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1、t be returned. It may also take some time for your submission to be considered; please dont inquire about the status of your submission-we will be in touch if we select your material. Even selected items may not be published for six months or more.We may run your item in any section of our magazine,

2、 or elsewhere. Our website Terms and Conditions also apply to your submission; in the event of any conflict between those Terms and Conditions and the above terms, the latter shall govern.21. Whatsthepurposeoftext?A. Toissueastorybook. B. Toannounceanevent.C. Toprovidesometips. D. Toadvertiseservice

3、.22. Whatareyouadvisedtodoifneedinspiration?readstorybooks. B. Towinningstories.calleditorsforadvice.D. Toaskwinnershelp.23. Ifwantsubmityourstory, _A. itmustbeatleast100words B. itneedntwrittenbyyourselfC. itcansentotherpublicationsD. itmustninvadesomeoneelseprivacy24. Whatwillhappenstoryisselected

4、?A. Itwoneditedanyoneelse.B. Itpublishedwithinsixmonths.C. ItmayappearanywhereonReaderDigest.D. ItusedReaderDigest10years. BWashingtonWild applause broke out at the Parent Teacher Association national offices when several government spokespeople announced a decision to return the subject of civics(公

5、民学) to high school curricula nationwide. The decision is symbolic of the new agenda to restore(恢复) the United States Constitution to its pre-Bush-era status. In a joint statement, Senators Harry Reid, Republican of Kentucky, said that the decision proves the two parties can work together on an issue

6、 of national importance. The announcement came following a series of school strikes organized by parents angered by a recent study by the National Opinion Research Center. The findings showed a total ignorance of government structure and citizens rights by graduating high school seniors. Some of the

7、 fallacious opinion and beliefs mentioned in this cross-country study included: the president has the power to interpret treaties(条约); the president is not bound(约束) by law; the vice president is independent of all three branches of government; torture(刑讯) is not a punishment and therefore cannot be

8、 considered “cruel and unusual”.The study noted that many students political consciousness dated back only three years in other words, their awareness of constitution rights had been entirely formed during the Bush administration. The study also found that students were growing incapable of telling

9、the difference between living figures, historical figures, and corporate-licensed figures such as cartoon characters.The revived civics courses will teach students about the structure and function of each branch of government, the theory of checks and balances, theories of the role of government, an

10、d constitutional(宪法的) law.We have so much work in front of us. said Los Angeles area high school teacher Roberta Morales. Trying to develop students sense of citizenry and the public good and undo so many self-centered individualistic messages will take great effort.25. What were those at the Parent

11、 Teacher Association national offices applauding?A. The return of a subjectB. The popularity of civicsC. The increase of public awarenessD. The arrival of several spokespeople、26. What happened before the announcement?A. Teachers went out on strike.B. A study was interrupted by parents.C. Citizens w

12、ere losing some of their rights.XD. How the government works confused many students.27. What does the underlined word fallacious in Paragraph 4 mean?A. falseB. rightC. personalD. honest28. How does Roberta Morales probably feel according to the last paragraph?A. DepressedB. StressedC. ConfusedD. Con

13、fidentC One by one, I ran my fingers along the books. One by one, I remembered. One by one, I took the books off the shelf and into the moving box the books of a boyhood slipping away(悄悄离开) The American Boys Handy Book, for instance, Daniel Beards 1882 instructional book for boyhood一with directions

14、on how to build a pine-branch house, how to fish for freshwater clams(蛤蜊), and how to construct a boomerang (回飞镖) 一sent my knees shaking. I remembered the day I spied the book at a beloved bookshop and carried it home, hoping to give my sons and old-fashioned life of adventure. My Fathers Dragon, th

15、e mid-20th-century dragon stories from Ruth Stiles Gant, had me in tears. As soon as I touched it,I was thrown back in time, sitting beside my then beginning-to-read first born on his four-poster bed. Taking turns turning pages, his eager fingers holding the pages corner, and mine patiently waiting.

16、 I couldnt bear to let these books go; they were so deeply linked to a life I had loved, a life now being placed into a box, transported miles away and put on to a grown mans bookshelf, alongside novels, books on law and philosophy. Thats what reading together in childhood does: It forever holds us

17、together. As much as it ached to send away my firstborns books, I was heartened to know they mattered to him, and that he wouldnt feel at home until they surrounded him again. Hes always been the type to pack a book with him wherever hes going, and was delighted to learn that Thomas Jefferson offere

18、d up his personal collection after the Library of Congress was burned by the British. Jefferson found a house without books intolerable (难耐的) however, and immediately started refilling his bookshelves I cannot live without books, he told John Adams.It turned out I couldnt live without books either.

19、I hatched a plan. As I closed the book box, I promised myself that like Jefferson, I would build a new library, a collection of childrens books that could stand the test of time. 29. What do you know about TheAmerican Boys HandyBook?A. Its a how-to-book.B. It centers on fishing.C. It is out of print

20、 now.D. It was published in the 18th century.30. Why did the author pack the books?A. She would move house.B. Her interest in them dropped.C. Her son wanted to own them.D. She had to make room for her new books.31. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. mothers directionsB. boy

21、hood on a shelfC. importance of childrens booksD. Thomas Jefferson set an exampleDNew Orleans native Keiana Cave, at the age of 18, is one of the youngest Americans named in the 2017 Forbes 30 Under 30 list. The college girl developed a molecule(分子) for dispersing (分解) oil, which she presently produ

22、ces through her company Mare.Forbes, one of the most popular magazines in the US, released its annual 30 Under 30 lists on January 3, 2017. With 20 different categories (类别) from music to law and policy, in each area. Forbes presented 30 up-and-coming young groundbreakers (创始者) on its official websi

23、te.Cave is comparatively much younger than those selected to her category, but this by no means discounts her exceptional ability. To see her daughters name on the list, Vanessa Cave-Herazo was surprised, but she said she knew it was coming because “Keiana has always been destined(注定) for great thin

24、gs. After learning about the negative effects of the oil dispersant( 分散剂) used in the Gulf Coast during the B. P. oil spill (泄露) cleanup, Cave decided to create her own dispersant. Cave raised $ 1.2 million from Chevron, an American multinational energy company, to develop her molecule in 20 16. It

25、aims at certain poisons in the sea water,and breaks them up into water,”she said of herdispersant. “It is one of the few legal oil dispersants, Cave added. Despite this achievement, Cave believes she has not quite yet reached success. She regards success as the amount of influence she has made on th

26、e community and the world.The creation of themolecule is an achievement,but she believes seeing her work being put to use will truly be her success. While Cave may have made the Forbes 30 Under 30 list early in her career, she is never going to slow down. She will make an effort to increase the grow

27、th of Mare, which is devoted to developing molecules to solve major social issues.Right now, Mare consists of this one molecule that I hope to expand and live up to the Forbes name, Cave said.32. What caused Cave to bring forward her invention?A. Her mothers encouragement.B. An imperfect dispersant in use.C. The huge market of dispersants.D. Her wish to be

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