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1、中级口译听力短语1. at ones best 处于最佳状态,在全盛时期2. be committed to doing sth/ sth=be dedicated to=be devoted to 献身于,致力于commit oneself to=dedicate oneself to =devote oneself to3. takeseriously 认真对待4. be slow to do/in doing 不太情愿干某事Despite such alarming numbers, the federal and state governments have been slow in

2、implementing programs to stop the spread of AIDS.5. catch AIDS/a cold 得病6. be infected with 感染疾病Another 185,000 of the one million infected with the HIV virus are also expected to die.7. sign up for sth 报名参加;签约参加工作(或组织)8. feel comfortable doing sth/with sth 自在的We simply cannot let people continue to

3、 die because we dont feel comfortable talking about AIDS.He feels more comfortable with computers than with people.9. distract from 分心10. far more 更加People were worried about my head; I was worried about something far more threatening.11.IV-positive 艾滋病检测阳性的 gay 男同性恋 lesbian 女同性恋 partner 同伴12. prior

4、 to 在之前prior to the finals13.for fear 唯恐,害怕We all seem afraid to say what is in our minds for fear it might start confident in sth/sb对.有信心的Bob was quite confident in his ability to manage a immune to 不受影响,对有免疫力的Adults are often immune to German measles. 成人往往对风疹有免疫力。No one

5、 in our society can really be immune to public notices or announcements.16.defineas 把界定为,定义为The two mothers insisted that they wanted only the best for their children but they defined “the best” as staying home to help support the family.17.mistakefor 误当作Its painful to mistake kindness for love.18.

6、restrain (sb) from sth/doing sth 抑制住不干某事 I cant restrain myself from telling her about her boyfriend.19.scan for 扫视,查看The sick woman scanned the doctors face for a sign of hope before leaving the office.20.stop to do 停下来干某事 stop doing 停止干某事21. nothing but只有,只You are nothing but a trashman.你只不过是个垃圾工W

7、e are nothing but slaves to time.22.boast about 吹牛,吹嘘23.contrary to 与相反24.look down on/upon 蔑视,看不起25.get to ones feet 站起来26.hold dear 珍惜We hold dear our freedom to move about; the fruits of labor; our own lives and those of people we out of control 失去控制28. be in favor of 支持,提倡She has a g

8、un and is still in favor of gun control.29.keep from 阻止The government is considering further action to keep the dollar from falling in the sight of 一看见At the sight of her mother, the little girl stopped crying and ran to meet her.31.impose on 强加于We should not impose our own will on other

9、s.32.bill for 因送交某人帐单或罚单Cars will be billed for speeding on this highway.33.on average 平均34.under siege 被包围Smoking cigarette is under siege as a habit. Smoking advertising is banned in many areas.under attack 被攻击 an alarming rate 以惊人的速度36.involve in 使卷入,陷入37. 拒绝 decline, refuse, reject, turn do

10、wn38.提出问题 pose a hand 在考虑之中;即将到来,近在手边The apartment is ideally located with all local public facilities close at short supply缺货,短缺Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today and getting scarcer.41.the bottom line 重要因素,关键的东西 demand of 要求,期待Integrity is the real bottom li

11、ne in every area of society and a discipline we must demand of ourselves.42.rely on =count/depend on /upon依赖,依靠43.engage in 参与 ones earliest convenience 尽快He wrote a letter to the company, asking them to send the goods at their earliest convenience.45.ensure VS assureensure 确保,担保 assure + sb告知某

12、人某事一定会发生The man, who had been assured that the plane would be on time, sighed with relief.The general managers letter, which gave him credit(赞扬),ensure his promotion.46.figure out 发现,决定,想出 inclined to 倾向于,容易做 (be likely to, intend to)Students who are inclined to cheat are going to cheat regardl

13、ess of the technology.48.sort of 有点,有几分49.make the most of 充分利用We should make the most of our time.50.result in 导致,造成的结果This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring.51.under pressure 在压力下 person 亲自,亲身53.take sth personally 为某事针对自己而不悦I am afra

14、id he took your remarks personally.54.recover from从中恢复到正常状态The country has not yet recovered from the effects of economic depression which hit t a few years tired of 厌烦,讨厌 be tired from 干某事而劳累56.clash with 与冲突,不一致Your views of beliefs, values and traditions may clash with that of another c

15、ountry/culture.57.much less 更不用说 let alone, not to mentionHe couldnt pick up the box, much less carry it upstairs.58.spring up突然出现As environmental damage has increased, signs of change have sprung up in various pockets(小块地区) around the world. 59.take measures to 采取方法,采取措施If we do not take measures t

16、o reduce pollution, the environmental effect of this new factory could be a a result of=because of 因为61.aim at=intend to do, try to do 试图做62.set up 建立,创立 establish63.lead to 导致,The explosive growth has led to removal of forests in much of the country. lead into 通往,通向A thousand miles o

17、f bike trails lead into the San Francisco Peaks.64.为提供资金 fund, finance, sponsor65.frown on/upon 反对66.wage a campaign/ war发起运动/发动战争67.coordinate ones effort to 齐心努力68.take care of 负责,处理He is now taking care of marketing and public about 关心,担心69.approach 处理 deal/cope with sth =handle

18、 sthGails father approached our decision with a father-knows-best attitude.70.reach a comprise妥协e up with 想出,找到(答案或解决方法) over 争得(别人的)支持或恩惠Mother is against the idea, but Im sure I can win her over.73.hold ones breath 屏息 74.not have a clue 一无所知 He didnt even have a clue about what he had done.7

19、5.on behalf of sb=on sbs behalf 代表某人76.concerning 关于Police were anxious to hear any information concerning his whereabouts.(下落,行踪) first glance 乍一看,最初看到时 through 经历,经受住 long as 只要80.hit the target 达到目的This year the company hit the target of doubling their domestic the ev

20、ent of 如果发生In the event of illness, each student has a medical assistance card.82.take on 承担工作 Dont take on too much work at once, or you will make yourself too (ones ) capacity 满座的,满载的One student succeeded in stuffing two enormous suitcases to their capacity.84.economize on节省We must eco

21、nomize on water because water resource is limited.85.make a fortune 发财His family has made a great fortune in the oil grateful for 感激87.starve of 渴望,丧失In the poor neighborhoods of the city, there are many uncared-for (无人照顾的)young children who starved if parental love.88.struggle to do

22、挣扎,奋斗89.gain pounds/weight 增肥,变胖90.takefor granted 想当然认为91.on demand 一经要求Passengers must show their tickets as soon as they are on demand.92.stand up to 勇敢面对,经受住Spoiling a child also happens when parents are unable to stand up to their childrens unreasonable demands.93.give in 认输,屈服94.turn over a ne

23、w leaf改过自新,重新做人95.rob sb of sth 剥夺(某人所需或应得之物) bound to 一定会 You work so hard, and you are bound to succeed.97for better or worse 不管结果好坏98.convey to 转达,表达(思想,感情等)99. free from 不具的,不为危险伤害的be guilty of对有罪责Though most of us would like to think ourselves free from such prejudiced notions, we are all

24、guilty of name stereotyping to some extent. 100.take charge of =be in charge of 负责,管理101.go to great lengths to do 竭尽全力去做The famous actor went to great lengths to hide from reporters and photographers so that he wouldnt be embarrassed to answer those sensitive inappropriate for 不适当的

25、,不合适的103.up to sth 能做,胜任Since he hasnt even graduated from the junior high school, he is not up to that job.104.out of character 不合.个性When I asked her opinion of marrying a rich a man whim one didnt love, the response she gave me was far out of character that it shocked me.105.take sides 赞同,站在哪一边Whe

26、n arguing about who would win the first place, David never took sides.on sbs side 对某人有利,赞同某人的意见but next year, the weather may not be on their side.106.follow ones track 跟着107.cut down 减少数量You can first make a list of 12 things, then cut it down to 6 and set your priority.108.keep sth in mind 记住109.

27、attribute to 归因于,归咎于 attribute vtShe attributed her broken marriage to her husbands short temper.owing to 由于,因为 owing adjHer broken marriage is owing to her husbands short temper.110. This is an important matter, so we must give it priority over all other business.111. at risk 处于危险之中112.tend to do s

28、th 倾向于,易于,往往会Jane tends to get angry if you annoy her.113.rack ones brains 绞尽脑汁e in 出现,发生But what is wrong is that these things often come in at a high price to their health and the welfare of their families.115.bleak economic conditions 暗淡的经济状况116. if only(表示强烈愿望)但愿,真希望,虚拟If only I knew then what I

29、 know now. If only I havent say those stupid well off 经济充裕,富裕 fond of 很喜欢,很喜爱119. arrive at 达成,得到Most people finally arrive at the inevitable conclusion that they were meant to do more than serve a corporation, a government agency, or meant to do 应该做,意欲,打算I smiled

30、 a smile that was meant to signify interest in this excursion.121.go on strike 举行罢工122. in the long/short run从长远/短期看来123. be specialized in 擅长于,专攻 specialist 专家The 12-year-old boys goal is to become specialized in western history in the (it )safe 稳扎稳打,小心行事Nevertheless, the wording of

31、 the document is not entirely clear and straightforward, and no doubt some officials decided to play it wonder 不令人吃惊的,难怪 comparison比较起来 By comparison, nearly half of the male high-school students express their preference for a traditional, male-headed, one provider and nuclear family.127.protect sb/sth from 防御,保护Economically dominant groups want to protect their assets and resources from the forces of change.From前的东西免受from后面的东西的影响Her job as an columnist saves her from leading a dull married l

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