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新目标初中英语教案八年级上册《Review of Units 712》.docx

1、新目标初中英语教案八年级上册Review of Units 712新目标初中英语教案八年级上册Review of Units 7-12Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives学完本单元后,学生应能: 1 对7-12单元的词汇、短语和句型有更加深刻的印象并对其运用有更深的理解。2 更加熟练、准确地描述制作某东西的过程和明白制作东西的操作指南。(How to make?)3 能正确的使用动词过去时态来谈论过去的事件(Did you go to the zoo? I hung out with my friends. Were there any shar

2、ks? )4能自由谈论人物,并会运用When引导的时间状语从句。(He started playing basketball when he was seventeen years old.) 5 能更自由地运用be going to结构来谈论对将来的想法(I am going to be a singer when I grow up.) 6 能更熟练地运用could进行委婉的表示请求允许和帮助(Could you please do these things every day?)7 能更正确地运用-est,the most的形容词最高级结构。(Id like to shop in the

3、 supermarket because it has the most beautiful music. Jim is the funniest performer.)8 写简短的假期经历。9 比较自由地围绕相关主题进行交谈。 10 听懂相关主题的材料。11 更明白学习语言的最终目的:运用及交流12 拥有良好的生活态度,树立正确的人生观。Period arrangement PeriodContents & pages or sourcesTOSATextbookExercises(Source)Supplementary(Source)SectionPage11, 277P 77湘教版省教

4、科院组编课程基础训练八年级上册1, 3, 4,752 3a, 3b, 3c78P 787,10,1153 4, 5, 679P792, 3, 8,1144 7, 8, 980P805, 6,7,124TotalAll441-1294 Very confident Quite confident Confident Slightly confident Not confidentFeedback 本单元教学自评94分,表明教学目标达成度较高。整个单元教学回归教材,紧紧围绕7-12单元语言项目的运用和培养学生综合能力的教学目标,由浅入深、由简单到复杂,教学活动形式多样,教学步骤步步递进、环环相扣,

5、形成合力,从听、说、读、写诸方面培养学生的表达能力。由于教学内容紧扣学生实际,学生积极投入各项任务活动。学生在谈论成功人士和未来职业及生活的过程中,体会到了成功的艰辛,从而树立了努力学习、积极向上的人生观。合理安排课时教学内容,并在尽可能多的预设教学活动的前提下,关注课堂生成,随时根据学情调整教学活动,因而教学收到了良好的效果。为了减轻学生课余学业负担,练习包括增加的写作练习都安排在课堂完成。 但在如何指导学生复习、开展课外阅读活动,如何有效地进行阅读和写作教学以及培养学生合作能力等方面还有待研究。Plan for every periodPeriod 1 (Parts 1 2 page 77

6、)Teaching aims通过本课时的学习,学生应能:1对7-12单元的词汇、短语和句型有更加深刻的印象并对其运用有更深的理解。2 掌握目标语言:1) 词汇和词组:cut 2) 重点句子: When was he born? He was born in 1973. Where did he go and what did he do ? He is the funniest actor. What are you going to be ?How are you going to do that ? Could you please ?3 听懂人物交流的内容。4 口头谈论人物。5. 对词汇

7、句型有较快的反应。Keys & puzzles对语言项目的运用。Teaching aidsCAI Teaching proceduresChart “最佳拍档”活动引入以比赛形式完成课文2和 1的内容轻松时刻喜剧欣赏巩固与拓展(谈论电影里的人物谈论人物在剧中做过的事情Role play评价出你最喜欢的“电影演员” 谈论将来的职业)布置作业Step 1 Warm up (5)T:Good morning, boys and girls! Ask individual studentDo you like playinggames? S1: .S2:T: So who is your best f

8、riend in your class?S1:T: why? S1:.T: Today lets have fun playing games with your best friends. Lets see who are the best partners.Game rules: Each pair has 1 minute to play the game.One describe what contents he/she sees and the other one guess . The group that gets the most points is the winner.3

9、students will be the staff.Step 2 Presentation (7)1 T: Just now we had a fun time. Did some students complain about your partners? Yeah, if you want to be the winners ,you should be very tacit.2 Now dont be disappointed,you still have the chance . This time you will do it by yourself. Come on!3 Ss r

10、ead the clues and complete the crossword on Page77.4 Check the answers.T: I think you did a good job! Praise them as much as possibleStep 3 consolidating and expanding (13)T:After we had “hard”competitions, are you feeling a little tired? (I am a little tired.) Lets have a relaxing time .Ok?Ask indi

11、vidual studentT: Do you like watching videos?S1: .S2:T: So which actor do you like best?S1:T: why? S1:.T: I like an actor very much .Can you guess who?Now lets have fun watching videos.1 A video about Mr. BeanFirst, lets watch a video. Please watch carefully and later you have to tell me who he is i

12、n the video.Play a video.2 Talk about the actor.T: Who is that? Do you know which actor I like very much? Ss: T: Yes, he is Mr. Bean. Rowan Atkinson plays this role. He is a great movie star. When was he born? When did he start making movies?What do you think of him? Please talk about him as much as

13、 possible. (If Ss cant, I will give some information about him.)Name: 罗温艾金森(Rowan Atkinson) Year of birth: 6th JanuaryJob: comedian, dramatist,write,producerAt 21: became an actor At 42: played Mr.BeanHobbies: horse riding , drivingS1:S2:3 T: Good, now please go on watching and try to remember where

14、 he went and what he did .You can take some notes . The class write down the things they hear.1) Lets see who has good memory! Get students to tell where he went and what he did. Divide the class into groups and have competition. They can get one point for each thing they can say. The group which ge

15、ts the most points is the winner. 2) Quick answer Did he ? If your answers are “Yes”,please clap the hands once .If “No”,twice. Step 4 Role playing (8)1 Watch the videos about Zhou Xingchi.2 Now work with your partners. Play the roles in the video.3 Ask a few groups to show their performance before

16、the class.Step 5 Giving comments(3)1 Now which group is the most successful? And which performer do you like best? Why? 2 Ss tell their ideas freely using est and the most - structure.Step 6 Jobs in the future(2)1 T: Are you going to be an actor ? (Ask the best performer.)S: .T: What are you going t

17、o be when you grow up ? (Why? )2 Ask Ss to tell their partners what are they going to be.Step 7 Summarizing(1) Summarize all the contents of this class with the class. Step 6 Homework (1) 选出最佳选项1. Which season do you like _, spring, summer, fall or winter? A. well B. better C. best 2. -_did he start

18、 hiccupping? -He started hiccupping in 2002. A. How long B. How often C. When3. -Could you please sweep the floor? -_. I have to do my homework. A. Yes, sure.B. Why not? C. Sorry, I cant4. Yao Ming was born _September 12, 1980. A. on B. in C. at5. -How was the movie? -It was _. I dont like it. A. fu

19、nnyB. goodC. boring6. -_yogurt do we need?-One cup. A. How many B. How much C. What7. -Did you go to the zoo? -_. I went to the aquarium. A. Yes B. No C.Sure8. -_is that? -Its Deng Yaping,a great ping pong player. A. Who B. What C. How9. -_are you going to be when you grow up? -Im going to be a bask

20、etball player. A. Who B. What C. Which10. My sister Isabel is _person I know. A. funny B. funnier C. the funniest 我阅读 我快乐Michael Jackson is one of the Americas best singers. He is known for his dancing.He started singing in 1965 and made his first record in 1970. Nobody knows how many records he has

21、 sold all over the world. One of his records sold well, more than seventeen and a half million copies were sold. Michael was born in 1959. He has four brothers. The five of them used to sing in a group called “The Jackson Five”. They started singing in 1965. In 1970 the group made their first record

22、. It was called “I want you back”. It was very popular in America and was Number 1. In Britain it was Number 2. In 1978 Michael acted in his first film. Michael doesnt go out much. He is too well known and people will try to follow him when he goes out. He lives in a large house and keeps lots of an

23、imal. He never eats meat.36. Michael Jackson is from _. A. America B. Britain C. Canada37. One of his best records sold _ copies. A. 1,750,000 B. 17,500,000 C. 175,000,00038. The name of the groups first record is called “_”. A. The Jackson Five B. Michael Jackson C. I want you back39. Michael Jacks

24、on is NOT _. A. a writer B. a dancer C. an actor40. Michael Jackson DOESNT _ at all. A. meat B. fish C. fruitFeedback 个人认为本堂课教学目标基本达成,学生学习积极主动,热情投入,课堂氛围非常热烈。整个课堂教学回归教材,紧紧围绕7-12单元词汇和句型的运用,由浅入深、由简单到复杂。本堂课以简单有趣的比赛活动展开,教学活动形式多样,就其成功原因主要在于通过集体备课,明确教学目标,使课堂紧紧围绕目标,结合学生的喜好,合理科学地设计多种形式的教学任务活动,对学生进行恰当的多种综合能力培

25、养的训练、其中许多活动与学生实际运用语言的形式一致,学以致用,收效很好。 但在如何培养学生写作能力和合作能力方面,我们的教学还有待加强。八年级上册Review ofunits 7-12Period 2 (3a,3b,3c) Teaching aims1 学会熟练掌握并灵活运用7-12单元里的重点句型;2 学习并掌握目标语言:1) 生词和词组:Los Angeles, central, diner, curry,deli, leader, band,easy2) 重点句子:1 How was your vacation?2 What other things did you do in Newy

26、ork?3 Whats the best restaurant in town?4 How do you make vegetable soup?5 What are you going to be when you grow up?3 学会运用when引导的一般过去时态的特殊疑问句;4 能写一篇短文,简单介绍十大我崇拜的人(Top 10 people we admire)。Keys & puzzles 7,8,10,12这四个单元的重点句型。Teaching aidsCAITeaching proceduresChart图片引入教授新单词听对话标序号听录音完成表格角色扮演巩固与拓展(看图说话

27、)课堂练习布置作业Step 1 Leading-in (4)T:Good morning, boys and girls! Show a picture of Wu Yi to the studenst. Who is he?Ss: .T: When was he born? Whats he going to be when he grow up? Let them guess first, then show a picture to see the answer.S2: T: Where was he last year? Let them guess first,then show a

28、 picture to see the answer.Now, I will draw something on the blackboard. Please guess what it is. S3: Is it a.?T: Yes, it is a bowl of soup. Wu Yi Sometimes goes to the restaurant for meals, and sometimes he cooks for himself. Ss: .T: Today we are going to review these most important structures in t

29、hese units. Step 2 Presentation (3)1 New words learning.First,show picturs and learn the new wordsGet the students to read and repeat.2 Make sentences with the new words.T: Example: She wants to be the leader of a rock band.S1: .S2: .S3: .T: Yeah,you did a great job. T: To a student How was your las

30、t vacation?Where did you go?What did you do?S1: .T: To a student What are you going to be when you grow up?S2: .T: To a student Do you like banana milk shake?How do you make a banana milk shake?.S3: .3bStep 3 Listening practice (8)T: You will hear four conversations and each conversation matches a picture.1 Listen and match the conversations with the correct pictures.1) Please look at the pictures. Listen carefully and write the correct number in the chart. 2) Play the recording. 3) Lets check

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