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1、美国文化期末考试整理BUILDING BLOCK 4 ControlDestiny is what decides your life.1.What is destiny?Destiny is what you make of your life. InternaControlExternalControl2.3.What is destiny?What is destiny?ExternalInternalDefinition: Control is outside the individual. Some things in life are predetermined, built in

2、to the nature of things. There are limits beyond which one cannot go and certain givens that cannot be changed and must be accepted. Your success is a combination of your effort and your good fortune (good luck). Life is about what happens to you. Definition: Control is inside the individual. There

3、are very few certainties in life, few circumstances which cannot be changed. There are no limits on what you can do or become, so long as you believe it and try hard. Your success is your own achievement. You are responsible for what happens to you. Life is about what you do.American Proverbs of the

4、 Day:“Fortune favors the bold.”“Only in America”:Easter April 20, 2014first Sunday after the first full moon of springSecular:something that has nothing to do with religion.Sacred:Something that has to do with religion.Jesus:Lived from 3-36 AD Christians believe- Three days after his death, he came

5、alive again on a Sunday- He taught for forty more days, then went up into heaven- Religious teacher- His teachings were new and popular- Claimed to be equal with God- The government was afraid of his popularity and was worried he might cause a revolution- They ordered that he be killed by crucifixio

6、nEaster Traditions = Secular1.Going to church2.Easter Eggs3.Easter Bunny :As the Chief Easter Bunny,it was his job to hide all the eggs for all the Easter egg hunts around the world.复活节兔子4.Easter Egg Hunt5.Easter MealExamples of American Internal ControlLarry Swilling(为妻子寻找合适的肾)1.) What is wrong wit

7、h Larrys wife? Why is this difficult for them?2.) What does he choose to do to help his wife? Why did he do this?3.) What happened? Was he successful?4.) How is this an example of Internal Control?Jim Valvano(篮球教练)1.) What three things does he say you should do every day?2.) How does he say you can

8、be successful?3.) What did Jim Valvano decide to do with the remaining time in his life?4.) How is this an example of Internal Control?Janne Kouri(冲浪撞到沙堤,下半身瘫痪,靠恢复训练)Internal Control in American Movies橄榄球教练1.) The coach keeps talking about “inches.” What does he mean?2.) What does he believe his tea

9、m needs to do to be successful?3.) How is this an example of Internal Control?1.) How does Rockys son feel about him fighting again?2.) How does Rocky describe life?3.) What is his advice for his son?4.) How is this an example of Internal Control?American Proverb of the Day:“If at first you dont suc

10、ceed, try, try again.”Point: Never give up. Its okay if you feel discouraged because you fail the first few times you try to achieve something. The key is to keep trying again and again until you are successful.Extra Proverb: “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” BUILDING BLOCK 5Communicatio

11、n1Opinions 绕弯还是直接2.conflict3、American Proverb of the Day:“Dont beat around the bush.”Point: Dont talk around and around what youre really wanting to say. Speak plainly and clearly. Being indirect takes too much time, effort, and potential for misunderstanding, and therefore is not efficient.Counterp

12、oint: “Read between the lines.” To truly understand something, you have to get information where it is not obvious. “Only in America”:PoliticsPolitical StructureThree Powers:1.) Executive Branch -President, Vice President2.) Legislative Branch-Congress (Senate, House of Representatives)3.) Judicial

13、Branch-Supreme Court, lower Federal CourtsPolitical PartiesExamples of American Direct CommunicationOverstatements:Americans tend to rely on hyperbole, extreme statements expressing something as very good or very bad, in much of their communication. This is especially true among teenagers.When speak

14、ing with Americans, it is wise to remember this reality and adjust your expectations.Conflict Resolution:American tend to believe that if a conflict exists between two people, the best way to solve it is to get both people together and speak openly and directly about why they are upset.Various books

15、 give strategies on the best way to handle this, but the general idea is to confront the problem before it gets worse. Signs:In America, signs are everywhere. Most of these signs are concerning rules and regulations for traffic, but the idea is that people should be informed about what is and is not

16、 allowed in a given situation.Unfortunately, in some situations these signs can conflict and becomes confusing. DTR:When men and women begin dating in America, at some point in the process they must have the DTR, which means “define the relationship.” This is when they will speak openly and directly

17、 about how they feel about one another and if they want to begin dating “officially,” which means they are boyfriend and girlfriend and cannot date anyone else.Student-Teacher Interaction:In American education, it is expected that students will actively participate in lectures. This means they will

18、regularly raise their hands to ask questions, clarify ideas, make statements, and challenge the teacher.If students dont speak during a teachers lecture, it means they do not care about the material or do not respect the teacher.Information OverloadBecause Americans are so obsessed with information,

19、 they sometimes suffer from “information overload.” This means that they have received so much information about a topic, which is often contradictory, that they dont know what to think or believe.A small example is shopping for a product online. Some of the reviews may state it as both a wonderful

20、and terrible product. Who can you believe?Making ExcusesWhen refusing an invitation, it is expected that you will give clear and direct information to explain why you cannot do what the person has asked.This often creates a uncomfortable situation where a person must create or lie about an excuse be

21、cause, in truth, they really just dont like the person or the situation and dont want to go. But saying “I dont want to go” is considered too direct and rude.Taboo TopicsEven though Americans are much more direct than Chinese, they are still indirect about some topics. When speaking with Americans,

22、you should be careful to avoid subjects that are taboo in American culture. Americans may feel it is embarrassing or rude to talk about these things openly and directly.Some of these topics include: money, appearance, race, sexual preference, and stereotypes.Monochronic Values in American MoviesAmer

23、ican Proverb of the Day:“Give it to me straight.”Point: This phrasing comes from cooking, which means to serve a dish with no extra spices, flavors, or sauces. It means I want to eat it plain. As a proverb, it means to speak directly, with no qualifications or unclear distractions.Counterpoint: “If

24、you cant say anything nice, dont say anything it all.” This proverb is usually taught to children, teaching them that they shouldnt criticize others and should focus on peoples positive qualities. BUILDING BLOCK 6 Authority1.GreetingsHigh power distance cultures often greet with a type of bow. There

25、 are rules about what type of bow is required of each person based on their status and importance. In many occasions both parties will bow to show respect. Low power distance cultures rely more on the handshake. This gesture comes from an ancient tradition to show that you have no weapons on you and

26、 come in peace. Still, some people can squeeze the hand harder than others to show power and authority. n Japan, for example, how far you bow is an indication of your status with the person you are bowing toward. 2.EducationHigh Power DistanceEmphasis on wisdom which is transferred in relationship t

27、o a teacher (guru)The role of a teacher earns automatic respect of his/her studentsTeacher-centered education (high value on order)Students expect teacher to initiate communicationStudents expect teacher to outline paths to followStudents speak up in class only when invited by the teacherTeacher is

28、never contradicted nor publicly criticizedEffectiveness of learning related to excellence of teacherRespect for teachers is also shown outside classIn teacher/student conflict, parents are expected to side with the teacherOlder teachers are more respected than younger teachersLow Power DistanceEmpha

29、sis on truth that can be learned from principles and ideasA teacher should respect the independence of his/her studentsStudent-centered education (premium on initiative)Teacher expects students to initiate communicationTeacher expects students to find their own pathsStudents may speak up spontaneous

30、ly in classStudents allowed to contradict or criticize teacherLearning related to amount of two-way communication in classOutside class, teachers are treated as equalsIn teacher/student conflicts, parents are expected to side with the studentYounger teachers are more liked than older teachers3.Polit

31、icsIn high power distance cultures, political leaders are expected to instil confidence in their people by showing strong authority and strict rule. This is believed to create stability and peace in the country.In low power distance cultures, political leaders are expected to instil confidence in th

32、eir people by showing themselves to be humble and equal to others. This is believed to produce creativity and initiative in the country.4.ParentingParents in low power distance cultures are generally less strict with their children. They believe that through giving children space to become their own person, they will have the freedom t

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