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八下讲义Unit 2.docx

1、八下讲义Unit 2 八下 Unit 2 What should I do?Section A单词或短语释义1. I dont have enough money.(1) enough adj.“足够的,充分的”,在句子中可作定语修饰名词,也可作表语注意:在修饰名词时,置于名词的前后均可。大多以放在名词前面为准,放在名词后面多为强调名词。结构: enough + 复数可数名词/不可数名词,be + enoughDoes he have enough money?他有足够的钱吗?(作定语)Six bottles of wine will be enough.六瓶酒就够了。(作表语)(2) eno

2、ugh n.“足够,充分”。I have got enough to do at the moment.此刻我要做的事情够多了。(3) enough adv.“充分地,足够地”,用于动词、形容词和副词之后。结构:adj./adv./v. + enough+ (for sb.) to do sth. “足够(某人)做某事”。The box is light enough for me to carry.这箱子很轻,我能搬得动。The house is big enough for three of us to live in.这个房子足够大,可供我们三个人住。1. It is to work o

3、ut the math problem. You neednt go to the teacher.A.enough easy B.easily enough C.easy enough D.very easily2. My brother studied _to do well in this exam.A.hard enough B.enough hard C.hardly enough D.enough harder3. The building is _.A. high enough B. enough high C. highly enough 4. The father is cr

4、eative enough _so many nice toys for his daughter.A. buying B. making C. to buy D. to make答案:1-4 CAAD2. I argued with my best friend.(1) argue with sb.意为“与某人争论/争吵”。Dont argue with your mother.不要和你的母亲争吵。(2) argue with sb about sth.意为“为某事与某人争辩”。Theyre always arguing with each other about money.他们彼此总是为

5、金钱争吵。I _ youI am telling arguing with B. was arguing to C. am not arguing with D. am not arguing about答案: C3. My clothes are out of out of style相当于be out of fashion,意为“过时”。be in style相当于be in fashion,意为“入时”。He is in fashion.他很时髦。My clothes are of style. But his are style, so he look

6、s cool.A. in, out B. out, in C. out, out D. in, in答案: B 4. Maybe you should buy some new clothes.(1) maybe是副词,意为“可能,也许”,常置于句首,可用perhaps代替。Maybe不同于may,不是情态动词,不具有情态动词的特征用法Maybe/Perhaps he has reached Beijing.他大概已经到达北京了。(2) should 在此做情态动词,意为“应该”,常用于提出建议。You should have a good rest.你该好好休息一下。另外should还有一些

7、其他的意义。1) 表示道义上的责任。You should be ashamed of yourself.你应该为自己感到羞耻。2) 表示期待某事发生或对某事进行判断。He should have received my letter.他应该收到我的信了。1. Schools allow students at least one hour a day for sports.A. Would B.might C.should D.could2. I broke the windows of Peters house. You say sorry to him.A.can B.may C.coul

8、d D.should答案:1-2 CD5. Maybe you should call him up.Call up sb“给某人打电话”。I called up Zhang Hong at eight oclock.我8点钟给张红打的电话。注意:句中him为代词,所以放在call和up之间,不能说成call up him.表示“打电话”的表达还有:call、ring、telephone、make a telephone call、give sb a ring等。Do you often ?A. call her up B. call up her C. say her up D. say u

9、p her答案:A 6. You could give him a ticket to a ball game.注意:should和could的用法区别Should和could都属于情态动词,后面应跟动词原形。它们没有人称和数的变化,它们虽然分别是shall和can的过去式,但不含过去的意思。(1) should表示义务时,可用于各种句式,通常指将来。(2) could可用来代替can,说明现在的情况或委婉地提出要求、想法、建议,也可用于表示猜测。在表示建议时比should更加委婉。You could have a nursery here.你可以在这里办一个托儿所。Could you sho

10、w me the way to the post office?你能告诉我去邮局的路吗?You could sell your CDs to get some money. .I love my CDs very much.A.I think so B.I dont think so C.I hope so D.Im not sure答案:B,A ticket to/for a ball game 一张去看球赛的门票7. I need to get some money to pay for summer camp.(1) 动词need在句中是行为动词,意为“需要”。1) need作为实意动词

11、时,具有人称,时态和数的变化。用法结构:need + sth./ to do ; 通常用法是:sb.+ need+ to do, sth.+ need+ doing,sth.+ need+ to be done,另外,need后还可以直接跟名词。We need to tell him the truth.我们需要告诉他真相。My car needs repairing.我的汽车需要修理。His leather shoes need to be mended.他的皮鞋需要修补。2) need做情态动词,其用法与其他情态动词如can、may、must的用法基本相同。没有人称和数的变化;用法结构为

12、need+ 动词原形用所给词的适当形式填空1. They need more money (build) the bridge.2. Lets go to the supermarket by taxi. We take a taxi. It is not far from here.A. cant B. neednt C. couldnt D. mustnt答案:1. to build 2. B3) need还可以做名词。There is no need for you to hurry.你无须这样匆忙。(2) pay本身意思是“支付,付款”,与for搭配表示“支付”用法结构: pay (s

13、b.) money for sth. 付钱给某人买某物; pay for sth. 为某物付钱I dont pay for this months water. 我没有支付本月的水费。该短语还可以拆开适用。I paid ten dollars for this cap. 这顶帽子我花了10美元。1. I _the coat for 50Yuan last nightA.bought C. cost D. take2. I _50 yuan for the coat last night.A. bought B. paid C. cost D. Took答案: 1-2 A B 注意:

14、 buy sth for some money 用多少钱买某物; pay some money for sth 为买某物花了多少钱8. I think you should ask your parents for some money. 动词ask表示“询问,要”的意思,其常用句型有:(1) ask sb for sth. 向某人索取某物You can ask me for help if you are in trouble.如果你有困难,你可以找我帮忙。(2) ask sb sth . 问某人某物I asked him several questions.我问了他几个问题。(3) ask

15、 sb about sth. 关于某事问某人He asked me about my study.他问起了我学习的事。(4) ask sb to do sth. 叫某人做某事My mother asked me to return home as soon as possible.我妈妈让我尽快回家。(5) ask sb that+从句 问某人She asked (me) how I could open the box.她问我怎样打开那个盒子。9. borrow sth. from sb.; borrow ones things 向某人借来某物Lend sb sth ; lend sth t

16、o sb 把某物借给某人Keep sth. 可以与段时间或how long 连用; 借来某物You could borrow some money from your brother. 你可以向你的哥哥借些钱 I borrowed Lilys pencil box last Sunday. 我上周末借了莉莉的铅笔盒 Could you lend me your dictionary? 你能把字典借给我吗? I just lent my English book to my sister. 我刚好把我的英语书借给我的妹妹了 How long may I keep this book ? 这本书我

17、可以借多长时间?1. We often _books from our school library. A. lend B. borrow C. keep 2. Thank you for _ me your bike. A. lend B. keep C. borrowing D. lending3.I have _ this book for only one week. A. lent B. kept C. borrowed答案:1-3 BDB10. buy sth. for sb./ buy sb. Sth. 为某人买某物I need some money to buy gifts f

18、or my family. 我需要一些钱来为我的家人买礼物I want to buy her a gift. 我想给她买个礼物11. He doesnt have any money, either. 他也没有钱注意:either, too, also的用法区别(1) also 意思是也,是比too较为正式的用语,通常用于肯定句中,一般靠近动词。 I also went. 我也去的。(2) too 意思也是也,是最普通的用语,常与also通用,通常用于肯定句中。too通常放有句末,有时为了不致引起含糊不清的感觉,把它紧放在所修饰的词之后Mother was angry, too母亲也发怒了。

19、I, too, have been to Paris我也去过巴黎。(这里明确表示人家去过巴黎,我也去过。而不是除了去过某地以外,还去过巴黎。) (3) either 意思也是也。它用于否定句中,而且要放在句末。I havent been there yet,either我也没有去过那儿。(4) either.or连接两个并列主语时,表“要么.要么.”谓语动词要与紧靠谓语动词的那个主语保持一致,符合就近原则Either I or he is on duty today. 今天要么是我值日,要么是他值日单项选择1. Lucy cant speak French. Lily cant, _.A. e

20、ither B. too C. also用所给单词的正确形式填空2. Either I or Lily _(clean) the room every day.句型转换3. Linda has three brothers,too. (改为否定句)Linda _ _ three brothers, _.答案:1. A 2. cleans 3. has not , either 12. Maybe you could have a bake sale. Have a bake sale 在此意为“卖烧烤食品”。Have a sale结构相当于sell sth,意为“出售某物”。Do you ha

21、ve a secondhand toys sale?=Do you sell secondhand toys?你们卖二手玩具吗?13. I dont like to do that. 句中that作代词,代替前面已提到的事或已知的人或物。My mother is ill.我母亲病了。Im sorry to hear that.听到这件事我很难过。14. Well, then, he could get a tutor to come to his home. (1) get sb to do sth 意为“让某人做某事”,其中get为使役动词,相当于ask或tell。Ill get him t

22、o do the work. 我要让他做这个工作。(2) get sth done意为“让某事得以完成”。Teenagers shouldnt get their ears pierced. 青少年不应当穿耳洞。重点短语keep out 不让.进来out of style 过时的call sb up 打电话给某人on the phone 在电话里pay for 付款write sb a letter= write a letter to sb 给某人写信have a bake sale 卖面包或糕点练习题一、选择填空1. What do you think of the lecture(演讲)

23、 of LiYangs Crazy English? I think its_,but someone thinks its much too _. A. wonderful enough; bored B. enough wonderful; boring C. wonderful enough; boring D. enough wonderful; bored2. To our_, the old man climbed up to the top of the mountain. A. surprised B. surprises C. surprise D. surprising3.

24、 Speak _please. I cant hear you clearly. A. aloud B. loud C. louder D. loudly4. He could play_violin when he was six years old. A. a B. the C. / D. an5. You may _my radio,but mustnt _it to others. A. borrow; borrow B. borrow; lend C. lend; lend D. lend; borrow6. Lucy cant speak French. Lily cant spe

25、ak,_ A. either B. too C. also2、汉译英1. 有电话找你 Youre wanted _ _ _.2. 请今晚给我打电话 Please _ _ _ this evening.3. 我的鞋子过时了 My shoes are _ _ _.4. 保暖的衣服可以御寒 Warm clothing helps to _ _ the cold.5. 他现在还不能为这台电视机付款 He cant _ _ the TV set at the moment.6. 请尽快给我写封信 Please _ _ _ _ as soon as possible.7. 他妈妈经常在街道拐角处卖糕点 H

26、is mother often _ _ _ _ at the street corner.答案:一、 1-6 CCCBBB 二、1. on the phone 2. call me up 3. out of style 4. keep out 5. pay for 6. write me a letter 7. has a bake saleSection B单词或短语释义1. They are original.Original作为形容词,在此意为“创新的,独创的,新颖的”,既可置于名词前作定语,也可作表语,修饰original的副词可以用very, highly等,其反义词为unorigi

27、nal. His designs are highly original.他的设计独树一帜。2. They are inexpensive. Inexpensive是expensive的反义词,in-是前缀,加在一些词的前面,表示否定。correctincorrect directindirect 正确的不正确的 直接的不直接的归纳:构成反义词的前缀除了“in-”之外,还可以在以“l”为首的单词前加“il-”,在以b,m,p为首的单词前加“im-”在以r为首的单词前加“ir-”。legalillegal possibleimpossible regularirregular合法的不合法的 可能

28、的不可能的 规则的不规则的注意:这类词虽然译为汉语时前面带有“不”字,但用法不同于否定词never, no等,尤其是在反义疑问句中要注意。3. My friend has nicer clothes than I do. 本句是含有比较级的句子,其中的nicer是nice的比较级。比较级是用来把彼此独立的事和人进行比较,习惯上说两者之间的比较用比较级,但这并不是说只能是在两个人或物之间的比较。I think Im clever than the others. 我想我比其他人都聪明。Alices nicer than her three sisters.艾丽丝比她的三个妹妹都漂亮。1.writ

29、e and try not to make any mistakes.A. as careful as possible carefully as you can C.most careful D.more careful2. Lets go by plane.Its than by train. A.faster B.fastest C.slower D.slowest 3. Jack always makes us laugh. He is much than his brother. B.funny C.funnier D.funniest 答案: 1-3 BAC4

30、. But I just found out that my friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend,and they didnt invite me.5. (1) find通常指发现、找到有形的东西,也可指偶然发现某物或某种情况。6. Did they find the lost boy?7. 他们找到那个失踪的男孩了吗?8. I found a note on my desk when I came in.9. 我进来时发现书桌上有张便条。10. (2) find out意为“找出、查明、发现”,多指通过探索、观察而发现,通常带有“经过困难曲折”的含义。11. How can you find out who took the book?12. 你怎样能查出谁拿走了这本书? (3) look for 有目

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