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1、九年级Unit8单元教学设计人教版英语九年级unit8单元教学设计一、教学内容及分析本单元的主题是谈论如何向他人提供帮助和参加公益活动。通过听、说、读、写技能训练,熟练掌握“I will”,“I would like.”等句型以及一些动词短语,向别人提供帮助,使学生学会关注社会,关心他人;要求学生制定计划,积极参加志愿者活动,培养学生乐于助人的优良品质。根据新课标要求、教材内容和学生的接受能力,我引导学生从基本语言知识学习入手,逐步递进到语言综合运用能力培养,听、说、读、写依次展开,引导学生思考、学习和运用语言,为学生的终生学习打下基础。基于这些要求与特点,我对教材进行了适当的整合,确定把Se

2、ction A部分的1a/1b/1c和2a/2b/2c作为第一课时,主要以听、说为主。让学生用Id like to do sth.来表达自己的想法以及如何向他人提出自己的建议。突出相关的本单元的教学重点Id like to do sth. 动词短语和提建议的句型。把3a/3b3c作为第二课时,而本课主要以谈论志愿者工作的意义为话题主线,让学生从听、说、读、写四个方面进一步掌握目标语言,为接下来的Section B 的扩展学习做进一步的铺垫。课堂上通过让学生自由调查同学希望从事哪方面的志愿工作和具体可以做什么,再通过小组汇报,让学生更能自信地表达出自己对志愿工作的想法和看法。课后通过书面表达的形

3、式让学生巩固课堂所调查的结果。把Section B中的1a/1b/2a/2b/2c和Self Check1作为第三课时,在有了一定的听、说之后,让学生展开讨论如何进行力所能及且行之有效的慈善志愿活动。把3a/3b/3c作为第四课时,主要通过读写练习来达到本单元的语言目标。二、学习者特征分析1. 九年级Unit8 Ill help clean up the city parks.语言目标是提供帮助,通过运用动词词组围绕“volunteer”展开话题,前半部分围绕“ways of offering people”,后半部分围绕“ways of telling people about the Cl

4、ean-Up Day”。在熟悉和操练各个动词词组的基础上通过各种各样活动的开展培养学生的综合语言应用能力。对于九年级的学生可能已经不像七年级、八年级学生那样热衷于普通的课堂活动,所以设计怎样的课堂活动,采取怎样的评价方式来提高课堂气氛,从而使学生自然地融入整个教学环节显得尤为重要。所以任务活动设计尽量贴近学生生活、学习经历和社会实际的,努力引起学生共鸣;同时,对每一个任务的解决,都让学生有思考和想象的空间,让学生学有所得,才能提高语用能力和思维能力。2. 大部分学生能够认识到学习的重要性,并养成了一定的学习自觉性。但随着年龄的增长,很多学生不爱参与课堂活动,羞于表现自己的成绩。这就要求教师要随

5、时调动课堂的气氛,调控学生的行为,使它们能够保持旺盛的精力、积极的态度。还要鼓励后进生的参与行为,使不同层次的学生都学有所得。三、单元整体目标分析Knowledge objects:1,掌握一定量的短语动词的构成和用法。2,学会提供帮助的基本句型:Id like to work outside.Ill hope clean the city park.I volunteer to visit the sick children in the hospital.You could give out food at a food bank.Ability objects:1、掌握“Would li

6、ke to” “hope do sth”句型,通过练习和运用加以巩固。2、掌握一定量的短语动词的构成和用法、Moral Objects:1、通过本单元学习使学生更加能够用所学的知识做事情和解决问题。2、通过本单元学习,增强实际交际能力,培养学生为他人着想,热爱公益事业,乐于助人的优良品质。四、重点、难点1、学会提供帮助的基本句型:Id like to work outside.Ill hope clean the city park.I volunteer to visit the sick children in the hospital.You could give out food at

7、 a food bank.2、掌握一定量的短语动词的构成和用法。五、教法选择、学法指导与资源准备教法选择:任务型教学、听说法、交际法、认知法、读写法。学法指导:自主学习与小组合作学习相结合,听说与读写相结合,知识学习与技能培养相结合。 资源准备:录音机,多媒体,课件,练习材料。六、课时及教学内容安排教学内容课时安排教法选择资源准备教学评价Section A 1a/1b/1c和2a/2b/2c通过听说练习运用目标语谈论学习方法第一课时任务型教学、听说法、交际法录音机、多媒体、课件观察提问激励3a/3b结合自身的实际总结有效的学习方法第二课时任务型教学、交际法、认知法多媒体、课件、练习材料观察 讨

8、论激励 互评SectionB1a/1b/2a/2b/和2c学习如何提出学习中的疑难和解决方案第三课时任务型教学、听说法、交际法录音机、多媒体、课件、练习材料观察提问交谈互评3a/3b/3c通过读写练习总结如何成为更好的语言学习者第四课时任务型教学、认知法、读写法录音机、多媒体、课件、练习材料提问互评检测教学内容Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks. 课时Period 1教学对象九年级执教者一、教材内容分析根据教材的内容和学生的实际情况,发现Unit8第一课时的课文内容和Unit7有联系,同时题目是“Unit8 Ill help clean up the

9、 city parks”既然是Id like to do sth.这刚好与刚刚发生地震的汶川联系在一起,很多青少年都愿意去哪儿当青年志愿者为哪儿做许多事。所以就围绕“我将能为汶川做些什么”这一话题掌握本节课的重点句型Id like to do sth这一句型和动词短语的用法。通过这一节课的学习培养为他人着想、乐于助人的优良品质。二、教学目标(知识,能力,情感态度与价值观)Knowledge objects: Key words: clean up,hunger, homeless, cheer up,give out,volunteer, put off, set up,establish,

10、come up with. Target language: Ill help clean up the city parks. Id like to work outside. You could give out food at a food bank. Ability objects: Train the students listening skill. Train the students to express offering to help with target language.Moral objects: Offer help to the others as much a

11、s possible.三、重点、难点1. Key vocabulary and teach the students express offering to help with target language.2. How to use the phrasal verbs四、教法选择、学法指导与教学评价为了激发学生的学习兴趣和实现预期的教学目标,本课综合运用任务型教学法、听说法、交际法,通过观察、激励、提问等方式,促进学生的合作、交流、探索。五、资源准备录音机、多媒体、课件、练习材料六、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备Task1 Leading-in and presenta

12、tionTask 2 Watching and talkingTask 31b 2a 2bListeningTask 4Grammar Focus Task 5 2c Pair work Task6 Conclusion and homework(1)Daily greetings to the students(2)Revision(复习)Revise the language points in unit 7. Ask some questions like this: Where would you like to go on vacation? ( Id like to / Id lo

13、ve to / I hope to) Why? ( Because) Ask students to guess:What would they like to do for Wenchuan? Have Ss listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.Show grammar for Ss to learnEncourage the students to explain them in English.Show the information and have Ss practice in pairs.Ask Ss to conclude the

14、lesson.Then show the homework:A. If you have a chance to be a volunteer today, what would you like to do? using the target language in the lesson.B. Read the dialogues in the listening.Look at the picture and answer the questions.Look and guess.Listen and do the task.Learn the grammar and try to exp

15、lain them in English.Make conversations in pairs. Try to conclude the lesson.Think about how to do the homework.利用图片复习并导入新课。PPT 利用图片提供学生大量语言操练信息.听力练习感知重点句式的用法。并训练了学生的听力能力PPT / Tape进一步掌握本节课动词短语。PPT通过对话,练习使用目标语。PPT通过总结和完成作业,回顾本节课的知识点,养成良好的学习习惯。PPT七、板书设计 八、总结和帮助(反思及改进) 教学内容Unit 8 Ill help clean up the

16、city parks.课时Period 2教学对象九年级执教者一、教材内容分析本节课是九年级第八单元Ill help clean up the city parks.第二课时。前一节课已经引导学生学习了Id like to do sth和动词短语的用法。在此基础上,本节课继续就Being a volunteer这一话题开展讨论,从而训练学生读和写的能力。二、教学目标(知识,能力,情感态度与价值观)Knowledge objects: Key words: major, commitment, coachTarget language: Id like to join the school vo

17、lunteer project.You could help coach a football team for little kids.Ability objects: Train students reading skill.Train students speaking skill with target language.Train students writing skill with target language.Moral objects: If there is a student volunteer project in your school, try to join i

18、t ;if not, try to set up one; being a volunteer is great.三、重点、难点重点:Key words: major, commitment, coach Guide students to read the article in Activity 3a.难点:Use the target language to express what kinds of volunteer work they could doand what they like to do.四、教法选择、学法指导与教学评价综合运用任务型教学法、读书指导法、讨论法、调查法、小

19、组合作等方式,促进学生对重点动词短语的掌握,提高学生的读写能力。五、资源准备多媒体、课件、练习材料六、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备Task1 RevisionTask2ReadingTask3New words studying and learningTask4 ExerciseTask5InterviewTask6 3band3cPairwork Task7 Conclusion and homeworkHave Ss report their homework.Ask Ss to read the passage to judge the statements F

20、or T.Show the new words for Ss to learn:major, commitment, coachGive some explanations to the difficult points in the passage.Ask Ss to read the passage again and finsh the exercisesAsk Ss to interview the three volunteersAsk Ss to role play.Conclude the lesson.Homework:Ask Ss to recite the passage.

21、 Write down the result of the interview.Review the last lesson.Read and judge the statements.Read and learn the new words and try to understand the passage.Read the passage, try to finish the exercises. Try to recite the passage.Interview the partner and report the result.Role play.复习巩固上节课的知识点。PPT先略

22、读课文做出判断。PPT练习材料通过对重点词汇学习和难点解释,扫除对文章的理解障碍。PPT通过再次阅读完成各练习,加强对课文的理解和重点句型的用法的掌握。PPT通过采访,使学生灵活掌握所学的内容。通过角色扮演增加难度培养学生自编对话的能力。PPT/练习材料通过总结和完成课后写作,巩固知识点,加强对本课的掌握。PPT七、板书设计 Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks. Period 2教学内容Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks. 课时Period 3教学对象九年级执教者一、教材内容分析本节课是九年级英语第八单元第

23、三课时。前两节课学生已经对动词短语的用法有了初步了解。本节课是对前两节课的拓展与延伸,进一步复习巩固已学过的动词短语及训练学生掌握一些新的动词短语,培养学生的听说读写能力。让学生想出一些好的方法尽量来帮助别人,使自己从中获得乐趣。二、教学目标(知识,能力,情感态度与价值观)Knowledge objects: Key words: run out of, take after, fix up, give away, repair, similary, notany more.Target language: What do you do,Jimmy? I fix up bikes and gi

24、ve them away.Ability objects Train the students to use the new phrasal verbs.Train the students speaking and listening skill with the target language.Moral objects: Come up with a good idea to help others .It will bring you much enjoyment.三、重点、难点Train Ss to master the following words and sentences:K

25、ey words: run out of, take after, fix up, give away, repair, similary, notany more.Target language: What do you do, Jimmy? I fix up bikes and give them away.Train the students to use the new phrasal verbs.四、教法选择、学法指导与教学评价本课运用任务型教学法、听说法、交际法,通过观察、提问、交谈等方式,促使学生能够在理解、运用中掌握知识点,获得提高。五、资源准备录音机、多媒体、课件、练习材料六

26、、教学过程教学任务Task1 Revision教师活动1. Revise the contents of the article in Activity 3a. Section A by asking some questions like these.学生活动Try to recite the passage learnt last class.设计意图及资源准备利用问句让学生温故知新,起到承上起下的作用。Task2 Leading-in and PresentationTask3ExerciseTask3 2a 2bListeningTask4 Listen and retell the

27、story.Task5 2cPair workTask6Conclusion and homeworkHave Ss look and say.Then explian the new phrasal verb.Look at the sentences in 1a. Get the students to match them.fill in the blank with a correct word given in its correct form. Then make a sentence with each of the given words. First, talk about

28、the pictures. Then listen to the tape. Finish 2a and 2b. After listening, read the material.Play the tape again. then let students try to retell the story. Have Ss role play the conversations in the listening.Conclude the lesson.Homework:. Make up one more sentence with each of the phrasal verbs in

29、Activity lb.Ask Ss to recite the passage.Look and try to understand the new phrasal verb.MatchingMake sentences and speakTalk about and listen.Listen and retell.Role play in pairs.Learn to review what theyve learnt in class.通过导入,自然地过渡到新课的学习;通过呈现,给学生整体印象,扫除理解的障碍,为以下的教学活动做铺垫。PPT检测学生对词汇运用的辨别能力,并且加以运用。先

30、讨论,再通过听力不仅锻炼了说的能力也提高听力水平。PPT/ Tape通过看图讲故事来提高学生的口头表达能力。PPT通过角色扮演,体验真实情景,感受语言的用法。PPT通过总结,明确本课的学习要点。通过完成作业,复习本课所学的语言知识。七、板书设计 八、总结和帮助(反思及改进) 教学内容Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks. 课时Period 4教学对象九年级执教者一、教材内容分析本节教学内容是九年级英语第八单元的第四课时。通过前几课时的学习学生已经基本掌握了本单元的重点句型;基本能够运用相关句式、目标与和相关词汇短语和同伴探讨交流,而且已经突破了听、说的障碍,也进行了一些阅读练习。本节课旨在突破大量的单词和短语障碍,继续掌握动词短语,通过阅读和写作训练进一步学习巩固本单元所学语言知识。二、教学目标(知识,能力,情感态度与价值观)Kn

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