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1、商务信函英语问候语开头和结尾Im sorry to hear that but believe me everything will be alright!I hope you can get better as soon as possible.I hope hell recover soon. I beg to be excused.敬请多多包涵。2) Please excuse any mistakes there may be.还请你包涵。3) To regret; To be sorry; To be chagrined;甚感遗憾,请包涵If they will make you g

2、et into trouble, please forgive me.we are sorry to cause you the trouble.We are sorry to bring you this kind of trouble sorry for the troubles caused by us I hope I havent inconvenienced you too much. Sorry for the inconvenience! Im sorry to bother you again! . Sorry for troubling you again. 肯定对哦给某人

3、添麻烦用give sb. trouble,trouble sb 的结构 。或者disturb sb都可以 sorry for giving you a touble 对不起给你带来麻烦 I didnt like to disturb you. 本来不想给你添麻烦的I wish you everything goes well. 我祝福你一切都好。(祝福)I hope you everything goes well. 我希望你一切都好.Wish you all the best. I hope all turns out well for you.Hope everything is OK.i

4、 hope everything of you goes well.Hope everything is going wellHope everything is going smoothly!wish you get well along with everythingwish you get well along with everything!May everything goes well.I hope all is well with youhope you everything will be fineI hope all is well with youI will arrang

5、e the production work as soon as possible.The product will be produced as soon as possible. But due to time constraints the first sample can not be sent to you and as this is our first time working together, instead I will send you photographs (by email) of the sample for your approval and confirmat

6、ion. I hope you can understand. Thank you for your confidence in me, I will persevere and promise to deliver good results and delivery on time.我已经让工厂尽快安排生产了,因为是第一次合作,我还是会让工厂先做样板出来,但由于时间很紧,就无法先寄去给您了,只能照相给您确认。希望您能体谅!另外谢谢您对我的信任,我会跟紧此单,务必按时交货给您的!make sure to deliver goods on time for youPlease confirm a

7、s soon as possible because we have to hasten arrangements for the production.Please confirm as soon as possible, because we need to arrange production immediately.请尽快确认,因为我们要赶紧安排生产.Please confirm it ASAP,because we have to arrange product immediately.我将通知我们工厂尽快按照您的要求生产,争取在最短时间内帮您安排发货。If you do not m

8、eet your requirements, I will inform our factory as soon as possible in accordance with the requirements of production and strive to help you arrange the shipment in the shortest possible time.你的邮件我已经看到”“如有任何进展我会及时通知你I have read your mail,and I will inform you of any progress in time.你的邮件我已经看到”“如有任何

9、进展我会及时通知你I have read your mail,and I will inform you of any progress in time.Please inform me immediately after payment .Please keep me informed after payment Whats your requirement of packing?Whats your requirement of packing?Any special requirements?有什么特殊要求吗You may rest assured that we will not fa

10、il this trust. 你们放心,我们一定不辜负你们的信任。May I thank you for the confidence which you have placed in me and which I shall seek at all times to justify.2.I cannot abuse their trust. 我不能辜负他们的信任。3.May I thank you for the confidence which you have placed in me and which I shall seek at all times to justify.谢谢你们

11、对我的信任,我永远不辜负它。4.Dont abuse the confidence they have placed in you. 不要辜负他们对你的信任。5.You may rest assured that we will not fail this trust. 你们放心,我们一定不辜负你们的信任。商务信函英语问候语开头和结尾 our trust to us let us very touched.First,Id like to express our thanks for your ever trust and support of our products ! Thank you

12、 very much for your confidence in me.Thank you for your trust in our company.非常感谢你对我们的信任Thank you very much for your confidence in me.Thank you very much for your trust.First of all ,I am very grateful to you for trusting our company and selecting our products. Thank you for trusting me.- Thank you

13、for your trust in me.- Thank you for believing in me.- Thank you for believing me.- Thank you for your belief in me.- Thank you for entrusting me with your faith.谢谢你们对我的信任,我永远不辜负它。的英文翻译基本释义May I thank you for the confidence which you have placed in me and which I shall seek at all times to justify.

14、商务英语信函常用结束语(1)我们盼望于近日内接获回信,等。1. We hope to receive your favor at an early date. 2. We hope to be favored with a reply with the least delay. 3. We await good news with patience. 4. We hope to receive a favorable reply per return mail. 5. We await the pleasure of receiving a favorable reply at an earl

15、y date. 6. We await the favor of your early (prompt) reply. 7. A prompt reply would greatly oblige us. 8. We trust you will favor us with an early (prompt) reply. 9. We trust that you will reply us immediately. 10. We should be obliged by your early (prompt) reply. 11. Will you please reply without

16、delay what your wishes are in this matter? 12. Will you kindly inform us immediately what you wish us to do? 13. We request you to inform us of your decision by return of post. 14. We are awaiting (anxious to receive) your early reply. 15. We thank you for the anticipated favor of your early reply.

17、16. We should appreciate an early reply. 17. We thank you in anticipation of your usual courteous prompt attention. 18. We thank you now for the courtesy of your early attention. 19. We hope to receive your reply with the least possible delay. 20. Kindly reply at your earliest convenience. 21. Pleas

18、e send your reply by the earliest delivery. 22. Please send your reply by messenger. 23. Please reply immediately. 24. Please favor us with your reply as early as possible. 25. Please write to us by tonights mail, without fail. 26. May we remind you that we are still awaiting your early reply. 27. M

19、ay we request the favor of your early reply? 28. A prompt reply would help us greatly. 29. A prompt reply will greatly oblige us. 30. Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated. 31. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly esteemed. 32. We look forward to receiving your early reply.

20、 33. We thank you now for this anticipated courtesy. 34. As the matter is urgent, an early reply will oblige. 35. We reply on receiving your reply by return of post. 商务信函的起首句和结束语1:起首句I am very much pleased to inform you that.With great delight I learn that.I was glad to receive your letter of.In rep

21、ly to your letter of 31October, I.I am writing to ask about the meeting to be held next week.Your kind letter of Sunday arrived this morning.Thank you very much for your prompt reply.Many thanks for your last kind letter.I wish to extend my appreciation for your kind offer.I am very excited and deli

22、ghted over your good news.I am very much oblighted to you for your warm congratulations.Your letter which arrived this morning gave me grate delight, as you know.First of all I must thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments结束语I hope to hear from you soon.Your kind early reply will b

23、e highly appreciated.I look forward to our next meeting here in Beijing.Thanks for your sincere cooperation with us.I wish you every success in the coming year.Thank you again for your kind consideration of myIf you want more information, please feel free to write to me again.If there is anything we can do for you, please dont hesitate to contact me.With best regards to your family.With love and wishes.Wish you the best of health and success.

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