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1、英语导游面试回答If you want to live an ordinary life, you will encounter ordinary setbacks.精品模板助您成功!(WORD文档/A4打印/可编辑/页眉可删)英语导游面试回答 英语导游口试问答-参考题(一)1 把客人从机场接到后送往酒店的途中,请你致辞欢迎他们,内容应包括介绍自己、司机及下榻的酒店。范文: 欢迎大家来到合肥。请允许我作自我介绍,我是你们的全程陪同,我叫_。我来自中国国际旅行社。前面开车的是王师傅,他有多年的驾驶经验。现在我们要去的是即将下榻的酒店天鹅饭店。希望你们在合肥能玩的愉快。1、Please make

2、the Welcome Speech to the tourists on the way from the airport to the hotel. The contents include the introduction of yourself , the driver and the hotel .Model : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Hefei of China . First , please give me a change to introduce myself . I am the national guide .My name

3、is I come from the China International Tour Agency .The driver serve for us is Mr. Wang , he is a man of rich experiences of driving .Now we are going to the hotel named _Swan Hotel .I hope you will have a good time in Hefei .2、旅游者在不影响团体旅游计划的前提下要求自由活动时,地陪应做好哪些工作。答:A、旅游者离开饭店时提醒他们带上饭店店徽、饭店名片或写字条。B、提醒他

4、们不要走的太远,不要太晚回饭店及其它安全注意事项。C、地陪还应帮助旅游者找车辆(车费由旅游者自付)。2、What do you think a local guide should do when the tourists want to have free activities without affecting the whole travel plan?Model :A : Remind the tourists of taking the sign or the name card of the hotel , or write a note with the important th

5、ings .B :Remind them not go too far away and dont come back so late . And then remind them something else about their safe.C : The local guide must help the tourists to take a taxi .( Pay the bill himself .)3、作为地陪应如何认找旅游团?答:旅游团所乘班次的客人出站时,地陪要设法尽快找到旅游团。A、地陪应举接站牌站在出口处明显的位置上,让领队或全陪前来联系;B、地陪应根据旅游者的民族特征、衣

6、着、组团社的徽记等作出判断,或主动询问,问清该团领队(或客人)姓名、人数、国别、团名。C、一切相符合才能确定是自己所要接待的旅游团。3、How to recognize the tour groups as a local guide ?Model :When the tour groups arrived at the exit ,the local guide must try to recognize it at once.A : The local guide should stand at the obvious place next to the exit and raise th

7、e sign ,wait the national guide or the travel leader to meet.B : The local guide can assess the situation according to the national feature , costume of the tourists ,or the sign of the travel agency .And the local guide also can make enquiries on his own initiative , ask about the travel leader or

8、the tourists name , numbers , nationality ,the name of the tour group and so on .C : You can make sure it is the tour group youll meet if meet all the details .4、在车上,清点人数有何技巧?答:A、目点,切忌用手指;B、点车上的剩余空位。4、What is the count technique on the bus ?Model : A : Just count in mind .Dont count with your finger

9、s .B: Count the vacant seats on the bus .5、在购物导游服务中,地陪应注意哪几个方面?答:A、严格按照旅行社规定服务;B、了解对象,因势利导;C、当好购物参谋;D、积极维护旅游者的利益。5、What must the local guide should pay attention to when go shopping ?Model :A: Abide by the rules of the travel agency rigorously.B: Know the tourists well , and take tide at the flood .

10、C: Be a good guide while shopping .D : Protect the tourists benefits actively .6、在游览期间,一名新加坡游客不慎丢失中国护照,导游人员应如何处理?答:A、应有遗失地接待旅行社开具证明,失主持旅行社开具的证明去当地公安局报失,由公安局开具证明;B、失主持公安局开具的报失证明,随身携带照片、资料去所在国驻华使领馆申办新护照;C、领到新护照后,再到当地公安局出入境管理处办理签证手续。6、A Singaporean tourist carelessly lost his passport during the trip.

11、How to deal with this problem?Model :A :The loser must get a certificate which made out from the travel agency .And then go to the police station to report ,come out a certificate there also .B : The loser must bring the certificate , photos and some documents to apply for a new passport at the Sing

12、aporean Embassy in China .C : After getting the new passport , then apply for the new visa at the Entry-Exit Office of the local police station .7、在某景点游览结束后,发现个别旅游者走失,地陪应采取什么措施?答:A、了解情况,迅速查找;B、向景点有关部门报告,寻求帮助;C、打电话与饭店联系;D、向旅行社报告;E、做好善后工作;F、写出事故报告。7、If a tourist lost after touring a scenic spot. What

13、a local guide should do?Model :A : Ask about the details ,and look for him quickly .B : Report to the office of the scenic spots and ask for some help.C : Give a telephone call to the hotel .D : Report to the travel agency .E : Deal with the rehabilitation works .F : Write down the accident report .

14、8、在住店期间,发生火灾事故,导游人员应采取什么措施?答:A、立即报警;B、迅速通知旅游的领队和全团旅游者;C、迅速与现场工作人员一起通过安全通道疏散旅游者;D、引导旅游者自救;E、处理善后事宜。8、What a local guide should do if meet the fire affairs when stay in the hotel?Model : A : Report it at once.B : Notify the tour leader and all the group members immediately.C : Evacuate the tourists to

15、 pass the thoroughfare safety with the staff of the hotel quickly .D : Lead the tourists to save themselves.E : Deal with the rehabilitation works.9、在旅行途中,如发生交通事故,导游人员应采取什么措施?答:A、首先组织抢救;B、保护现场,立即报案;C、迅速向旅行社汇报;D、做好其他旅游者的安抚工作;E、写出书面报告。Model :A :First give the first aid to the tourists.B :Keep the scen

16、e intact and report to the police.C :Report to the travel agency immediately.D :Pacify other tourists.E : Write down the written-report.10、发生旅游者食物中毒事件时,导游人员应采取什么措施?答:A、首先应设法催吐,并让食物中毒者多喝水以加速排泄,缓解毒性;B、然后将患者送往就近医院抢救,并请医生开具诊断证明;C、报告旅行社,追究供餐单位的责任。10、If a food poisoning taken place , what a tour guide sho

17、uld do ?Model : A: First try to vomit, drinking a lot in order to speed up the metabolism and reduce the toxicity.B : And then take the patient to the nearest hospital .Let the doctor make out a medical certificate.C : Report to the travel agency and find out who is to blamed英语导游口试问答-参考题(二)11、旅游活动中,

18、如有旅游者发生骨折,导游人员应如何处理?答:A、初步处理:止血、包扎、上夹板;B、送医院治疗;C、事后,导游人员应前往医院探望伤者。11、If a tourists bone broken during the trip, what can the tour guide do?Model : A: First, stop bleeding , bind up the wound and put in splints .B : Take the patient to the hospital .C : After that , the tour guide must visit the pati

19、ent at the hospital .12、在旅行途中,如有旅游者心脏病发作,导游员该如何处理?答:导游员应采取措施,让患者平躺,请求机组人员、列车员或船上的服务人员在交通工具上寻找医生,进行急救,并通知下一站急救中心和旅行社做好抢救准备。在交通工具达到下一站前,还可请领队或亲属在病者衣袋内寻找常备药物,让其服用,以缓解病情。12、What will a tour guide do if some one has a heart attack during the trip ?Model : The tour guide must take first-aid measures .Let

20、the patient lie down, ask for some help to the staff ,train man or the ship clerk to look for a doctor. And give an emergency treatment. Notify the next first-aid station or the travel agency to get ready for it. Before arriving at the next station, ask the leader or the relatives to find some medic

21、ines in his pocket to feed him and release the condition.13、旅游者因对服务质量不满意提出投诉,导游员应如何处理?答:A、主动与旅游者沟通;B、认真倾听;C、核查、分析投诉原因;D、认真处理,积极弥补;E、做好说服、调解工作;F、继续做好服务工作。13、What a tour guide should do when a tourist lodge an appeal that is not satisfied with the service ?Model : A : Talk to the tourist actively.B :

22、Listen attentively to the appeal of the tourist .C : Check up and find out the reason .D : Deal with the matter carefully and make up the fault.E : Try to persuade and mediation of the event .F : Keep on serving the tourists well.14、住双人间的一名游客因与同房游客生活习惯不同,要求住单人间,你作为导游员应怎样对待这一要求?答:导游员应请领队调解或在内部调整住房。如调

23、解、调配不成,饭店如有空房可满足其要求,但要事先告知游客:房费自理,原则是谁提出换房谁付费。14、As a tour guide, how to do when a tourist want to stay a single room, the reason is that his way of life is different from the other visitor in the double room .Model : The tour guide should let the travel leader change the room internal. However we c

24、an arrange another vacant room,but tell the tourist he must pay the room himself because he wants to change another room .15、交换名片有什么规矩?答:递名片时应用双手(至少用右手),目视对方,微笑致意;接名片时用双手,以示尊敬;接过名片要认真看一遍,不要马上装入口袋,更不要在手中玩弄。在与西方人交往时要注意,他们一般不随意交换名片。15、What are the rules of exchanging the name cards ?Model : We must use

25、 our both hands (use the right hand at least) ,make eyes contact with others and smiling when you give the name cards to the others.When we receive the name card , we must use double hands and see it first to show our polite. Neither put it in the pocket directly, nor play it in hand.We must pay att

26、ention to get along with the westerner. They dont get used to exchanging the name card casually.16、以翻译的身份赴宴,要注意什么?翻译自行向客人祝酒,可以吗?为什么?答:以翻译的身份赴宴时要注意:A、不得喧宾夺主,不要自行向客人祝酒,不要随意为客人布菜;B、时刻准备翻译,不要在嘴里放过大、过多的食物,最好不吃带刺带骨的东西。C、不得边翻译边抽烟。16、What must pay attention to while going to a feast as a translator ?Model :

27、 We must pay attention toA : Dont have the secondary replaces the primary. Dont get the toast arbitrarily. Dont pick up food for the guests.B : Preparing for translation anytime .Dont put the bigger or more food in mouth .Wed better not to eat something with bone or thorn.C : Dont translate and smok

28、e at the same time.17、安徽省主要的粮食作物有哪些?答:粮食作物有:大豆、小麦、玉米、水稻、马铃薯等。17、What are the main gain crops in Anhui ?Model: The gain crops are : soybean , wheat , maize, rice and potatoes and so on .18、请介绍一下安徽省的国家及省级历史文化名城?答:国家级历史文化名城是安庆,歙县,亳州,寿县。省级历史文化名城是涡阳,蒙城,桐城,潜山,黟县,凤阳,绩溪,宣州,和县,贵池。18、Introduce the famous hist

29、orical and cultural city in Anhui ?Model : The national famous historical and cultural city are Anqing,Shexian,Bozhou,Shouxian.The provincial famous historical and cultural cities are Guoyang,Mengcheng,Tongcheng,Qianshan,Yixian,Fengyang,Jixi,Xuanzhou,Hexian,Guichi.19、介绍一下安徽省的行政区域划分?答:安徽省现有17个地级市,他们是

30、合肥,淮北,亳州,宿州,蚌埠,阜阳,淮南,滁州,六安,马鞍山,巢湖,芜湖,宣城,铜陵,池州,安庆,黄山。19、Introduce the administrative areas of Anhui province ?Model: There are 17 district cities. They areHefei,Huaibei,Bozhou,Suzhou,Bengbu,Fuyang,Huainan,Chuzhou,Luan,Maanshan,Chaohu,Wuhu,Xuancheng,Tongling,Chizhou,Anqing,Huangshan.20、 安徽特色工艺美术品包括哪些?20、What are the special crafts and arts in Anhui ?29、简介安徽省气温及降水情况?答:安徽省绝大部分地区属于亚热带气候。1月最冷,7月最热。年降水集中在6-8月。Model : The more parts area of Anhui belong to the sub-tropical climate zone. It is coldest in January and hottest in July. The precipitation period is between June and Augus

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