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1、自考综合英语二全真模拟演练(一)1. 我们认为商务谈判中考虑双方的利益至关重要。We consider it most important that the interests of both parties should be taken into account in a business negotiation.2. 他问我是否能够解释为什么最近雨水这么多。He asked me if I could explain the reason for so much rain recently.3. 作为穷人家的长子,他在孩童时期就懂得了自己的责任是帮助父母。As the eldest so

2、n of a poor family, he came to understand in early childhood that his duty was to help his parents.4. 我十一岁就暗暗打定主意,长大后要成为一位作家。At eleven I decided secretly that ld like to be a writer when I grew up.5. 经过三个月的投诉,我终于让百货商场经理退还了多收我的二十块钱。After three months complaint, I finally全真模拟演练(二)1. 警察经过彻底调查后得出结论,这起车祸

3、是酒后驾车造成的。(result v.) After a thorough examination the police decided /concluded /came to the conclusion that the ( car )accident had resulted from drunken driving.2. 我要是你的话,绝不会做出这样的蠢事。If I were you, I would never have done such a stupid thing /a thing as stupid as this.3. 我抬起头,意识到大家都在以赞赏的目光注视着我。I ra

4、ised my head /looked up and became aware that everyone was gazing at me admiringly.4. 索贿或受贿者与行贿者被视为同等犯罪。(guilty) A person who asks for or receives a bribe is considered equally guilty with the person who offers it.5. 我现在左右为难,因为有人给我提供了两份工作,并且两份工作听起来都很诱人。I m now in a difficult situation because I have

5、 been offered two jobs and they both sound attractive.全真模拟演练(三)1. 汽车司机应当考虑到他人的安全;安全驾驶才是最好的驾驶。A driver should think of (take into consideration/account of) the safety /lives of other people; safe driving is the best driving.2. 出于对偏远山区孩子教育的关注,退休的徐教授将全部积蓄捐给了“希望工程” Out of concern for the education of ch

6、ildren in the remote mountainous areas , the retired Professor Xu donated all his /her savings to the“Hope Project”。3. 既然我们都是地球村(global village)的员,大家都成了邻居。Now that we are all members of the global village, we are neighbours.4. 当他被叫到前面演讲时,他紧张得嘴唇都白了。His lips were white with nervousness / tension when

7、he was called to the front to start his speech.5. 无论是恶劣的天气还是飞涨的物价都没有影响这家餐馆的生意。Neither the bad weather nor the soaring price has cut the business of the restaurant.全真模拟演练(四)1. 如果有效利用的话因特网对于拓展学生的视野有着令人难以置信的潜力。Used effectively, the Internet has incredible potential to expand students horizons.2. 公司越来越多

8、地借助高科技来保护计算机的安全。Companies are increasingly using high technology to, keep computers safe.3. 20世纪被称为巨变的时代,而21世纪被称为信息时代。(refer) The 20th century is referred to as an /the age of drastic change , and /while the 21st century as an /the age of information.4. 一个人如果没有生活目标,就可能丧失希望,自暴自弃。Without something to

9、live for /Without an aim in life, one /a person may lose, hope and simply give up.5. 如果他不近视,他早就成为一名飞行员了。If he were not short-sighted, he would have become a pilot.全真模拟演练(五)1. 要不是太阳的热量,地球将是一个冰冻的星球。The Earth would be a frozen ball if it were not for the heat of the Sun.2. 各国的科学家意识到威胁人类生存环境的那些严峻事实,向人类发

10、出了严重的警告。Aware of the harsh facts concerning the dangers to the environment , scientists in various countries have sounded a serious warning to mankind.3. 他的长寿秘决是以乐观的态度面对可能出现的问题。His secret of a long life is to take an optimistic attitude towards problems that he is likely to face.4. 他清楚地知道,他的发明只有使用电脑

11、的地方才有市场。He is fully aware that his invention can find the market only in the places where computers are widelyused.5. 学生们应该首先根据他们的兴趣来选专业Studentsshould,aboveallelse, choosetheirmajor 全真模拟演练(六)1. 汤姆选定了一台IBM笔记本电脑,他的父亲开了一张一千美元的支票付给店主。Tom had decided on an IBM notebook and his father made out /wrote a ch

12、eque for$1,000 to the shop owner.2. 当今世界各国联系如此紧密,我们不应当仅关注自己的国家和自己的文化。In a world so closely /tightly connected, we should not be interested only in our own country and our own culture.3. 她从未想到她如此信任的生意伙伴竟然背叛了她。She never thought /believed / expected that her business partner she had so trusted /her tru

13、sted business partner should betray her.4. 不管老年人还是年轻人,都需要有生活目标,这样他们才能勇敢地面对困难和灾难。A person, no matter whether he is old or young ,should have an aim in life so that he can /could bravely face difficulty and disaster.5. 她明白教育将对山区孩子的一生起巨大作用,自愿去那里的一所小学教书。(choice, difference)She went by choice to teach in

14、 a primary school in a mountainous area, aware /knowing /understanding that education would make a big / great difference to the life of the children there.全真模拟演练(七)1. 名人生活压力很大,因为不管他们表面多么光鲜,他们基本上没有隐私和安全感。Celebrities lead a very stressful life ,for no matter how glamorous they look , they have very l

15、ittle privacy and sense of security.2. 如果考虑这个事件的历史背景,我们就能理解事件为何发生。If we see the event in its historical context/ background, well be able to understand why it occurred.3. 回收利用旧瓶子比生产新瓶子费用更高,但是为了环保,这样做是值得的。Its more expensive to recycle used bottles than to make new ones. But its worthwhile for the pro

16、tection of the environment.4. 我们谁也没能找出解决问题的办法,最后还是老张师傅想出了个主意。None of us could find a solution to the problem /a method to solve the problem, but finally Master Lao Zhang came up with an idea.5. 矫生惯养的孩长大后可能难于适应社会上的激烈竞争。A spoilt child may/ is likely to have(great)difficulty in adjusting (himself) to t

17、he fierce competition in society when he grows up. 考前深度密押(一)1. 他发表了一项声明,大意是他将竞选总统。He issued a statement to the effect that he would run for the presidency.2. 手机可以让你自由接打电话,而不告知对方你的具体位置。Cell phones enable you to call or to be called without telling the other side where you are your where-abouts).3. 我曾

18、就读的中学的设施和教师的水平高于一般水准。The facilities and the skills of the teachers of the high school where I studied were above (the) average.4. 出生人口的数量并没有像死亡人数那样下降。The number of births has not declined at the same rate as the number of deaths.5. 即使在平常聊天时很健谈的人,在第一次公开演讲时也会感到害怕。Even those people who are good at word

19、s in a conversational setting may be terrified over their first public speech.考前深度密押(二)1. 我们惊讶地发现衣衫槛褛的老头儿其实是一个百万富翁。To our great surprise, the old man in shabby clothes was in fact a millionaire.2. 就质量而言,这是你现有资金能买到的最好的车了。In terms of quality , this is the best car you can buy with the money you have.3

20、. 据报道,世界上有五分之的儿童甚至享受不到最基础的教育。It is reported that one fifth of the children in the world are denied access to even basic education.4. 一台开了很久的车就像条穿了很久的牛仔裤,让人难以含弃。An old car, like a well-worn pair of jeans, is difficult to throw away.5. 一些父母往往因不能和孩子在一起而感到内疚。Some parents often feel guilty about the amou

21、nt of time they spend away from their children.2017年4月份全国高等教育自学考试试题1. 我们尝试了多种办法帮助他摆脱困境,但都不奏效。We tried many ways to help him out, but none of them worked.2. 那个女孩在父母的鼓励下决定参加中国好声音(The Voice of China)比赛。Encouraged by her parents , the girl has decided to participate in The Voice of China.3. 他在会上发言支持同事们提

22、出的反走私措施。In the meeting, he supported the anti-smuggling measures proposed by his colleagues.4. 出乎我们意料的是,他不仅找到了一份高薪的工作,还找到了一个不错的女朋友Contrary to our expectations, he has found not only a well-paid job, but also a nice girlfriend.5. 最近几年,经常有电梯事故的报道见诸报端,谁应该为这些事故负责呢?In recent years, elevator accidents hav

23、e been frequently reported in the newspaper. Who should be responsible for there accidents?2017年10月份全国高等教育自学考试试题1. 教室里太嘈杂了,老师不得不提高嗓门才能让学生听见他的声音。It was so noisy in the classroom that the teacher had to raise his voice to make himself heard by the students.2. 我们务必做到在任何情况下都言而有信。We must see to it that w

24、e stand by our promise in any situation.3. 尽管会有各种各样的困难,他还是坚持要做这个新的实验。In spite of all kinds of difficulties , he insisted on doing the new experiment.4. 为弥补因恶劣天气耽误的时间,半决赛选手不得不在同一天打两场比赛。The semi-finalists had to play twice in the same day to make up for time lost to bad weather.5. 他们去年开发的新技术填补了我国汽车产业的

25、一项空白。The new technology they developed last year filled a gap in our automobile industry.2018年4月份全国高等教育自学考试试题1. 有些人的皮肤很敏感,即使是少量的日晒都能导致晒伤。Some peoples skin is very sensitive ; even a small amount of exposure to the sun can cause burning.2. 科技改变着我们的生活方式,为我们带来了更多的便利。Science and technology is changing h

26、as changed our way of life and bringing/ brought more conveniences to us.3. 他说话带有浓重的地方口音,我很难听懂。He spoke with such a strong local accent that I found it difficult to follow him.4. 你与你妹妹长得如此相像,我经常会误把她当作你。You and your sister look so much alike that I often mistake her for you.5. 我希望你对这一多数人做出的决定给予更多的尊重。

27、I hope you will have more respect for this decision made by the majority.一 考 通 题 库Lesson one Twelve Things I Wish They Taught at School1. 如果考虑这个事件的历史背景,我们就能理解事件为何发生。If we see the event in its historical context/background. well be able to under-stand why it occurred.2. 我和我的老师在这个问题上有许多共同的看法。My teache

28、r and I have a lot of mutual understanding towards this problem.3. 无论是恶劣的天气还是飞涨的物价都没有影响这家餐馆的生意。Neither the bad weather nor the soaring price has cut the business of the restau-rant.4. 我们省的土壤和气候都证明有利于栽培这种新麦。The soil and climate of our province have proved favourable to the growth of this new kind of

29、wheat.5. 任何人,不管出身高贵或低贱,都应坚持自已的原则。Everyone is supposed to persist in his own principles, whether he is of noble or humble origin.Lesson Two Icons1. 多年来人们一直在使沙漠变良田,融化高山的冰川来灌溉庄稼。For years people have been trying to turn deserts into fertile lands and to melt mountain glaciers to irrigate crops.2. 近几年来两

30、国之间的贸易增长很快。Trade between the two countries has been increasing rapidly in recent years.3. 那时他爷爷的年薪是5000美元,按今天的标准,他就是个穷人了。His grandfathers salary was $5, 000 a year; by today s standards, he would be a poor man.4. 地球表面的3/4都是海洋。Three fourth of the surface of the earth is sea.5. 给文化偶像下定义比较难。 Cultural i

31、cons are harder to define.Lesson Three Co-Go Americans1.公司越来越多地借助高科技来保护计算机的安全。Companies are increasingly using high technology to keep computers safe.2.为了人们健康地生活,我们要控制噪声污染。In order to make people live healthily, we need to control noise pollution.3.他重重地跌了一跤,摔断了腿,大概得休学三个月。He had a bad fall and broke

32、his leg. As a result, he would have to be away from school for about three months.4.当雇员有机会展示他们的才华和创造性时,他们就会产生一种满足感。When the employees have a chance to show their talents and creativity, they will obtain a sense of satisfaction.5.就质量而言,这是你现有资金能买到的最好的车了。In terms of quality, this is the best car you can buy with the money you have.Lesson Four “Take Over, Bosn!”1. 我们的企业在转型过程中,急需有海外工作经验的人。People with overseas working experience are badly needed in the transformation of our company.2.

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