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人教版高英选修6 重点单词和短语讲解 unit1.docx

1、人教版高英选修6 重点单词和短语讲解 unit11. abstract 1) adj.抽象的,深刻的Beauty is abstract ,but a house is not美是抽象的,而房屋不是。2) n摘要,概括(of)Tom wrote an abstract of the scientific article.abstractly adv.抽象地,理论上 concrete adj.具体的 【2019天津】I thought anything abstract left too much room for argument. 【期末测试】 In this article , you n

2、eed to back up general statements with _ examples.A. specific B. permanent C. abstract D. universal2. faith n.(u) 信任;信心;信念;信仰 I have great faith in her. She wont let me down. have faith in .sth./sb.信赖某事、某人 The mother have lost faith in what her son is doing. lose faith in sth./sb.失去对某人、某事的信任 I am su

3、re he acted in good faith. in good faith真诚,诚心诚意,信赖地 He kept/broke faith with us. keep faith with守信 break faith with不守信 faithful adj.忠诚的,忠心的 faithfully adv.忠诚地,忠实地 faithless adj.不忠诚的,无信仰的;不可依赖的, 不可靠的 【2017天津】Turning ones life into a waiting game requires faith and hope, and is strictly for the optimi

4、sts among us.【期末测试】I dont think what he said is _ to the topic we are discussing . He has missed the point.A. faithful B. parallel C. relevant D. similar3. consequently adv.=as a result 所以,结果 as a consequence= consequently 由于(某事物)的缘故; 因而She was found guilty, and lost her job in consequence. conseque

5、nt adj. 作为结果的,随之发生的 consequence n. 结果,后果,重要性 He had to ask a doctor for help in consequence of his bad cough. in consequence of因为.的缘故【2019全国1完形】58. A. Obviously B. Easily C. Consequently D. Finally【2019江苏完形】41. A. bonus B. consequence C. victory D. sacrifice【2019北京】She also approached dentists to le

6、arn more about teeth cleaning. Consequently, she succeeded in making a kind of candy only using natural sweeteners, which can reduce oral bacteria.4. aim 1)vt. 瞄准;对准 He aimed at the target, fired and missed it. aim at向瞄准;旨在,针对 They are aiming to reduce unemployment by 50%. aim to do旨在做某事 2)n.目标,目的,瞄

7、准 His chief aim is to defeat me. achieve/realize ones aim 实现某人的目标aimless adj.无目的的 aimlessly adv.无目的地 【2017全国2】Deafinitely Thertre creates a new interpretation of Shakespeares comedy and aims to build a bridge between deaf and hearing worlds by performing to both groups as one audience.【2016上海】In his

8、 Modernist view, beauty lies in simplicity and elegance, and the aim of the designer is to create solutions to problems through the most efficient means.【2014北京】The bear was thin and small, moving aimlessly.5. conventional 1) adj. 依照惯例的;遵循习俗的;墨守成规的;普通平凡的 conventional behaviour 循规蹈矩的行为2)adj.传统的,习惯的(只

9、做前置定语)conventional methods/approaches传统方法in the conventional sense 从传统意义上来说convention n.习俗;惯例 conventionally adv.照惯例;照常套;照老例People still wore their hair short and dressed conventionally.【2014江苏】Its designs are anti-conventional.【2015广东】television promotes none of the dangerous effects as conventiona

10、lly believed6. typical adj. 典型的, 象征性的;不出所料;特有的 Its typical of her to be late. Its typical of sb. 是代表; 象征 typically adv. 典型地; 照例,经常 Typically, the original message has changed. 【2019江苏】Their Chinese peers in the typical Chinese dress would be highly impressive.【2017全国2】 Both of us had the qualities a

11、nd virtues that are typical of American actors: humorous, aggressive, and making fun of each other【期末测试】 Jack is late again. It is _ of him to keep others waiting. A. normal B. ordinary C. common D. typical 7. evident adj,清楚的;明白的;显而易见的;显然的 It was evident that she had once been a beauty. evidence n.

12、证词;证据 【2019北京】Interestingly, this trend isnt evident in baseball, where additional individual talent keeps improving the teams performance.【2018全国2】The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to read

13、ing.【期末测试】The research lacks evidence, and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful.A. solid B. fierce C. severe D. potential8. adopt 1)vt.采用(方法),采取(某态度),采纳(建议、改革等)All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem. adopt an idea/ a plan2)vt. 收养,领养 They decided to adopt an orphan from the ea

14、rthquake area.adopted adj.收养的,领养的 an adopted son adoption n.收养,领养;采用(想法、计划、名字等) 提示adapt与adopt只有一个字母之羞,注意区别。adapt vt. (使)适应;改编,改写 【2019全国2完形】53. A. fed B. adopted C. found D. cured【2019天津】 because they have adopted the fixed attitudes and opinions that all too often come with passing years. 9. posses

15、s v.有,拥有(不能用于进行时)The gallery possesses a number of the artists early works. possess sth. 拥有某物(不用于进行时) He does possess a sense of humour. possessor n.持有人,所有者 possession n具有,拥有,财产 be in possession of sth./ take possession of sth. 占有/控制某物 Having been cheated, he lost all his possessions.【2019天津完形】29. A

16、. got rid of B. made use of C. had control of D. took possession of【期末测试】Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still_ the traditional customs. A. perform B. possess C. observe D. support11. technique C技巧,技艺;技术,技能 He applies modern techniques to a traditional craft.【2018全国1】Over the year

17、s, there have been a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point. 【期末测试】To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their_ and weaknesses.A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. values12. convince vt.使确信;使信服 It took many hours t

18、o convince the court of his guilt. convince sb. 使某人相信某事 We convinced Anne to adopt our idea. convince sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事 He convinced me that I should study law convince that相信某事 【2019北京完形】28. A. required B. allowed C. reminded D. convinced【2016天津】I tried to convince myself that the trouble was w

19、ith the problem itself, not with me. Relived, I sat back in an easy chair and fell asleep.【期末测试】Scientists are convinced the positive effect of laughter physical and mental health. A. of; at B. by; in C. of; on D. on; at13. coincidence n.(令人吃惊的)巧合(的事);(事情,口味、故事等)相合 It is not a coincidence that none

20、of the directors are women.It is a coincidence that 是巧合的By coincidence, I met the person wed been discussing the next day. by coincidence巧合地同义:by chance by accident happen to do 【2018全国2完形】59. A. coincidence B. change C. pity D. pain【期末测试】My son got a full scholarship to his dream university!Wow, _!

21、 Whats he going to study?A. good for him B. go for it C. what a coincidence D. all the best14.a great deal of 大量,许多(修饰不可数名词) Thanks a great deal for adopting our plan.非常感谢你采用我们的计划。短语归纳 表示“许多,大量”a great deal of /a good deal of / a large amount of /much / not a little可用于修饰不可数名词a few /quite a few /a go

22、od many /a great many /a great number of可用于修饰可数名词a lot of /a large quantity of /large quantities of /plenty of 既可修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数15. shadow 1) U又作shadows( pl.),阴影,暗影,阴暗区 This room was half in shadow. 这房间有一半在阴暗中。 2) C影子 Look,how long our shadows are! 瞧,我们的影子有多长!【湖北阅读】The sky was clear and lit by the gl

23、are of the moon, and the walls of the valley looked threatening behind their screen of shadows.【期末测试】It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eye disease that may not have any _.A. symptom B. similarity C. sample D. shadow16. ridiculous adj.愚蠢的,荒唐的,可笑的 She looked

24、 absolutely ridiculous in those trousers.她穿那些裤子显得极其可笑absurd adj. 荒谬的;荒唐的 reasonable adj. 合情合理的 【2019北京完形】19. A. forced B. awkward C. ridiculous D. suspicious【2016四川完形】48.Aamazing B.boring C.ridiculous D.conversations【期末测试】I have been convinced that the print media are usually more _ and more reliabl

25、e than television. A. accurate B. ridiculous C. urgent D. shallow17. controversial adj,引起争论的,有争议的 The border between the two countries is a highly controversial issue.It is a controversial topiccontroversially adv.有争议地,引起争论地 【期末测试】Whether the buildings in this area should be pulled down has remained

26、 _; people are still looking for other possible solutions.A. unchallenged B. relevant C. controversial D. contradictory18. attempt1)vt. 试图;尝试The prisoners attempted an escape, but failed. attemp sth.试图 Liu Xiang will attempt to break the world record. attempt to do试图做某事 2)n. 尝试; 试图Hes making an atte

27、mpt to finish/at finishing his painting in a week.make an attempt to do/at doing sth. 试图做某事 If you fail at the first attempt, there is no need to care about ones/the first attempt 第一次尝试【2019北京完形】25. A. expects B. attempts C. manages D. hesitates【2016全国1】Silence may be viewed by some cultural

28、 groups as extremely uncomfortable; therefore attempts may be made to fill every gap(间隙) with conversation. 【期末测试】We most prefer to say yes to the _ of someone we know and like. A. attempts B. requests C. doubts D. promises19. on (the) one hand .,on the other( hand) 一方面.,另一方面On the one hand, l want

29、to go to the Theatre very much , but on the other I have to finish the project on time.first(ly) .; second(ly) . 第一;第二 for one thing .; for another . 一则;二则 20. predict vt预言;预测;预示 The earthquake had been predicted several months before. predict sth. 预言. His teacher predicted that he could be a CEO of

30、 a company because of his intelligence and diligence. predict that 预言. predictor n.预言者 prediction n.预言 predictable adj.可预见的;可预料的 prediction n. 预言, 预报 【2019全国2完形】50. A. predicted B. advertised C. believed D. recorded 【2019全国3完形】49. A. forbids B. directs C. predicts D. follows【2016全国1】Its unpredictabl

31、e【期末测试】The young man made a _ to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation. A. prediction B. promise C. plan D. contribution21. specific adj.明确的,具体的,特定的(常作前置定) I gave you specific instructions.The money was collected for a specific purpose.【2019全国2】So why should we try to set specific goals?【2016全国1】Another way to hide a message is

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