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1、精品新版小学三年级英语教案(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 课 程 表星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8课 程 表星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8课 程 表星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8新版三年级英语教案第一册课 程 表星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8英语教学计划本册英语教材是小学英语英语第一册新版,由中国、新加坡合编,人民教育出版社出版。本套教材以激发学生学习兴趣,培养语言运用能力,提供多种资源为特点,在以下几个方面进行了新的尝试:1.注重行动学习 2.强

2、调合作学习 3.鼓励项目制作 4.重视表现评价。重视小学阶段的学习评价,力图打破以往片面强调测试评价和终结评价的传统优势。5.实施整体设计。本学期教学计划如下:一、 教学重点:1 培养和训练学生的听、说、读、写的能力及人际互动能力。2 通过反复接触新单词,使学生逐渐达到流利。3 激励学生最大限度的使用英语交谈,学会在不同的情 景使用恰当的语言。4 对不同学生提出不同的学习目标和要求,保持学生学习兴趣。二、教学难点:1 正确听说读写所学单词和句型。2 基本能用英语表达自己的思想和要求。3 保持学习英语的兴趣和信心。三、教学任务:本学期分为6个单元,共计36课,强调交际和会话,重点在交谈(听和说)

3、,兼顾读与说。1 会话:能听懂、会说30组会话,并能进行简单的交流。2 单词:能够听、说、认、读70个单词,并能简单地运用。3 游戏:能听、做16个游戏。4 能听、做、表演10个“TPR”活动。5 能学会8个小制作。6 歌曲:能够演唱14首歌曲。四、教学措施:1 句型、单词:利用卡片、幻灯、图片、饰物、头饰,做到图文并茂,真实展示,并以游戏、歌曲、竞赛等形式巩固。2 会话:创设情景,编排表演,让大部分学生能够参与其中。3 听力:通过英语组织教学,提高学生听力,利用录音机,多媒体现代化教学设施,提高学生听力。本册教材的教学目的是激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心;养成良好的学习习惯,

4、形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础;使他们形成初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力;适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为学生进一步学习奠定良好的基础。第一学期三年英语教学进度表周次日期计 划 进 度课时数单元(课)节教学内容19.3-9.7Lesson133cat monkey 329.109.14Lesson463dog duckpanda bear 339.179.21Lesson793pig rabbit 349.249.28Lesson10123book bag pen pencil glue scisso

5、rs3510.810.12Lesson13153eraser sharpenerruler pencil-box3610.1510.19Lesson16183nose eye face mouth head ear 3710.2210.26Fun time13neck arm 3810.2911.2Lesson19213Unit1,2 3911.511.9Lesson22243doll ball kite balloon 31011.1211.16Lesson25273bike taxi train ship 31111.1911.23Lesson28303red blue 31211.261

6、1.30Lesson31333white blackpink orange31312.312.7Lesson34363hamburger hot dog Coke cake egg orange pear apple banana 31412.1012.14Fun time23milk juice water rice noodles chicken 31512.1712.21总复习3Unit 4631612.2412.28总复习3UNIT1UNIT33171.21.5总复习3UNIT4UNIT63181.81.12总复习3UNIT163第一周 2007年9月3日Unit1 Hello!Les

7、son 1 Hello! Type : newPeriod: 1Number : 6Aim of teaching: Three skills: 1. Just speak: Hi/Hello! Im.2.Just read: cat, monkey 3.lets sing: HelloFocal point : cat monkeyDifficult point: Hi/Hello! ImTeaching method: Communicative approachTeaching tools : powerpoint pictures tape puppetsProcess of teac

8、hing:一、 Warm-up:1. Play an English song “Hello”.2. Greeting: Good morning, boys and girls.3. Write the simple letter on the Bb: TV, HK, CD, ID, CCTV, e-mail, WTO etc.二、 Presentation:1. Introduce myself in English: Hello, Im Miss Song. Introduce the focal people in the book: Li Yan, Peter. 2. The tea

9、cher say: “ In the morning, a foreign pupil comes to our school, the classmates say hello to him friendly.” Show the pictures and know the animals: cat, monkey, then wear the animals mask and say: Hi, Im Micky. Hello, Im Mimi. 3. Listen to the tape and read the drills in Part1. 三、Practice 1. Play a

10、game: Find a friend. Play an English song “Hello” ,let the students stand two circles , listen the music and turn around, when the music stops, let the students say hello each other, and introduce themselves. 2. Wear the masks,e.g. : Li Yan, Peter, Micky, Mimi. Mask a students eyes, let one of the s

11、tudent say “ Hello”, guess “ Are you .?” Answer: “ Yes, Im or No, Im 四、Homework Write the words : cat monkey 板书设计: Lesson 1 Hellocat monkey 教学回顾:第二周 2007年9月5日Lesson2 Whats your name? Type: newPeriod: 2Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills: 1. Just speak: Whats your name? My names 2.Just read: dog d

12、uck 3.lets sing: Whats your name? Focal point: dog duck Difficult point: Whats your name? My names Teaching method: Communicative approach Teaching tools: tape pictures powerpoint puppetsProcess of teaching:一、 Warm-up 1. Play an English song “ Whats your name?” 2. Sing an English song “Hello”. 3. In

13、troduce myself: Hello, Im Mary. Hello, Im Peter. 二、 Presentation 1. Say: Hello! Im Miss Song. Teach: Whats your name? My name is2. Wear the animals mask: dog duck Introduce: Hello! Im a dog. My name is Doggy. Whats your name? Hi! Im a duck. My name is Ducky.3. Listen to the tape and read the drill i

14、n Part1.三、 Practice Teach an English song: “ Whats your name?” 四、Homework Write the words: dog duck 板书设计: Lesson2 Whats your name? Dog duck 教学回顾:第一周 2007年9月7日 Lesson 3 Good morning Type: newPeriod: 3Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Just speak: Good morning, Mr. Zhang. Good morning, boys and

15、 girls.2.Just read: panda bear 3.Lets sing: Good morning! Focal point: panda bear Difficult point: 1. Just speak Teaching method: Communicative approach Teaching tools: tape pictures powerpoint Process of teaching:一、Warm-up 1. Play an English song: “ Good morning”.2. Sing : “ Whats your name?” 3. Pl

16、ay games: A: My name is Li Yan. Whats your name? B: My name is Peter. Whats your name? C: My name is Micky. Whats your name? 二、Presentation 1. Greeting: Good morning. Write Bb: ( 7:0012:00)2. The students say Good morning to the teacher, the teacher answers: Good morning, boys and girls. Teach: boys

17、 and girls. 3. At first, the teacher introduces myself: Im Zhang Lin. You may call me Mr. Zhang. Draw a woman teacher on the Bb, and introduce: This is Liu Mei. You may call her Miss Liu. 4. Show the pictures and teach the new words: panda, bear 5. Listen to the tape and read in Part1 and Part2. 三、P

18、ractice 1.Let the students stand two circles, play the music. Greeting each other: Good morning , Im Whats your name? 2.Learn an English song: Good morning.四、Homework Write the new words: panda bear 板书设计: Lesson3 Good morning! Panda bear 教学回顾: 第二周 2007年 9月11日 Lesson4 Good afternoon Type: newPeriod:

19、4Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Just speak: Good afternoon, Miss Liu. Good afternoon, boys and girls.2.Just read: pig rabbit 3.Lets chant: Focal point: pig rabbit Difficult point: 1. Just speak Teaching method: Communicative approach Teaching tools: tape pictures powerpointProcess of teac

20、hing:一、 Warm-up1. Sing an English song: “ Hello”, and clap the hands. 2. Greeting each other: Good morning, Miss Song. Good morning, boys and girls. 3. Act the dialogue in Lesson 1, 2 and 3. 二、 Presentation 1. Compare with morning and afternoon, draw the simple pictures on the Bb: The sun is rising

21、in the morning and the sun is in the sky in the afternoon.2. Teach and learn the greeting: Good afternoon. 3. Show the picture and introduce: This is Miss Liu. 4. Look at the pictures and teach the new words: rabbit and pig. 5. Listen to the tape and read the drills in Part1 and Part2. 三、 Practice 1

22、. Play the game: Find the friends. Listen the music and turn around. When the music stops, let the students say hello to each other. 2. Listen to the tape and learn the chant in Part3. 四、Homework Write the new words on the note: rabbit and pig. 板书设计: Lesson4 Good afternoon rabbit pig 教学回顾: 第二周 2007年

23、9月13日Lesson 5 Good evening! Type: newPeriod: 5Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Just speak: Good evening, dad. Good night, Mum. Good night, dad. Good night, Lisa. 2.Just read: mouse bird 3.Lets act: Focal point: mouse bird Difficult point: 1. Just speak Teaching method: Communicative approac

24、h Teaching tools: tape pictures powerpointProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up: 1. Show the pictures and read the words: pig rabbit dog cat monkey panda bear duck 2. Greeting: Good afternoon, Miss Liu. Good afternoon, boys and girls. 二、Presentation 1. Teach: Good evening. ( 18:0021:00)2. Teach: Good night,

25、 Mum. Good night, Dad. Good night, Lisa. 3. Show the pictures and learn the new words: mouse and bird. 4. Listen to the tape and read in Part1 and Part2.三、Practice1. Lets act: Act like a monkey. Act like a bird. Act like a dog. Act like a duck. Act like a rabbit. Act like a cat. 2. Play a game: Find

26、 the friends. Listen to the music and turn around, when the music stops, the teacher says: “ Its evening now.” Let the students say Good night each other. 四、Homework Write the words on the note: mouse bird 板书设计: Lesson 5 Good evening! mouse bird 教学回顾: 第二周 2007 年9月14日Lesson 6 Revision Type: revisionP

27、eriod: 6Number: 6Aim of teaching: Three skills:1. Fun story: Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening. Focal point: the words in Unit1 Difficult point: 1. Fun story Teaching method: Communicative approach Teaching tools: tape pictures powerpointProcess of teaching:一、Warm-up 1. Sing “ Hello”. 2. Re

28、vise the words in Unit1: dog rabbit pig duck bear panda bird mouse monkey cat. 二、Presentation 1. Let the students look at the pictures and guess the meaning of the story. 2. Listen to the tape and read the drills. 三、Practice Act out the dialogue in Part1. 四、Homework Listen to the tape in Unit1 at the home. 板书设计: Lesson6 Revisiondog rabbit pig duck bear panda bird mouse monkey cat教学回顾: 第三周 2007年9月17日Unit2 This is my pencil. Lesson7 Glad to meet you! Type: new

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