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优质资源评选 人教版九年级英语中考一轮复习 units79复习课教案.docx

1、优质资源评选 人教版九年级英语中考一轮复习 units79复习课教案八年级上Unit 7-9复习教案复习目标:1.复习八年级下册units7-9的所有单词,熟练掌握各单元中的加粗单词、重点短语、重点句子;熟练运用一般将来时态, 制作食品的步骤及其应对邀请的委婉表达。2.复述三个单元中的2a&2b,掌握3a和Reading的篇章逻辑结构、话题和功能;根据关键词复述3a和Reading。3.结合学习和生活的实际,参考unit7 的语言结构,仿写一篇“My life in ten years”为话题的短文,长度接近3a。4.查缺补漏,巩固units7-9的所学内容。5学会委婉地提出请求,表达建议。养

2、成文明的行为习惯。(设计意图:目标引领,逐条表述出本节课的知识、能力和情感目标,使本节课的内容明朗,便于学生有目的的学习。)。自主复习内化一、根据下列汉语默写单词。(一)根据词形变化默写单词:1. 污染_(v. ) _ (n.)污染/ _ (adj)污染2. 预言,预测_ (v. ) _ (n.) 预言,预测3. 和平_(n. ) _ (adj.) 和平的4. 服务_ (n. ) _(n.)仆人 _服务(v)_5危险_(n. ) _(adj.) 危险的 6. 同意_(v.) _(n.) 同意 _反义词 (反义词)_(adj.)7.可能的(adj)_ _(adj.)不可能的 8. _(adj.)

3、 最后 _(adv)最后9. 食盐_(n.) _ (adj .) 咸的10. 传统_ (n.) _(adj)传统的11. 旅游(v)_ 游客(n) _12. 邀请_(v.) _ (n.) 请柬 13. 悲伤的_ (adj.) _(n.) 悲伤,难过14. 准备_ (v.) _(n.) 准备,准备工作(二)根据词性分类默写单词:名词: 1.污染_ 2.环境_ 3.行星_ 4.公寓套房_ 5.人的_ 6.工厂_7. 形状,外形_ 8.假期,假日_ 9.酸奶_10.蜂蜜_ 11.西瓜_ 12.糖_ 13 奶酪_ 14 机器_ 15 三明治 _ 16 秋天 _17 温度_ 18 考试_19 邀请,请柬

4、 _20 准备_ 21 胶水_ 22 音乐会_23 客人_ 24 日历_- 25 大事 _26 校长_动词: 1. 污染_ 2. 种植_ 3. 建筑_ 4. 相信_ 5摇动,抖动 _ 6 倒出 _ 7剥皮 _ 8 庆祝_覆盖_10 接待_11 把。准备好 _12 及时赶上_13接受 _14 拒绝 _ 15回答_16删除_17 打印_同时可做名词和动词:1. 倒塌/秋天_ 2. 混合配料/ 混合_ 3. 遮盖/覆盖物_形容词: 1. 有危险的_ 2. 可能的_ 3. 传统的_4 有空的_ 5 难过的 _ 6 高兴的_惊奇的_ 介词: 在.里面_在.期间 _ 没有,不_名词变复数:1. 行星_ (

5、复数)_ 2. 人_ (复数)_ 3. 工厂_ (复数)_4 三明治 复数_二、根据下列汉语默写短语。1. 让某人做某事 _ 2. 尽力做某事_ 3. 同意某人的意见_4. 参与做某事_ 5. 将会有. _ 6. 帮助某人做某事_7. 有正在做_ 8. 做某事对某人来说的_ 9. 打开_10. 将倒入/灌入 _11用填充_12用把覆盖_ 13邀请某人做某事_ 14 为做准备 _15 和某人一起闲逛_ 16 照顾 _ 17 盼望做某事_18 拒绝邀请 _ 19 前天_ 20 后天_ 三、把下面的句子翻译成英语。 1. 人们将不会用钱,一切将会免费。 (P49 Section A 1a)Peopl

6、e wont use money .Everything _ _ _ .(解析:一般将来时结构:肯定式: 主语 + will/shall + 动词原形 + 其他。 will 用于各种人称,shall 用于第一人称。 主语 + be going to + 动词原形 + 其他。 be 随人称、数和时间的变化而变换。否定式: 在will/shall/be 后面加 not. will not = wont . 一般疑问句: 将will/shall/be 提到主语前面。)2. 我认为将来会有更多的污染。I think there will be _ _ .(many) (P50 Section A 2c

7、)(解析:注意区别:many much many +可数名词复数 much + 不可数名词 它们的比较级是 more )3. 将会有更少的树。 将会有更少的空闲时间(P51 Grammar Focus )There will be _ trees ? There will be _ free time. (few 和 little 区别 few +可数名词 little + 不可数名词 few -fewer-fewest little-lessleast) 4.你认为在人们的家里将会有机器人吗? (P49 )Do you think there _ _ robots in peoples ho

8、mes?5. 将会有更少的树,环境将处在极大的危险之中。 (P50 Section A 2d)There will be fewer trees and the environment will _ _ _ _.(be in danger 处在危险之中。be dangerous 危险的. 6. 让我们做水果沙拉吧。(P58 Section A 2C )_ _ fruit salad. (let sb do 让某人做某事 类似用法 make sb do have sb do )7. 我们需要多少酸奶?(P58 Section A2a)_ _ _ do we need ?(how much +不可

9、数名词 how many + 可数名词复数)8. 首先打开搅拌机。(P59 Grammar Focus)First , _ _ the blender.(turn on 打开 turn off 关上 turn up 把。声音调大 turn down 把.调小)9. 最后,夹着一些蔬菜用它招待你的朋友。(P62 Section B 2d)_,_ it _ your friends _ some vegetables.(serve 招待,服务 )10. 你能在星期六下午来参加我的派对吗?(P 65 Section A1c) _ _ _ _ my party _ Saturday afternoon

10、?(解析:Can you .? 意为“你能吗?”,可用于邀请别人或委婉地请求某人去做某事。其肯定回答常用 Sure, Id love / like to. ,否定回答常用 Im sorry, I cant. / Sorry, I cant. 等。 )11. 我不得不为考试做准备。 (P66 Section A2d)I have to _ _ an exam.(解析:prepare sth. 意为准备某物,prepare for sth. 意为为做准备. prepare to do sth. 意为准备做某事。)12. 赛姆没有离开直到下个星期天。(P66 Section A 2d) Sam _

11、_ _ next Wednesday.(解析:Until 常与not 构成固定结构,即not.until “直到才,不到.不“。)13. 那是很难的事他们看起来真的像人。 ( P53 Section B 2b) It will be _ _ _ them really think like a human.(its +adj+(for/of sb) to do sth. ) 。14. 然而, 他们同意它可能要花费上百年时间。( P53 Section B 2b)However, they agree it may take _ _ years(解析:hundred 当表示具体几百时要用单数,后

12、面不能跟介词of, 如果表示不确定的数字时,常用复数,后跟介词of.)(设计意图:由于是三个单元的内容,因此题量有点偏多,此题考查非常全面,几乎包括所有了的重点句型。既涉及到重点词组的运用,又兼顾了语法知识的渗透,是对学生最具挑战性的习题,可以说是知识和能力的兼顾。类似句子的对比练习,不仅能加深对知识的理解,还能培养学生养成自主探究,归纳总结的学习习惯。)四听听力,并根据对话或表格复述。1. Unit7 Section A 2a&2b. Listen and circle the words you hear.五、根据汉语译文复述unit 8 Section A 2d内容。安娜: 塞姆,我想为

13、周六的聚会做俄罗斯汤.你能告诉我怎么做吗?塞姆: 当然, 首先,买一些牛肉,一个卷心菜,四个胡萝卜,三个土豆,五个西红柿和一个洋葱.那么, 然后, 切碎蔬菜.安娜: 下一步呢? 塞姆: 紧接着,放牛肉,胡萝卜和土豆进入一个罐子并且再加些水.在那之后,再煮30分钟.然后,加卷心菜,西红柿和洋葱再煮10分钟.安娜: 好的,就是那样了?塞姆: 不, 再加一样东西.最后不要忘记加一些盐.六: Complete the following sentences without looking at 2b:( Retell Unit 9 2b) Thanks so much for _ this . Id

14、love to come to the party , but Im not _. My family is taking a trip to Wuhan at the _of this month to _ my aunt and uncle . _, Id still be _ to help out with any of the party _, like planning the games. Let me _ _ you need my help.As Im sure you know by now , our _ teacher , Ms.Steen , is _ soon to

15、 _ _ the US. Were very sad that shes leaving _ she is a fun teacher._ show how much were going to _her next Friday the 28th!Can you come to the party ?_ so ,can you help _any of these things ? Please tell me _ this Friday. _ _ food and drinks._ _ games to play._ things we need for games ._Ms. Steen

16、to the party _ telling her _ _ she can be surprised.I _ _ _ hearing from you all.(设计意图:此题是针对学生的听力及对话和大课文的进一步的练习,题型和文本稍作了变化,既让学生回忆了文本,又让学生对文本有了深层次的理解。灵活的结对活动形式的练习和表格图片的使用,不仅让学生形象直观的理解文本,还加强了口语方面的练习,是学生综合能力的一个训练。)七根据短文填写下面的表格,然后根据表格内容背诵Unit7 P53 Section B 2b全文。What are robots like in movies?Human serv

17、ants, help with housework , in dirty or dangerous placesWhat can robots do today?Work in factories, build cars, do simple jobs over and over againWill robots think like humans in the future?Some scientists believe Although move like people, difficult to think ; disagree with ; be able to talkWhat wi

18、ll robots be like in the future?Have different shapes, humans,animals八根据短文填写下面的表格,然后根据表格内容背诵Unit 8 P61 Section B 2b全文。When and where to celebrate Thanksgiving On the fourth Thursday in November, in the United StatesWhy to celebrate itRemember the first travelers, had a long and hard winter , gave th

19、anks for life and foodHow to celebrate it now.By having a big meal The main dish of the Thanksgiving mealturkey八根据短文填写下面的表格,然后根据表格内容背诵Unit 9 P66 Section A 2d全文。Time Last fallSaturday Monday Monday nightActivities go bike riding Prepare for the examhave an examhang out(设计意图:引导学生通过表格,提示语来复述文本,是对学生的一个口

20、语表达能力的训练。培养学生据此种提示来复述,也是对学生书面表达能力的一个训练和积累。Reading部分我设计了很开放的形式目的是让学生跳出文本,大胆用自己的语言来复述,只要是大意达到即可,不必拘泥文本,从而能更能调动学生的积极主动性,提高学生的口头表达能力。)当堂检测巩固班级: 姓名: 等级:卷一:一 、完型填空:(2014 山东烟台)There was once a bad king. All the people hated him. One day in a summer he was swimming alone 1._a river.The king was good at _2,

21、but while he was in the middle of the river, he suddenly felt ill. He cried out, “Help! Help!” At that time two farmers were working nearby. They _3 ran over, jumped into the water _4 saved him. They didnt know that he was the king before he was pulled out of the water.The king was 5_so he said to t

22、he farmers, “You have saved my life. Now you may 6 _anything, and Ill give it to you.”One of the farmers said, “My son is ill. Please send him to a good _7.” The king promised (承诺) to do so. Then he spoke to the old farmer. “And _8 can I do for you, old man?” The old man _9 for some minutes and then

23、 he answered, “You can do a very important thing for me.” “What is that?” asked the king. “Dont tell _10 that we have saved you.” The old man answered.1. A. at B. in C. on D. of 2. A. swimming B. swims C. to swim D. swim3. A. clearly B. quickly C. hardly D. strongly4. A. but B. or C. and D. though5.

24、 A. sad B. angry C. upset D. happy6. A. ask for B. thank for C. care for D. pay for7. A. teacher B. scientist C. driver D. doctor8. A. when B. what C. where D. how9. A. heard B. said C. thought D. took10. A. someone B. one C. anybody D. nobody二、阅读理解 When my family moved to America in 2010 from a sma

25、ll village in Guangdong, China, we brought not only our luggage, but also our village rules, customs and culture. One of the rules is that young people should always respect(尊敬) elders. Unluckily, this rule led to my very first embarrassment in the United States. I had a part-time job as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. One time, when I was serving food to a middle-aged couple, the wife asked me how the food could be served so quickly. I told her that I had made sure they got their food quickly because I always respect the elderly. As

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