1、自己整理出来的论文格式(空一行)华中科技大学文华学院(一号宋体,加粗,居中)毕业设计实用文体翻译(初号+小初,宋体,加粗,居中)(空一行)题目:敬畏生命的翻译(小一号宋体,加粗,居中。注意:如果标题较长,第二行的汉语空两个汉字)(空一行)Title: The Translation of Hold Life in Awe and Veneration(小一号,Times New Roman体,加粗,居中。注意:如果标题较长,第二行的英语开头空三个字母)(空两行)学 生 姓 名: 学号: 学 部 (系): 外语学部英语系 专 业 年 级: ?级英语?科 指 导 老 师: 职称或学位: (小二号宋
2、体,居中)2012年5 月10日(居页面底部,小二号宋体,加粗居中) Acknowledgements(Times New Roman体三号,加粗居中)(空一行)First and foremost, (四号,Times New Roman体)注意:1.英文致谢的长度不得超过150词左右;开头空四个字符,可分段落。 2.致谢首先要谢父母,兄弟姐妹和以前的老师;然后感谢指导老师以及引用了资料的作者。3.行距为1.5倍行距。Abstract (Times New Roman体三号,加粗居中)(空一行)The main purpose of the article is to summarize t
3、he gains and experience after translating two materials. The material Hold Life in Awe and VenerationMoby Dick under the View of Ecological Criticism has been translated from Chinese to English while the material Nature in the Contemporary American Novel has been translated from English to Chinese.
4、The article Hold Life in Awe and VenerationMoby Dick under the View of Ecological Criticism analyses the novel Moby Dick under new view from aspect of ecocriticism. It criticizes the idea of anthropocentrism and humans behavior coming from anthropocentrism. This article also gets inspiration from co
5、nflict between Ahab and Moby Dick and the tragedy caused by this kind of conflict. Human must limit their desire and must learn to respect other livers and to live with natural word harmoniously. Only in this way, can the ecological tragedy and the death of both human and nature be avoided. As for N
6、ature in the Contemporary American Novel, it discusses contemporary American novel from aspects of ecocriticism and ecofeminism. It analyses the development of ecology in America and of methods used to analyze America novel, and also analyzes the history of ecocriticism and ecofeminism. At the same
7、time, the article emphasizes the importance of ecocriticism and ecofeminism. (空一行)Key words: (Times New Roman体四号,加粗): Translation ecocriticism ecofeminism(四号,Times New Roman体)注意:1.英文摘要长度为150词左右;开头空四个字符,一段写完,不要再分段落。1.5倍行距。2.关键词可以是单词,也可以是词组或表达方式,只要3-5个,不要超过5个,除专有名词外,一律小写;关键词之间用分号隔开。3.英文摘要和关键词与中文部分分开,须
8、单独成页4.为了体现客观性,Abstract 中不用第一人称,而用第三人称;时态用一般现在时。如:This thesis argues that; In this paper,a viewpoint is discussed; This paper deals withetc. 摘 要( 三号宋体,加粗居中)(空一行)本文旨在对两篇材料进行翻译,并从翻译实践中获得经验并撰写翻译心得。其中材料敬畏生命生态批评视域下的为中译英,而材料生态批评视角下的当代美国小说为英译中。 敬畏生命生态批评视域下的一文从生态批评的角度对小说白鲸做了新的解读。批判了人类中心主义的思想及由此产生的人类行为。从小说主角亚
9、哈和白鲸莫比迪克的争斗关系造成的生态悲剧中得到启示。即人类必须遏制自己的欲望,并学会尊重其他的生命从而与自然世界和谐相处。只有这样才避免生态悲剧的发生和人类与自然共同灭亡的悲惨结局。 生态批评视角下的当代美国小说则主要从生态批评和生态女权主义两方面对当代美国小说进行了探讨。分析了美国生态学和对小说的研究方法的发展,以及生态批评和生态女权主义的历史发展情况。同时强调了生态批评和生态女权主义的重要地位。 在结束了对以上材料的翻译实践后,得出了一些有关于英汉翻译的心得。而翻译心得主要从对翻译材料的描述、寻找背景信息、句子的处理、对词和词组的处理、结论这五个方面来进行总结。分别针对翻译中篇、句、词等方
10、面容易出现的问题和难点进行分析,从而寻找有效的解决方法。对今后的翻译工作起到积累和指导的作用。关键词(四号宋体加粗):翻译 生态批评 生态女权主义(四号宋体)注意:1.中文摘要行距为1.5倍行距。2.中文摘要的内容和关键词要与英文部分保持一致,关键词之间用分号隔开。3.中文摘要与关键词要与英文部分分开,单独成页。Contents(三号Times New Roman, 加粗居中)(空一行)I. The Original Material.1II. Translation of the Text .3III. Reflection of the Translation Process.103.1
11、The Description of the Material for Translating.113.2 Problems and Solutions in Translation.11 3.2.1 Structure of Sentences. 12 3.2.2 Logic of Sentences.123.2.3 Phrases.13 3.2.4 Words.14Conclusion.16Bibliography.17注意:1. Contents 要单独成页。2. Contents中的标题不宜超过一行,尽量用单词和词组表达,避免用句子。3. Contents中只用一级标题(1.)与二级标
12、题(1.1),不用三级标题(1.1.1),但三级标题和四级标题可以用于正文中;论文中一律不用五级标题(。各级标题相对上一级标题须缩进一个字符。4.页码应是:正文用阿拉伯数字1.2.3,均置于页脚正中处。I. The Original Material to Be Translated(小三号,Times New Roman体,加粗。 中文:宋体,其它同)(空一格)blablablablalbla Attention: (标题以下的正文内容统一用小四号,Times New Roman体,1.5倍行距,下同; 如若中文为宋体,其它要求同英文)(空一格)II. The Trans
13、lation Version(小三号, Times New Roman体,加粗。 中文:宋体,其它同)(空一格)现在,广告对我们大多数人来说并不陌生,但是要给它下一个完整的定义并不容易。 (标题以下的正文内容统一用小四号,Times New Roman体,1.5倍行距,下同,中文则为宋体,其它相同)(空一格)III. Reflection of the Translation Process(小三号,Times New Roman体,加粗,如中文,宋体,其它相同)(空一格) 3.1 The Description of the Material for Translating(四号,Times
14、 New Roman体,加粗,如中文,宋体,其它同)This time I have translates two articles Hold Life in Awe and VenerationMoby Dick under the View of Ecological Criticism (from Chinese to English) and Nature in the Contemporary American Novel (from English to Chinese).Hold Life in Awe and VenerationMoby Dick under the View
15、 of Ecological Criticism is an article that analyses the story, Moby Dick, from a kind of new view point. It dissects the relation between human being and nature, and at the same time shows us the warning of ecology and environment. Nature in the Contemporary American Novel mainly analyses contempor
16、ary American Novels from the aspect of ecocriticism and ecofeminism. It describes the history of ecocriticism and ecofeminism in 1970s, and emphasizes its importance.Translation is a kind of work which can best test a persons ability to use both the two languages. This time, by translating these two
17、 articles, I have learned a lot about the skills and methods of translation. However, I was also faced with several difficulties during the translation. And through the great efforts I have found ways to deal with those difficulties. (空一格)3.2 Problems and Solutions in Translation(四号,Times New Roman体
18、,加粗)3.2.1 Structure of Sentences(五号,Times New Roman体,加粗,如中文,宋体,其它同)Firstly, articles in English always consist of long sentences which usually have a main sentence and several clauses while Chinese articles are generally made up of short sentence which contains large amount of information. Thus, as
19、we have been used to the type of sentences in Chinese, it is always not easy for us to understand the meaning of long sentences in English. For example, the sentence “While much feminism is focused on criticizing and trying to transform the present, to alleviate the forms of oppression that women ex
20、perience around the world, ecofeminism is more focus on the future”. Such a long sentence contains several meanings. Thus, in order to make sentences clearer, I break this sentence into several shorter sentences, according to these three parts of meanings “feminism is focused on criticizing and tryi
21、ng to transform the present”, “to alleviate the forms of oppression that women experience around the world”, “ecofeminism is more focus on the future”. I try to find the relation of those sentences. In this way the long sentence becomes easy to understand.(空一行)3.2.2 Logic of SentencesSecondly, the l
22、ogic of Chinese sentences is also different from that of English sentences. In people like to leave the most important part at the last of the talk or a sentence. And before that, Chinese people like to explain reasons, conditions, time, place or other things in term of coordinate clauses. As all th
23、e coordinate clauses are look almost the same, it is always hard for an English speaker to find out the core of a Chinese sentence. On the contract, in English, a main clause will be used to explain core of the sentence, and all the other information will be given in the clause or parenthesis, which
24、 decorate the main clause. Furthermore, there are always some marks in those clauses, such as the introductory word in attributive clauses and adverbial clause. Thus, people can easily find out the main idea of the sentence. For this reason, we need to make the suitable change in logic when we trans
25、late a sentence from Chinese to English or from English to Chinese. For example, in the article Nature in the Contemporary American Novel, there is a sentence “often focusing on the adventures and observations pf a single individual, nature writing is perhaps best represented by Thoreau in the first
26、 half of the nineteenth century and by John Muir and John Burroughs at the end of the century” in which the main clause is “nature writing is perhaps best represented by Thoreau in the first half of the nineteenth century and by John Muir and John Burroughs at the end of the century” while “often fo
27、cusing on the adventures and observations pf a single individual” is a adverbial clause which is used to decorate the main sentence. In this kind of situation, when we translate the sentence, we must pay attention to the core of the sentence, and the logic of the sentence. Another example is the sen
28、tence “environmental literature, in contrast to nature literature, presumes a high degree of self-consciousness about ecological relationships and environmental crises.” In this sentence the main part of the sentence is “environmental literature presumes a high degree of self-consciousness about eco
29、logical relationships and environmental crises”. And “in contrast to nature literature,” is a parenthesis. As the parenthesis breaks the main part of the sentence, it is necessary for us to restore the main part when we translate it. On balance, in the translation, dealing with those complex sentenc
30、es, we must pay great attention to the sentence-type especially the logic of those sentences. And the useful way I have fund is to find the main part of the sentence first, thus we can understand what information the sentence want to show us, and then we can translate and make up the new sentence ac
31、cording to the style and logic features of the language we need to translate the sentence to.(空一行)3.2.3 PhrasesFor those phrases, greatest difficulty I fund in the translation form Chinese to English is the translation of set phrase. Set phrase is a kind of idiomatic phrase, it usually contains cultural of the country, so we must be careful when translating it. In Chinese, set phrases are always taken out from a story, a literary quotation, a work or a mythology. And generally have the
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