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1、transformingatradition改变传统Transforming a Tradition改变传统 Critics call it “a human zoo. Tour companies consider it a tourist attraction. Whichever is the case, the long-necked women of Padaung have become an important source of money for several small villages on the border of Thailand and Myanmar.译文评论

2、家称之为“人类动物园。旅游公司认为它是旅游胜地。任何情况下,长颈巴当的女性已成为泰国和缅甸边境假设干村庄的重要资金来源。生词讲解1.transformv改变;改观;变换例 The sofa can transform for use as a bed. 这个沙发可改作床用2.bordern.边境拓 borderline 边界限3.Myanmarmnm:rn.缅甸=Burmab:rm语法点1.Tour companies consider it a tourist attractionConsider sth/sb to be/as/(不加). 把.当做2.for several small v

3、illages on the border of Thailand and Myanmar.1)For指“对于,不是“为了.翻译为“对于很多村庄来说,长颈巴当女人已成为重要的经济来源2)on the border of Thailand and Myanmar是修饰villages的地点 Each year around 10,000 tourists visit three small villages along the Thai/Myanmar border to see the famous long-necked women. The attraction is a traditio

4、n which requires women to stretch their necks by wearing brass coils, or rings. Originally from the Padaung tribe, the women and their families have been running from Myanmar to Thailand since the 1980s to escape poverty and war. Their new lives are very different from their lives as farmers in Myan

5、mar. Now they spend their days talking with tourists, posing for pictures, and selling handmade souvenirs.译文每年大约有一万名游客会沿着泰国和缅甸的边界造访三个小村庄去看著名的长颈的女人。而景点就是那里的一个传统。这个传统要求女性伸长脖子佩戴铜线圈或铜环。这些妇女和他们的家庭最早来自巴当部落,但从19世纪80年代之后,他们便不断从缅甸逃往泰国以求摆脱贫困和战争。他们的新生活和他们在缅甸的农民生活差异很大。如今他们以与游客聊天,摆姿势让别人照相或销售手工纪念品度日。生词讲解1.require

6、v.要求例 We require extra help 我们需要额外的帮助2.stretchv.伸展,延伸adj. 可伸展的联想记忆 拽谐音例 stretch a pair of shoes 把鞋撑大拓 stretcher 担架3.brassn.黄铜;铜管乐器区分 bronze n.青铜一般说铜牌,是bronze medal 4.coilv./n. 线圈;卷;盘绕;盘管a coil of wire 线圈5.originallyadv. 最初地;原始地original adj. 最初的;原始的例 an original movie poster. 原版电影海报6.triben.部落联想记忆 tr

7、i-和三有关系,部落帐篷是三个角搭成的7.posev.摆好姿势 n.姿势例 The artist asked her to pose for him 那位画家要求她摆好姿势以便为她画像8.handmadeadj. 手工制的例 handmade soap 手造香皂9.souvenirn.纪念品注意发音 su:vnr 语法点 1.by表示以方式,后面可跟doing sth2.have been doing sth since.从一个过去的时刻一直持续到如今的动作,并还会持续3.Their new lives are very different from their lives as farmer

8、s in 不是“像的意思,也不是“当时的意思。 而是“作为的意思,修饰farmers. 翻译成作为农民的生活4.spend some time doing sth花时间做某事 When a Padaung girl turns 5, a thick coil of brass is wrapped around her neck. At different times in her life, more rings are added until her neck carries up to 26 of them, weighing 5 to 10 kilos. The

9、rings push up her chin and press down her collarbone, making her neck longer.译文当巴当女孩五岁之后,她的脖子就会被环绕一卷厚厚的铜圈。在她生命的不同时期,她会被添加更多的铜圈,直到脖子上总共有26个铜圈为止,这些铜圈总重量约为5到10千克。铜圈顶高她的下巴,压着她的锁骨,让她的脖子变得更长生词讲解1.wrapv. 用软的或可弯曲的材料包或裹某物例 Wrap a scarf round your neck. 把围巾围在你的脖子上2.up to直至,直到,多达例 It could be up to two years b

10、efore the process is complete 这一过程可能要两年时间才能完成 Up to twenty thousand students paid the money 多达两万名学生付了款3.kilo千克=kilogram4.chin下巴:嘴下方脖子上方的部分区分 jaw最下方的脸部,下颚拓 double chin 双下巴5.collarbonen.锁骨collar n. 衣领,领子例 white collar 白领Bonen.骨头语法点:1.At different times in her life, more rings are added until her neck

11、carries up to 26 of them, weighing 5 to 10 kilosweighing 5 to 10 kilos作为宾语26 of them的补充说明,和宾语是主谓关系,所以是ing形式 2.The rings push up her chin and press down her collarbone, making her neck longermaking her neck longer Pa Peiy is a young woman with 20 neck coils. When asked to describe her early years of

12、neck stretching, Pa Peiy said, “At first it was painful, but now its OK. Now sleeping, eating, working.everything is OK. But I cannot take it off, so this is my life. Truly it is her life. Pa Peiys neck is now so weak that if she takes off the coils, her head will fall forward and she will stop brea

13、thing.译文Pa Peiy是一个有20个脖环的年轻女人。当被要求描绘她早年脖子拉伸的经历时,Pa Peiy说,“起先比较痛苦,但如今还好。如今睡觉、吃饭、工作都还好。但是我不能把它卸下来,所以这就是我的生活。“这真得就是她的生活。Pa Peiy的脖子如今如此的虚弱以致于一旦她把脖圈拿下来,她的头就会掉落,然后她就会停顿呼吸。生词讲解1.Take sth off1)脱掉2)take off 还表示起飞2.Fall forward掉到前面Forward adv. 向前或向末端到达一突出位置 Despite the discomfort, Padaung women in Thailand co

14、ntinue to wear the rings even though the tradition has almost disappeared in Myanmar. The simple reason for this fact is that there is money in it.译文尽管不适,Padaung妇女在泰国继续戴上戒指即使在缅甸传统几乎已经消失了。这一事实的简单原因就是钱。生词解析1.DespitePrep. 尽管; 不管; 不顾例 Despite what others say, I think hes a very nice chap. 不管别人怎麽说, 我仍认为他

15、这个人很好拓 in spite of 不管不顾例 He went out fishing in spite of the rain.他不顾大雨出去钓鱼了.2.Even though和even if意思一样,表示即使 Ma Nang, a graceful woman with 24 neck rings, explains that in Myanmar she had worked hard growing food. Today, she sits while tourists take pictures of her. In one month she makes seventy to

16、eighty dollars. Ma Nang added, “sometimes Im tired of tourists always looking at me, but its easy work and good money for my family.译文MN是一个有24个颈环的优雅女人,她解释说,在缅甸时她曾非常艰辛的耕种粮食。而如今她只用坐着让游客拍照就行。这样她一个月能挣七十到八十美元。MN补充道,“有时我非常厌烦游客总是盯着我看,但是这份工作很容易而且对我的家庭来说也是不错的收入。生词讲解Good money Good adj. 划算的,收入可观的例 The machine

17、 has a good value 这台机器很划算语法点1WithPrep. 有,拥有某种特征或所有物例 He is tall and blond with bright blue eyes 2Had worked hard growing food过去做某事,如今已经不做了,用过去完成式 work hard doing sth 努力做某事3While=whilst(正式及文学语言中使用whilst)当.时;在.时4Be tired of sb doing sth 厌倦某人做某事 Each year, as the long-necked women become more and more

18、popular, the controversy about them increases. In a hotel in Thailand, tourists discuss whether or not to visit Nai Soi. Sandra Miller, from Toronto, Ontario, feels that its fine to visit Nai Soi. She explained, “I dont really see a problem. I mean, this is their tradition, and so, if I go, its like

19、 Im helping them to preserve it. Spending my money is also helping them to feed their families and so on. They need the tourists.译文每年长颈女性都变得越来越受欢迎,围绕他们的争论也在不断增加。在泰国的一个酒店,游客就是否参观NS展开讨论。桑德拉米勒来自多伦多的安大概省,觉得参观NS挺好。她解释说,“我真的不觉得有什么问题。我的意思是,这是他们的传统,所以,假设我去,就像我在帮助他们保护传统一样。花我的钱也能帮助他们养家糊口等等。他们需要游客。生词讲解1.More a

20、nd more 越来越2.Controversy n.争议拓 controversial adj. 有争议的3.visit 1)v. 访问,参观,游览,阅读例 visit stores 光临商店 visit website 2)v. 看望,拜访例 visit his brother 3)v. 上门拜访专业人士;专业人士上门拜访例 visit the doctor A doctor will visit you 医生会到你的住所出诊4.see1) v.认为,把.当做,后面跟as 例 I see him as my friend2) V. 查看,弄清例 Let me see what comes

21、next 3) V.看出,意识到例 I could see that she is lonely5.Preserve1)保护,维护例 preserve the forest 2)保存,腌制食物例 preserve the culture3)保持,维持例 preserve peace4)保护区例 natural perserve6.Feed1)v.养,喂; 饲养例 she fed him a cookie2)v. 供养,养活家庭或群体例 feed a hungry family3)n. 饲料例 animal feed 饲料7.and so on等等区分 on and on 不停地;继续不断地例

22、the dialogue goes on and on对话没完没了语法点1.each限定词determiner:每;各;每一例 each year2.whether or not 是否用於从句或不定式之前以表达或意含两者之间的选择例 Tell me whether or not youre interested. 告诉我你有没有兴趣 Frederick Johnson, a visitor from Seattle, Washington, disagrees. “Actually I dont see that were preserving tradition at all, Johnso

23、n explained. “This tradition has already died in Mynamar. These women are just harming their bodies toto entertain us. Its degrading for these women. Its like paying to go see animals in a zoo.译文弗雷德里克约翰逊是一位从华盛顿州西雅图来的游客,他反驳道“实际上我不认为我们在保护传统,约翰逊解释说。“这个传统已经在缅甸消失。这些女性只是在伤害自己的身体来愉悦我们。这对于女性来说很没有尊严。就像花钱去看动物

24、园里的动物一样。生词讲解1.harmv./n. 通常为成心地伤害;破坏harm ones health 2.entertainv.使.快乐;使有兴趣entertain children拓1 entertaining adj. 兴趣性的 an entertaining film拓2 entertainer n.娱乐节目表演者,艺人拓3 entertainment n.娱乐节目,娱乐活动3.degradingadj. 降格的; 降低身份的;有辱人格的拓 degradev. 使.丢脸;有辱的人格例 the talk degrades women 演讲有辱女性人格语法点not at all一点也不 F

25、or now, the future of the long-necked women is easy to predict. As long as there are tourists who will pay to see them, they will continue to wrap their daughters necks. The controversy continues, with one side seeing the villages as examples of how tourism can save dying traditions, and others crit

26、icizing it as harmful a nd degrading to the Padaung women. 译文目前,长颈女的将来很容易预测。只要有游客愿意花钱看他们,他们就将继续把女儿的脖子围满项圈。关于它的争议仍在继续:一边认为这些村庄是旅游业拯救垂死村庄传统的一个事例,其别人批判它有害并且有辱女性人格。生词讲解1.predictv. 预言某事物将发生; 预报; 预告It is impossible to predict who will win. 要预测出谁将获胜是不可能的 long as=so long as只要As long as you are here, Im ok3.wrapv用纸,布等包裹;用绕住例 He wrapped his arms around her4.dyingadj. 垂死的例 dying patient 垂死的病人区分 dying和dyeing Dying的原型die 死亡Dyeing的原型dye 染发 例 dye ones hair 染发语法点with 表示以某姿势,外表或伴随某事件做某事与同时。顺着翻译就好,后面跟名词

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