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1、美国文学课件作家及其代表作Nathaniel Hawthorne Twice-Told Tales (1837) Moses from an Old Manse (1846) The Scarlet Letter (1850) The House of the Seven Gables (1851) The Blithedale Romance (1852) The Marble Faun (1860)Edgar Allan Poe Tales The Black Cat ;The Cask of Amontillado The Fall of the House of Usher; Lige

2、ia The Masque of the Red Death The Murders in the Rue Morgue The Tell-Tale Heart ; The Premature Burial Poetry A Dream Within A Dream Annabel Lee; The City in the Sea Ulalume; The Haunted Palace The Raven Literary criticism The Philosophy of CompositionHerman Melville Typee (1846); Omoo (1847) Mardi

3、 (1849); Redburn (1849) White Jacket (1850) Moby Dick (1851) Pierre (1852); Confidence Man (1857) Billy Budd (unfinished)Mark Twain The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County (1867) The Innocents Abroad (1869) The Gilded Age (1873) Old Times on the Mississippi (1876) The Adventures of Tom Sawye

4、r (1876) Life on the Mississippi (1883) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court (1889)Henry JamesThe American (1877) Daisy Miller (1878) The Europeans (1878)The Portrait of A Lady (1881) The Bostonians (1886)The Princess Casamassima (1886) The Turn of the Scr

5、ew (1898)What Maisie Knows (1897) The Wings of the Dove (1902)The Ambassadors (1903) The Gloden Bowl (1904)Stephen Crane Maggie: A Girl of the Street (1893) The Red Badge of Courage (1894) “The Open Boat” “The Blue Hotel”Theodore Dreiser Sister Carrie Jennie Gerhardt An American Tragedy The Bulwark

6、The StoicEdith Wharton The Great Inclination (1899) The House of Mirth (1905) Ethan Frome (1911) The Custom of the Country (1913) The Age of Innocence (1920)Sherwood Anderson Winesburg, Ohio 1919 Poor White 1920 Dark Laughter 1925 Death in the Woods 1933 Francis Scott Fitzgerald This Side of Paradis

7、e (1920)Flappers and philosophers (1920) Tales of the Jazz Age (1922)The Beautiful and Damned (1922) The Great Gatsby (1925) All the Sad Young Men (1926) Tender Is the Night (1934) The Crack-Up (1945) The Last Tycoon (1941)Ernest (Miller) HemingwayIn our Time (1925) The Torrents of Spring(1926)The S

8、un Also Rises (1926) A Farewell to Arms (1929) Men Without Women (1927)Green Hills of Africa (1935) Death in the Afternoon (1936) Willa Cather Alexanders Bridge(12), O Pioneers(13), The Song of the Lark(15), My Antonio(18) One of Ours (22);The Professors House (23)Sinclair Lewis Main Street (1920);

9、Babbitt (1922); Arrowsmith (25); Elmer Gantry (27); Dodsworth (29)John SteinbeckThe Cup of Gold (29); The Pastures of Heaven(32); Tortilla Flat (35); In Dubious Battle (36); Of Mice and Men (37); The Grapes of Wrath (39); The Pearl (48); The Wayward Bus (47); East of Eden (52), William Faulkner Sold

10、iers Pay (26); Mosquitoes (27); Sartoris(29); The Sound and the Fury (29); As I Lay Dying (30);Sanctuary (31); Light in August (32); Absalom, Absalom (36) The Unvanquished (38); The Wild Palms (39); Go Down, Moses (42)(“The Bear”) The Hamlet (40); A Fable (57);The Town (57); The Mansion (60); Intrud

11、er into the Dust (48); Requiem for a Nun (51); The Reivers (62)Eugene ONeill A Wife for a Life (13); Bound East For Cardiff (14); Beyond the Horizon (20); Anna Christine (20); The Emperor Jones (20); Desire Under the Elms (24); The Hairy Ape (21); The Great God Brown (25); All Gods Chillun Got Wings

12、 (23); Marco Millions (25); Strange Interlude (27); Mourning Becomes Electra (31) The Iceman Cometh (39); Long Days Journey into Night (40); Hughie (40); A Moon for the Misbegotten (43)Saul Bellow (1915-2005) Dangling Man (44); The Victim (47);The Adventures of Augie March (53); Seize the Day(56); H

13、enderson the Rain King(59); Herzog (64); Mr. Sammlers Planet (70); Humbolts Gift (75); Deans December (82); The Actual (97)Issac Bashevis Singer (1904-1991)Yiddish Works: Satan in Goray (34); The Family Moskat (45); Gimpel the Fool (53); The Magician of Lublin (59). English Works: The Spinoza of Mar

14、ket Street (61); The Slave (62); The Manor (67) Literature in the Colonial Period (1607-1820) I. Cultural Background: Discovery of America and early settlers II. American Puritanism 1.Puritans American Puritans American Puritanism 2.Calvinism:Predestination,Original Sin, Total Depravity, Limited Ato

15、nement 3. Its influence upon American writings: a. (technique): symbolism b. (tone): optimism c. (language): simplicity d. (theme): redemption and salvation III. The Literary Trends in the Colonial Period 1. General features 2. Literary Forms A. histories: Captain John Smiths A Description of New En

16、gland William Bradfords Of Plymouth Plantation Thomas Jeffersons Notes on Virginia B. Personal account: Slave narratives, prisoners narratives, etc. C. Sermons: Jonathan Edwards Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God D. Poetry: Anne Bradstreet and her religious and secular poetry Edward Taylors religi

17、ous poetry: Preparatory Meditations Philip Freneaus patriotic and nature poetry: “The Indian Burial Ground” Three Representative Figures (in prose) Jonathan Edwards and his sermon: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Benjamin Franklin and The Autobiography (1791,1818) and Poor Richards Almanac Thom

18、as Paine and his political essays: Common Sense and American Crisis John de Crevecoeur and his Letters from an American Farmer American Romantic Period (1820-1865) I. Romantic Fathers: Washington Irving and J. F. Cooper II. New England Transcendentalists (1836-1855): Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry Da

19、vid Thoreau III. The First Literary Renaissance 1. Two novelists: Hawthorne and Melville 2. A Controversial man of letters: E. A. Poe 3. The Epitomes of American Poetry: Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson 4. Other Romantic poets: a. W.C. Bryant (Thanatopsis, The Yellow Violet, To a waterfoul) b. Henry

20、 Wadsworth Longfellow (A Psalm of Life; The Song of Hiawatha; Evangeline; The Courtship of Miles Standish) 5. Two models of American Prose: Frederick Douglass as a prose writer Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Abraham Lincoln as a prose writer Gettysburg Address 6. Two Literary Critics: E

21、merson and Poe Poe as the first professional critic “The Philosophy of Composition”, 1846 “The Poetic Principle”,1850IV. The Realistic Period (1865-1914) Realists: Henry James and his psychological realism William Dean Howells and his moral realism Local Colorists: Mark Twain and other Local coloris

22、ts (regionalism) - Frances Bret Harte, The Luck of the Roaring Camp (1968) The Outcasts of Poker Flat - Hamlin Garland, Much-Traveled Roads A Son of the Middle Border, Crumbling Idols. Naturalists: Frank Norris, Stephan Crane, Jack London Theodore Dreiser and his naturalist novels E.A. Robinson and

23、naturalist poetry: The Man Against the Sky “Richard Cory”, “Miniver Cheevy”IV. The Realistic Period (1865-1914) The Rise of Women Writers Kate Chopin The Awakening,1899; “The Story of an Hour” “The Storm” Edith Wharton The House of Mirth,1905; Ethan Frome, 1911; The Custom of Country, 1913; The Age

24、of Innocence, 1920. Louisa May Alcott Little Women,1867; Little Men,1871. V. The Modern Era (1914-1945) Modern Poetry 1. Ezra Pound (85-72): Hugh Selwyn Mauberley; Cantos; Cathay 2. T.S. Eliot: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock(1915), The Wasteland (1922), Four Quartets(1935-42) 3. Wallace Stevens

25、: Harmonium, Ideas of Order, The Man with the Blue Guitar and Other Poems; “Anecdote of the Jar” 4. W.C. Williams: Paterson (1946-63); “The Red Wheelbarrow” 5. Robert Frost(1874-1963): A Boys Will(1913, “Mowing”) North of Boston (14, “Home Burial”, “Mending Wall”, “After Apple-Picking” ) Mountain In

26、terval (1916, “Birches”, “The Road Not Taken”) New Hampshire (23/“Fire and Ice”; “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”) West-Running Brook (28); A Further Range(36, “Design”); A Witness Tree(42); Steeple Bush(47, “Directive”); In the Clearing (1962) V. The Modern Era (1914-1945) Modern Novelists 1.

27、 Two Novelists in the Transitional era A. Sherwood Anderson(1876-1941): Windy McPhersons Son (16); Marching Men (17); Winesburg, Ohio (19); Poor White (20); The Triumph with the Egg(21); Dark Laughter (25); Death in the Woods (33) B. Willa Cather(1873-1947) Alexanders Bridge(12), O Pioneers(13), The

28、 Song of the Lark(15), My Antonio(18) One of Ours (22);The Professors House (23) 2. The first Nobel Prize Winner: Sinclair Lewis(1885-1951) Our Mr. Wrenn (14); Main Street (1920); Babbitt (1922); Arrowsmith (25); Elmer Gantry (27); Dodsworth (29) 3. Two Female Euro-Residing Geniuses in the modern li

29、terary stage A. Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) Three Lives (1909); The Making of America (1925); Tender Buttons (1914); The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (1933) B. Djuna Barnes (1892-1982) A Book (1923); A Night Among the Horses (1929); Ryder (1928); Nightwood (1936); Smoke and Other Early Stories(82

30、) 4. Representatives of the Lost Generation: A. Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) In Our Time (25); The Sun also Rises (26); Men without Women (27); A Farewell to Arms (29); Winner Take Nothing (33); Death in the Afternoon (32); Green Hills of Africa (35); To Have and For Whom the Bell tolls (40); The Old Man and the Sea (52); “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber,” “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”. B. F. S. Fitzgerald (1896-1940) This Side of Paradise (20); Flappers and Philosophers (20); Tales of the Jazz Age (22); The Beautiful and the Damned (22); The Great Gatsby

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