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1、关于针对攻坚高考必考重点HR Planning System Integration and Upgrading Research of A Suzhou Institution攻坚高考必考重点 高考英语热点动词十五类 动词是英语中最活跃的词类,是句子的核心成分。此外,英语动词的变化较多,形式颇为复杂,是英语学习的难点之一。历届高考英语试题常把动词作为测试的重点,在单项填空题中所占比例在 50% 以上。笔者通过对近十年来的高考英语试题进行分析,归纳常考动词十五类,供大家参考。 连系动词类 连系动词按其所表示的意义可分为以下四种: 变化类表事物发展变化的过程,如 become , go , tu

2、rn , grow , get , fall 等。 感觉类表人体部位的感受,如 feel , smell , taste , look , sound 等。 状态类表事物所处的状态,如 keep , come , run , remain , stand , lie , stay , prove 等。 外表特征类表外表给人的印象,如 appear , seem , look 等。 连系动词的作用是后接形容词或相当于相容词的结构作表语。除了少数几个 ( 如 feel , get , become , grow 等 ) 外,不用进行时态和被动结构。例如: The mixture is tasted

3、 terrible.( 误 ) The mixture tastes terrible.( 正 ) Jim pretended to be falling asleep when his mother came in.( 误 ) Jim pretended to fall/be asleep when his mother came in.( 正 ) Im feeling much better than ever before. It was getting darker and darker. Besides, a cold rain began to fall. 高考例题 Do you

4、like the material? Yes, it very soft.(NMET94) A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt (2)Why dont you put the meat in the fridge? It will fresh for several days.(NMET03) A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed (3)The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain as the plane was maki

5、ng a landing. A. seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating (04 春季高考上海卷 ) (4)Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may run over by a car. (02 高考北京卷 ) A. have B. get C. become D. turn (5)Happy birthday, Alice. So you have twenty-one already.(04 天津卷 ) A. become B. turned C. grow

6、n D. passed (6)Sarah, hurry up. Im afraid you cant have time to before the party.(04 全国卷 II) get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change (7)On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she pale.(04 湖北卷 ) A. got B. changed C. went D. appeared (8)The flowers sweet in the botani

7、c garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.(04 上海卷 ) to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt (9)Although he has taken a lot of medicine, his health poor.(02 春上海卷 ) proves B. remains C. maintains D. continues (10)I love to go to the seaside in summer. It good to lie in the sun or swim

8、 in the cool sea. does B. feels C. gets D. makes (Key: CBCBB ACBBB) 感官动词类 常考的感官动词有 see , watch , notice , observe , hear , feel , find , catch 等。感官动词的主要作用是后接非谓语动词的不同形式作宾主补足语,表达不同的含义。 后接不带 to 的不定式表示一个发生过或者还没发生具体的动作。 I often heard the song sung, but I have never heard you sing it. When you go to watch

9、 the football watch, you will enjoy seeing the Chinese football team win. 后接 V-ing 形式表示正在进行的动作。 Seeing the sun rising above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of joy. Hearing this, I felt my heart beating fast. 后接 V-ed 形式表被动意义。 After his return twenty years later, he found his home town grea

10、tly changed. Although I had learnt some English, I had never heard a word of it spoken. 高考例题 (1)The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see the next year.(NMET2000) carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out (2)A cook will be immediately fired if he is found in the kitc

11、hen.(NMET03) smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked (3)The missing boys were last seen near the river. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play (4)The salesman scolded the girl who was caught and let her off.(NMET93) to have stolen B. to be stealing C. to steal D. stealing (5)He looked around and

12、 caught a man his hand into the pocket of a passenger. A. put B. to be putting C. to put D. putting (04 春北京卷 ) (Key: CBADD) 使役动词类 表“致使”意义的动词称之为使役动词,如 make , let , have , keep , leave , set , send 等。使役动词的作用是后接非谓语动词的不同形式作宾主补足语,表达不同的含义。分以下三种情况: make , let have 等后接不带 to 的不定式,表“使 / 让某人 / 某物做某事”。 Dont mak

13、e him do it if he doesnt want to . If you have any problems, just let me know. 在被动结构中不定式须带 to ,但是 have 不用于被动结构中 to 。 He was made to apologize to the guest. have , keep , leave , send , set , get 等后接 V-ing 形式,表持续性动作。 Im sorry to keep you waiting for so long. Why do you have him worrying about his les

14、sons? have , keep , leave 等后接 V-ed 形式,表被动含义。 He didnt keep on asking me the time until he had had his watch repaired. Ill keep you informed as soon as I have the news. 高考例题 (1)Dont leave the water while you brush you teeth.(04 天津卷 ) run B. running C. being run D. to run (2)Laws that punish parents f

15、or their childrens actions against the laws get parents .(04 重庆卷 ) worried B. to worry C. worrying D. worry (3) Why did you go back to the shop? I left my friend here.(03 春安徽内蒙古卷 ) waiting B. to wait C. wait D. waits (4)It was so cold that they kept the fire all night.(NME91) to burn B. burn C. burn

16、ing D. burned (5) Good morning, can I help you? Id like to have this package , madam. be weighed B. weighing C. weighed D. to weigh (NMET89) (6)The speaker raised his voice but still couldnt make himself .(NMET91) hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard (7)As you have never been there before, Ill have s

17、omeone you the way. (94 上海卷 ) show B. to show C. showing D. showed (8)Paul doesnt have to be made . He always works hard.(NMET95) learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning (9)A computer can do only what thinking people .(99 上海卷 ) have it do B. have it done C. have done it D. having it done (10)Mrs. B

18、rown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had went wrong. (98 年上海卷 ) it B. it repaired C. repaired D. to be repaired (Key: BCACC DABAC) 含情感色彩的动词 这类动词有 excite, inspire, encourage, interest, satisfy, delight, please, move, frighten, surprise, amaze, astonish, shock, worry, astonish

19、, disappoint, discourage, exhaust, puzzle, tire, terrify 等。情感动词后接指人的名词或代词作宾语,有 V-ing 和 V-ed 两种形式,在句中作宾语和表语, V-ing 形式指人, V-ed 形式则指事物。 The story was so moving that everyone present was moved to tears. What disappointing result! We were all disappointed with it. Climbing a hill was tiring and we were t

20、ired when we reached the summit. 高考例题 (1)Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does his boss.(2000 春北京安徽内蒙古卷 ) serves B. satisfies C. promises D. supports (2) Im very with my own cooking. It looks nice smells delicious. Mm, it does have a smell.(02 春 NMET) pleasant; please

21、d B. pleased; pleased C. pleasant; pleasant D. pleased; pleasant (3)Mr. Smith, of the speech, started to read a novel.(03 春北京卷 ) tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring (4)It is believed that if a book is , it will surely the reader.(03 上海卷 ) interested; interest B. interest

22、ing; be interested C. interested; be interesting D. interesting; interest (5)After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home .(04 春上海卷 ) being exhausted B. exhausted C. exhausting D. having exhausted (Key: BDADB) 后接不定式动词类 afford, agree, choose, determine, expect, decide, learn, offer, man

23、ge, hope, want, wish, promise, refuse, fail, pretend, happen 等动词,后跟不定式作宾语。 Thank you for offering to help, but I can manage myself. He learned to ride a bicycle when he was a small boy. 高考例题 (1)We agreed here but so far she hasnt turned up yet.(NMET95) A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have

24、met (2)Little Jim should love to the theatre this evening.(NMET92) to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking (3)I dont know whether you happen , but Im going to study in the U.S.A. this September.(04 辽宁卷 ) to be heard B. to be hearing C. to hear D. to have heard (4)She pretended me when I pass

25、ed by.(NMET89) not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen (5)Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears everything.(01 高考上海卷 ) to tell B. to be told C. to be telling D. to have been told (Key: CADAD) 后接 V-ing 形式动词类 该类动词常考的有 appreciate, avoid, bear, consider, dislike, delay, en

26、joy, escape, finish, hate, imagine, keep, mind, miss, practise, postphone, resist, stand, suggest 等。这些动词须 V-ing 形式作宾语。例如: I dont mind waiting, but Ive got to stand in the cold wind. Have you considered making some necessary changes to your plan? Only by practising speaking English every day can you

27、expect to improve your spoken English. 高考例题 (1) I would appreciate back this afternoon. you to call B. you call C. your calling D. youre calling (2)While shopping, people sometimes cant help into buying something they dont really need.(96 年上海卷 ) to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be per

28、suaded (3)He has always insisted on his Dr. turner instead of Mr. Turner. (92 上海卷 ) been called B. called C. being called D. having called (4) I really appreciate to relax with you on this nice island. (04 年上海卷 ) to have had time B. having time C. to have time D. to having time (5)Do you mind alone

29、at home?(94 年上海卷 ) Jane leaving B. Jane having left C. Janes being left D. Jane to be left (6) I can hardly imagine Peter across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.(NMET91) sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed (Key: CBCBCC) 后接不定式与 V-ing 形式意义不同动词类 remember, try, regret, mean, forget, stop, go on

30、, cant help 等后接不定式与 V-ing 形式作宾语,表达含义不同。见下表: 动词 接动名词作宾语 接不定式作宾语 remember 过去发生的动作 将来的动作 try 尝试做某事 努力做某事 regret 对做过的事表示后悔 对要做的事表示遗憾 mean 意味着做某事 企图 ( 打算 ) 做某事 cant help 禁不住做某事 不能帮助做某事 go on 继续做未完成的事情 做完一件事后,接着做另一件事 forget 忘记以前曾做过某事 忘记做某事 stop 中断正在做的事情 中断正在做的事,去做别的事 例如: I remember being pad, but Ive forg

31、otten the exact amount. Please remember to send me a photo of your son the next time you write to me. I dont really mean to work here, which means leaving the job soon afterwards. 高考例题 The light in the office is still on. (NMET91) Oh, I forgot . turning it off B. turn it off C. to turn it off D. having turned it off You were brave enou

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