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1、报关英语教案教 案 课程名称: 报关英语 授课班级: _14商务英语1234班_ 授课时间:_20152016_学年度第_1 学期 第 1 周至第 16 周 共 16 周 1-16周(每周2-4学时)总学时: _四十八学时_ 授课类型:新课有无教学大纲:有理论教学:30学时实践与练习:14学时综合总结复习:2学时练习与答疑: 2学时教学目的、要求:让高职高专院校报关专业、国贸专业、商务英语专业的学生具备一定的专业英语基础,熟悉国际报关的流程及相关的法律法规,能够与各类相关行业的人员进行沟通,巩固报关核心知识体系。采用教材:21世纪高职高专经管类系列规划教材 报关英语 华南理工大学出版 参考教材

2、:1.实用报关英语及报关单填制(第二版)詹放,柳林编著 西南交大 2.海关英语阅读-海关高等教育教材 谢万钧,郑继正编著 中国海关出版社3. 报关与国际物流英语 倪华主编 西南交通大学出版社4、报关实务英语谢凤燕 主编 西南财经大学出版社 2013年5、报关与报检实务宋兰芬 杜扬 主编 机械工业出版社 2013年6、报关业务实战教程姜维 陈柯妮 编著 立信会计出版社 2014年课程内容:Grab the knowledge of the customs, such as, Introduction to Customs and Customs Declaration; Classificati

3、on of goods under Customs Supervision; Customs Entry; Necessary Documents for Customs Declaration; Inspection of Import and Export Goods; Tariffs; Release of the Goods Unit 1 Introduction to Customs and Customs Declaration第一周学时: 2导入section 1 Introduction:目的、要求: Introduction of the customs.教学内容概述:The

4、 history of the development of Chinese customs; the place we set the customs establishments重点: The function of the customs难点:The relations between the customs and the international trade.思考题(作业):1.find some information about the customs。教学内容:如下:section 1 introductionIntroduction: Customs is an agenc

5、y n.代理,机构 of the government responsible for checking all import goods and assessing and collecting duties. Customs authorities work closely with the central bank of the country to ensure that goods are only imported or exported in accordance with current regulations. Meanwhile, they have to levy n.征

6、兵;征税v. 征收,索取;征税,征集 duty, where applicable, on a weight or quantity basis, or ad valorem adv. 按价,按照价格价值,计税; and they must verify, to prevent dumping and illegal transfer of funds outside the country, that the goods are being sold at the current market ruling in the country of origin.Each country has

7、its own customs, not excepting China.China is an ancient country with a splendid history of civilization. China Customs is a stage organ responsible for the supervision and control over控制 means of transport, goods, luggage postal items and other articles entering or leaving the customs territory, th

8、e collection of customs duties, taxes and fees, the prevention of smuggling, the compilation of the customs statistics and handling of other customs matters.一、The history of the development of Chinese customsChinese is one of the earliest countries set up customs. (一)the ancient customs古代海关1, Xia an

9、d Shang Dynasties: no customs records 1、夏商时期:无海关记载2, the Western Zhou Dynasty: the emergence of the customs 2、西周:出现了海关 “关” 周礼:“关,要塞也。”/“关,界上门。”/“古者,境上为关。” “关”政治行为 军事作用- effect of military and political behavior3、 Spring and Autumn Period :Began to levy tariffs4、 The Han Dynasty:open up the Silk Road

10、 on the land张骞出使西域 汉代在西北边境地区设关 在甘肃河西设四郡:酒泉、武威、张掖、敦煌(绢马贸易)5、The Ming Dynasty Foreign ship must first stop in certain wharf, after examination and registration, it was allowed to enter Nanjing6、The Qing dynasty: Formally use the word Customs” (二)the modern customs 近代海关 (After Opium War)After the Opium

11、 War, a series of unequal treaties changed the nature Chinese Customs - the semi colonial and semi feudal.(三)The customs of the Peoples Republic of ChinaShortly after the foundation of the Peoples Republic of China, the Customs General Administration was set up by the state Council on Oct.25, 1949.

12、二、the place we set the customs establishments Q: The customs are found only in the coastal areas?The state establishes the Customs at ports open to the outside world and The place Customs operations are concentrated A: 国家在对外开放的口岸和海关监管业务集中的地点设立海关。第二周学时: 2导入section 2 dialogue:目的、要求: the impotant funct

13、ion of the customs教学内容概述:The tasks of the Chinese customs; how to pass through the customs重点: The function of the customs难点:The relations between the customs and the international trade.思考题(作业):1.remember the tasks of the customs 。教学内容:如下:section 2 dialogueSection 2: dialogueCustoms in ChinaA: Do yo

14、u know the General Administration of Customs of China?B: Yes, the major function of the GACC is, under the leadership of the State Council, to lead and organize customs offices throughout the country in the enforcement of the Customs Law and related state polices and regulations and in the promotion

15、 and protection of socialist modernization.A: What are the main tasks of the customs?B: The customs establishments exercise their functions and powers independently in accordance with the law, and are responsible to the GACC. China Customs takes on four tasks in the supervision and control of import

16、s and exports, which are:To exercise supervision and control over inward and outward goods and means of transport, passengers luggage and personal articles; 监督控制进出境的货物、运输工具,旅客的行李和私人物品; To collect customs duties and other taxes and fees; 征收关税和其他税、费; To prevent and counter smuggling activities; 预防和打击走

17、私活动; To compile customs statistics and deal with other customs matters. 编制海关统计和处理其他海关事务。A: Up to date, how many customs establishments are there in China?B: With the development of Chinas external economy and trade, as well as Chinas further opening to the outside world, more and more customs establ

18、ishments are set up. At present, the total number of customs establishment is 330, excluding those in Chinas Taiwan, HongKong and Macao.A: Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome.Reading Q: Currerntly, what countries have sanctions制裁 placed on them by the U.S. government?A: To find out the answer to th

19、is question, you may go to the Office of Foreign Asset Controls of the Department of Treasury. It provides information about sanctions regulations and maintains a list of individual entities with which U.S. parties cannot do business.要找到这个问题的答案,你可以去财政部外国资产管理处。它提供了关于制裁条例和一份名单,美方无法与名单上的做生意。Q: What fed

20、eral agencies are involved in export controls and over what products?A: The Bureau of Export Administration of the Department of Commerce provide links to federal agencies with export control responsibilities.Q: What if I need additional information on which federal agency has export controlslicensi

21、ng authority over my product?A: Go to the BXAs General Information facts web page.Q: What is a Commodity Jurisdiction request?A: A commodity jurisdiction request is used to determine whether an item or the Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls(DDTC).Q: What are dual-use exports

22、and who is the licensing agent?A: dual-use exports are those materials and equipment which are defense-related, involving sensitive (e.g, military and nuclear) and non-sensitive applications, such as computers, weapons, licensing of defense services and defense (munitions) articles.Although the BXA

23、is the primary licensing agent for dual-use exports, the Defense Trade Controls in the Department of State has authority over defense articles and services.第三周学时: 2New words and phrases目的、要求: learning new words and phrases.教学内容概述:Some new words and expression about the customs.重点: Some useful phrase

24、s and expressions of the customs难点:The relations between the customs and the international trade.思考题(作业):1.remember the new words and expressions教学内容:如下:words and phrasesWORDS AND PHRASES1. Agency n. 代理;机构;力量经销;代理;经销店;代理公司An agency is a business which provides a service on behalf of other businesses

25、.We had to hire maids through an agency. 我们得通过中介雇用女佣。.a successful advertising agency. 一家成功的广告代理公司(政府的)局,处,署,专业行政部门 An agency is a government organization responsible for a certain area of administration.this government agency monitors health and safety at work该部门负责劳工医疗和安全Webster is retiring as head

26、 of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). 韦伯斯特即将从中央情报局局长的位子上退职我加入了一个婚介机构. I joined a dating agency. 旅行社将为你安排旅行,或者你也可以自己安排交通工具The agency will make travel arrangements for you. Alternatively, you can organize your own transport. The annual sales of this advertising agency are 1.4 billion dollars. 这家广

27、告代理商每年销售额是14亿美元2.Assess vt. 评定;估价;对(财产、收入等)进行估价She suggests you first assess your income and outgoings. 她建议你先估算一下自己的收入和开销。 They assess his house at 15000 yuan. 他们给他房子的估价为15000元.As an adult, you can assess the situation realistically. 作为一个成年人,你能现实地评估局势Its difficult to assess the effects of these chan

28、ges. 这些变化带来的效果难以评估。 We tried to assess his suitability for the job. 我们想评估一下他是否适合这项工作. 3.Dump If you dump something somewhere, you put it or unload it there quickly and carelessly.v 倾倒;倾卸 If something is dumped somewhere, it is put or left there because it is no longer wanted or needed v丢弃;抛弃;扔掉 If y

29、ou say that a place is a dump, you think it is ugly and unpleasant to live in or visit n. 肮脏的地方;乱七八糟的地方 the home market. v. (通常指为占领海外市场)倾销,抛售 _dumping_ n.倾销4. GAC General Administration of CustomsAfter returning home, has worked in Longkou, Shandong and Shanghai Customs General Administration of Cus

30、toms. 回国后, 先后供职山东龙口海关和上海海关总署. Under special conditions and at the discretion the General Administration of Customs thearrangement can be changed. 特殊情况下,经海关总署决定,可以进行调整.5. State Council Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the army and civilians in flooded areas f

31、ought the floods courageously. 在中共中央、国务院的正确领导下, 灾区广大军民奋勇抗洪. The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law. 6. Smugglingn. 走私,偷运;v. 偷运( smuggle的现在分词 );私运;走私;不按规章地偷带(人或物) They were caught smuggling diamonds into the country. 他们走私钻石入境时被发现了。 The evidence pointed to the existence of an international smuggling network. 证据表明很可能有一个国际走私网络存在. 走私毒品是严重的罪行.Drug - smuggling is a serious crime. 军火走私arms smuggling ; the smuggling of a

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