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牛津英语9A UNIT 2 学案和随堂.docx

1、牛津英语9A UNIT 2 学案和随堂初三英语9A Unit2 学案No:009班级:姓名:学号:检测时间:星期 第 节 编写人: 审核人:课题:Comic strip and Welcome to the unitLearning aims: 认识彩虹的颜色以及它们的顺序Learning importances and difficulties: 在comic strip中出现的 would ratherthan 让学生掌握其结构和用法Learning process:1. Id rather wear blue than pink. 我宁愿穿蓝色也不愿穿粉红色。would rather +

2、动词原形+ than + 动词原形:“宁可-也不”“与其-不如”I would rather _(stay) at home than _(go) out.Liu Hulan would rather _(die) than _(give) up.否定:would rather not do sth. I would rather _(not tell) you about it.2. There is nothing wrong with pink, you know.: There is not anything wrong with pink.1)There is something w

3、rong with-: -坏了/出问题Something is wrong with-2) Whats wrong with-?: 出-问题?/怎么了?Whats the matter with-?I dont know _ my computer.A what is wrong with B. that something is wrong with C. what the matter is with 3. But blue looks good on you!: You look good in blue.Look good on sb 适合某人 be fit for, be right

4、 for, be suitable for What a beautiful skirt! It _ you. A. looks well for B. looks right for C. looks good on D. looks good for翻译下列词组和句子:1. 宁愿而不愿_2. 彩虹的颜色_3. 粉色没有什么不适合。_4. 蓝色看起来更适合你(两种)(1)_(2)_5. 我们生活在一个五颜六色的世界上。_6. 向窗外看_7. 你知道彩虹有几种颜色吗?_8. 我刚刚在天空中看到了彩虹。_初三英语9A Unit 学案No:010班级:姓名:学号:检测时间:星期 第 节 编写人:

5、审核人:课题: Reading ILearning aims: 1 了解颜色所代表的含义2 认识并理解有关情感的词汇3 把颜色和性格搭配起来Learning importances and difficulties:除了掌握大量的四会单词,还要掌握本课出现大量的名词短语Learning process:一、预习指导:预习新单词和P26-P27内容,完成P28 Part B 相关空白。 二、知识链接:1. .Colours can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.颜色能改变我们的心情,它能使我

6、们感到高兴或难过、精力充沛或昏昏欲睡。1. Make sb do sth ; be made to do sth; make sb adj. be He was made _ from morning to night.A. work B. to work C. working D. works(2009竞赛题)2. sleepy: 昏昏欲睡 feel sleepy ; asleep :睡着的 fall asleep-Boll, why havent you finished your homework yet? -Oh, Mum, I didnt sleep well sleepy, asl

7、eep, sleeping 和 sleep 的区别1)Last night. I feel very _. I cant keep it in mind.asleep B. worried C. happy D. sleepy(2008中考题)2) 我睡意太浓,眼睛都快睁不开了。 Im so _ _ I can _ keep my eyes _. 3.翻译下列词组和句子:1.关于颜色有趣的事情_2.影响我们的情绪 3. 冷色_ _4. 觉得轻松_5. 使我们感到平静与安宁_6. 对我们的身心很有益_ 7.产生和谐感_8. 代表悲伤_9. 纯洁的颜色_10. 在某人的婚礼那天_初三英语9A Un

8、it 学案No:011班级:姓名:学号:检测时间:星期 第 节 编写人: 审核人:课题: Reading IILearning aims 1了解颜色所代表的含义2. 认识并理解有关情感的词汇3. 深层次学习课文中重点词汇、句型及所表达的信息Learning importances and difficulties:四会单词、词组的掌握和重点句型的理解和使用Learning process:一、预习指导:1.背诵新单词,朗读课文,完成P29 Part C 相关空白。 2 It can remind you of a warm, sunny day. remind v. 1) remind sb.

9、 Of- 使某人想起 2)remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 3)remind sb. +that 从句 提醒. e.g. Seeing this film reminded me of my own childhood. Remind me _(post) the letter on my way home. Action films _me of Jackie Chen. Remind B. think C. hear D. miss (2008中考题)二翻译下列词组和句子:1. 暖色调_2. 使你感到温暖_3. 给你开心和满意的感觉_4. 生活在寒冷地带的人们_5

10、. 橙色代表喜悦_6. 下定决心有困难_7. 太阳的颜色_8. 让你想起温暖、阳关明媚的一天_9. 智慧的颜色_10. 学习准备考试_11. 大自然的颜色_12. 代表新的生命和成长_13. 是代表妒忌的颜色_14. 热量的颜色_15. 让你更容易采取行动_初三英语9A Unit 学案No:012班级:姓名:学号:检测时间:星期 第 节 编写人: 审核人:课题: VocabularyLearning aims 1理解什么是同义词2. 学习和记忆有关形容词Learning importances and difficulties: 学习和记忆有关形容词及在句中的使用Learning proces

11、s:一、预习指导:预习新单词和P30内容,完成P30 Part A 及Part B相关空白。 二、知识链接:1. deep adj. 深的,深厚的 adv. 深深地;在深处 deeply adv. 深深地 ,深切地 e.g. 1) The lake is three meters _. 2) He often works _.(工作到深夜). 3) Im _sorry for what I have said. 4) He is _interested in computer games. 2. require vt. 需要;需求 require sb to do sth; sth requi

12、res doing:sth is required to be donee.g. All the students _(require) to take the exam. The car requires _(fix). 3.realize v. 意识到;实现 be realized : come trueHis dream of travelling to Europe _(realize) at last. : His dream of travelling to Europe_(come) true at last.Have you realized your mistake? (一)

13、写出下列词的同义词 know_ affect_ sadness_ sad_ joyful_ contented _energetic_ need _afraid _calm_ strong _mood _(二)改错1. I hope you to catch up with others. _2. Kitty hasnt found out the answer of the question. _3. He spent the whole day design the house. _4. My brother has no difficulty on talk with foreigner

14、s_5. She doesnt need study English every evening. _初三英语9A Unit 学案No:013班级:姓名:学号:检测时间:星期 第 节 编写人:丁 莉 审核人:课题: GrammarLearning aims:1用would ratherthan and和preferto 表达喜欢做的事情2. 用不定代词someone/somebody, anyone/ anybody, no one/nobody, none, something, anything, nothing 来谈论人或事Learning importances and difficu

15、lties:1.掌握对would ratherthan and preferto的的理解和使用2.掌握none的用法Learning process:一、预习指导:预习语法内容,完成P31-P33 相关空格。 二、知识链接:1. would rather 的用法1)would rather (not) do sth. 2)would rather do Athan (do) B 2. prefer -perferredpreferring likebetter1) perfer sth. 2) prefer (not)to do sth. 3) prefer sth. to sth. 4)pr

16、efer doing sth. to doing sth. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I would rather _(wear) green than red.2. I prefer _(enjoy) music at home to _(shop).3. She is going school by underground instead of _(take) a bus4. We had to _(stay) at home because of the bad weather.5. _(sleep) in blue room is good for the mind and b

17、ody.6.She was worried about her child so she kept _(make) phone calls to the police station.7. Its active of you _(answer) most of the questions in class.8. Some students dont have enough time _(finish) their homework.9. His brother gave up _(play) computer games at last.10.Yesterday we _(divide) in

18、to four groups to discuss the problem in our class.初三英语9A Unit 学案No:014班级:姓名:学号:检测时间:星期 第 节 编写人 审核人:课题: Integrated skills& PronunciationLearning aims 1了解一位颜色理疗家的工作,练习在听的过程中获取信息2. 描述某种服饰的优缺点并描述颜色的作用3. 正确th的两种读音Learning importances and difficulties: 1. 练习在听的过程中获取信息2. 描述某种服饰的优缺点并描述颜色的作用Learning process

19、:一、预习指导:预习新单词和P36-P37内容。 二、知识链接:1.We promise to help you successfully change your moods, or you will get your money back. 1)promise v. 答应;许诺 promise (sb.) (not)to do promise + 从句Please promise me_(not tell) anyone. He promised he _(give) up _(smoke). promise n. make a promise 许下诺言 break a promise: 违

20、背诺言2) get .back 取回;拿回 giveback 归还2.She advises people what colours to wear. advise sb (not) to do sth ; advice: suggestionsCould you give me some _? I dont know how to learn English well.A. time B. advices C. advice D. advise (一)、翻译下列词组和句子:1. 给我提些建议_2. 更喜欢穿牛仔裤_3. 穿蓝色会使你感觉镇定_4. 她建议人们穿什么颜色的衣服_5. 把油擦到人

21、们的头上_ (二)、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My teacher advises me _(read) English every day.2. The oil she uses have differently colours and _(smells).3. She practiced _(rub) oil into peoples heads.4. She promised me _(successful) if I went to her party. 5. Peter _(prefer) to ride a bike in the past.5. Peter _(prefer)

22、 to ride a bike in the past.初三英语9A Unit 学案No:015班级:姓名:学号:检测时间:星期 第 节 编写人: 审核人:课题: Main taskLearning aims: 1学会用列表格的方式组织思路2. 能根据所立表格,独立完成关于情绪、颜色以及它们所代表的事物的报告Learning importances and difficulties:1.能根据所立表格,独立完成关于情绪、颜色以及它们所代表的事物的报告2.重点词汇:protection, warmth, handbag, balance etc.3.难句: Red and white are a good match, as the powerful red balances the calm white.Learning process:一、预习指导:预习新单词和P39内容,能根据所提供的信息完成报告内容。 二、知识链接:1.I think the woman is feeling weak and a little bit stressed.a little bi

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