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1、动词时态一中考英语语法及练习题精动词系动词:1.be动词2.连系动词become,get,grow,turn,sound,look,smell,taste等,用法:它们不能单独作谓语,必须和作表语的词语(如形容词,名词等)连用,所以用的时候,可要小心为是呀!如:It smells delicious.(它闻起来味道很美)。delicious 是形容词。情态动词:首先要记住情态动词后必跟动词原形。must和need几乎是每年的必考题,这里我们重点讲一下。1must的意思是应当,必须,侧重于说话者的主观看法,没有时态变化,其否定式是mustnt,在MustI(we).的疑问句中,须注意的是其否定回

2、答常用neednt。如:Must I go?(我一定要走吗?)No,you neednt.(不,不必。)2need意为需要。既可作实义动词,又可作情态动词,因此在用法上需要注意。作实义动词时,need后跟名词,动名词,或不定式。如:I need to go.(我得走了。)作情态动词时,后跟动词原形。如:You neednt come tomorrow if you are busy. (如果你忙,明天就不必来了。)实意动词:(有实际动作的词语)需要注意的实意动词:1.stop:这个词到底什么时候加to do,什么时候加doing 呢?两者意义又有什么不同呢?看下面两个句子。1)When the

3、 teacher came in, they stopped to read.2)When the teacher came in, they stopped talking.第一句的意思是当老师进来时,他们停下来开始读书。而第二句的意思是老师进来时,他们停止了说话。所以stop to do sth表示停止正在做的事情去干另一件事。而stop doing表示中断正在做的某事。现在明白了吗?2.forget,remember,regret 这三个词用法基本相同,只要记住1)+doing表示事情已经做过,2)+to do表示事情还未做就可以了。forget to do 忘记要去做某事。(未做)fo

4、rget doing 忘记做过某事。(已做)如:The light is still on. He forgot to turn it off.灯还在亮着,他忘记关了。(没有做关灯的动作)He forgot turning the light off.他忘记他已经关了灯了。(已做过关灯的动作)3.感官动词:see,watch,notice,look at,hear,listen to,smell,taste,feel 等1)+do表示动作的完整性,真实性如:I saw him work in the garden yesterday.昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。(强调我看见了这个事实)2)+d

5、oing表示动作的连续性,进行性。I saw him working in the garden yesterday.昨天我见他正在花园里干活。(强调我见他正干活这个动作)练习:1. Wang Lin _some help. Can you help him?A. needs B. want C. need to D. ask 2. All of us enjoy _football very much. A. play B. playing C. played D. to play 3. - The light in the classroom is still on.- Oh,I forg

6、ot_. A. turning it off B. turn it off C. to turn it off D. having turned it off 4. I regret _ the window. A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D.having broken 5. His grandparents saw her _ up from childhood. A. grow B. grew C. was growing D. to grow 6. -Whats this in English?-Sorry, I cant _it in

7、 English. A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk 7. - _I finish my homwork today?-No, you neednt. A. Can B. May C. Must D. Need 8. In Spring , the days _longer and longer, the trees_green. A. get, turn B. gets, turns C. got, turned D.have got, have turned 9. When the traffic lights are red, you _stop. A. c

8、an B. must C. wont D. neednt 10. When the teacher came into the classroom, I _to mydeskmate. A. stopped to talk B. stopped talking C. stop to talk D. stop talking 实战:1. -Whose calculator is it?- Its _. A. shes B. hers C. her D. she 2. _December 23, Mr and Mrs Hopkens flew to London for atrip. A. on

9、B. in C. at D. for 3. The Science Museum is located _the centre of the town. A. with B. near C. beside D. in 4. Do you think maths is _important than English? A. very B. as C. more D. quite 5. The captain has a _daughter.A.five-years-old B.five years old C.five year old D.five -year-old 6. Two fishe

10、rmen saw _in the sky while they were fishing bya river. A. something strange B. anything strange C. strange something D. strange anything 7. They got a Christmas tree and it was tall as taller as tall as taller as 8. Whos _woman over there?A. / B. the C. a D. an 9. A: _have

11、 the scientists been there?B. For about twoyears. A. How many times B. How C. What time D. How long 10. _that pair of new _expensive? A. Is, shoe B. Are, shoe C. Is, shoes D. Are, shoes 11. Dick jumped into a large hole _he saw the bear. A. while B. as soon as C. until D. if 12. _cold weather it is

12、at the South Pole! A. What B. What an C. How D. What a 13. I dont know _last night. A. why they didnt go to the movies B. when they didnt go to the movies C. why didnt they go to the movies D. when didnt they go to the movies 14. There arent many oranges here, but you can take _ifyou want to. A. few

13、 B. a few C. a little D. little 15. Tom failed in the exam. He looked _. A. happy B. sadly C. upset D. lovely补充:some time,sometime,some times和 sometimes是常用的几个词,它们形似而含义不同。请记住下面口诀:分开是“一段”,相连为“某时”。分开s是“倍、次”,相连s是“有时”。例如:(1)Ill stay here for some time我将在这儿呆一段时间。(2)Kate will be back sometime in February凯特

14、将在2月某个时候回来。(3)Our school is some times larger than theirs我们学校比他们学校大几倍。(4)Joan goes to school on foot,but sometimes by bike琼步行上学,但有时也骑自行车去drop in on:顺道拜访例:I thought Id drop in on you while I was passing.我曾想路过时就来看看你。xx动词专项训练()1.Tom with his mother often to the bus-stopA.walk B.walked C.walks D. on foo

15、t()2. I _my money at home yesterday.A.forgot B.forget C.leaves D. left()3. When she there?.A. has gone B. did goC.hasbeen D. havegone()4. She the carl in 1999A.has bought B.baught C.bought D. buys()5. She cried and the room.A.leaves B.leaved C.leave D. left()6.Listen!Some of the girls _about Harry P

16、otter.Lets join them. A. are talking B. talk C. will talk D. talked()7. There two math lessons B.will have C.are going to be D. is going to()8. She to school in five days .A.returned B.returns C.return D. will return()9. While the boy ,the teacher came in. A. shouts B. was shouting

17、 shouting D. shouted()10. She asked me when there. A. I will go B. will I go C. would I go D. I would go()11. I dont think I _ you in that dress before.A.have seen B.was seeing C.saw D. see ( )12.Her grandmother since 2004.A. died B. has died C. has been dead D.has death()13.She from the city for ni

18、ne days. A. has left B.left C. leaves D. has been away( )14.How long she the book?A. did buy B. has borrowed C. has kept D.will borrow()15.Im sorry youve missed the train.It _10minutes ago. A. left B. has left C. had left D. has been left()1.Listen!Some of the girls _about Harry Potter.Lets join the

19、m. A. are talking B. talk C. will talk D. talked()2. Our teacher, Miss Chen, _Englishon the radio yesterday. A. teaches B. taught C. will teach D. had taught()3. I dont think I _ you in that dress before.A.have seen B.was seeing C.saw D. see()4. Susan has bought a large house with a swimming pool. I

20、t_ be very expensive.A. must B. can C. mustnt D. cant()5.Coffee is ready.How nice it _!Would you like some?A.looks B.smells C.sounds D. feels()6.“Mr.Zhu,youd better _too much meat.You are already over weight,”said the doctor. A. not to eat B. to eat C. not eat D. eat()7.“Dont always make Michael _th

21、is or that.He is already a big do C.does D. did()8.Sorry,Its cold outside ,Would you please _the window? A. not to open B. not to close C. not open D. not close()9. Dont _ your coat, Tom! Its easy to catch cold in spring. A. take away B. take off C. take down D. take out()10.You _go an

22、d ask Meimei.She _know the answer.A.must; can B. must;may C.need; can D. can; may()11.Im sorry youve missed the train.It _10minutes ago. A. left B. has left C. had left D. has been left()12. I bought a new dictionary and it _ me 30 yuan.A.paid B.spent C.took D. cost()13. -Mum, may I go out and play

23、basketball? -_ you_ your homework yet?A.Do;finish B.Are;finishing C.Did;finishing D. Have; finished()15.A talk on Chinese history _in the school next week. A. be given B. has been given C. will be given D. will give()16. Look! How heavy the rain is! Youd better _.A. dont go now B. stay here when it

24、stops C. not leave until it stops D. not to leave at once()17. You may go fishing if your work _. A. is done B. will be done C. has done D. have done()18. Cotton _ nice and soft. A. is felt B. is feeling C. feel D. feels()19. -Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick? -John_A.cleaned B.does C.did

25、D. is()20.-Lindahad nothing for breakfast this morning,_?-No. She got up too late.A. had she B. hadnt she C. did she D. didnt she填空。1_ (lend) her some CDs the day before yesterday,but she _(not give) them back to me yet.2.My brother will call me as soon as he _(reach) there.3.What _the teachers _(do

26、) this time yesterday?4.Im afraid you _(forget) the date, havent you?5.How many times _ you _(be) to the Great Wall?Only once.6.Im sorry _(bring)you so much trouble.7.I _ already _(finish) my homework.8._ you ever _(eat) fish and chips?9.I cant _(find) my pen._ you _(see) it anywhere?10.She _ never

27、_(speak) to a foreigner.11. I with my friends _(have) a party at this time yesterday.12.It _(rain) more often in Chengdu than in Chongqing.13.We _(love) our country.14.They _ (help) the farmers with their apple harvest lastautumn.15.So far we _(learn) about six hundred English words.16.I dont know w

28、hether she _ (come) or not romorrow.17.They _(move) to Shanghai next month.18.Who _(give) us a talk this afternoon?19.The Greens _(watch) TV now.20.He said that he _(ring) me up when he got there.21.My father _(read) a newspaper at seven oclock yesterdayevening.22.They _(know) each other for about t

29、en years.23._ you ever _(spit) in the street?24.You mustnt _(litter) things about.25.We _(win) the volleyball game at last.26.It _(take) me ten minutes to walk to school every day27Could you tell him _(turn)the radio down?28Dont forget _(post)the letter tomorrow29We often hear her _(sing)this song in English30Try _(not come)to school late from now on31You have worked for two hoursYoud better stop _(have)a rest32This book _(sell)well33My brother _(join)the League in 200134Information can _(store)in the computers and taken out anytime needed35When we went out,th

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