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1、全国统考届高考英语一轮复习练习选修6Unit4Helpingpeoplearoundthew十九选修6Unit 4Helping people around the world(限时35分钟). 阅读理解(2021某某模拟)It is a well accepted assumption that students e to colleges to get good grades and that they are usually too busy to do anything else. But Connie Snyder Mick, an academic director of the

2、Center for Social Concerns at the University of Notre Dame, says it is just half of the truth. There are many volunteering centers like hers at the colleges and universities in the United States. Mick says these centers help students seek an experience that may not be directly related to a students

3、academic progress, but that is still important. Volunteering is not unmon in higher education. Many college groups organize volunteer events for different causes. Officials in charge of student housing often organize such events to help build a sense of munity. Participation in these kinds of activi

4、ties is good for students, Mick says. For example, the busy nature of college life can create a lot of stress for students. Doing something pletely unrelated to a students studies can help calm them by putting their mind on other things. For a more meaningful addition to their college experience. Mi

5、ck urges students to visit centers like the one she heads. She says these centers exist to create volunteer opportunities that are more plex and meaningful than just a day spent cleaning a local park or raising money, for example. “Such volunteering centers often partner with local organizations tha

6、t serve the people of the nearby munities. Even for students with little interest in building a connection with the local munities, there is still value in what volunteer centers have to offer, ” Mick says. She notes some opportunities can push students to use what they are learning in the classroom

7、 out in the real world and having that kind of experience can make a student appealing to employers in the years to e. 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。圣母大学社会问题中心的学术主任康妮施耐德米克介绍了美国大学中的各类志愿者中心对学生成长的重要性并鼓励学生们积极参与志愿者活动。1. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Academic progress. B. College educat

8、ion. C. Volunteering experience. D. Center for Social Concerns. 【解析】选C。词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句Mick says these centers help students seek an experience that may not be directly related to a students academic progress, but that is still important. 可知, 米克说, 这些中心帮助学生寻求一种体验, 这种体验可能与学生的学业进步没有直接关系, 但那仍然很重要。由此可知, th

9、at指代的是“通过志愿活动中心获得的体验”。故选C。2. What is the housing officials main purpose in organizing those events?A. To give students good part-time jobs. B. To raise money for different celebrations. C. To help build a closer bond among the students. D. To improve the living conditions for the students. 【解析】选C。细节

10、理解题。根据第三段中的Officials in charge of student housing often organize such events to help build a sense of munity. 可知, 负责学生宿舍的官员经常组织这样的活动来帮助建立社区意识。由此可知, 宿管人员希望借助这些志愿活动增强学生之间的联系。故选C。3. How can these centers activities benefit the students according to Mick?A. By helping them focus on their study. B. By of

11、fering chances to test their knowledge. C. By protecting them from the local munities. D. By increasing their petitiveness in the job market. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的She notes some opportunities can push students to use what they are learning in the classroom out in the real world and having that kind

12、of experience can make a student appealing to employers in the years to e. 可知, 她指出, 一些机会可以促使学生将课堂上学到的知识运用到现实世界中, 拥有这样的经验可以让学生在未来吸引雇主。由此可知, 这些活动有助于提高学生的就业竞争力。故选D。4. What is the best title for the text?A. Colorful College Life in the USAB. Guidelines for Volunteering Center SelectionC. Volunteering: A

13、 Meaningful Addition to College LifeD. A Valuable Platform: Micks Center for Social Concerns【解析】选C。主旨大意题。通读全文可知, 圣母大学社会问题中心的学术主任康妮施耐德米克介绍了美国大学中的各类志愿者中心对学生成长的重要性并鼓励学生们积极参与志愿者活动。由此可知, C. Volunteering: A Meaningful Addition to College Life(志愿活动:大学生活中有意义的一部分)适合做本文最佳标题。故选C。【知识拓展】长难句分析It is a well accepte

14、d assumption that students e to colleges to get good grades and that they are usually too busy to do anything else. 分析:本句是复合句。 It is +动词过去分词+ that. . . 的结构。 It 为形式主语, that从句引导真正的主语, 从句中是and 连接的两个并列句。翻译:人们普遍认为, 学生上大学是为了取得好成绩, 他们通常都太忙了, 无暇做其他事情。. 完形填空Whatever New Yorker Katy Benson wears, other people

15、 notice. It might be something she herself has made, or it might be a(n) 1 bination of things she has put together. Her friends may not always 2 her latest creation, but then they just 3 Katys unusual taste and say “Thats kind of strange, but it looks OK on you”. Other times, though, they cannot wai

16、t to 4 her. All over America, clothing manufacturers are creating “cutting-edge” kids like Katy. They know what these 5 young people are wearing today will be worn by millions of others tomorrow. This youth market is a big business. 6, fashions change quickly, and manufacturers have a 7 job. The rig

17、ht product has to be 8, produced and shipped to the stores at the right time. To help, they often 9“edge kids” like Katy to discuss new products and fashions. These teenagers do not have to 10 anything. They are paid good money for their 11, which are very 12 when a pany is deciding directions it sh

18、ould and should not take. “Influencers” are another important group. They do not invent new trends, 13 they are quick to adopt the ones they see in the shops. They have 14 among their friends, who are likely to follow their choices. 15, the things they do not choose never bee mainstream. Sam Oleksi

19、is an influencer. He always looks for things that are 16, and he shops everywhere. People sometimes 17 his latest clothes, but they may well buy the 18 things a few months later. Like Katy, Sam earns money from his sense of 19 . Edge kids and influencers together make up fewer than one in five of th

20、eir generation. However, they largely 20 what will soon be worn by the others. 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。在美国有一群走在时尚前沿的青少年, 他们引领着其他青少年的着装。1. A. differentB. strangeC. attractiveD. obvious【解析】选B。different不同的; strange奇怪的;attractive吸引人的;obvious明显的。根据下文中的unusual 和strange可知, 有时候Katy的衣服搭配很奇怪, 故选B。2. A. likeB. noticeC.

21、 rememberD. need【解析】选A。like喜欢;notice注意到;remember记得;need需要。她的朋友们不总是喜欢她的着装, 但是她们接受她不同寻常的品味。故选A。3. A. ignoreB. avoidC. followD. accept【解析】选D。 ignore忽视; avoid避免; follow跟随; accept接受。根据Katy朋友说的“这有些奇怪, 但是你穿起来还可以”可推测, 她的朋友不总是喜欢她的着装, 但是她们接受她不同寻常的品味。故选D。4. A. praiseB. teachC. persuadeD. copy【解析】选D。praise表扬;te

22、ach教; persuade 规劝; copy抄写, 模仿。根据though的转折语气可知, 有时候她们迫不及待地模仿Katy的着装。故选D。5. A. smartB. prettyC. creativeD. rich【解析】选C。smart聪明的;pretty美丽的;creative有创造力的;rich有钱的。根据第一段内容可知, Katy要么自己做衣服, 要么把衣服搭配得很个性, 因此说以她为代表的孩子有创造性。故选C。6. A. HoweverB. ThereforeC. BesidesD. Otherwise【解析】选A。 However然而; Therefore因此;Besides另

23、外; Otherwise否则。根据本空前后内容可知, 尽管年轻人的市场很大, “但是”服装制造业面临的问题不少。故选A。7. A. boringB. difficultC. satisfyingD. fortable【解析】选B。 boring令人厌烦的; difficult困难的; satisfying令人满意的; fortable舒适的。根据本段中的fashions change quickly及the stores at the right time 不难看出服装制造业的工作很“难”。故选B。8. A. madeB. soldC. designedD. examined【解析】选C。 m

24、ade制造; sold卖; designed设计;examined检查。根据常识及本空后的produced and shipped可知, 衣服要被设计出来, 然后才能生产出来, 最后才能被运到商店。故选C。9. A. encourageB. tellC. inviteD. agree【解析】选C。 encourage鼓励; tell告诉; invite邀请; agree同意。服装制造商“邀请”这些时尚青少年讨论新的产品和时尚。故选C。10. A. prepareB. buyC. bringD. wear【解析】选B。 prepare准备; buy买; bring拿来; wear穿戴。根据下文中

25、的They are paid good money可推测, 服装制造商邀请这些时尚青少年讨论新的产品和时尚, 而且这些青少年不需要“买”任何东西, 相反, 他们还会得到报酬。故选B。11. A. opinionsB. productsC. photosD. articles【解析】选A。 opinions建议; products产品; photos照片; articles文章。这些时尚青少年参与新产品的讨论, 贡献自己的意见, 并获取报酬。故选A。12. A. honestB. helpfulC. objectiveD. special【解析】选B。 honest诚实的; helpful 有帮

26、助的; objective客观的; special特殊的。根据上文中的discuss new products and fashions可知, 这些时尚青少年参与新产品的讨论, 贡献自己的“意见”, 并获取报酬, 他们的意见对公司的未来走向很有“帮助”。故选B。13. A. andB. soC. butD. or【解析】选C。 and和; so所以; but但是; or或者。他们虽然自己不创造新的潮流, “但是”他们紧随潮流。题空前后表转折, 用but。故选C。14. A. reputationB. faithC. supportD. power【解析】选D。 reputation名声; fa

27、ith信念; support支持; power力量, 能力。他们虽然自己不创造新的潮流, 但是他们紧随潮流, 并在朋友圈里非常有“影响力”, 能影响朋友们跟着他们买一样的东西。故选D。15. A. EquallyB. ClearlyC. SurprisinglyD. Gradually【解析】选A。 Equally平等地; Clearly清楚地; Surprisingly令人惊讶地; Gradually逐渐地。根据本段可知, 有些青少年虽然自己不创造新的潮流, 但是他们紧随潮流, 并在朋友圈里非常有影响力, 能影响朋友们跟着他们买一样的东西。“同样地”, 他们不选择的东西永远不会成为主流。故选

28、A。16. A. unusualB. cheapC. colorfulD. new【解析】选D。 unusual不寻常的; cheap便宜的; colorful彩色的; new新的。根据上段中的they are quick to adopt the ones they see in the shops可知, Sam总是在买“新”出现的东西。故选D。17. A. put up withB. pay attention toC. laugh atD. worry about【解析】选C。 put up with忍受; pay attention to重视; laugh at嘲笑; worry ab

29、out担忧。人们有时会“笑话”Sam的最新着装, 但是他们几个月后可能就会买同样的衣服穿。故选C。18. A. rightB. sameC. perfectD. necessary【解析】选B。 right正确的; same相同的; perfect完美的; necessary必须的。根据but的转折语气可推知, 人们有时会笑话Sam的最新着装, 但是他们几个月后可能就会买“同样的”衣服穿。故选B。19. A. fashionB. businessC. directionD. freedom【解析】选A。 fashion时尚; business生意; direction方向; freedom自由

30、。根据全文内容不难得知, Katy和Sam都是因为他们的“时尚感”而获得报酬。故选A。20. A. understandB. predictC. explainD. decide【解析】选D。 understand明白, 理解; predict预测; explain解释;decide决定。根据第二段中的what these young people are wearing today will be worn by millions of others tomorrow 可知, 这些走在时尚前沿的青少年“决定着”其他80%多的青少年的着装。故选D。. 短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修

31、改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误仅限1词;2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。Ive learnt from the notice that youre looking for an English editor for our school paper. Im written this letter to apply to

32、the position. Im Li Hua, Senior Three student in our school. In my view, I met your requirements. For one thing, Im willing to devote some of my spare time to serve others. For another, Im good at both English or Fine Arts. Im either skilled in using puters. I would be glad when you could offer to me an opportunity for an interview. Im looking forward to your kind earliest

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