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Unit 14 全单元教案.docx

1、Unit 14 全单元教案Unit 14 Zoology I教学内容分析本单元将学习有关动物学的知识。动物学是揭示动物生存和发展规律的生物学分支学科。它研究动物的种类组成、形态结构、生活习性、繁殖、发育与遗传、分类、分布移动和历史发展,以及其它有关的生命活动的特征和规律;研究动物各类群间彼此的异同及其相同和相异的程度,把它们分门别类,列为系统,以阐明它们的亲缘关系及进化过程和规律。动物学历史悠久,与人类生产活动关系密切;人类也在生产活动中积累了许多动物知识。本单元以科学家对蜜蜂的交际方式的研究以及灵长类动物类群间的关系与差别为知识展示平台,让学生了解动物生活习性,增长动物学知识,从而懂得更加爱

2、护动物,宣传保护动物,处理好人类与各类动物的关系。Warming up部分通过拼写有特点的几个有关动物的单词,引起学生的学习兴趣,让学生通过观察,思考,自己从词汇的关联中感受到动物与人类密不可分的关系。这样的设计以简单的幽默风趣的话句为切入口,让学生轻松的接触话题Zoology, 进而激发他们的学习和研究的兴趣。Listening部分是一名记者采访一位动物学家的对话。听材料前设计了Pre-listening 的问题,能很好地帮助学生作好听前准备,对材料中的话题也有了自己个人的观点与想法,思路得到了开发,对整个听力话题有一个初步的了解;第二部分要求了解第一则听力材料中的详细内容,回答相关的问题。

3、第三部分中提到了第二则听力材料中的细节,要求学生根据听力中的内容,把所提到的方法与建议分类记录。这样学生对于zoologist 和zookeeper的工作及动物园里动物的问题和解决办法有了较全面的了解,为Speaking部分作好铺垫。Speaking是继听力中第二则材料展开的讨论话题。通过学生对四个问题的讨论与思考,进一步帮助学生确立正确的观点与态度来保护动物。而且这部分以debate 这个task的形式详细地向学生介绍了debate 的组织开展步骤,有很好的指导作用。这个安排为写作做了铺垫。Pre-reading部分设计了四个问题,可从复习听前问题及听力材料、谈动物学家的工作入手,先说第三个

4、问题,然后让学生组织讨论两个问题,即动物之间如何交流,动物与人类间又有否交流,并要求学生说明理由,这有利于培养逻辑思维能力和写作能力。Reading是一篇科普文章,按实验进行过程介绍了奥地利动物学家Karl von Frisch 和他的助手通过各种方式、多次实验而获得的重大发现:蜜蜂会根据所发现的食物的不同距离,用不同的跳舞方式告诉其他蜜蜂食物之所在,即蜜蜂的特殊交流方式。全文可分三大块。(1)概写了蜂的特性,引出了对蜜蜂“语言”的研究话题。(2)Karl von Frisch 和他的助手进行的蜜蜂实验。 a. 蜜蜂实验准备。 b. 第一个实验结果:the circle dance c. 第二

5、个实验结果:the wagging dance d. 第三个实验结果:communication of the exact position of the food(3)Karl von Frisch 的贡献及其对他的评价Post-reading部分主要是对课文的细节做进一步了解,共设计了三部分题目。第一部分根据课文选择正确的图示。第二部分根据四、五两段回答三个问题。第三部分是要求学生根据图示信息,解说蜜蜂告知食物确凿位置的跳舞方式,这急是对图示的理解,也是对文章重要细节的复述与巩固。Language study分两部分,一是巩固文中的词汇,选出同义词替换及用所学词汇造句完成对话。二是复习语法

6、知识:在两则对话中进行情态动词的操练。Integrating skills集阅读和写作于一体。首先是阅读一篇关于灵长类动物类群间的关系与差别的文章,让学生进一步了解人类与动物的密切关系。文后还安排学生填表比较各种动物的特点,并思考两个问题。最后要求学生根据所提供的指导,写一篇论述文,发表自己的观点,并综述理由支持这个观点,这是Speaking部分中debate的延伸。Tips对于如何找诗,如何读诗,如何收集诗给出了建议。Checkpoint 4一是归纳了本单元的语法知识过去分词做状语。二是找出课文中能帮你更好地理解诗和文学的词。II教学重点和难点1教学重点(1) Master the word

7、s and phrases in this unit (2) Learn about animals and animal behavior2教学难点(1)Learn about the “language” that animals communicate with -sound or body language (2)Learn to express ones own argumentative view about a certain topic (3)Practise to debate in groups III教学计划本单元分六课时:第一课时:Warming up & listen

8、ing第二课时:Speaking第三、四课时:Pre-reading, Reading & Post-reading第五课时:Language practice第六课时:Integrating skillsIV教学步骤Teaching Goals: 1. To arouse Ss memory and knowledge about the animals.2. To develop Ss listening ability.Period 1 Warming up & ListeningStep 1. Lead-in 1. Class work: Read and understand the

9、 following sentences.* -How have you been going? Still very busy? -Yes. Still as busy as a bee. (忙忙碌碌)*A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush=One of yours is better than two that you will have*Birds of a feather flock together = Those who resemble assemble 物以类聚。 2. Group work to challenge youCo

10、llect and share sentences or phrases of this kind related to the animals.For your reference:*Dont count your chickens before theyre hatched. *One should never run after two hares at the same time. = Dont try to do two things at once. *The guilty dog barks the loudest. = Its the chicken that sings wh

11、o laid the egg. * The Cats Out of the Bag. = The secret is revealed.*It is raining cats and dogs. = It is raining heavily.*He who steals an egg will steal an ox. = Give an inch and hell take a mile. 得寸进尺。 *If you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 *A leopard cant change his spots.

12、狗改不了吃屎。 *Scalded cat fears cold water. = Once bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。* My friend Pete made a monkey out of me the other day. He told me the party Saturday night was formal, so I wore a suit and tie. But everybody else there was wearing a tee-shirt and blue jeans. It sure made me feel like a

13、fool. 我的朋友皮特那天真把我弄得像个傻瓜一样。他告诉我星期六晚上的聚会是很正式的, 所以我就穿上西装,戴上领带。可是其他人都穿园领衫和牛仔库。我真感到自己好像是个傻瓜一样。 *I think theres some kind of monkey business going on in that house across the street. People going in and out all day long; maybe theyre selling drugs or something. 我看对马路那个房子里的人一定在进行一些不正当的勾当。一天到晚老有人进进出出,他们可能在贩

14、毒,或搞其他什么鬼名堂! Suggested website: Conclusion:T: People have created these phrases or saying, which show the close relationship between human beings and zoology, and this is what well learn in this unit. Step 2. Warming up 1. Picture talking Ask Ss to make a sentence to describe what they see in the pi

15、ctures. Suggested answers: This ant cant do anything. /Its impossible to ask this ant to do anything. This sheep is on sale. The cat is catching a person who seems to have done something wrong. Look at the first sentence and check whether what Ss describe about Picture is acceptable, then try to fin

16、d the sentences for Picture and. 2. Game: Get the class to have a competition to match the rest of the words with the humorous definitions that have something to do with the animals.Suggested answers: 1 cant - the ant is unable to 2 cat -the cat catches 3 cricket- it has two meanings, one “蟋蟀” and t

17、he other “板球运动”. 4 lion-“lie” and “lion”5 monkey-“monkey” and “money”6 sheep-“sheep” and “cheap”7 mouse- it can mean “老鼠” and “鼠标”Step 3. Pre-listening1.Class work as a lead-in: Ask and answer(1) Where do these animals live? (2) Where can we usually see them? (zoo/ nature park/ ocean park/ )(3) Do y

18、ou think animals may be happy to live in the zoo? Why or why not?2.Group work: Discuss and collect the varied answers from the students.(4) What are some of the problems animals may have in a zoo? (5) What could be done to solve these problems?(6) What kind of people work at the zoo?(zoo-keeper / zo

19、ologist / )(7) What do they do there?(8) What can they do to help animals solve the problems? Step 4. While-listening-Part 1 1. Go through the four questions. 2. Listen to the tape once and try to answer the questions.(T can ask those who do well in English to show what theyve got from the first lis

20、tening.) 3. Listen to the passage again, focusing on the puzzled part in the passage. (If necessary, listen the third time and make some necessary pause to help those who are poor in English.)4. Check the answers together.Step 5 Listening -Part 2 1. Pre-listening: Guess how the following can be used

21、 to make life better for the animals at the zoo.What to useHow to make use of them FoodSmell ObjectsTraining 2. Listen to the tape, focusing on the necessary information and filling in the above form. 3. (If necessary) Complete the summary of the listening text. (If there is no time, leaving it for

22、the next period as a revision and lead-in.)We often use food to stimulate (刺激) the animals. If the animals have to search for the food, or if the food looks or tastes different, the animals will enjoy it more. Sometimes we give the unusual food, such as a block of ice with meat or bone inside. We ca

23、n also stimulate the animals by changing the smell of their environment to be similar to the wild. We sometimes use perfumes (香水) and spices (香料) to make the animals interested. Another way to change the environment is to put new objects in it.Sometimes we use games and other activities to give the

24、animals a chance to make choices and solve problems. Then they feel more comfortable and enjoy their environment more. We can also use what theyve learnt to help zookeepers examined injured animals. 4. Discuss about the reference answers together. Step 4. Post-listeningSuppose you are a zoologist, h

25、ow do you run the zoo so that animals can live a more comfortable life?Step 6. Homework 1. Ex. for consolidation.2. Read through the content in Speaking. 3. Preview Reading and Vocabulary.Goals: 1. To encourage the Ss to express arguments.2. To get the Ss to master the steps to hold a debate.3. To d

26、eepen the Ss understanding of animal protection.Period 2 SpeakingStep 1. Warming up Class work: Have a revision about Listening materials.What problems do the animals have at the zoo?What can be done to help solve the problems?Step 2. Pre-Speaking Class work: Discussion Do animals have feelings? Is

27、it right to teach animals tricks? Eg. monkey business(耍猴戏).Meat from animals is always the dishes on our table, do you think human beings have the right to kill animals? Should animals be kept in zoos? If not, what can be done with it? Why?Step 3. Debate 1. Group work: Divide the whole class into tw

28、o groups and then prepare the pros and cons for the debate on Topic 1: Should animals be kept in zoos or nature parks?2. DebateDebating steps: Team A and Team B choose a student to give their opening statement including background information, topic and opinion as well as two reasons. The second stu

29、dent explains and support the first reason.The first or third student explains and support the second reason. Both speakers ask the other team questions.Both teams give closing statement to summarize the argument and rephrase the opinion. 3.Conclusion: T comments and makes a conclusion as well as su

30、mmarize how to hold a debate. Step 4. Homework 1. Write a composition to note down your opinion. 2. Preview Ex.Understand the following sentences.a. Shes always as busy as a bee. b. Our class had a debating bee and Team A won it by successfully refuting (反驳) the argument of Team B. c. She has a bee

31、in her bonnet (女帽) about buying the diamond necklace. This idea has become so fixed in her mind that she thinks about it every minute. d. Just as bees are known to fly back to their hire in a straight line, Peter always makes a beeline for the prettiest girl at a party. Prepare the Pre-reading questions.Periods 3 & 4 Pre-reading, Reading &Post readingGoals: 1. To learn about honey-bees communicating way.2. To develop some basic reading skills.3. To learn about some useful words and phrases.Step 1. Wa

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