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1、JOURNEY TONTHE WESTJOURNEY TO THE WESTChapter OneAfter getting the Buddhist Scriptures,Tripitaka and his three disciples returned to the heaven.How time flies,thousands of years have passed.One day, Tripitaka and his three disciples,as well as other gods and godesses,made a big desision that they wo

2、uld travel in the mans world one more time,soon the long and exciting trip started.Three years later,the trip finally came to an end. Pigsy asked other gods and godesses about their impression to the mans world .Dancing gracefully,Moon said:“How diligent we Chinese are !Ill never forget my friends i

3、n the mans world.The ship sank soon after she set off from Britain. I miss my hare,She must be lonely when Im not in.And I miss my toad,look at the way he jumps.Babies,Im coming.”Moon flew to the Moon Palace as soon as she had finished her speech.Trying to grasp a view of Moons back,Pigsy said:“When

4、 travelling in the mans world,Moon always hit me and I always got beaten black and blue.Once I gazed a French lady in the face and whispered beauty,she hit me on the nose.However,in my piont of view, Moon hit me because of nothing but true love. Ive made up my mind that Ill devote myself to making M

5、oon happy. I enjoy such way of life. Moon,My darling, I only care about you and my heart will go on and onnnnnnnn.”“What an endless and boring speech Pigsy has made.” Budda cut in,”How about a riddle? Every one is welcome to guess the riddle and each of you has only 30 seconds:Toms father has two so

6、ns.One is called Damao.What is the other called?”After half an hour Tripitaka and Sandy guessed it was Ermao while Tom was Monkey and Pigsys reply.Budda said to Tripitaka and Sandy:”Neither of you is correct but both Monkey and Pigsy have the right answer.” A few seconds later, watering in his mouth

7、,Pigsy asked:”Could you please get us something to eat?Im hungry.”Budda nodded and blow a immortal breath to his hands. With many dishes of food on his huge parms,Budda said:Please help yourselves.Having finished his own part,Pigsy asked:“Anything else?Im still starving.” ”Sorry,Ive got no more”,ans

8、wered Budda.初中英语语法知识专题复习代词一、 人称代词人称第一人称第二人称第三人称数单数复数单、复数单数复数主格Iweyouhesheitthey宾格meusyouhimheritthem二、 物主代词:有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种形式。形容词性物主代词在句中相当于一个形容词,置于名词之前作定语,即“形容词性物主代词+名词”;名词性物主代词具有名词的特征,即为“形容词性物主代词+名词”。在句中可作主语、宾语、表语。如:This book is mine.(mine =my book) 数单数复数单、复数单数复数形容词性myouryourhisheritstheir名词性m

9、ineoursyourshishersitstheirs三、 反身代词:(含义:“自己,亲自,本人”)有人称和数的变化。在句中,常作主语、表语、宾语和同位语。(enjoy oneself=have a good time teach oneself=learn by oneself help oneself to )单数myselfyourselfhimself herself itself复数ourselvesyourselvesthemselves(1) God helps those who help themselves. (宾) (2)He himself went there. (

10、同位)四、 不定代词:不指明特定的人或事物的代词。有:some, any, no, every, all, both, either, neither, each, none, little, a little, few, a few, another, other, others, many, much等,以及由some, any, every, no和one, thing, body组成的复合不定代词。这些不定代词大多能作主语、宾语、表语或定语,但含有some, any, every, no的复合不定代词只能作主语、宾语和表语。no和every只能作定语。常见不定代词的用法: 1、some

11、和any: 均可作主语、宾语、定语,且指三个或三个以上。some常用于肯定句中,any常用于否定句、疑问句中。如:Theres some water in the glass. He doesnt have any mistakes in his English paper. 但:May I ask you some questions? (表力求得到对方的肯定回答) Any of you can answer it. (“任一”) Does any of you know Mr. Liu? (“任一”)2、few, a few , little, a little: few, a few均与

12、可数名词复数连用,little, a little与不可数名词连用;few, little表否定,“几乎没有”,a few和a little表肯定,“有一点”。如:There are few people in the station. You have little time to do your work now. Therere a few apples and a little meat in the fridge. 注意: a few = several/some a little = some/a bit of3、all, both, none和neither: all和none,

13、 both和neither分别是一组反义词。all, none表示三个及其以上,both, neither表示两者。 “all ,both +复数名词”, “all/none/both/neither of +复数名词”。如:Both of us know him a little. But neither of us know(s) where he is from. All of my friends met both of my parents.(1)both和all都可以作adj. pron.在句中作定语、主语、宾语。both用于两者之间,all用于三者以上。All of us are

14、 studying hard. (主语) All books are useful. (定语) We like both.(宾语)注意:A. all, both, each和every等与not连用表部分否定,完全否定分别用 neither和none. 如: Not both of them are workers. None of the stories is (are) interesting. Not everyone of us know how to answer the question. B. both, each用于两者,both+复数名词,each+单数名词。all, eve

15、ry用于三个及三个以上,every不能与of.(all/each/both of+ every+of) C. each和every: each可作代词、形容词,可作主语、宾语、定语;every是形容词,作定语。如:Every one of us is here. Each of us has got a book. I like each of them. There are trees each side of the street. (2)no one和none: no one作主语时,谓语动词用单数,none作主语时,谓语动词的形式由none所代替的名词的数来决定。4、many和much

16、: many用于修饰和代替可数名词,much用于修饰和代替不可数名词。“too many+可数名词的复数形式”,“too much+不可数名词”,“much too=very”。注意: many = a lot of /lots of/a number of much = a lot of /lots of 5、复合不定代词something, anything, nothing等的定语要后置。如:I have something important to tell you.6、another, other, the other和the others: other 用于表示两个(部分)中的“另

17、一个(部分)”,the other特指两个中“另一个”,常构成“onethe other”结构。the others 指“其余全部”,another用于表示三个或三个以上的多数中的“另一个”。如:(1)Please show me another pen. (2)He has two sisters. One is a doctor, the other is a nurse. (3)May I have a look at any other photos? (4)Therere 55 students in my class. 25 are girls, the others are bo

18、ys. 注意: one 指代前文出现过的名词,其复数形式是ones. 如:She has got a washing machine. I want to buy one, too.7、either、neithereither: (1)作代词,“二者之一,任何一个”。如:Here are two pens. You may use either of them. Either is good. Either will do.(随便哪个都行) Is (Are) either of the boys ready? (2)作形容词,“(二者之中)任何一个”。如:You may sit at eith

19、er side of the desk. There are many trees on either side of the road. (3)作连词, 常构成 “either or”, 作主语时, 谓语动词由or后面的人称和数决定。如: Either my brothers or my father is coming. Either he or you are wrong. (4)作副词,“也”用于否定句,如:He didnt go swimming, either. He doesnt like English, and I dont like English, either. 注意;

20、 肯定式:also(句中)/too(句末)neither: (1)作代词,“二者都不”。作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:Neither is good. (=Both are bad.) Neither of the books is interesting. (2)作形容词,“(两者)都不”,与单数名词连用。如:Neither answer is right. (3)作连词,常构成“neithernor”,作主语时, 谓语动词由nor后面的人称和数决定。Neither the students nor the teacher is going to work on the farm. Neit

21、her she nor I am going to speak at the meeting. 注意: neithernor反意both and五、 指示代词:this, that, these, those均可作主语、宾语、定语。注意: (1)在比较状语从句中常用that来代替前面出现过的不可数名词或单数的可数名词;用these代替复数的可数名词.eg. The population of China is much larger than _that_ of Russia.(2)it 也可作指示代词.Eg( )A latest English newspaper, please!Only

22、one copy left. Would you like to have _ , Sir? A. it (指代前面出现的同一名词) B. one指代前面出现过的同种物或人中的一个) C. this D. that 六、 疑问代词:表示疑问。一般用于疑问句或名词性从句。有:who, whom, whose, what, which等。有时也作连接代词,连接主句和从句,并充当从句的句子成分。如: Which do you like, tea or coffee? I dont know whose the book is. 典例 ( )1.Mary, please show _ your pic

23、ture. A. my B. mine C. I D. me( )2.This isnt _ pencil case. I left mine at home. A. my B. me C. I D. myself( )3.Merry Christmas, George! Here is a card for _ with _ best wishes. A. you/our B. us/your C. you/your D. us/ our( )4.Do you know the boy sitting between Peter and _? A. she B. I C. his D. me

24、( )5.Which do you prefer, Coffee or milk? _ of them. I like some coca-cola. A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. None基础训练 ( )1.If you have no dictionary here, you can use _. A. my B. his C. her D. their( )2.They were all very tired, but _ of them would stop to take a rest. A. any B. some C. none D. neith

25、er( )3.Its very kind _ to help us _ the work. A. of you/in B. for her/at C. for you/to D. of him/with ( )4.Her parents went there with a friend of _. A. them B. theirs C. they D. themselves( )5. Would you like some wine? Yes, just _.A. little B. very little C. a little D. little bit( )6. Is there _

26、in the room? No, Im the only person here. A. anyone else B. somebody C. everyone D. anybody( )7.Mr Zhang gave the text books to all the pupils except _ who had already taken them. A. the ones B. ones C. some D. the others( )8.Alice received an invitation from _ boss. A. he B. his C. her D. she ( )9.

27、These plants are watered _. A. each other day B. every other day C. each of two days D. every of two days ( )10.We couldnt eat in a restaurant because _ of us had _ money on us. A. all/none B. any/no C. none/any D. no one/any ( )11. I invited Tom and _ of his sisters to the party, but _of them came

28、on time. A. all/neither B. either/none C. both/neither D. all/either ( )12. Kate and her sister went to holiday with a cousin of _. A. their B. theirs C. her D. hers ( )13. _ of them knew about the plan because it was kept in a secret. A. each B. Any C. No . None( )14.Is _ necessary to complete the

29、work before National Day? A. this B. that C. it D. he ( )15. _ writer is better known in China, Charls Dickens or Mark Twain? A. Which B. What C. either D. Whether ( )16.He has two sons, _of them is a worker. One is a soldier, _is a doctor. A. Both/ the other B. Either/other C. Neither/ the other D.

30、 None/another ( )17.Three of them are mine, _ are Tims. A. other B. another C. the others D. the other ( )18. Will you have _ cup of coffee? A. others B. another C. the others D. some JOURNEY TO THE WESTChapter TwoEarly in the morning the next day,while everybody was still sleeping,Pigsy rushed into

31、 the room,repeating:“Latest news,latest news.”Rubbing his half-opening eyes,Sandy asked:“What is the news?”“The police have caught a thief in Jade Emperors kitchen last night”“Who was it?”“Mad monk.”“What was he stealing?”“ He admitted that he was going to get a pair of boots,but he found nothing.”“Couldnt he afford only a pair of boots?I heard that he has a large amount of pension.” asked Bull Demon King.“Of course he could.He went to

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