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1、 3.As with . = As is the case with 和 一样 eg. As with hiking, you should watch out for danger when rafting. 和远足一样,漂流时要当心危险。 eg. As is often the case with most teenagers , he couldnt relate to (理解) his parents. 和大多数年轻人一样, 他不能理解父母.4. The reason why . is/ was that “的原因是”eg. The main reason why teenagers

2、commit crimes is that social environment is becoming worse. 青少年犯罪的主要原因是社会环境的日益恶化背诵二关联词和句型2. 表示递进的过渡词: 一方面; 另一方面: for one thing, for another / besides 另外: Besides,furthermore, whats more, in addition, moreover, 除之外: apart from ; in addition to 使事情更糟糕的是:worse still, to make things/matters worse, whats

3、 worse. 例句背诵: 1/ I am not so crazy about computer games. For one thing, as a senior 3 student, I cant spare (挤出) any time to play the games, for another, I think it is a waste of time and money to some degree / extent (在一定程度上) . 2/ He was laid off (下岗; 解雇) by his company. To make things/ matters wor

4、se, his wife was diagnosed with (被诊断出)cancer. It is really difficult for him to keep body and soul together (维持生计) 7. There is a great / small chance that= chances are great/ small that 很有可能 / 可能性很小 eg. Chances are small (= there is a small chance ) that we all have the opportunity to live in Englis

5、h-speaking countries. 我们都有机会去说英语的国家居住的可能性很小. 8. do more than do “不单单干” eg. As students, we do more than study,we also participate in all kinds of activities. 作为学生, 我们不单单学习, 我们也参加各种各样的活动。 9/ Its up to sb (to do) “由来决定; 靠来做” eg. Whether our planet will have a bright future or will be destroyed, its up

6、 to our human beings. 我们的星球是前途光明还是走向毁灭, 这要由我们人类来决定. eg. There is no substitute (替代品) for our earth. It is up to us to save the endangered planets. 我们的地球不可替代. 要靠我们来拯救我们濒危的星球. 10. be up to sth “胜任 , 从事; 忙于 ”eg. Michael is not up to that job. 迈克不胜任那项工作。eg. What have you been up to recently ? 你最近在忙什么? 1

7、1. of + n = adj eg. The house is of large size. 房子很宽敞。eg. The input of language should be of high quality. 语言输入应该是高质量的eg. We are of an age . 我们是同年龄的eg. The soup tastes of chicken . 汤是鸡肉味的eg. The reform is of great significance. 改革的意义重大 12 . When it comes to sth/ doing sth . 当涉及到, 当谈到eg. When it come

8、s to resume writing. You should take culture factors into consideration. 说到写简历, 你应该考虑到文化 因素。 背诵3:关联词和句型3. 表达个人观点的过渡词:1/ 在我看来: In my opinion / view /eyes; from the point of my view; Personally = as far as Im concerned; to the best of my belief (我深信) 2/ 据我所知: To the best of my knowledge; as far as I k

9、now 3/ 换言之: In other words = to put it differently = to put it another way 13/ Too.for, “太而不适合/ 符合” eg. The weather today is too warm for winter.相对于冬天, 今天的天气太暖和. eg. The work is too much for me. 这个工作我干不了。14/ what/how about + sth / doing sth “怎么样/ 如何”, 表示建议 eg. How about signing up for the speech con

10、test? 报名参加演讲比赛如何? eg. - What about the two of us going picnicking this Sunday? 我们俩周日去野餐如何? - Good idea! 好主意。 15As far as “远至” “在范围内” “就.而言” eg. Can I hitch a lift (搭便车) with you as far as the station? 我可以搭乘你的便车到车站吗? eg. As far as Im concerned, Chatting online all day long is a waste of time and mone

11、y in a way/ sense. 在我看来, 整天上网聊天从某种意义上说是对金钱和时间的浪费。 eg. As far as my income is concerned, I cant make both ends meet. 就我的收入而言, 我入不敷出. eg. I will help you as far as I can. 我将尽力帮助你 eg. As far as I can remember, my hometown was a small mountain village with beautiful scenery. 在我的记忆中,我的家乡是一个风景美丽的小山村. 16/

12、Not until 句型 eg. He didnt stop working until he was tired out. 他直到筋疲力尽才停止工作. It was not until he was tired out that he stopped working .(强调句) Not until he was tired out did he stop working. (倒装句) 17/ 1/ It was at 4 oclock that I arrived in New York. 我是在下午4点到达纽约的 (强调句) 2/ It was 4 oclock when I arriv

13、ed in New York = When I arrived in New York , it was 4 oclock . 当我到达纽约时, 时间是下午4点18/ It was because he neglected his duty that he was dismissed. 他是因为玩忽职守而被解雇的. 背诵4:关联词和句型 4. 表示强调的过渡词 above all (首要的,最为重要的), last but not least 最后但同样重要的一点5. 表示转折的过渡词: however, nevertheless (虽然如此,然而), despite = in spite o

14、f + n (虽然) otherwise = or = or else (否则)例句背诵: 1/ Despite the rain, he went on working. 2/ Work hard, otherwise / or / or else , we will fall behind (落后) others 19/ 强调句: 对疑问词的强调: 疑问词 + was / is it + that + 剩余部分 ( 陈述句) eg. When will you set out for Beijing? 你什么时候出发去北京? When is it that you will set out

15、 for Beijing ? 你到底时候出发去北京?eg. How did he get promoted? 他是如何得到晋升的? How was it that he got promoted ? 他究竟是如何得到晋升的? I dont know how it was that he got promoted ? 20/ There is no point / sense (in) doing 做毫无意义 eg. There is no point/ sense arguing further. What really matters is action. 继续争辩下去没有意义, 真正重要的

16、是行动。21/ There + 系动词 + no doing sth = Its impossible to do, “做是不可能的” eg. There is no denying the fact that human beings should answer for (负责; 承担责任) the present situation of the earth. 人类应该对地球的现状负责,这是不可否认的事实. eg. Theres no telling what the future may have in store for us . 很难说清楚未来等待我们的会是什么 23. It/ th

17、is is the + 序数词 + time + that + 现在完成时态 It / that was the + 序数词 + time + that + 过去完成时态 eg. This is the first time that I have attended a concert .这是我第一次听音乐会。 eg. That was the second time that he had been to Beijing.那是我第二次去北京。 come + 陈述语序 为什么会? 怎么会这样? 要求对发生的事情解释或说明理由. eg. How come (that) he is

18、dismissed again? 他怎么又被解雇了? 作文系列背诵 5:6. 文章结尾常用的过渡词: 1/ 总之,总而言之: in a word; in conclusion; on balance; all in all; ; in a nutshell , to sum up; 2/ 简言之:to put it simply; in short = to be short = in brief 3/ 总的来讲: in general = generally speaking; on the whole 25/ its just a matter of doing “是关乎的问题; 在于做

19、” eg. Bringing up a child is just a matter of feeding, clothing and sheltering him. 养育孩子不单单是为他提供衣食住. eg. This is a matter of life and death . 这是一个关乎生死的问题26/ “Be about doing 在于干” eg. Business is not only about making money and profits. 商业不单单在于挣钱和赢利. eg. The key to education is about motivating the st

20、udents to think for themselves . 教育的关键在于激发学生独立思考 27/ It occurred to me that “我突然想到 ” It occurred to me to do “我突然想到要” eg. It occurred to me to turn to the police foe help. 我突然想到要求助警察。 eg. It occurred to me that my “regret trip ” could have been cancelled. I should value today .我突然想到,我的”后悔之旅” 本可以取消的.

21、 我应该珍惜今天. 28/ There is no need to do .没有必要 eg. There is no need to occupy yourself with making money .You should set aside some time for your family.没有必要一心只想着挣钱; 留出点时间陪陪家人. 29Its ones turn to do . “ 轮到 干 ” eg. Its your turn to make a few remarks here 该你发言了. eg. -Whose turn is it to be on duty today

22、? 今天谁值日? - Its my turn. 30Its time to do 该是做的时候了 eg. Now we are on the point of leaving school and setting food in society. Its time for us to meet challenges and to prove our abilities. 我们即将离开学校踏入社会。迎接考验、证明自我能力的时刻到了。作文系列背诵 6:7、表示因果关系的词1/ 由于;因为:owing to ; due to; because of; on account of ; as a res

23、ult of ; as a consequence (结果, 后果) of . 2/ 多亏了: thanks to 3/ 结果: as a result; as a consequence; in consequence 例句背诵: He neglected (疏忽) his duty while working. As a result / as a consequence / in consequence (结果), he was fired.2/ Owing to / Due to / On account of / Because of (由于) human beings activi

24、ties and greed, many animals are endangered. 3/ Thanks to (多亏了) the governments good policies , farmers can enjoy the same welfare (福利) as citizens .4/ His absence was due to (因为) the heavy rain 31/ Whats like? “如何/ 怎么样?” 用于问事物的外表特征和内在品质。 What does look like? “长得怎样?” 强调外表 eg - Whats the weather like

25、 today? 今天天气如何? eg. - Whats his father like? 他父亲这人如何? - His father is easy-going. 它的父亲很平易近人。32/ What do you think of = How do you like . = How do you find = How do you feel about 你认为 怎么样? eg. What do you think of you school life ? 你认为你的学校生活如何? eg. How do you find/ like the car? 你认为这辆车如何? 33/ as soon

26、 as “一 就; 刚刚就” = directly / immediately / instantly = the moment/ the second /the minute/ / the instant eg. They informed us of the result of admission immediately / directly / instantly they got it . 他们一得到录取结果就通知了我们.34/ no soonerthan = hardlywhen “一就” no sooner/ hardly + 过去完成时; than/ when + 一般过去时;

27、如果no sooner, hardly 位于句首,主句要倒装.eg. No sooner had he taken office than he got down to carrying out reforms to the company . 他刚一上任就着手对公司进行改革 35/ On/ Upon + n / doing“一就,刚刚就” eg. Upon his return to his country, he was appointed president of a university. 他刚一回国,就被任命为一所大学的校长。 eg. On hearing the sad news

28、, he broke down and wept in the presence of all the guests. 一听到那个悲伤的消息, 他再也控制不住自己,当着客人的面失声痛哭。 eg.He set about working upon arrival . 他一到就开始工作。36/ As it is = as things are/ stand “ 照现在的情形看 as it is 按原来的样子 eg. He promised to study hard, but as it is, he does no better than before. 他原答应要努力学习。但照现在的情形看,他

29、和以前没什么两样。 eg. Life is difficult as it is. 生活本来就不容易。eg. Leave nature as it is. 保持自然的原貌. 作文系列背诵 7:8. 表示情绪的过渡词: to ones hearts content 使心满意足的是 much to ones satisfaction 使满意的是 to ones surprise / astonishment 使惊讶的是 to ones amazement 使惊叹的是 to ones joy / delight / entertainment 使高兴的是 to ones fright / horror使非常害怕的是 to ones great relief 使非常欣慰的是 to ones belief 使深信不疑的是 to ones sorrow/ grief / sadness使悲哀的是 to ones

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