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1、全国高考英语阅读理解的综合高考模拟和真题汇总含答案一、高中英语阅读理解1阅读理解 When Shakespeare was twenty-one, he went to London, a very interesting place, to try his fortune. There was the famous London Bridge and St. Pauls Cathedral, and palaces and markets and long streets full of shops. Then, too, there were the daily crowds where

2、could be seen people from all over the world. Knights, scholars and the highwayman (拦路强盗)or thieves, who had been infamous for their clever robberies, passed by each other. Here, also, were noblemen dressed in gold, from Italy and Spain and France; slaves from Spanish America, sea captains and minis

3、ters, soldiers and servantsall held by chances or interests within the gray walls which circled London, and whose gates gave welcome to as strange a crowd as could be found in the world. Into this curious crowd came Shakespeare, quick to see and eager to learn. And before long all these strange sigh

4、ts were as familiar to him as the faces of his own towns residents. Each one told its story to him so plainly that, as before he had learned the secrets of the fields and woods, so now he learned men and mens interests that make up the great world. And he learned these lessons so well that when he c

5、ame to write his plays, he made such use of them as no writer ever made before or since; for it is the use of this knowledge of the world, combined with his own genius, that makes Shakespeare the greatest dramatist that has ever lived.(1)What was London like in Shakespeares eyes when he first went t

6、here? A.Dirty and small.B.Strange and interesting.C.Infamous and terrible.D.Familiar and modern.(2)Which of the following best describes Shakespeare? A.Shakespeare got inspiration to write from his hometown, London.B.Shakespeare was eager to make friends with the noblemen in London.C.Shakespeare was

7、 good at observing and learning from the daily life.D.Shakespeare became the greatest dramatist owing to his own genius.(3)What does the word one in paragraph 5 refer to? A.Crowd.B.Resident.C.Face.D.Sight.(4)The passage probably comes from_. A.a posterB.a announcement【

8、答案】 (1)B(2)C(3)D(4)B 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇名人轶事,介绍了文学大师莎士比亚年轻时去到伦敦第一天时遇到 的有趣的事情。 (1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“a very interesting place”和第五段中的“all these strange sights”可知,在Shakespeare的眼中,伦敦是一个有趣而陌生的城市。故选B。 (2)考查推理判断。根据第五段可知,Shakespeare来到伦敦不久之后,通过观察和学习了解了伦敦,并适应了那里的生活,由此可推断出,Shakespeare擅长观察日常生活并从中学习。故选C。 (3)考查代词指代。根据第五段中的

9、“as before he had learned the secrets of the fields and woods”正如他以前所学到的田野和树林的秘密那样,可知,one指的是像田野和树林一样的景象。故选D。 (4)考查推理判断。本文主要讲述了莎士比亚到伦敦的经历,所以这篇文章最有可能出现在一本教材中。故选B。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,代词指代和推理判断三个题型的考查,是一篇人物类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,并根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,从而选出正确答案。2阅读理解 The Largest World Fairs of All Time New York World

10、Fair New York, 1939 The 1939 New York World Fair was the largest exposition (博览会) in US history with visitors over 14 million. The Fair was planned during the Great Depression and was aimed at relieving the city from economic depression by attracting foreign investment. Major inventions to emerge (出

11、现) at the New York World Fair included nylon fabric, a streamlined pencil sharpener, and a futuristic car city imagined by General Moiors. Exposition liniverselle Paris, 1900 The Exposition Universelle was one of the earliest expositions to feature multiple countries with France inviting various cou

12、ntries to display their technological advancements and cultural heritage. Exposition Universelle was the birthplace of many inventions that we enjoy today including escalators (自动扶梯) and talking films. Expo 70 Osaka, Japan Expo 70 was the biggest exposition of the 20th century and the second largest

13、 in history. Expo 70 had a record attendance of over 64 million visitors, a 40-year record that would not be broken until Expo 2010 in Shanghai. Notable exhibitions included a large piece of moon rock that was brought back from the Apollo 12 mission. Expo 2010 Shanghai. China Expo 2010 goes down as

14、the largest fair in history, having attracted 73 million people. It also had the highest international participation of any exposition in the world with 246 countries participating. The opening ceremony featured the biggest LED screen in the world as well as one of the biggest fireworks displays in

15、history.(1)Which Expo is the biggest one in history? A.Expo 70 Osaka. Japan.B.Exposition Universelle ParisC.Expo 2010 Shanghai, China.D.New York World Fair New York(2)What is the purpose of New York World Fair? A.To attract more inventions.B.To improve the nations economy.C.To display the technologi

16、cal development.D.To share achievements with other countries.(3)What did Expo 70 in Japan feature? A.A piece of rock from space.B.A rocket in the Apollo 12 mission.C.The cultural heritage from countries.D.The biggest LED screen in the world.【答案】 (1)C(2)B(3)A 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了几个有史以来最大的世界博览会。 (1)考查

17、细节理解。根据Expo 2010 Shanghai. China部分中的“Expo 2010 goes down as the largest fair in history”可知,2010年上海世博会是历史上规模最大的一届世博会,故选C。 (2)考查细节理解。根据New York World Fair New York, 1939部分中的“aimed at relieving the city from economic depression by attracting foreign investment.”可知,纽约世博会的目的是通过吸引外资来缓解国内经济萧条,也就是改善国家经济,故选B

18、。 (3)考查细节理解。根据Expo 70 Osaka, Japan部分中的“Notable exhibitions included a large piece of moon rock that was brought back from the Apollo 12 mission.”可知,第70届日本世博会的特色是展出了阿波罗12号带回来的一大块月球岩石,故选A。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解题型的考查,是一篇介绍类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,并结合题目要求,从而选出正确答案。3阅读理解 A photography exhibition by French artist San Ba

19、rtolome entitled Moon Door Dreamers opened in the 798 Art Zone in Beijing on December 10, 2011, presenting a cross-cultural perspective (视角) on ordinary life in the capital city. Bartolome took these photos in August 2008, and produced a video named Two Worlds, One Dream. These works were displayed

20、in Pingyao, an ancient city in Shanxi Province, under the title Beijing Midsummer Night Dream in September 2010. The moon doors serve as a keyhole through which one can catch a glimpse of a slice of Beijing life. He got his inspiration from one cycling trip to the southeastern suburb of Beijing, whe

21、re he discovered a peculiar street along which a gray brick wall was built to cover the shabby bungalows. These cabins were mostly rented by migrant workers- peddlers, craftsmen, grocers and innkeepers. Born in 1950, Bartolome has worked as a photographer, stage director. Artistic manager, writer an

22、d diplomat. A noted Sinophile, Bartolome frequently visits China for photographic subjects. In the fall of 2003, he joined the French Embassy in Beijing as a cultural attache. His work experience in China from 2003 to 2015 further enhanced his awareness of and love for China. Bartolome not only love

23、s Chinese culture but also the Chinese people. He thinks that Chinese people are kind, welcoming and diverse. Back from his bike ride to southeastern Beijing, he decided to shoot pictures about ordinary urban lifestyles. He observed dwellers carefully and made friends with them. After about 30 days

24、and nights that he spent with these common migrants, he created a number of portraits. Meanwhile, he learned more about those rural migrants who earn their living in a city with which they are unfamiliar. He adopted an optimistic perspective to shoot the sights, and he borrowed the title of one of W

25、illiam Shakespeare s comedy works: A Midsummer Nights Dream.(1)What is the main purpose of the exhibition? A.To present Bartolomes photographic skills.B.To tell us Bartolomes work experience in Beijing.C.To show us Bartolomes optimistic view on ordinary life in Beijing.D.To build a cross-cultural co

26、mmunication bridge between China and France.(2)What inspires Bartolome to shoot pictures about ordinary urban styles? A.His bike ride to Southeastern suburb of Beijing.B.His work experience in the French Embassy in Beijing.C.His visit to the ancient city of Pingyao.D.Shakespeares comedy work: A Mids

27、ummer Nights Dream.(3)What does the underlined word Sinaphile in paragraph 4 refer to? A.A successful artist.B.A cultural attache.C.A person of status.D.A fan of China.(4)What does the text mainly talk about? A.A French artist tells Chinese stories with his camera.B.A French artist frequently visits

28、 China for photography.C.Migrant workers live a simple but happy life in Beijing.D.Moon Doors serve as a window to display China to the world.【答案】 (1)C(2)A(3)D(4)A 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,法国艺术家圣巴托洛姆在北京798艺术区举办的名为月亮之门梦想家的摄影展,从跨文化角度呈现了普通城市的生活以及拍摄的原因。 (1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的presenting a cross-cultural perspective (

29、视角) on ordinary life in the capital city.以及最后一段中的He adopted an optimistic perspective to shoot the sights,可知,这次摄影展用一种跨文化视角来展示首都的普通生活,他以乐观的角度拍摄的。由此推断出摄影展向我们展示巴托罗姆对北京城市生活的乐观态度。故选C。 (2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的He got his inspiration from one cycling trip to the southeastern suburb of Beijing, . 以及第六段中的Back from h

30、is bike ride to southeastern Beijing, he decided to shoot pictures about ordinary urban lifestyles可知他(拍摄)的灵感来自一次去北京东南郊的骑行之旅,.。回到北京之后,他决定拍摄一些关于普通城市生活方式的照片。可知,是他骑自行车去北京的东南郊区激发了他拍摄普通城市的生活 。故选A。 (3)考查词义猜测。根据第四段划线词Sinaphile后的内容可知, 巴托罗姆为了这个摄影主题经常访问中国。2003年秋,他以文化专员的身份加入了法国驻北京大使馆。从2003年到2015年,他在中国的多年工作经历让他加深了对中国的认识和热爱。由此可知,他是一个热爱中国的人,喜欢了解中国,是一个中国迷。故选D。 (4)考查主旨大意。本文第一段叙述了法国艺术家圣巴托洛姆在北京798艺术区举办的名为月亮之门梦想家的摄影展开幕从一个跨文化视角来展示在首都的普通生活。接着叙述了为什么 拍摄中国普通城市的生活,用摄影机拍摄他在中国的经历来表现对中国的热爱。由此可知本文主要叙述了一个法国艺术家用他的相机讲述中国故事。故选A。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,推理

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