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摩登家庭 第5季第22集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语打印word版.docx

1、摩登家庭 第5季第22集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语打印word版Oh, New Yorker, youve done it again. 纽约客 你又来了Jay, check out this cartoon. 杰 快来看这个漫画Does it have a talking dog? 有会说话的狗吗- No, its a commentary on. - Im out. -没 是在评价. -我不看了Here you go, 给你one of my best efforts. 我最用心做的一个Have at it. 吃吧Mm, I cant eat that. 我不能吃- Why not?

2、- The pickles touching it. -为什么不能吃 -碰到酸黄瓜了There. 好了The juice got on the bread and, ew, whats that stuff? 面包还是沾到汁了 好恶 那是什么Spices. 香料They look like sea monkeys. 跟海猴子似的Have you ever really examine a jar of pickles, Jay? 你真的认真观察过酸黄瓜吗 杰Its like a swamp there. Ill pass. 黏糊糊的一团 我不吃了What happened? 出什么事了I ma

3、de him a beautiful sandwich and he wont eat it. 我给他做了个美味的三明治 他却不吃Yeah, cause it had pickles on it. 对啊 因为上面有腌黄瓜Joe is taking a nap. 乔在睡午觉Im gonna go to the dry cleaners. 我要去干洗店Well, if youre passing a sushi restaurant - 如果你路过寿司店Shes not. 她不会路过的Ive never heard of anyone not liking pickles. 我从没听过谁不爱酸黄瓜

4、的Aw, big day for you, then. 那今天就是历史性的一天啦Im just gonna make myself a grilled cheese. 我自己做个烤奶酪三明治好了I think I saw some Gruye in there. 我应该是看到有格鲁耶尔奶酪了Do we have any fig? 我们有无花果吗Sit down. 坐下This whole persnickety thing is not gonna fly in the world. 你这种挑剔的毛病出去可不行Never hand people another reason to make f

5、un of you. 别再给别人取笑你的理由了You mean like all the cool kids 你是指那些穿着皮夹克with their leather jackets and their pickles? 爱吃酸黄瓜的酷小孩吗Well, youre gonna sit there 你至少尝一口酸黄瓜until you at least try a pickle. 否则坐在这儿不许走Youre drunk with power. 你被权力冲昏头脑了You got that right. 你说对了- Oh, no. - What? -不是吧 -怎么了The Tonys are co

6、ming. 托尼要来了Cam, this is exactly why I dont want you watching them - 小卡 所以我才不希望你看那些Youre already so angry. 你已经这么生气了Not that Tonys - 不是托尼奖Anthony Lamarque, botox Tony. 是安东尼拉马克 肉毒杆菌托尼Theyre coming to the wedding. 他们要来参加婚礼But, seriously, another revival of Anything Goes? 但说真的 又要上演万事成空吗Are we really doin

7、g this again? 我们真的又要这样吗Im surprised that theyre coming, 他们要来我很惊讶because when I mentioned the wedding to Tony, 因为我跟托尼提到婚礼时he seemed completely disinterested - 他表现出毫不在意的样子Oh, the botox. 是因为打了肉毒杆菌啊Oh, no. 不Your cousin Pete, all of his kids. 还有你的表兄皮特 他的孩子们都要来Everyones accepting, Mitchell! 大家都接受了邀请 米奇尔We

8、 havent even gotten the list from my dad yet. 我爸的嘉宾名单还没给我呢And your dads friends drink like soldiers. 你爸的朋友们喝起酒来像当兵的Because they were soldiers. 因为他们确实当过兵I mean, I am grateful for their service, 我很感激他们为国奉献but we are not gonna be able to afford this wedding. 但这样一来婚礼费用我们可承担不起了Okay, maybe we need to pull

9、 back on a few things. 看来我们得取消一些东西Like what? 比如什么Uh, the centerpieces? 餐桌中心摆设Why even have a wedding? 那你何必办婚礼呢I dont know, Cam. 我不知道 小卡Because we love and respect each other 因为我们彼此相爱 彼此尊重and were raising a child together? 还共同抚养一个孩子吗Do you want to help or not? 你还要不要帮我了Maybe we could send un-vitations

10、. 也许我们可以发一些不邀请信Is that a thing? 有这东西吗Weve already made a lot of people angry 因为我们现在可以结婚by just being able to get married. 已经惹怒很多人了Lets not alienate the ones on our side. 就别把支持我们的人也疏远了All right. Maybe we could sell something. 好吧 也许我们可以卖掉些东西Were thousands over budget. 已经超预算几千美元了It would have to be som

11、ething great. 得卖个大件的才行Here, you can sell my diamond ring. 给你 你可以把我的钻戒卖了Oh, honey, thats candy. 亲爱的 那是糖果啦Im gonna kill that Jackson! 我要杀了那个杰克逊I do have something of value - 我确实有些贵玩意儿A Spider-man versus doctor octopus comic book. 一本蜘蛛侠大战章鱼博士漫画书Issue number 3, 1963, near-mint condition. 第三本 1963年出版 几乎全

12、新Its worth 5 grand. 值五千美元I traded a football for it when I was 9 years old, 我9岁那年用一个橄榄球换的and my dad was mad 我爸气疯了because the football was signed by Dan Marino. 因为那上面有丹马里诺的签名I said, Get it signed by Rita Moreno, and Ill keep it. 我说 找丽塔莫雷诺签名我就留着Oh, no. 不是吧My nephews are flying in from Tulsa 我侄子们要从塔尔萨飞

13、过来- the big ones. 胖胖的那几个The pie eaters? 特别能吃派的那些吗Thats it. I got to sell my Wyatt Earp. 没错 我得卖掉我的怀亚特厄普了This here is a belt buckle once worn by the great Wyatt Earp. 这是怀亚特厄普曾用过的皮带扣My grandpa gave it to me when I was 7 years old, 我爷爷在我7岁那年给我的and he said,Son, this will keep the bad guys away. 他说 孩子 这会保

14、护你远离坏人In my early 20s, I wore it to 我20出头时 曾戴着它去参加a Cowboys-and-Indians disco party. 牛仔和印第安人主题迪斯科派对And lets just say it didnt. 但是没有起作用哦No. I cant let you do that. 不行 我不会让你这样做的That means the world to you. 它对你意味着一切Cam, I will sell my Spider-man. 小卡 我会卖了我的蜘蛛侠Mitchell, my belt buckle was owned 米奇尔 我的皮带扣

15、曾是by a legend of the old west. 老西部传奇人物的东西I dont think your comic book 我觉得你的漫画书卖的钱would even cover our balloon budget. 可能连买气球的钱都不够Well, thats very offens- 这话就太刺.Wait. Whats the balloon budget? 等等 买气球要花多少钱Hey, mom, can we put this stuff somewhere else? 妈 能把这东西放到别的地方去吗Its cluttering up my room. 它让我的房间显

16、得好乱What is it? 这是什么Oh, just some mementos of mine. 我的一些纪念品A few of your dads. 还有你爸爸的- Oh, Zima! - Yeah. -齐马 -是啊Whats Zima? 齐马是什么Just a party in a bottle. 瓶子里的派对Man, that reminds me of some wild times. 那让我想起了狂野的时刻Cranking the Bjork in my Saturn 在我的土星车里放着比约克的歌before me and my buddies snuck some Z 然后一起

17、在影院看西雅图夜未眠时into Sleepless in Seattle. 呼呼大睡I wish youd covered my ears for that. 真希望你也捂住了我的耳朵Ooh, mom. Whos this hottie with his arm around you? 妈妈 抱着你的这个帅哥是谁啊Cute! 帅爆了Oh, thats Bobby Nash, my old boyfriend. 那是鲍比纳什 我的前男友Whyd you break up with him? For dad? 你为什么和他分手 为了爸爸吗Lets just say he took his eye

18、这样说吧 他没盯住球off the ball and struck out. 结果被三振出局了So I stepped up to the plate 于是我站到了垒板上and nailed her in the cheap seats. 在票价低廉的座位上搞定了她Yeah, lets not say that. 别那样说Well, Im off. 我要走了Oh, honey, Ive got to stop by the drug store. 亲爱的 我得去药店Do you need anything? 你需要什么吗No, thank you, my dear. 不用 亲爱的The Dun

19、phy glands produce all the drugs I need. 邓菲腺体能分泌我需要的所有药物Except for, uh, foot spray. 除了足部喷雾Could you grab me some of that? 你能买一些来吗Sure. 当然可以Oh, wow, mom! 妈妈What a dork, right? 真是呆 对吧What were you thinking? 你当时想些什么呢It was comfortable. My dad didnt approve. 但是很舒适 我爸爸不同意Enough said. 无须多言I know its hard

20、to believe, 我知道这难以置信but I was actually a bit of a nerd back in the day. 但我过去其实有点呆And it was suggested that I was out of my league 我追克莱尔时 别人说我是癞蛤蟆when I landed Claire. 想吃天鹅肉By Jay, mostly. 大部分是杰说的And my friends. A-and my parents. 还有我的朋友们 还有我父母And Claire. 还有克莱尔Whats this? 这是什么Oh, my gosh. 天啊That is yo

21、ur fathers answering machine from college. 那是你爸爸大学里的答录机God, I sometimes forget how old you guys are. 天啊 我有时忘了你们有多老Youve reached Phils world! 你来到了菲尔的世界Party time! Excellent! 该狂欢了 太棒了Hes so cute. 他真可爱Hi, Phil. This is Mitchell, 菲尔 我是米奇尔uh, Pritchett, Claires brother. 普里契特 克莱尔的弟弟I just wanted to thank

22、you for setting me up with your cousin. 我就是想感谢你安排我和你表妹见面She was very nice. 她人真好The only problem is she lives kinda far, so. 唯一的问题是 她住得有点远 所以Thats the only problem? 那是唯一的问题吗Hey, Dunph-dog, its Ling. 邓菲狗 我是林Grab your rollerblades 带上你的旱冰鞋and meet us at the bike path, playa! 在自行车道和我们见面吧 嗨起来But I got to

23、be done by 3:00, 但我三点就得走了cause todays the day I fly my new helicopter. 因为今天我要试飞新直升飞机Phil, hey, its Claire. Um. 菲尔 我是克莱尔I need to tell you something, 我得告诉你一件事and I dont want to do it on your machine. 我不想在电话里说Its really important - 这事很重要- Oh, no, no, no. - You know, life-and-death important. -不不不 -生死攸

24、关Come on. Come on. 给我 给我Not death, um, just life. 跟死无关 只是生生命I mean. 我是说.I just - oh, hell, Im pregnant! 我只是. 该死 我怀孕了Oh, sweet newlyweds! 甜蜜的新婚夫妇啊Dont worry. You dont have to marry me or anything. 别担心 你没必要娶我什么的Lets talk as soon as you can. 我们尽快聊聊吧Why werent we more careful? 我们为什么不多加小心呢Stupid Duran Du

25、ran concert. 愚蠢的杜兰杜兰音乐会All right! 好了Thats enough. 够了I was conceived at a Duran Duran concert? 我是在杜兰杜兰音乐会上被怀上的吗Classy start to a classy life. 优雅人生的优雅开始啊You were not conceived at the concert. 你不是我在音乐会上怀上的It was after the concert. 而是在音乐会后Oh, wha- in the car?! 什么 在车里吗It was a very nice car. 那是一辆好车Listen

26、, I am done. Stop snooping. Im going. 我受够了 别再问了 我要走了The seats folded all the way back. 车座靠背可以完全放平Oh, images. 恶心的画面I cant believe they kept it. 他们居然把它留下了I have a name. 我是有名字的The answering machine. 我是指答录机You know, we could have some fun with this. 我们可以拿它找点乐子Im home! 我回来了Hi, mom. 妈妈Manny, what are you

27、doing sitting in front of a pickle? 曼尼 你为什么坐在一根酸黄瓜面前Jay says I cant leave until I taste it. 杰说我得尝尝它的味道 否则就不许走Why do you torture him like this? 你为什么这样折磨他Cause hes too stuck in his ways, Gloria. 因为他太固执己见了 歌洛莉亚This is good for him. 这对他有好处Hell taste the pickle, hell find that he likes it, 他会尝尝泡菜 发现自己喜欢吃

28、hell try more things. 然后尝试更多的东西This is good parenting. 这是教子有方This is not going to play well in my memoir. 在我的自传里 不会把这写成什么好事You know, youre one to talk. 你真会耍嘴皮子How many times have I asked you 你跟你说过多少遍to try my mothers blood sausages? 让你尝尝我妈做的猪血肠Totally different. Thats disgusting. 不是一回事 那香肠恶心死了How do

29、 you know its disgusting if youve never tried it? 你从来没吃过 怎么知道很恶心Youve never tried grandmas delicious blood sausage 你从没尝过奶奶做的美味的猪血肠吗thats right there in the freezer? 冰箱里就有啊Oh, youre right. 你说得对We do have some left over. 我们确实还有些剩下的Really? It hasnt been all gobbled up yet? 是吗 还没有被哄抢着吃光吗Okay, Mr. Father

30、 of the year, 好了 年度最佳父亲time for you to show Manny that youre not a hypocrite. 该向曼尼展示你不是个光说不做的人了Looks like youre in quite a conundrum. 看来你陷入两难了You know, you couldve said - 其实你可以说A pickle! Dang it! It was right there. 酸黄瓜 该死 就摆在眼前A pickle! Dang it! It was right there. in the pickle同指陷入两难Hello. 你好Hi. C

31、an I help you? 你好 需要帮忙吗Uh, yes. 是的Um, I have something pretty special 我有一个很特殊的东西that means the world to me, 对我来说意义重大yet I gladly part with it 但我愿意卖掉它to prove my love for my fiance 为了证明我对我未婚夫的爱- Cam, you dont have to. - I do. -小卡 你不用 -我要这样做This is a belt buckle that was once owned 这个皮带扣以前的主人是by the legendary Wyatt Earp. 传奇的怀亚特厄普西部警长And when my grandfather gave it

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