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1、名师整理最新英语中考模拟检测试题含答案中考英语模拟试卷一、听力(略)二、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。AskedQuestion: Theres a girl at school who lies to my friends and me. We know shes lying but dont know what to say or how to deal with it.一HelenAnswer: What kind of lie does she tell?Does she want to make her life sound in

2、teresting in the hope that you and your friends like her?Or is she tying to get away from punishments for something she did?.If shes just trying to make friends, you might tell her as gently as you can that it seems that shes not always honest一 and that its hard to be friends when people arent their

3、 true selves. If her lies are really causing problems for others, youll need to let your teacher know what you doubt.-Agony AuntQuestion: Im really scared(恐怖). My parents argue(争吵) a lot, and Im afraid theyll get a divorce(离婚). My mom says everything will be all right, but what if it isnt?- LizzieAn

4、swer: Most parents go through a hard time. When they argue more than usual, it doesnt totally mean divorce. Keep talking with both your mom and dad. Let them know hearing them arguing hurts you a lot, and do your best to believe them when they tell you that things are OK. If your family does end up

5、changing, youll be able to deal with it as so many families do, with love and support. For now, though, try not to worry this will happen.- Agony Aunt根据材料内容选择最佳答案。21. What troubles Helen?A. Parental arguments. B. Her friends lies.C. Heavy studies. D. Teachers punishments.22. Which is a good question

6、 for Helen to find out the truth?A. Or is she your best friend?B. Or is she fond of playing basketball?C. Or does she cause trouble for others?D. Or does she have the same hobby as you?23. What happened to Lizzies family?A. Lizzies parents have got divorced.B. Lizzies parents are short of money,C. L

7、izzie doesnt love her parents any more.D. Lizzies parents cant get along well with each other.24. According to the text, whats Agony Aunts job?A. A teacher who leaches English in an international school,B、A student who studies with Helen and Lizzie as a schoolmate;C. A doctor who cares for children

8、in the hospital.D. A person who answers questions and offers advice on personal problems.25. Where is the text most probably from?A. A website about teen life.B. A magazine about chicken soup.C. A book about reading for fun.D. A newspaper about apartment guide and discovery .BThere is a boy who I se

9、e on my train every morning. He always sits alone, never speaks to anyone and never listens to music.Around 8 days ago I noticed he was video chatting with a friend and using signs. After finishing chatting with signs on the phone, he looked so sad. I tried to ask him if he was OK, but he just answe

10、red me with ASL.We couldnt understand each other. 1 knew he must be very lonely, but I felt so helpless to help him. The only thing that I could do was put my hand on his shoulder and just smile. It started to make him seem alone and 1 believed he must have felt like that.After that, I made up my mi

11、nd to learn ASL. I started staying up to learn it after work in the next couple of days. It was a little difficult but I thought it was worth doing. To his surprise, on a sunny morning, I said hello to him and asked him how he was. It was the first time for me to talk with him with signs on the trai

12、n, and I could remember clearly the shocked smile on his face. At that moment, I thought all the late nights and tiring days were worth it. It wasnt much of a conversation, but he got his phone out and typed out a message. When he got off the train, he showed me the message on his phone. It just sai

13、d, Thank you!And it was also what I wanted to say, Thank you for helping me be a better person. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。26. Why did the boy video chat with his friend by using signs?A. Because its low-cost to video chat.B. Because it was noisy on the train at that time.C. Because its more interesting to chat i

14、n this way.D. Because its difficult for him to talk with others like a normal person.27. What does”ASL mean according to the text?A. American Sign Lab.B. American Student Likes.C. American Student Language.D. American Sign Language.28. What does the underlined word It in Paragraph 3 refer to?A. Gree

15、ting the boy with signs.B. Telling the boy a joke.C. Chatting with the boy on the phone.D. Meeting the boy on the train again.29. Why did the writer make up his mind to learn ASL?A. To be a better person,B. To improve himself.C. To help the boy.D. To serve more passengers.30. What does the text main

16、ly tell us?A. Its important to learn ASL.B. Its useful to talk on the phone.C. Its helpful to be kind to the people who need help.D. Its normal to video chat with a friend by using signs.COn December 1 of 2019, Zhengzhou began to carry out a new litter-sorting rule. Everyone in the city must sort (分

17、类)his or her litter according to the following kinds: wet, dry ,harmful and recyclable.This sounds like a great idea. If we can sort our litter properly, we can reduce (减少)waste and recycle things better. But I wonder-. will people really follow this rule?In fact, most Chinese cities already have th

18、ese recycling rules. Outside of my apartment building, there are four bins 一kitchen waste, recyclable waste, harmful waste and other waste. Guess how many people put their litter into the correct bin? Most people dont notice these signs and just put their litter into whatever bin(垃圾桶) they want.Look

19、, I understand. Sorting litter correctly can be hard. Not everyone knows the difference between wet litter and harmful litter, for example. And it takes time to sort it properly. How can we deal with this problem?In fact, it can be done. In some cities, such as Shanghai, every family must sort their

20、 litter correctly.If they dont, they have to pay a fine.But in small towns like my hometown, we still dont carry out litter sorting. The litter truck just comes once a week and collects our litter. However, if we take our empty cans or bottles to the store, we can recycle them and get some money.Per

21、sonally, I dont think it would be hard for me to sort my litter. I dont sort (分类)it now, but maybe I will later.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。31. How many kinds of litter should a person in Zhengzhou sort?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.32. Why is sorting litter correctly hard for some people?A. Because there aren

22、t enough bins.B. Because the litter trucks dont come regularly.C. Because they are used to throwing litter around in the street.D. Because not everyone knows the difference between different litter.33. Which of the following words can best describe the new rule in Zhengzhou?A. Useful but impossible.

23、 B. Possible but useless.C. Difficult but hopeful. D. Meaningful but hopeless.34. What will the writer do in the future?A. Try to sort litter.B. Stop others from sorting litter.C. Throw litter everywhere.D. Do nothing about sorting litter.35. Whats the best title for the text?A. Litter sorting B.2Rs

24、一Reuse and RecycleC. The history of litter sorting D. Different litter, different useDIn order to deal with the work and pressure that seem boring, we have to take an active part in beautiful acts of love and kindness. So get to it!36._In order to solve the problem, we must face it bravely. This can

25、 include people in your life who may be bringing you down, the environment or even a person that makes you upset and worried. Its up to you to handle them.37._In order to live a meaningful life, you must love yourself. Take care of your actions and how you live each day. Love yourself fully in order

26、 to love others fully.38._Its not easy to make a decision about what is worth your time and effort or what is not. If situations are seriously terrible and beyond repair, its time to let go. Are there broken relationships or friendships but you know they are worth the time? Fix them and find peace.

27、Do what you can to find love in situations where it may have been absent in the past.39._Give our time, energy, love, and sometimes money, please. It is The True Meaning of Life. Everything we put into the world comes back to us. At the end of the day, no matter what you have, you are likely in a po

28、sition to give something small to someone else who needs it. Dont hesitate(犹豫).40._This one is pretty simple. Just do MORE of it.Do more of what makes you happy! I truly believe that in the super fast paced world we live in, happiness may not come as easily as we wish.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填人文中空缺处的最佳选项,

29、使文章意思通顺、内容完整。A. Things that make us smile, laugh and feel good are just amazing.B. Give back.C. Take care of yourself and your needs.D. Mend whats broken or give it up.E. Dont avoid trouble.三、完形填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填人相应空白处的最佳答案。Long long ago there lived two brothers, J

30、oshua and Eli. They lived on a farm and were very poor. Joshua worked hard every day. Eli was lazy 41 didnt like to work.One day, Joshua 42 a kingdom far away. This kingdom didnt have onions ! ”Hmm.”thought Joshua. 43 l could sell them onions,theyd pay a lot of money!”He asked to see the king and wa

31、s 44 to pay a visit. Joshua told the king about the onions and the king was surprised. He invited Joshua to make a large_45 with many dishes prepared with onions.That evening, the king and his guests tasted the dishes. Everyone agreed that the onions made everything taste so much 46 ! The king smile

32、d from ear to ear. He said to Joshua,“These onions are the most valuable thing in my kingdom. In return for them, I will give you 47 equal weight in the most valuable thing I have - diamonds. ”Joshua was right rich and returned to his village 48 a box full of diamonds.Joshua 49 his wealth, but his brother Eli was not satisfied. He asked Joshua

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