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最新牛津译林版英语高二年级上册册module 5《unit 2 the environment》教案doc.docx

1、最新牛津译林版英语高二年级上册册module 5unit 2 the environment教案docModule 5 Unit 2 New words and expressionsPart 1 Words from page 22 to 251. debatedebate既可用作名词,又可用作动词,意为“辩论,争辩,争论”。用作名词时有如下用法:After a long debate David was chosen captain of our school football team. The proposal under debate was put forward by our m

2、onitor. 用作动词时,过去式和过去分词分别是debated,debated;现在分词为debating。常构成短语debate about sth. with sb. 意为“与某人争论某事”等。举例如下:What are they debating about? They were debating whether to go to the mountains or to the seaside for their holidays? Before we make a final decision, we must debate the question with the rest of

3、 the members. We debated for more than an hour on the advantages and disadvantages of that plan to protect our environment. 名词debater的意思是辩论者2. laylay在本单元是用作动词,意思有“产卵,下蛋,放置,摆放”等。其过去式、过去分词分别为laid,laid, 现在分词是laying。lay的主要用法有:How many eggs does the hen lay each week? New laid eggs, one dollar each dozen

4、. She laid her hand on my shoulder. Please lay down your pens and just listen to me carefully. I carefully laid my new jacket on the bed.Then both sides started laying the blame on each other.Why dont you lay that problem aside for a while and think about it later?He was willing to lay down his life

5、 for his country.lay构成的词组(1)Please lay the table for dinner. 摆设餐具(2)The couple laid aside some money for their old age. 储蓄(3)The president laid great emphasis on would peace. 放重点在上(4)Dont lay all the blame for the accident on me. 归罪于(5)Some workers were laid off because of a shortage of materials. 暂

6、时解雇 注意lay与lie的区别。lie 有两种意思,一是“说谎”,过去式、过去分词分别为lied,lied;现在分词是lying;二是“位于,躺”,过去式、过去分词分别为lay,lain;现在分词是lying。(1)Please lay the book where it lay.(2)The little boy lied that he had laid the egg laid by the hen lying under the tree in the box.3. approachapproach既可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词,意为“接近,靠近”,分别可指距离上、时间上,或某

7、种状态上的接近。如:The little boy approached the mouse quietly and watched it. As summer approached, the weather became hotter and hotter.His work is approaching perfection. He is rather difficult to approach. Its not easy to get on friendly terms with him. approach也可用作名词,指“接近,渐近”或“(人)易、难亲近”。如:The birds flew

8、 away in all directions at my approach. The approach of the examination made him nervous. My class teacher is easy of approach. 4. beneficialbeneficial是形容词,意为“有益的,有利的,有帮助的”,是正式用语。常构成短语“be beneficial to ”,意为“对有帮助的”,如:Enough sleep, good food and some exercise are beneficial to the health. I hope this

9、holiday will be beneficial for my husband, who is under high pressure of work.beneficial的名词和动词都是benefit。作为名词时,意为“利益,帮助,恩惠,益处”,常构成短语be of benefit to,意为“对有裨益”;以及for the benefit of,意为“为了的利用”,用法如下:I got a lot of benefit from traveling around the world. These collected money will be used for the benefit

10、of the people from flood-stricken areas. benefit既可用作及物动词,又可作不及物动词,意为“有益于;对有益,因得到利益”。如:The project for environmental protection will benefit us enormously. I benefited a lot from my teachers advice. 5. productionproduction 作不可数名词时,意为“生产,产出,产量,生产量”。如:The company is famous for the production of mobile

11、phones. Production has been increased by using better methods. This type of cars is produced in mass production. production的动词是produce,意为“生产”;形容词是“productive”,意为“多产的”;另外一个名词是可数名词product,意为“产品,生产物”,如:What are the chief farm products in your province? 6. responsibilityresponsibility是不可数名词,意为“责任,职责,负责”

12、,如:He dont have a sense of responsibility, so he isnt popular with his classmates. He tried to avoid taking responsibility for the accident. It is the responsibility of every of us to protect our environment. responsible是形容词,意为“有责任的,应负责任的”,如:Parents are responsible for their childrens safety. Who is

13、 responsible for the mess in the classroom? Isnt he too young for such a responsible job? 7. effectiveeffective是形容词,意为“有效的”,如:The local government has already taken some effective measure to develop the city without damaging the ecosystem.This medicine is highly effective against bird-flu. The new l

14、aw becomes effective on October 1st. effective的比较级和最高级分别为“more effective”和“the most effective”。 其副词为effectively,意为“有效地”。反义词是ineffective,意为“无效的”;名词是effect,意为“功效,作用”,常构成词组have a/an effect on,意为“对产生的作用”。effect一词的用法举例如下:This medicine had a good/a bad/a side/an ill/an instant/a negative effect on that pa

15、tient. Punishment had very little effect on those factories, which created harmful waste. The plans of protecting the endangered animals will soon be carried into effect. 8. willingwilling是形容词,意为“乐意的,自愿的”。如:Are you willing that he should be admitted into our club? Are they willing workers for enviro

16、nmental protection? willing的比较级和最高级分别是more willing和the most willing,其副词是willingly,意为“乐意地”,名词是“willingness”,意为“心甘情愿”,如:He gave up his seat to the old lady willingly. Those volunteers showed great willingness to serve in the 2008 Olympic Games.9. figurefigure可用作名词,意为“数字”,如:It is reported that a lot of

17、 people in China are infected with AIDS. The figure is really incredible. He has an income of six figures. The price of the house is in seven figures. figure 用作名词还有其他意思,如“图形,身材,大人物”等。如:The blackboard was covered with interesting figures. I take exercise every morning to keep my figure. Bill Gates is

18、 an outstanding figure in IT. figure也可用作动词,构成词组figure out,意为“计算出,理解”,如:I cant figure out why she dropped school. Part 2 Words from page 29 to 351. statestate在本单元用作名词,意为“状态,状况,情形”。用法如下:Generally speaking, matter has three statessolid, liquid and gas.The patient is in a poor state of health. state用作名词

19、还可指“国家、(构成联邦共和国的)州、国家的”。如:How many states are there in the United States of America? The railroads belong to the state in this country. state也可用作动词,意为“陈述、声明”。如:The visiting Prime Minister stated that several agreements had been reached during the state visit.2. shockedshock是及物动词,意为“使震惊,使震动”。The resu

20、lt of the tsunami is very shocking, with dead bodies here and there. I was shocked at the news of his sudden death. I was shocked to hear the news of his sudden death. shock 也可用作名词,意为“震惊、冲击、震动”。如:The news of his sudden death was a great shock to us. Three shocks of the earthquakes were felt last nig

21、ht. 拓展 同shock一样,还有一些不可数名词,如success,failure,honor,danger, surprise等;当指具体的每个人或某件事时,前面可加a或an,如: Liu Xiang is really a great success. My class teacher turned up at my birthday party, which was really a big surprise. 3. disappointeddisappoint是及物动词,意为“使失望”。常以过去分词disappointed作形容词,意为“失望的,沮丧的”,构成词组be disappo

22、inted at/about/with,意为“对而感到失望”,及be disappointed to do sth.,意为“做而感到失望”。用法举例如下:The result of the experiment really disappointed us. Please dont disappoint me. What are you looking so disappointed about? He was disappointed to hear the news that his visa was refused. We were disappointed that our team

23、had lost the game. disappointing 是形容词,意为“让人失望的,令人扫兴的”,如:How disappointing the weather this summer is! disappointment 是名词,意为“失望,灰心,扫兴”,如:When he heard the bad news, his disappointment was obvious. Much to my disappointment, the picnic was put off because of the bad weather. 4. shameshame在本单元用作名词,意为“可

24、耻的事或人”时可用作可数名词,“羞耻,羞愧”时是不可数名词。如:What a shame to take in the old lady! He was called a shame to his class for his cheating in the exam. To my shame, I made the same mistake again. The boy hung his head in shame. I felt shame at having told a lie. shameful 是形容词,意为“可耻的”,shamefully是副词,意为“可耻的”。5. arrival

25、arrival是名词,意为“到达者;到达物;到达,到来”。如:Our time of arrival in Sydney is eight oclock. On his arrival home, he kissed both of his kids. We are waiting for the arrival of the news. There are several new arrivals at the hotel. arrive 用作不及物动词,意为“到达,抵达”。arrive 后面加介词at,则为到达较小的场所,如:家、店、镇等;后面加介词in,则为到达较大的地方,如:国家、大都

26、市等;而on则用于岛屿及现场等,如:When shall we arrive at the airport?Ill phone you the time I arrive in New York.The police arrived on the scene in no time.It took them a long time to arrive at a conclusion.At last the day they had been looking forward to arrived.6. limited limited为形容词,意为“有限的”。如:His knowledge of h

27、istory is rather limited.The limited edition made the stamp move valuable.You should drive within the limited speed in this area, otherwise youll be fined.limit 作名词时,意为“极限,限度,界限”。如:The task is too much for me. I know my limits.Her patience reached its limit.If only the banks would lend money without

28、 limit?limit 作动词时,意为“限制,限定”。常用词组limit sb./sth. to sth.,意为“把限制在内”。如:We must limit the expense to what we can afford.Mother limited us to an ice-cream each.7. decreaseddecrease既可作动词用,又可作名词用,反义词为increase。作动词时,意为“减少,使减退”。如:Thanks to the new traffic law, the number of traffic accident has decreased.The n

29、umber of milu deer has decreased to 250 in that area.The conductor decreased the speed of the train because of the traffic accident ahead.decrease 作名词时,意为“减少的数量”。词组on the decrease相当于decreasing,意为“在减少中”。如:There has been a decrease in the number of smokers this year.Is theft on the decrease?8. equipme

30、ntequipment 是不可数名词,意为“设备,器材,装备”。如:Whats the cost of equipment?Well visit a factory with modern equipment this afternoon.He spent much time and money on the equipment of his new house.equip 是动词,意为“装备于,使本身具备”,过去式、过去分词分别为equipped、equipped,现在分词为equipping。用法举例如下:Shall we equip our office with a printer?W

31、e found our new school equipped with different kinds of sports facilities.The more we learn, the more equipped for dealing with all kinds of problems in the modern society we become.9. measuresmeasure 在本单元作可数名词用,意为“措施,方法”,通常以复数形式出现。如:The took strong measures against dangerous drivers.The school has taken some measures to prevent cheating.measure 作名词时,还有“尺寸,大小,基准”等。如:I had a coat made to my own measure.I took the measure of my study.Wealth is not always the measure of success.measure 可用作动词,意为“测量(长度,大小,重量等),测定;测的尺寸”。如:The tailor measured me for a suit.The policemen a

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