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1、高一英语必修一词汇能力竞赛卷高一英语词汇能力竞赛卷I. 英语词汇基础知识选择填空。(共10小题,计10分)1. 英语是 _ 文字。_ 是以英语作为母语的国家。A. 拼音;澳大利亚 B. 象形;英国 C. 图形;德国 D. 拼音;印度2. 阿 _ 正传是鲁迅的一本小说。字母 _可以表示一种饮料。A. C;TB. Q; TC. Q; UD. C; I3. 单词首字母都要大写的一组是 _。A. 英语句子的首词;数词 B. 国家名词;缩略词C. 月份名词;星期名词D. 职务名词;单词I4. 邮政速递公司常用 _ 表示;_则表示加拿大广播公司。A.EMS;CBB B.SME;CBC C.SEM;BBC

2、D.EMS;CBC5. 书写上没有错误又合乎英语习惯表达的句子是_。A. yes, I am. B. Thiss my computer.C. Im in Two Grade. D. Whats this in English?6. 国际奥委会的官方语言为 _ 和 _。A. 英语; 法语B. 德语; 英语C. 德语; 法语D. 英语; 汉语7. 下列四组词中, _ 均是双音节词。A. student; beautiful B. thing; bedroomC. people; thirtyD. answer; family8. 在英语中,一般疑问句多用 _ 来读,特殊疑问句多用 _ 来读。A.

3、 升调;升调B. 降调;降调C. 降调;升调D. 升调; 降调9. 缩略词“CBA”和“FIFA”分别与下面哪两项运动有关联?_A. volleyball; basketballB. basketball; footballC. baseball; tennisD. football; table tennis10. 下列各句标点及书写均正确的是 _。A. Bruce says: “were going to the hospital to see my grandfather”B. “Harry potter”is very popular among children.C. I go sw

4、imming with uncle George on Sunday.D. They are Tom Hanks, the actor; Mariah Carey, the singer.II. 英汉翻译(共30小题,计30分)(运用必修一和必修二所学词汇)。A.将下列英文词组翻译成中文(15分)11. in a matter of fact_13. pay attention to_14 belong to_15.out of work_16.join in_17.face to face_18.get along with_19.go through_20.sent

5、 death_21.settle down_22.make up ones mind_23.according a with_B.将下列中文翻译成相应的英文单词(15分)26.n.态度,看法_27.a. 镇静,沉着的 v.镇静沉着_28v. / n. 涉及,关心_29.vt. 把奉献, 把专用(于)_30.n. 不利条件;弱点_31v. 忽视,对不理会_32.n. 百万富翁_33.n./ v. 志愿者,无偿做_34.n. 青春;青年_35.a. 不公平的,不公正的_36 v. 欣赏;感激的,_37a. / n. 希腊的, 希腊人,希

6、腊语_38.n. 主人;节目主持人 v. 做主人招待_39.n. 邀请,请帖_40.a. 熟悉的_III单词拼写(共40小题,计40分)(运用必修三第一至第三单元词汇)。A 根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺单词的正确形式。(10分)41. He has been _(奖励) a medal for his great bravery.42. The _( 风俗) of naming women after flowers is becoming less common.43. The two countries(联合起来)against their common enemy in the past.

7、44. A new law has been passed to(限制)pollution of the air.45. Ill tell him the news on his _(到达)46. He had no money with him and had to earn his _(船费)by doing jobs on the ship47.Her _(耐性) made her the best nurse in the hospital.48.You should_(寻求) advice from your lawyer on this matter.49.There would

8、be long talks about the strengths and _(弱点) of each and every player.50.Mrs Li was in her late thirties, about average height, with a _(苗条的) figure.B根据句意及首字母提示写出所缺单词的正确形式(10分)。51. Christmas is a r_ festival in western countries.52. You must a_ to your teacher for the rude things you said to her.53.

9、I was pleased that the manager fme for my rudeness and offered me the job.54. You cant come in the room without p.55.He is a famous pand his poems are popular with the youth.56. A friend in need is a friend i_.57. Proper d_ and exercise are both important for health.58.He is deep d_ in order to cure

10、 his mother of the disease.59.The proud man said he would rather s_ than beg for food.60.The Japanese are used to b_ to each other when they meet.C.根据下列各词的英语解释写出正确的单词(10分)。61. _ uncooked.62. _ the strong wish to know about something63. _ mistake.64. _the place where someone was born.65._ a thin pape

11、r cover in which you put and send a letter.66. _ to discuss something with someone so that you can make a decision together.67. _ to change food that you have just eaten into substances that your body can use .68._ someone who buys things or services from a shop, company, etc.69._ something that you

12、 say is not true.70. _ to try to find or get something.D.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)71.You were wrong to take the car without _(permit).72.The _ (origin) picture is in the British Museum.73.The teacher gave orders that the work _(finish) before 4 oclock.74.The suggestion that the students _(make) after a

13、discussion was very good.75.He pushed it _(gentle) open and looked in.76.Dont you think its _(puzzle) that no one noticed them leave.77.Do you permit your children _ (smoke)?78.When I woke up, I found myself _(pull) into another room.79.We _ (benefit) a lot since we formed the good habit of learning

14、.80. There is a message pinned on the door, which _ (say) “ Sorry to miss you! ”.IV. 完形填空。(共10小题,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项. Competition or Cooperation? Competition is necessary for the development and advancement of a society and cooperation is important for the existence and 8

15、1 of a society. Competition can push one to make greater progress, 82 cooperation can bring benefits to society as well as to everyone. In my opinion, fair competition and sincere friendly cooperation should be 83 and promoted. Competition 84 be seen everywhere and every time. It can be very 85. For

16、 example, the workers of one factory try their best to produce high quality products in order to compete with other factories to take a larger share in the market. College students compete with each other, to get better 86 , win scholarships(奖学金), and then get better jobs in the future. This is just

17、 like a 87 in the sports meeting. Only when we dash(冲刺) along can we succeed. On the other hand, we live, work and study with many other people and we are 88 of a society. In many cases, we cant do without cooperation between us because each ones ability is limited. 89 , cooperation is also importan

18、t. As long as we are cooperative, our achievements will be greater. We can say that cooperation is the 90 of success. In one word, if one wants to be successful, to gain greater achievements, and to seek for a happier and safer life, he or she must learn to be both competitive and cooperative.81.A.v

19、alue B. fortune C. peace D. freedom82.A.or B. while C. but D. for83.A.encouraged B. exploited C. increased D. prevented84.A.must B. should C. would D. can85.A.steady B. helpful C. nervous D. cruel86.A.grades B. degrees C. prizes D. B. signal C. fight D. race88.A.members B. students C. m

20、asters D. leaders89.A.However B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Besides90.A. key B. base C. cause D. resultV阅读理解(词汇猜测)(共5小题,计10分)AMost women in Ghana the educated and illiterate, the urban and rural, the young and old work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewi- ves and mothe

21、rs. Their reputation for economic independence, self-reliance, and hard work is well known and well deserved(应得的,值得的).91 Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “illiterate” A. repeat B. reiterated C. uneducated D. sickBThe ruler had been so cruel and dishonest that after

22、 the revolution he was banished. A few members of the Senate (参议院)opposed this decision , but the majority voted that the ruler should leave the country for ever.92.The underlined word “banished” mean_. A killed by stoning B sent away C imprisoned D punished by whippingCWhat makes one person more in

23、telligent than another? What makes one person a genius, like the brilliant Albert Einstein, and another person a fool? Are people born intelligent or stupid, or is intelligence the result of where and how you live? These are very old question and the answers to them are still not clear. We know, how

24、ever, that just being born with a good mind is not enough. In some ways, the mind is like a leg or an arm muscle. It needs exercise. Mental (done with the mind) exercise is particularly important for young children. Many child psychologists (心理学家) think that parents should play with their children m

25、ore often and give them problems to think about. The children are then more likely to grow up bright and intelligent. If, on the other hand, children are left alone a great deal with nothing to do, they are more likely to become dull and unintelligent.93. The words “intelligent” and “brilliant” in t

26、he first paragraph probably mean _ while “dull” in the second paragraph means _. A. bright and splendidslow in thinking and understanding B. pretty and handsomeordinary-looking C. great and importantcommon D. hopeful and helpfulcarelessDAs the son of a senior official in the KMT(Kuomingtang), Lien C

27、han was born to be a good leader. During his childhood, he was quite naughty and seldom sat still. But he often acted as leader among his friends. “He was happy to help and lead. When any quarrel broke out among the kids, he would come forward to mediate,” said one of his childhood friends in Xian.94.What does the underlined word “mediate” mean? ATo stand in the middle. BTo help one side. CTo be a looker-on. D To stop the quarrel.ETens of thousands of baby penguins face starva

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