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1、英语国家概况模拟试题三模拟试题三一、单项选择题1、The only surviving large mammals are _.A、red deer and wolves?B、boars and wolves?C、roe deer and boars?D、red deer and roe deer?2、The Anglo-Saxons brought _ religion to Britain.A、Druidism?B、Roman Catholic?C、Teutonic?D、Christian?3、The Independent Labor Party was led by _.A、Jerem

2、y Bentham?B、James Cook?C、Abel Tasman?D、Keir Hardie?4、On _, Queen Elizabeth II approved a same-sex marriage bill.A、April 29, 2011?B、July 7, 2012?C、July 17, 2013?D、August 17, 2012?5、The poverty line in the UK is commonly defined as being _ of the median household income.A、50%?B、65%?C、55%?D、60%?6、_ pre

3、pare them for higher education.A、Grammar schools?B、Secondary modern schools?C、Private schools?D、Higher schools?7、The modern game of _ is generally accepted to have originated in England.A、swimming?B、football?C、skiing?D、diving?8、In _, figure skater Madge Cave Syers became the first female athlete to

4、win a medal in the Winter Olympic Games.A、1896?B、1908?C、1948?D、1920?9、The UKs biggest-selling newspaper is _.A、the Daily Mail?B、the Daily Telegraph?C、the Daily Mirror?D、the Sun?10、The rivers that descend from the eastern slopes of the Rockies flow into _.A、the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico?B、

5、the Gulf of California and the Mississippi?C、the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California?D、the Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico?11、Between 1980 and 1989, the South and West of the United States added _ million people through net migration.A、8.8?B、8.4?C、8.9?D、4.9?12、The _ founded their first perma

6、nent settlement on the continent at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607.A、English?B、Spanish?C、Dutch?D、Portuguese?13、State governments have the power to make laws for all citizens that are not granted to the federal government or denied to the states in the US Constitution. These include _, and most crimes.

7、A、education, family law, constitution?B、education, family law, contract law?C、education, constitution, contract law?D、family law, constitution, contract law?14、In December _, the Senate condemned McCarthy for certain improper, extreme behavior.A、1955?B、1956?C、1953?D、1954?15、Vietnam got independence

8、in _.A、1945?B、1944?C、1943?D、1946?16、By _ Champlain had reached Quebec.A、1605?B、1606?C、1607?D、1608?17、The Constitution Act assigns specific responsibilities to the provinces and reserves all others for _.A、the federal government?B、the president?C、the representative?D、the monarch?18、Pennsylvania was e

9、stablished by _.A、Separatist Congregationalists?B、Quakers?C、Roman Catholics?D、Puritans?19、_ is a four-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize for drama and the only American playwright to win the Nobel Prize for literature.A、ONeill?B、Henry James?C、Walt Whitman?D、James Fenimore Cooper?20、To a lesser degree

10、 in the early _ century, film types that were previously considered to have only a minor presence in the mainstream movie market began to arise as more potent American box office draws.A、20ty?B、19th?C、18th?D、21st?21、_ is observed on the last Monday of May.A、Martin Luther King, Jr. Day?B、Washingtons

11、Birthday?C、Memorial Day?D、Independence Day?22、Canada covers about _ of the North American continent.A、a half?B、a third?C、a quarter?D、two fifths?23、_ is the floral symbol of Australia and is celebrated on National Wattle Day each year on September 1.A、Eucalyptus trees?B、Maple tree?C、Dahurian larch?D、

12、The golden wattle?24、The average maximum temperature in _ is 23 in summer, 14 in winter.A、Dunedin?B、Auckland?C、Christchurch?D、Nelson?25、The secondary school system comprises private schools that are predominantly owned by _.A、the enterprise?B、the state?C、the army?D、religious communities?26、Much of t

13、he worlds wool comes from _.A、Ireland?B、Australia?C、New Zealand?D、Britain?27、The cinema of _, often generally referred to as Hollywood.A、China?B、Janpan?C、the United States?D、England?28、The work of filmmakers and actors throughout the UK is supported by _, a government board that helps fund productio

14、ns and secure film-related services.A、Arts Council?B、British Broadcasting Corporation?C、Channel Four Television?D、Film Council?29、In _, Britain finally became a full member of the European Economic Community.A、January 1957?B、January 1974?C、January 1960?D、January 1973?30、The _ brought with them the a

15、rt of pottery making, the ability to fashion bronze tools and the custom of individual burial.A、Celts?B、Beaker Folk?C、Iberians?D、Anglo-Saxons?二、填空题1、Traditional farming involved _, a system that dated back to the 5th century.2、Among several important social developments in the decades after World Wa

16、r II, the most evident was the rising standard of _.3、International cricket matches, known as tests, began in 1877 with a match between _ and _.4、The Progressive Movement was a movement demanding government regulation of _.5、On August 4, 1914, _ issued an official statement proclaiming American neut

17、rality.6、_is the oldest written constitution in the world.7、Post-secondary education, better known as “_” in the United States, is generally governed separately from the elementary and high school system.8、The influential landscape painters known as _ devoted themselves to developing a national styl

18、e in the first decades of the 20th century.9、There are also more than _ private primary and secondary schools, most of them Roman Catholic or run by other religious groups.10、_has long been the backbone of Irish agriculture.三、名词解释1、black Thursday2、The Bill of Rights四、简答题1、What is the relation betwee

19、n the papers and the political party?2、How do the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky mountains run?3、What were the two weaknesses in the American economy in the 1920s?4、Which was a great turning point of the American War of Independence?5、What are the three branches of government?6、There are major

20、differences between the political system of the United States and that of most other developed countries. What do these differences include?7、In what areas is Canadas agriculture located?8、Why does New Zealand often have earthquakes?9、Which battle is considered one of the most important events in Au

21、stralian history and why?10、What caused the fall in population in Ireland?五、论述题1、What are the two major political parties in New Zealand? How are they different from each other?答案部分一、单项选择题1、【正确答案】 D【答案解析】 答案选D。The only surviving large mammals are red deer and roe deer.参见教材P90。【该题针对“Plant and Animal

22、Life(UK)”知识点进行考核】【答疑编号10691776,点击提问】2、【正确答案】 C【答案解析】 The Anglo-Saxons brought Teutonic religion to Britain.参见教材P97。【该题针对“The AngloSaxons(446871)”知识点进行考核】【答疑编号10693220,点击提问】3、【正确答案】 D【答案解析】 答案选D。The Labor Party had its origins in the Independent Labor Party (ILP), which was formed in January 1893 and

23、 led by Keir Hardie, a Scottish miner.参见教材P127。【该题针对“Trade Unions and the Labor Party,Chap 5”知识点进行考核】【答疑编号10694574,点击提问】4、【正确答案】 C【答案解析】 答案选C。On July 17, 2013, Queen Elizabeth II approved a same-sex marriage bill.参见教材P138。【该题针对“Britain in the 21st Century”知识点进行考核】【答疑编号10694601,点击提问】5、【正确答案】 D【答案解析】

24、答案选D。The poverty line in the UK is commonly defined as being 60% of the median household income.参见教材P150。【该题针对“Poverty(UK)”知识点进行考核】【答疑编号10694971,点击提问】6、【正确答案】 A【答案解析】 Grammar schools prepare them for higher education. 参见教材P166。【该题针对“Education(UK)”知识点进行考核】7、【正确答案】 B【答案解析】 参见教材P170。【该题针对“Sports and Re

25、creation(UK)”知识点进行考核】8、【正确答案】 B【答案解析】 参见教材P170。【该题针对“Sports and Recreation(UK)”知识点进行考核】9、【正确答案】 D【答案解析】 参见教材P171。【该题针对“Media and Publishing(UK)”知识点进行考核】10、【正确答案】 D【答案解析】 答案选D。The rivers that descend from the eastern slopes of the Rockies flow into the Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico.参见教材P177。【该题针

26、对“Land(USA)”知识点进行考核】11、【正确答案】 B【答案解析】 Between 1980 and 1989, the South and West of the United States added 8.9 million people through net migration.参见教材P187。【该题针对“Population Movement(USA),Chap 10”知识点进行考核】12、【正确答案】 A【答案解析】 The English founded their first permanent settlement on the continent at James

27、town, Virginia, in 1607. 参见教材P195。【该题针对“The Colonial Period”知识点进行考核】13、【正确答案】 B【答案解析】 答案选B。State governments have the power to make laws for all citizens that are not granted to the federal government or denied to the states in the US Constitution. These include education, family law, contract law,

28、and most crimes.参见教材P243。【该题针对“State Government(USA)”知识点进行考核】14、【正确答案】 D【答案解析】 In December 1954, the Senate condemned McCarthy for certain improper, extreme behavior.参见教材P218。【该题针对“McCarthyism”知识点进行考核】15、【正确答案】 A【答案解析】 The story began with Vietnams independence in September 1945.参见教材P221。【该题针对“The V

29、ietnam War”知识点进行考核】16、【正确答案】 D【答案解析】 答案选D。By 1608 Champlain had reached Quebec. There he founded Frances first permanent Canadian colony.参见教材P273。【该题针对“History(Canada)”知识点进行考核】17、【正确答案】 A【答案解析】 答案选A。The Constitution Act assigns specific responsibilities to the provinces and reserves all others, spec

30、ified or not, for the federal government.参见教材P277。【该题针对“Government(Canada)”知识点进行考核】18、【正确答案】 B【答案解析】 Pennsylvania was established by Quakers.参见教材P250。【该题针对“Religion(USA)”知识点进行考核】19、【正确答案】 A【答案解析】 ONeill is a four-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize for drama and the only American playwright to win the Nobel Prize for literature. 参见教材P251、252。【该题针对“Literature, Theater and Music(USA)”知识点进行考核】20、【正确答案】 D【答案解析】 To a lesser degree in the early 21st century, film types that were previously considered to have only a minor presence in the mainstream movie market began t

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