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1、Unit7Wharesmyschoolbag教案人教新目标版Unit 6 Wheres my schoolbag?The 1st period (第一课时): Section A (1a 2d)Teaching aims(教学目标)1掌握有关物品的名称table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, plant, bag, alarm clock, CD, video, video cassette, hat, etc;2学会谈论物品的位置。Language points(语言点)1. 要求掌握以下句式: Wheres my schoolb

2、ag?Its under the table.2要求掌握以下词汇: where, table, bed, chair, plant, under, they, onDifficulties(难点):Teaching steps (教学步骤)Lead in: Good morning,everyone! Last week, we finished Unit 3. Today we are going to learn a new unit, Unit 4. Ask and answer a. Can you tell me what the title of Unit 4 is? Yes, i

3、ts “Wheres my schoolbag?” What do you think the unit is about? b. Great! In this unit we are going to learn talking about the positions of the school things. Do you still remember some school things we have learnt? c. What are they? OK. Lets start to talk about some school things first. Step 1: Sect

4、ion A 1a Please look at the picture in activity 1a. Therere some things in it. Do you know what they are? 2Match and discuss 3Check the answers Step 2: Section A 1b Listen and number Step 3: Section A 1c 1Read Would you like to read the conversation with your partners? 2Practice a. Would you please

5、practice the conversation according to the picture in 1a? b. Please practice in class. Who would like to have a try? Step 4: Section A 2a 1Look and say a. Lets move to activity 2a now. Could you please look at the things and say them in English? b. Lets say the things in English one student by one.

6、2Listen and number 3Check the answers Step 5: Section A 2b 1Listen and find the correct places 2Check the answers Step 6: Section A 2c bStudents work in pairs. Student A covers the picture in 2b. Ask about where the things are in the picture. Student B answers the questions. Step 7: Section A 2dRole

7、-play the conversation. Show a picture of a room, give the students one minute to look at it, and then ask them what kind of things they saw and where the things are. Have a competition among groups. See which group can remember all the things and places.Step 8: Summarize Lets summarize what we lear

8、nt in this period. Step 9: Homework 1Copy the words in activity 1a and the sentences in grammar box. 2Read the typescript of activity 2a and 2b.The 2nd period of Class: Section A (Grammar focus 3c)Teaching aims(教学目标)1要求熟悉物品的名称;2学会谈论物品的位置;Language points(语言点)1. 熟练运用Where问句和一般疑问句及其回答。2掌握名词单复数及人称代词they

9、的用法。Difficulties(难点): 一般疑问句Is it? Are they?的回答。Teaching steps (教学步骤)Lead in: What did we learn yesterday? Who can tell us? Yes. Yesterday we got to know some school things and ask where they are. Do you still remember how to say them? OK. Lets review them first. Step 1: Revision 1Ask and answer a. W

10、ould you please translate my words into English? 桌子、棒球b. Who would like to make conversations with “where” questions according to the pictures in PPT? 2Dictation Please take out your dictation exercise books and lets have a dictation. Step 2: Grammar Focus 1Read the sentences in grammar box. 2Point

11、out the notes where的用法; on, in, under的用法; the的用法; 名词的单复数。Section A 3a 1Put the sentences in order There are four sentences in the box and they are in disorder. Would you please put these sentences in order to make a conversation? 2Check the answers Step 3: Section A 3b Pairwork a. Lets move to 3c no

12、w. There are some things in the pictures and can you make conversations about the positions of them. Here is an example. Please read it together. b. Lets make conversations in pairs. c. Who would like to make conversations in class? Step 4: Section A 3c Game: Find the differences a. Now its time for

13、 a game. Lets play the game in pairs. Student A looks at the picture on this page. Student B looks at the picture on page 19. What do you find? b. Yes, the two pictures are similar. But there are still some differences between them. You two try to find out the differences by asking and answering que

14、stions. ThingsPicture 1Picture 2schoolbagunder the tableon the tablepencil casebookskeysdogc. I would like to give you an example. Example: T: Wheres the pencil case? Is it on the table? A: No, it isnt. It is in the schoolbag. d. I am sure you are clear about how to do that. Lets see who can find al

15、l the differences first. e. I believe you know how to perform the task. Please start! Step 5: Summarize Lets summarize what we learnt in this period. Step 6: Homework Try to memorize the conversation in 3a. The 3rd period of Class: Section B (1a- 1f )Teaching aims(教学目标)1熟练运用Where is/are?问句和一般疑问句及其回答

16、;2熟练运用in, on, under, behind, in front of, near等介词。Language points(语言点)1. Wheres ? Its in/on/under2. Wherere? Theyre in/on/underDifficulties(难点): 方位介词的正确使用。Teaching steps (教学步骤)Lead in: Good morning, boys and girls. Shall we continue our lessons? Could you please tell me what we learnt in section A?

17、Yes. We learnt to ask where the things are. Step 1: Revision 1Review some prepositions a. I will show you some pictures, please answer my questions according to them. 2翻译练习: Lets do some translation exercises, and please translate my sentences into English. a.那个棒球在哪里?它在书包里。 b.钥匙在书架上吗?不,不在。 3Dictatio

18、n Lets have a dictation. Step 2: Section B 1a 1Look and look up 2Match Please match the words with the things in the picture. 3Check the answers Step 3: Section B 1b 1Look and remember Look at the picture in 1a for three minutes and try to remember the things in it as many as possible. 2Write a. Wri

19、te down the things you remember on your notebooks. b. Write down the positions of the things you remember. 3Read Read the things and their positions you write on your notebooks. Step 4: Section B 1c 1Listen and circle a. Lets move to activity 2a now. It is a listening exercise. For the first time, I

20、 would like you to listen only. b. Now, for the second time, please listen to it again and circle the words you hear in 2a. 2Check the answers I think most of you have finished it. Lets check them together. Step 5: Section B 1d 1Listen Listen to the conversations for the first time. 2Listen and writ

21、e a. Listen to the conversations for the second time and write where the things are. b. Listen to the conversations for the third time and check them by yourselves. 3Check the answers Step 7: Ask and answerAsk and answer questions about the things in Toms room. 根据汤姆房间里的物品位置进行问答。Step 8: Summarize Let

22、s summarize what we learnt in this period. Step 9: Homework Copy the sentences in section B 2b. The 4th period of Class: Section BTeaching aims(教学目标)1Enable the students to talk about where things are.2掌握名词单复数及人称代词they的用法。Language points(语言点)1. 掌握句型Wheres the notebook? Its on the bed.2. 生词和短语math, a

23、larm, CD, video, tape, vide tapeDifficulties(难点): 正确写便条。Teaching steps (教学步骤)Lead in: We have finished most part of Unit 4And in this period, we will continue to finish section B. But before that, I would like you to review what we learnt before. Step 1: Revision 1Make a speech Can you make a speech

24、 to tell us where the things are according to the things on the screen? 2Dictation Step 2: Section B 2a 1Write the words you know for things in the picture.2Draw a. Draw the missing things in the picture according to the note. b. Show your picture to others and see whether your pictures are the same

25、. Step 3: Section B 3b 1Read the passage and answer the questions: Is Kate tidy? Is Gina tidy?2Check the answers 3Read Step 4: Section B 2c 1Complete the chart about the things Kate and Gina have and where they are. 2Read Step 5: TaskMy ideal room. Now, class, lets have a task. Everyone wants to hav

26、e an ideal room for himself. What is your ideal room like? Please draw a picture about it and then describe it to your classmates. Step 6: Summarize Lets summarize what we did in this period. Step 7: Homework Copy the note in 3a and try to recite it. The 5th period of Class: Section B (3a- Self Chec

27、k )Teaching aims(教学目标)要求学生用所学的语言来设计自己理想的房间,并绘制成图,进行交流。Language points(语言点)1. 掌握有关物品的单词:table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, plant, bag, alarm clock, CD, video, video cassette, hat, etc;2. 熟练运用Where问句和一般疑问句及其回答。Difficulties(难点):能够准确运用方位介词描述物品所在的位置;能够运用Where问句找到物品的位置。Teaching steps (教学步

28、骤)Lead in: We have spent four periods on Unit 4This is the last period of Unit 4In this period, we will do some exercises and make sure you learn this unit well. Step 1: Revision Lets have a dictation about the note in 3a. Step 2: Section B 3a 1Check the words and the phrases you know 2Do you have t

29、hese things? Where are they? I would like all of you to read the words and the phrases together. Step 3: Section B 3b a Write about where the things are in your room. Use the word and if you can bPlease ask your friends for help. cLooking up the dictionary is also a good way to study English. I hope

30、 you can get more from dictionaries. Step 4: Self-check-1 1Write the things in your room.2Write about the things in your classroom with in, on and under.3Please draw a picture according to what you read. Please show your picture to others. Step 5: Summarize Lets summarize what we did in this period. Step 6: Homework 1Do the exercises on the students book and the textbook. 2Review Unit 4. 3Watch the pictures in “Just for fun” on page 24.

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