American鈥檚 Americans in the home are hosts and I am a that time I will do an English I鈥檒l show the new words on the read them do read the words and questions then work in asks and the other answers.A2.(Do some listening)Listen and

12、 check their answers to Activity t the answers for the whole class.浜?A 3 .(The students listen to the dialogue with the questions and know about the conversation and answer the questions at the same time they learn the key expressions.)A4.(The students can find out the details and I鈥檒l teach them to

13、 take notes.)1. Listen to the conversation and try to answer two questions.(1)Who gets the special prize?(2)What鈥檚 the prize about?Work in asks and the other answers.2. Read the conversation by themselves and try to complete the table. Check the answers. in groups of four.(1)Try to understand the me

14、aning of the dialogue.(2)Underline the key expressions and pay attention to The subject and object agreement.(3)Do some in groups of five.鏁欏 绋嬪簭鏁欐潗澶勭悊甯堢敓娲诲姩鏃堕棿涓堿5.(The students find sentences in the conversation which suggest that鈥 t鈥檚 a little difficult for I will do the first one.)A6(Answer the qu

15、estions)鍥汚8 and A9I say to them:In the conversation,Lingling and Betty and Daming,鈥漎our hair looks nice!You look smart.鈥漌hat do these sentences suggest?The students may answer:They suggest that the friends want to look their best.I will go on ashing them:Got it! Can you find the sentences which sugg

16、est鈥漈ony is a little nervous鈥?.Then work in y show the correct answers.Work in paris.(one asks and the other answers)Work in pairs or in groups about what Betty,Tony,Lingling and Daming are going to do in we have more time,we鈥檒l talk about the travel plan to some place.鏉夸功璁捐 Module 2 EducationUnit 1

17、 It was great to see her again.The key language points:e to鈥? give a warm welcome to鈥? good news is鈥?鏁欏 鍚庤 Module2璇炬椂澶囪 琛 紙鏁欐 锛?璇鹃 Unit 2 What鈥檚 the best thing about school?璇惧瀷Reading绗?2 璇炬椂鏁欏 鐩 爣鐭瘑鐩 爣To learn some key words and expressions.To understand where a passage comes from.鑳藉姏鐩 爣To get infor

18、mation from the reading material about an English course.鎯呮劅鐩 爣Know more about the summer training classes in other countries or camps Broaden the vision.鍐呭 鍒嗘瀽閲嵚?聽 鐐?To learn some key words and expressions.To get information from the reading material about an English course.闅韭?聽 鐐?The subject and o

19、bject agreement.鍏?閿?鐐?Key structure: The subject and object agreement.鏁欐硶瀛硶Bottom-up approach鏁欏叿瀛叿Tape recorder and computer鏁欏 绋嬪簭鏁欐潗澶勭悊甯堢敓娲诲姩鏃堕棿涓.Warming-up/Lead-in (Activity 1 I ask them to talk about the pictures in order to active the related background 鈥檚 ready for the following reading.)I will

20、 show some pictures about Learn English in Los Angeles and talk about in pairs.I may ask the following questions like this: can you see in Picture 1? do you think they are doing? do students live with American families? visiting Disneyland a part of English course programme?Do you think it is necess

21、ary?浜孉ctivity 2鈥擜ctivity 3(The students will choose source of the article and the students will get the rich language information,enrich the knowledge,broaden the vision and develop the thinking ability through reading and the activity.)(1) The students will read it as quickly as they can and choose

22、 the best finish Activity 3.(2) The studnts will read it again as carefully as they can聽 finish the additional exercise.(3) Listen to the tape and read it and learn the important phrases and pay attention to the subject and object agreement.(the students will learn some useful expressions by reading

23、 it and by listening to it.)The useful expressions are:(1) Summer English courses(2) Learn about(3) At the same time(4) At the beginning of鈥?(5) Weekly tests(6) As well well(7) Take part in鈥?(8) Have meals with鈥?(9) Create friendships with鈥?(10) Take place(11) 鈥?鏁欏 绋嬪簭鏁欐潗澶勭悊甯堢敓娲诲姩鏃堕棿Activity 4(It鈥檚

24、an open students may complete the ask and answer exercise through reading or the background knowledge they should show their ideas freely.)The students will read it again and finish them.Then correct the answers in asks and the other answers.1. be interested in +n/doing鈥?2. take part in,join,join in

25、鈥?鏉夸功璁捐 Module 2 EducationUnit 2 What鈥檚 the best thing about school?(1)Some language points: English courses about the same time the beginning of鈥?tests聽 well well part in鈥? meals with鈥? friendships with鈥?10Take place鏁欏 鍚庤 Module 2 璇炬椂澶囪 琛 紙鏁欐 锛?璇鹃 Unit 2 What鈥檚 the best thing about school.(2)璇惧瀷Spe

26、aking and writing绗?3 璇炬椂鏁欏 鐩 爣鐭瘑鐩 爣Revision:Revise the new words and some sentences in last lesson.Do with the other activities鑳藉姏鐩 爣Writing: To write a description of a course.鎯呮劅鐩 爣Know more about the summer training classes in other countries or camps Broaden the vision.鍐呭 鍒嗘瀽閲嵚?聽 鐐?Revision and

27、writing. 闅韭?聽 鐐?Writing.鍏?閿?鐐?Key structure: The subject and object agreement.鏁欐硶瀛硶Interactive approachTask-based approach鏁欏叿瀛叿computer鏁欏 绋嬪簭鏁欐潗澶勭悊甯堢敓娲诲姩鏃堕棿涓Revision:Revise Activity 2 in Unit 2.1. The students will read Activity 2 together.2. If possible, we鈥檒l do an exercise about the last lesson.

28、a dictation.I will read English,the students will write them down in their exercisebooks.浜?The new activities:Activity 5 in Unit 2(Read the new passage again and tell the details from it.)Activity 4:Imagine you鈥檙e planning to attend a summer course in Los te the form with your details and your choic

29、es.Activity 5(The students can do an internalization of聽 the contents of the text and complete the activity with the related information after they can understand the meaning of it.)1. They can finish the form by themselves.2. After finishing the form,they can communicate the form with each I will a

30、sk them to describe the whole sentence in English. For example:My name is Liu Yun.I鈥檚 a student of No 2 Middle School.I鈥檇 like to attend a summer English course with a small group of five or so would be better if I can live with an American family,because I can learn about American culture as well a

31、s improving my English鈥?鏁欏 绋嬪簭鏁欐潗澶勭悊甯堢敓娲诲姩鏃堕棿涓塛riting:Activities 6-7 (After the students understand and grasp the oral and written messages鈥攌now about the summer couses鈥?nature and will write the description of a summer course in English.)Group work:The students first will do with it in will discuss how to open the Chinse first everyone will write grass gang,then discus

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