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人教版高中英语必修一Unit 2 单元测试题 1含答案.docx

1、人教版高中英语必修一Unit 2 单元测试题 1含答案Unit 2 English around the world单元测试题 1第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AIn the late 1990s, a family visited the school where I taught deaf students. They said they would be moving here and planned to send their deaf daughter to

2、 my school as a first grader. They were upset that their childs kindergarten teacher told them not to have high hopes for her. The teacher painted a bleak (暗淡的) picture for their little girls future. Standing behind them was Katherine, a beautiful five-year-old with long hair and dark eyes. The whol

3、e time her parents were there she didnt make a sound or use sign language, even when her parents asked her to do so.After a few weeks with Katherine, I discovered I was dealing with a very bright child. Although I was able to make her join in different learning activities, writing was always a strug

4、gle. I tried all kinds of methods to interest her in writing. Every time the pencils came out, she would refuse to write.One day Katherine got off her bus and stood in front of the school crying. The teachers there did not know enough sign language to ask her what happened. Finally they led her into

5、 the office where they handed her a pen and a piece of paper. Katherine wrote: “PAC BAK.” Immediately the teachers realized she left her backpack on the bus. They called the bus driver back to school and soon Katherine got her backpack back.That day Katherine discovered the power of the pen. From th

6、en on she fell in love with writing. She is a young woman now and has become an excellent writer, public speaker and student leader. 21. When the author first met her, Katherine _.A. kept silent B. kept cryingC. was studying D. was unhappy 22. What was Katherines problem after a few weeks with the a

7、uthor?A. She didnt like to write at all.B. She couldnt use sign language.C. She always left her backpack on the bus.D. She had no interest in learning activities.23. Whats the meaning of “Katherine discovered the power of the pen”?A. Katherine used a pen for the first time.B. Katherine became intere

8、sted in writing.C. Katherine understood how to use the pen.D. Katherine knew what the pen was used for.BWinter Vinecki began running at age five, but got serious in 2009 after her father died of cancer thats when she decided to honor his memory by running a marathon on every continent (大洲) before he

9、r 15th birthday.Scope: Team Winter is an organization you founded to raise money for cancer research. How did it get started?Winter: At first, Team Winter was formed to fight childhood obesity (肥胖). When I was 8, I ran a race and raised $1,100 for that cause. But less than a year later, my dad got c

10、ancer. I knew I had to do something to help. When I started, my goal was to raise $10,000. Ive raised well past that almost $500,000.Scope: What goes through your mind when you run?Winter: When Im having a hard time during a race, I think about my dad. If he could deal with the pain of cancer, I can

11、 deal with any type of pain. He was a very friendly person. He was always smiling and very happy even when he had cancer.Scope: Is your age ever an obstacle (障碍) in your races?Winter: Ive been turned down by race directors who wont let anyone younger than 16 or 18 compete. But Diana Nyad, the first

12、person to swim from Cuba to Florida without a shark cage, told me, “Never let them tell you it cant be done.” From then on I knew my age wasnt the problem.Scope: Youve probably inspired lots of people too.Winter: Ive heard about kids doing projects like me. Once in a restaurant, a boy came up to my

13、mom and me and told us his dad had cancer too. Now hes competing (竞争) in running for his dad. Hearing stories like that helps keep me going.24. What do we know about Team Winter?A. It always holds different races.B. Its final goal is to raise $500,000.C. It was named after Winters father.D. It was t

14、o help obese children at first.25. When Winter has a hard time during a race, what keeps her going? A. Her fathers illness. B. Her fathers success.C. Her fathers bravery. D. Her fathers kindness.26. Winters words in the last paragraph tell us that _.A. she sets a good example for othersB. she hopes

15、others will do what she doesC. the boy wants to join Team WinterD. the boy invites her to compete with himCThe idea of inventing an international language is not a new one. Over the past 180 years, linguists (语言学家) have created over ten different languages that are based on German, Spanish, and Engl

16、ish. One of these was Basic English. By 1923 the First World War had been over for five years, but Europe was still recovering from its effects. Charles Kay Ogden, a linguist and writer, was running several bookshops in Cambridge. He published (出版) The Meaning of Meaning (1923), a book describing ho

17、w we use language. The book received high praise, which drove Ogden to design an international language something that was much simpler than English. In 1930 Ogdens book Basic English: A General Introduction with Rules and Grammar was published. Perhaps it takes about seven years for one to become a

18、 good English speaker. Ogden believed that Basic English could be learned in seven weeks. There were only 850 words and the grammar was very simple. The language attracted the attention of educators all over the world, but its development was stopped by the Second World War. After the war, both the

19、British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt looked for ideas that might bring world peace. They both gave speeches that encouraged the use of Ogdens international language. In the past 60 years, the language has had some success. In some part

20、s of East Asia, teachers are still using Ogdens word lists. However, in the main, the language has disappeared. Because there are many more non-native than native speakers of English, recently some linguists have asked whether we should give careful consideration to Ogdens ideas again. And the Wikip

21、edia website ( has started a version (版本) written in Basic English for non-native learners of the language. Search for it on the Internet now! 27. According to the text, Basic English _. A. was very easy to learn B. has a history of 180 years C. is mainly based on three languages D

22、. developed fast over the last 60 years 28. What was Churchill and Roosevelts attitude towards Basic English?A. They were worried about it. B. They were uncertain of it. C. They supported it. D. They didnt care about it. 29. The linguists mentioned in the last paragraph seem to _. A. write in Basic

23、English on Wikipedia B. encourage people to use Basic English C. believe Basic English will disappear soon D. think there will be fewer speakers of English 30. The main purpose of the text is to _.A. advertise a website B. review two books C. describe some linguists works D. introduce an internation

24、al languageDWhen I was 8 years old, I decided to run away from home after a quarrel with my mother. With my suitcase packed and some sandwiches in a bag, I started for the front door.My mom asked where I was going. “Im leaving home,” I said.“Whats that youre carrying?” she asked.“Some clothes and fo

25、od,” I replied.“If you want to run away, thats all right,” she said. “But you came into this home without anything and you can leave the same way.”I threw my suitcase and sandwiches on the floor and started for the door again.“Wait a minute,” Mom said. “You didnt have any clothes on when you arrived

26、, and I want them back.”This infuriated me. I tore my clothes off shoes, socks, underwear and all and shouted, “Can I go now?”“Yes,” my mom answered, “but once you close that door, dont expect to come back.”I was so angry that I shut the door forcefully and stepped out of my home. Then I noticed dow

27、n the street two neighbor girls walking toward our house. I was so shy that I saw the big spruce (云杉) tree in our yard and jumped under the low-hanging branches (树枝). A pile of dried-up brown needles (针状物) were beneath the tree, and you cant imagine the pain those sharp needles caused to my body.Aft

28、er I was sure the girls had passed by, I ran to the front door and knocked at it loudly.“Its Billy! Let me in!”The voice behind the door answered, “Billy doesnt live here anymore. He ran away from home.”Looking behind me to see if anyone else was coming down the street, I said, “Mom! Im sorry. Im st

29、ill your son. Let me in!”The door opened and Moms smiling face appeared. “Did you change your mind about running away?” she asked.“Whats for supper?” I smiled back.31. When the author was leaving home, his mother ordered him to _.A. stay at home B. take some sandwichesC. leave everything behindD. ch

30、eck his suitcase carefully32. Which of the following can best describe the authors mom?A. Selfish and proud. B. Strict but loving.C. Kind and helpful. D. Wise but impatient.33. The underlined word “infuriated” probably means “_”. A. surprised B. warned C. encouraged D. angered 34. Why did the author

31、 jump under the low-hanging branches?A. To avoid being seen.B. To find some needles.C. To play a joke on the two girls.D. To attract the two girls attention.35. The last sentence “Whats for supper?” mainly shows that the author _.A. felt very hungry at that timeB. changed his plan to leave homeC. wished to eat something before leavingD. wanted to know what his mother prepared for supper第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Shaking hands, American stylePeop

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