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1、高中英语必修五测试题及答案高中英语必修五试题 命题人:石油中学 葛淑伟 第一卷 一、单项选择题(每小题 1分,共 15分)1、They are father and son, but strangely they have nothing in .A. common B. total C. general D. particular2、 with people in the West, people in the East pay much attentionto their families.A. Comparing B. Compared C. Compare D. To compare3

2、、My foot is very big, so they often it a little boat.A. compares; to B. compares; withC. compare; to D. compare; with4、Although some people raised objections at the meeting, most of them were the reform.A. in favour of B. in honour of C. instead of D. bymeans of5、Samantha is very familiar British En

3、glish.A. to B. in C. with D. for6、The two cars are very size and design.A. similar to B. similar in C. different fromD. familiar with7、 Does Callum have a new camera? Yes. In fact, it is quite similar yours.A. as B. like C. to D. with8、 her help, we were able to finish the work yesterday.A. Results

4、in B. Brought in C. Introduced to D.Thanks to9、 He used on the right in China in the past, but now he gets used on the left in En gla nd.A. to drive; to drive B. to drive; driv ingC. to driv ing; to drive D. to drive; to driv ing10、 With the little boy leading the way, we had no difficulty findingth

5、e old man s house.she is a great musicia he will still say no.withD. nowA. but for B. tha nks to C. as a result that14、 I like traveling, but it is hard to get without a car.A. dow n B. out C. around D. along15、 The children have picked the local accent.A. up B. out C. on D. off二、完形填空(15题,30分)

6、I was six whe n I jo ined my father and two elder brothers at sun risein the fields. By the time when I was eight I was helping dad fix up old furniture. He gave me a cent for every n ail I 16 out of old boards.I got myfirst 17 job, at JMs Restaura nt in tow n, whe nl was 12. My main responsibility

7、were 18 tables and washing dishes, or sometimesI helped cook.Every day after school I would 19 to JMs and work until ten. Even on Saturday I 20 from two until eleven. At that age it was difficult going to work and 21 my frie nds run off to swim or play. I did ntnecessarily like work, but I loved wha

8、t working 22 me to have. Because of my 23 I was always the only buying whe n my frie nds and I went to the local ice cream store. This made me 24 Word that I was trustworthy and hardworking got around town. A local clothi ng store offered me credit 25 I was only in the seve nth grade.I immediately 2

9、6 a $68 sports coat and a $22 pair of shoes. I was 27 only 65 cents an hour, and I already owed the storekeeper $90! So I learned early the dan ger of easy credit. I paid it 28 as soon as I could.My first job taught me self-c on trol, resp on sibility and brought mea 29 of pers onal satisfact ion fe

10、w of my frie nds had experie need. Asmy father, 30 worked three jobs, once told me, “ If you un dersta ndsacrifice and responsibility, there are not manythings in life you canthave. ” How right he was!16.A.pulledB. putC.pickedD.pressed17.A.usualB. realC.mai nD.particular18.A.sweep ingB. packingC.cle

11、ari ngD.empty ing19.A.headB. turnC.changeD.move20.A.studiedB. workedC.playedD.slept21.A.helpi ngB. havingC.watchi ngD.lett ing22.A.askedB. toldC.promisedD.allowed23.A.studyB. powerC.ageD.job24.A.proudB. friendlyC.luckyD.hopeful25.A.althoughB. whileC.ifD.since26.A.soldB. borrowedC.chargedD.wore27.A.k

12、eep ingB. makingC.payi ngD.tak ing28.A.outB. overC.awayD.off29A. pointB. levelC. partD. sign30A. heB. thatC. whoD. whoeverm.阅读理解( 20 题,40 分)AWill it matter ifyou dont takeyour breakfast?Recently a test wasgiven in the United States. Those tested included people of different ages, from 12 to 83. Duri

13、ng the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfast, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Special tests were set up to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work

14、 with better effort than if he or she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person works with his brains. If a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with more attention in class. Contrary to what many people be

15、lieve people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch, and end up gaining weight instead of losing. You will probably lose more weight if you reduce other meals.31 The title of the passage should be .Athe importance of breakfastBthe result of a testCbreakfast will make you cleverDbr

16、eakfast is more important than other meals32 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?APoor breakfast affects those who work with brains.BMorning diet may cause one to get fatter.CReducing lunch and supper is of less value in weight-losing. DEating less in lunch and supper may hel

17、p to lose weight.33 During the test, those who were tested were given .B very richAno breakfast at allbreakfastClittle food for breakfast Ddifferent foods or none.34 The passage mentions that many people believe that if you dont eat breakfast, you will .Alose weight Bnot lose weightCbe healthier Dga

18、in a lot of weight35 The results of the test show that .Abreakfast has a great effect on a persons work and studiesBbreakfast has little to do with a persons workCa person will work better if he has simple breakfastDthose working with brains should have much for breakfastBEvery one needs friends. We

19、 all like to feel close to someone. It isnice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do so manythings together with. Surely, there are times when we need to be alone. We dont always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.No two people are the same. Sometimes friends dont

20、get along well.That doesnt mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will go on being friends. Sometimes friends moveaway. Then they feel very sad. Wemiss them very much. But we can call them and write to them. Maybe we would never see them again. And we can make new friends. I

21、t is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them. Families sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men and women, if they are friendly to people in town. Some libraries are named this way. So are some schools. We think of these

22、people when we go to these places.Theres more good news for people, if they have friends. These people live longer than those who dont have friends. Why?It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someonecares about you. If someonecares about

23、you, you take better care of yourself.36 The first paragraph tells us .Anone need friendsBwe always need friends around upCmaking friends is the need in peoples lifeDwe need to be alone37 Which of the following is what the writer doesnt say in the passage?APeople are happy when their friends leave t

24、hem.BMaybepeople will never see their friends after their friends move away.CPeople can know their friends in different ways.DPeople like their friends very much if they get to know them.38 Which of the following is the most probable place people name after friendly people?AA house BA room. CA villa

25、ge D A library39 If people have friends, they would live longer, because .Athey feel happier and healthierBthey get a lot of help from their friendsCthey take better care of themselvesDboth A and C40 This passage tells us .Athat people are all friends Bthat people need friendsChow to get to know fri

26、ends Dhow to name a placeCIt has been thought and said that Africans are born with musical talent. Because music is so important in the lives of many Africans and because so much music is performed in Africa, we are inclined to think that all Africans are musicians. The impression is strengthened wh

27、en we look atourselves and find that we have largely become a society of musical spectators (观众).Music is importa nt to us, but most of us can be con sidered con sumers ( 消费者)rather tha n producers of music. We have records, televisio n, con certs, and radio to fulfill ( 满足)many of ourmusical needs.

28、 In most situations where music is performed in our culture it is not difficult to distinguish (区分)the audienee from the performers, but such is often not the case in Africa. Alban Ayipaga, a Kasena semiprofessional (半职业的)musician from northern Ghana, says that when his flute (长笛)and drum ensemble (

29、歌舞团)is performing. Anybody can take part. This is true, but Kase na musicia ns recog nize that not all people are equally capable of tak ing part in the music. Someca n si ng along with the drummers, but relatively few can drum and even fewer can play the flute along with the ensemble. It is fairly

30、commornn Africa that thereis an en semble of expert musicia ns surroun ded by others who join in by clapp ing, singing, or somehow addi ng to the totality of musical sound.Performing nucleus and the additional performers, active spectators, andpassive spectators may be difficult to draw from our poi

31、nt of view.41.The differe nee betwee n Africa ns and us, as far as music is concern ed,is that A.most of us are con sumers while most of them are producers of musicB.we are musical performers and they are semiprofessi onal musicia nsC.most of us are passive spectators while they are active spectatorsD.we are the audience and they are the additional performers42.The author

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