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1、05奉贤区一模阅读专项Linda奉贤区一模阅读专项Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共50分)(2014)A. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) (12分)Long long ago, there was a kind lady. Every day, she baked bread for her family and an extra loaf for any hungry passer-by. She placed the extra bread beside a window. When the woman plac

2、ed the bread, she always gave a prayer for her son. Her son had gone to a faraway place and she hadnt heard from him for a very long time.Every day, a tramp(流浪汉) came and took away the bread. He said when he was leaving,“The evil you do remains with you. The good you do comes back to you.”The woman

3、felt irritated. “Not even a word of thanks”, she said to herself with unhappiness.This went on, day by day. Finally, the woman became so angry that she decided to get rid of the tramp. She added poison to the bread she was going to offer to the tramp! When she was placing it, her hands shook. “Look

4、at what Ive done!” She immediately threw the bread into fire and made another one.As usual, the tramp came and picked up the bread. “The evil you do remains with you. The good you do comes back to you,” he said again and left.That evening, there was a knock on the door. Surprisingly, the womans son

5、was standing in the doorway. He was tired and weak. “Mom, its a miracle that I can come back home! While I was only a mile away, I was so hungry that I almost gave up. But just then an old tramp gave me a loaf of bread. He said that the bread was his food every day. But today, I should get the bread

6、, for I needed the bread much more than he did!” The ladys face turned pale when she heard those words. The tramps words suddenly came back to her, “The evil you do remains with you. The good you do comes back to you.”69. Every day, _ came and took away the bread.A) an hungry passer-by B) her sonC)

7、her husband D) a tramp70. What does irritated mean according to the context? A) worried B) angry C) pleased D) happy71. How did the woman want to get rid of the tramp? A) She added poison to the bread. B) She threw away the extra bread. C) She made terrible bread for the tramp. D) She said something

8、 bad to the tramp72. From the first paragraph, we can know the kind lady did all the things except_. A) She baked bread for her family and an extra loaf for any hungry passer-by.B) She placed the extra bread beside a window.C) She always gave a prayer for her son when she placed the bread.D) She had

9、 received a letter from her son recently.73. Why did the ladys face turn pale when she heard her sons words? A) Because her son was seriously ill. B) Because the tramp died of the bread. C) Because if she placed the poisoned bread out, her son might die. D) Because somebody would come soon and took

10、her son away. 74. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A) A kind lady and her son B) A loaf of bread C) The evil you do remains with you D) The good you do comes back to youB. Choose the best words and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词完成短文) (12分)A couple of days ago, a browni

11、sh gray haze(雾霾) settled over Shanghai. It was, of course, 75 . There have been several days since then and some people are 76 that we may be the next city to catch up with Beijing, a city was slowly covered by a thick dirty brown haze.The terrible pollution has not escaped the notice of foreigners

12、in China, either. Recently a number of foreign talents have left china. Marc van der Chijs, a co-founder(共同创办人) of the Chinese Video site Tudou (土豆网), said one of the big 77 he is leaving China is that “the pollution is too heavy.”Shanghai does have a pollution problem, but it is not unsolvable. The

13、re are new laws to restrict harmful emission from cars and the city is trying to use “green technology” in its new buildings, factories and energy plants. But it will take years 78 we see the wonderful changes.In the meantime, we should try to protect ourselves, or 79 not add to the pollution proble

14、m. We should pay attention to the citys pollution alerts(警报) and wear masks on heavily polluted days. We should try to 80 our energy consumption(消耗量). Remember: The more energy we use, the more pollution we produce.75. A) land pollution B) water pollution C) air pollution D) noise pollution76. A) gl

15、ad B) surprised C) excited D) afraid77. A) reasons B) excuses C) explanations D) complaints78. A) when B) after C) before D) since79. A) at least B) at most C) at first D) at last80. A) repair B) require C) reduce D) refuse C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,

16、使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)How can I win a Nobel Prize for writing? Heres the secret from this years winner: make it short, keep it real, and work hard.Canadian author Alice Munro, 82, was a 81 the 2013 Nobel Prize in literature (文学). She is known for her short stories about personal relationships o

17、f ordinary people, usually women.Munro was born in a farmer family in Ontario. The family was very poor. Munro did a lot of physical work a 82 a young girl.But she decided to be a w 83 when she was 12. She turns her hard childhood into great writing ideas.The story Dear Life, for example, opens with

18、 a description of the neighborhood in which Munro grew up. B 84 , she talked about her poor relationship with her mother in many of her stories, such as Lives of Girls and Women and Friend of My Youth.Since she p 85 her first book in 1968, Munro has won many awards, with the Nobel Prize as her bigge

19、st honor. But Munro doesnt see h 86 as a talented writer.“Im the opposite of a writer with a quick gift. I dont grasp it very readily (轻而易举地) at all, the it being whatever Im trying to do,” she said.Do you d 87 of becoming a writer while sadly admitting you are not that talented? Munro has a tip for

20、 you: use notebooks and write a lot.“I have lots of notebooks that contain this terribly clumsy (蹩脚的) writing,” she said. But it helps her sort out her mind. “Stories would just be working in my head for so long that when I started to write I was deep into them.”D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题

21、) (12分) PISA is not the same as pizza, although both words are pronounced the same by Chinese. Pizza, of course, is the tasty Italian dish of crispy bread topped with many wonderful flavors. PISA, on the other hand, is just a test, a reflection of the knowledge you learn in school. And how could tha

22、t possibly be as flavorful as pizza?! PISA stands for Programme for International Student Assessment. Its a test taken every three years by fifteen-year-olds worldwide. It tests students ability in math, reading and science. Last years results were just released and they show that Shanghai students

23、are ranked number one in the world. Yes, thats right! Shanghai students are the best in the world! Shanghai students are the best because they are also the hardest working. No other students in the world put in as many hours of study, homework and test taking as Shanghai students. And few others fee

24、l the stress of schoolwork like Shanghai students. Thats why the Shanghai education authority is encouraging students to step away from their books from time to time and take up hobbies or join clubs. Schools are setting aside time and providing facilities so that students can follow some personal i

25、nterests such as photography, art, singing and dancing. They want students to have a little more flavor in their lives. Doing well on the tests like PISA is important, but developing yourself as a whole person is also important. There is no end to the flavor you can add to pizza, and there should be

26、 no limit to the amount of flavors you can add to your own life.88. Is PISA pronounced that same as pizza by Chinese?89. What does PISA stand for?90. How often is PISA taken?91. What did the last years results show?92. Why is the Shanghai education authority encouraging students to step away from th

27、eir books?93. Is it a good idea that schools are setting aside time and providing facilities for the students? Why or why not?(2015)A. Choose the best answer (根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案) (12分)Have you ever wanted a friend who can solve problems with magic tricks? Well, a round-headed blue robotic cat is the fr

28、iend you are looking for. Doraemon (多啦A梦) is a character created in the 1970s by Japanese cartoonist Fujiko E Fujio. Starting form Dec 1, on the birthday of Fujio, Doraemon is returning in a new comic series. This is the first new Doraemon since it ended eight years ago. In the story, Doraemon comes

29、 from the 22nd century. He becomes friends with a fourth-grade boy called Nobita (大雄) who is like you and your classmates. He has arguments with his friends, is blamed by his mother, and gets a headache from his homework. But luckily, Doraemon is always there to help.If you ask what makes the Doraem

30、on series so popular, the simple answer may lie in Doraemons amazing pocket thats full of cool gadgets (小玩意儿). Anywhere Door helps Nobita go anywhere to make his dreams come true. Memory Bread, once eaten, helps him remember textbooks quickly. Xia Xue, 14, from Yangzhou, Jiangsu province, wished she

31、 could have one, too. With Memory Bread, I can press it on my textbook and eat it, Xia said. This way, exams would be a piece of cake! Doraemon is also like a real person. He has a nice personality. He teaches Nobita courage and friendship. He even has a favourite food. But sometimes, he is lazy and

32、 tells small lies. But more than that, Doraemon gives a message: the future can be likable, the present is redeemable (可补救的), and you can be happy even if youre blue, Time magazine once commented. This encourages children that no matter what ups and downs they have, they can always get through them.69. We know that Doraemon is _. A. Nobitas classmate B. a real person with a nice personality

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