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高中英语必修二 4 练习与答案.docx

1、高中英语 必修二 4 练习与答案Unit 4 Wildlife ProtectionPeriod 1 warming up, Pre-reading & ReadingI. 单词拼写 1. In todays economy, you need to have very specific skills to _ ( 成功 ).2. A _ ( 猛烈的 ) storm forced the sailors to abandon ships.3. Colleges _( 回应 )swiftly to the demand for new courses.4. The Internet and te

2、levision make it possible for us to see a _( 遥远的 )scene.5. Compared with last year, our production has _( 下降 ) by 20%.6. This museum c_ a lot of original artworks.7. Thanks ever so much for your help. I really a _it.8.This disease a_ many different organs ( 器官 ) of the body.9. Most of the villagers

3、rely on farming for i_.10. The boss e_ about 20 more people to work for him yesterday.II单项选择 1. He is wearing sunglass to _ his eyes from the strong sunlight. A. hold B. stop C. protect D. prevent2. Although the wind has _, the rain remains steady so you will need a raincoat. A. turned up B. gone ba

4、ck C. blown out D. died down3. The villagers all went out to look for the_ child. A. losing B. missing C. gone D. unseen4. No _ has been made in the talks on withdrawal of foreign troops from the country. A. success B .progress C. advance D. result5. For a moment Arthur was _ how to reply to the que

5、stion. A. have no idea B. not known C. puzzling D. at a loss6. With the production _ year by year, the manger had to resign. A. decreased B. decreasing C. increased D. increasing7. These rooms _ for special guests. A. are reserved B. are reserving C. reserved D. reserves8. - I hear Jack was once _of

6、 losing his life. - Yes. But now he is _. A. in danger; out of danger B. in the danger; out of the danger C. in the danger; out of danger D. in danger; out of the danger9. He _ to cut off the grass after he watered all the flowers and trees. A. set about B. set out C. got down D. set up10. As _ as t

7、here is demand for these drugs, the financial incentive (诱因)for drug dealer will be there. A. much B. long C. well D. far11. Its high time you had your hair cut; its getting _. A. too much long B. much too long C. long too much D. too long much12. Born into a family with three brothers, David was _t

8、o value the sense of sharing. A. looked after B. turned down C. brought up D. held back13. Wouldnt it be_ wonderful world if all nations lived in _ peace with one another. A. a; / B. the; / C. a; the D. the; the14. A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must no

9、t be left_. A. unsatisfied B. unsatisfying C. to be unsatisfying D.being unsatisfied15. For all these years I have been working for others. I am hoping I will _ my own business someday. A. turn up B. fix up C. set up D. make up III阅读理解 A Many years ago a kind farmer bought a tank (桶) of gas for a mo

10、m with two children. He didnt accept any money; he just smiled and said, “Pass it on to someone else.” The mom was my mother. After many years, I had a similar experience. A few weeks ago as my husband and I were filling up our car with a coupon (优惠券) for 99 cents a gallon, I got into a long line to

11、 pay. I could see that ahead a young man was having some kind of problem and I realized he had misunderstood the coupon and thought it was 99 cents to fill his small truck. Everyone was saying, “99 cents a gallon is so cheap they cant give the gas away.” He was embarrassed and was just calling his w

12、ife when I got to the counter. He said to his wife, “Just come here because I dont have enough money on me.” I asked the cashier (收银员) how much his was, and she told me. I told her I would pay for it and touched the man on the arm and told him to tell his wife it had been paid for. He nodded and tur

13、ned back to the phone, then stopped and looked at me. “What?” I told him again, and I was so surprised to see everyone stop what they were doing to watch me as if I had just grown another head. When he asked how he could give the money back to me, I just said, “Pass it on to someone else in need!” 1

14、. Why do you think the author helped the young man pay for the gas? A. She learned from the farmer B. She disliked waiting for a long time.C. She had a lot of money on her D. Her husband told her to do so.2. We can infer from the passage that _.A. the farmer in the first paragraph must be very richB

15、. one cant buy gas for a truck with 99 cents C. the author misunderstood the young mans trouble at first D. the young man forgot to bring any money with him3. We know from the passage that the young man _.A. paid for his gas with the help of his wife B. felt stupid for making a mistake about the gas

16、 price C. went to the gas station together with his wifeD. was not allowed to use the coupon that day 4. Why did other people stare at the author when she paid for the young mans gas?A. They were embarrassed B. They didnt believe it.C. The author was foolish D. The author was kind.5. Which of the fo

17、llowing is the best title for the passage?A. A Kind Farmer B. A Tank of GasC. Help for a Young Man D. A Mistake About a Coupon B You can get a lot from being healthy. Everyone needs to take time to exercise. There are lots of ways to improve your health without having to join a gym. Here are some ti

18、ps on how to make better use of your free time while staying healthy. By keeping physically active, youre making sure that your joints (关节) and body organs (器官) are kept in good working order. Exercise can also help keep your weight at a healthy level and can protect you from catching coughs and col

19、ds. Other benefits are an increase in your energy level and brain activity. Knowing that youre looking and feeling good can also increase your self-confidence. If youre under 18, you should try to do a total of 60 minutes of physical activity every day. This includes anything from taking the lift at

20、 the gym to walking up stairs. If youre over 18, you need at least 30 minutes of exercise at least five days a week. Getting fit isnt all about gyms some forms of exercise wont cost you any money, and most forms can be easily used in your busy life without taking some special time in your day. For e

21、xample, riding a bike to school, college or work, and even running on a playground a few times a week can improve your fitness level. Getting fit isnt just something you have to do by yourself. Playing team sports like football, or basketball is great exercise, and it is often more enjoyable because

22、 youre playing with a group of friends.6. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. What benefits one can get from taking exercise. B. How much exercise one should take. C. What time of the day is suitable for exercise. D. What forms of exercise one should choose. 7. Mr. Wang is a su

23、permarket manager. How much exercise does he need every week?A. At least 30 minutes every day.B. At least 30 minutes five times a week. C. At least 60 minutes five times a week. D. At least 60 minutes every day.8. What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?A. One can exercise outside the gym.B

24、. The disadvantages of exercising at the gym.C. Riding a bike is a good way to keep fit. D. How to keep a busy lifestyle. 9. Using which form of exercise can you have more fun and keep healthy at the same time?A. Taking the lift at the gym B. Running on the playground.C. Riding a bike to school D. P

25、laying football. 10. What can we learn from the passage?A. Walking up stairs is also a kind of exercise. B. It is no use exercising by yourself. C. Dont do exercise if you are busy.D. One should try to save money for joining a gym. Period 2 Learning about Language & Using LanguageI.根据句子意义, 从方框中选出合适的

26、短语,并用其正确形式填空. according to, protect from, burst into, die out , in danger of, in relief, at the mercy of , pay attention to, succeed in, do harm to1. Washing hands as often as possible can _ us _ H1N1 virus.2. Many Chinese traditions are _.3. After finishing the test paper, I went out of the classro

27、om _.4. He tried to _ what the teacher was saying.5. Polluted air will _ our health.6. Everyone in the room _ laughter after hearing his joke.7. _Freud, our dreams represent our hidden desires ( 渴望 )8. The villages at the foot of Mayon Volcano ( 马荣火山 ) are _ being buried by the ash.9. They didnt hav

28、e any good equipment, so once the sailors were at sea, they were_ the wind and sea.10. Can you imagine a lazy boy like Mike _ passing the final exam?II单项选择 1. Wild animals have been over-hunted, and as _ result, some of them are among the animals in _ danger. A. a; the B. a; 不填 C. the; a D. 不填; the2

29、. Is _ ready for the trip, Gary? No, we still have much to do. A. Anything B. something C. Nothing D. everything 3. When the doctor said I was getting better after the operation, my parents smiled _. A. in charge B. in turn C. in return D. in relief 4. He _ dislike Chinese food, but recently it seem

30、s that he has _ it. A. is used to; got used to B. used to; got used to C. used to; used to D. is used to; used to 5. People hope that something will be done to protect the farmland and crops from _. A. being polluting B. polluting C. being polluted D. polluted 6. I have to write that report by hand, for my computer _ and wont be re

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