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1、初中外研版八年级下册英语复习资料词组全初中外研版八年级下册英语复习资料(词组全)八年级下册英语复习资料一、短语部分Moudle11.后直接不定式做宾语的动词:afford agree decide hope refuse want plan offer promise choose need(需要,实义动词+to do,情态动词+do)2.后常接动名词作宾语的动词(组):enjoy,finish,practice,suggest, keep(继续),mind,avoid,advise,imagine, look forward to, give up, be/get used to(习惯于),

2、 put off(推迟), cant help(忍不住)3.接不定式或动名词差别较大的 to do sth 忘记做某事(未做) to do sth 停下来去做某事 Forget stop doing sth 忘记做某事(已做) doing sth 停止做某事 to do sth 继续做另一事 to do sth 记着做某(做) go on remember doing sth 继续做同一事 doing sth 记着做了(已做)4.What a delicious smell !5.Would you like to try some? (肯定:yes,please 否定:no,thanks)6

3、. Look lovely7. Look at sb 普通动词,用副词修饰 Look +adj 感官动词8.On top9.Do you want to try a piece?10. On 试穿 Try One best to do sth 尽某人努力去做 Out 实验 Have a try 试试看 11.Im afraid +句子12.It tastes a bit sour 13.A little milk = a bit of milk14.Be done 15.Have a try16.Make an apple pie and a cake17.I have a sweet too

4、th 18.Shall I get the sugar?19.It might be salt!20.Strawberry jam (草莓酱 _)21.Its my lucky day.22.Thanks for sth23.Hear from 24.Cant wait to do sth25.I hope +句子26.Know me from (从.中认出我)27.Im quite tall,with short fair hair,and I wear glass.28.Ill wear jeans and a T-shirt for the journey,but Ill also ca

5、rry my warm coat.29. Carry “带着,携带”强调随身携带,不表明来去方向 带,拿 bring 将某物从别处带来 Take 将某物从这里带走或拿到某处 30.穿,戴 Wear “穿着,带着”着重于穿着状态 可作穿衣服,鞋,眼镜,首饰手 put on “穿上,戴上”着重于动作 套等 dress31.Im sure +句子32.Thanks for telling me about your hobbies. Too 用肯定句 (不加逗号) as well (加逗号) either(用于否定句)33.Be proud of34.Be good at35.Get bad mar

6、ks36.How do you feel about coming to China?37.At first 38.on the right 39.I cant tell you how excited I am about going to China.40.What is he/she like? 提问性格 does he/she look like? 提问外貌 Moudle241.Maybe adv,放在句首做状语,或许,可能42.May be 情态动词+动原,可能是43.Afford+n./代词/动词不定式(不可以加动词ing)44.The+姓名 表示一家人或夫妻两个45.By pla

7、ne 46.Enter a competition47.What kind of 48.Speaking competition49.Help you improve your speaking50.Win the prizes51.First prize52.My dream holiday53.Afford to do sth54.What a pity=thats a pity55.Worry about=be worried about56.Write about 57.Invite you to come with me58.Fly to .59.For a holiday60.St

8、op to do dream of doing doing to do sb (from) doing sth61.On the top of 62.invite sb to sp63.make up 编造,化妆,构成64.a fifteen-year-old the for68.go with sb69.move to70.for example71.have been to 去过 gone to 去了(未回) doing 73.begin/start to do74.Be different from7

9、5.So far76.Mix the languages77. Its +adj+(for sb) to do sth78.Leave for sp79.Ask sb to do80.All over the world81.Miss sb82.Count down83.Get on84.Keep away from85.Be afraid of86.Be angry with sb87.Take off 88.Keep on89.Put up 张贴90.Pick up 捡起 the same asMoudle392.感官动词:look, smell, taste , sound ,

10、feel93.变得 become (人作主语) turn+颜色 (变成什么颜色) Get+过去分词 (例:get married go bad/hungry/angry/crazy94.不定代词 some thing Any body Every where No one 95.lovely 可爱的,活泼的 friendly友好的96.Another one = one more97.Another two = two more98.以此类推99.现在有 there is/are100.过去有 there was/were101.将来有 there is going to be = there

11、 will be102.已经有 there have/has been103.As we know +句子104.A journey of eight months105.What are you up to? up to sb 由.决定 to sth 忙于某事,胜任某事107.Ive just made a model spaceship for our school project.108.I havent started yet109.Not yet 还未,尚未110.No problem.111.The latest news112.Scientists have sent

12、 a spaceship to Mars.113.It takes 时间/金钱 to do sth.114.Sb pay 金钱 for sth.115.Sth cost sb 钱116.take several months117.send sb to do 派遣118.send sb sth(send sth to sb)邮寄119.on the news 在新闻上120.No one 没有一个人 (只指人,不加of)121.None of(指人,也可指物) far (away) from123.In order to do sth,124.How can I get infor

13、mation on the space travel?125.You can go online to search for information.126.Lots of scientists are working hard in order to send astronauts to Mars one day127.listen 听,表过程128.hear 听,表结果 research 做研究130.invent 发明,原未有 发现,原有132.find 找到,表结果133.Look for 寻找,表示过程134.Sent back some mess

14、ages135.Hope to do136.Neither nor 既不.也不.137.Either or 要么.要么.138.Not only. but also不但.而且.139.Both .and 两者都. 谓语动词要用复数140.There has been life on the earth for hundreds of millions of years141.Go around the sun142.On any other planets143.None of them has an environment like that of the earth144.Beijing

15、is bigger than any other city in China. any city in Japan.145.Solar system146.a small part of 147.a group of148.billions of149.many other Galaxies150.Other 指其他(代词),其他的(形容词)151.Another 另一个(=3)152.The other 两者中另一个153.The others 另一些(剩下所有的)154.It is impossible to imagine . 155.Outside the solar system15

16、6.No spaceship has travelled far enough to reach other stars in our Galaxy157.Why has no one communicated with us?158.Tom is too young to drive a car. not old enough to drive a car. so young that he cant drive a car159.We have not found life on any other planets yet.160.现在完成时标志:just already yet(用于否定

17、句和疑问句)161.For + 时间段 since + 时间点 since +(过去的)月份/年份 since +一段时间+agosince + 一般过去时从句(用于现在完成时)162.In the best few years163.Things has changed a lot in the last few years.164.Astronauts has been to the moon165.Already 用于肯定句have/has后Moudle4166.Do exercise un.运动锻炼 cn.早操167.feel ill/sick(补充:illness n.疾病)168.

18、I havent done much exercise since I got my computer.169.Ive got a stomach ache and my head hurts.170.头痛 my head hurts Headache n.头痛 Have a pain in my head171.How long have you been like this?172.Since Friday(+时间点)173.Ive been ill for about three days(+时间段)174.Catch a cold(非延续,感冒)175.Have a gold(延续,感

19、冒)176.Take ones temperature177.No fever178.Thats because + 句子 表原因 Why + 句子 表结果179.Have a breakfast180.Thats why youve got a stomach ache181.Too much +不可数名词182.Too many +可数名词复数183.Much too=very + adj/adv184.It can be very harmful to your health.185. be harmful to do sth/ sth对有害 do harm to sth损害186.Gi

20、ve sb some medicine187.In front of 在.前面(外部)188.In the front of 在.前部(内部)189.Its(It has been)+一段时间+since+句子190.Whats wrong with Betty and Daming?191.Its a good idea to do 192.Youd better do193.Why not do194.Dont forget to do195.Out of condition身体状况欠佳196.By doing sth 通过做(通过做某种方式)197.Check ones heart 19

21、8.Go for a run199.A long illness200.Now I get exercise by taking him for a walk everyday201.I have had him for three month202.decide to do203.The first member of them204.What+a/an+adj+可数名词复数(+主+谓)!205.How+adj/adv(+主+谓) Take part in(偏正式,会议,游行活动) Join in (参加比赛,游戏) Join 加入成为一员 Enter 参加比赛206.Feel very f

22、it 207.In excellent condition 身体好(反义见194)208.Since then,it has become part of my life209.Stay/keep +adj healthily adv210.Ride to work211.My daily exercise Suggest doing Sb (that) should to do212.Advise sb to do sth213.Start doing 已经开始做214. To do 开始去做215.Feel awful 216.Perhaps I am too weak to do any

23、 exercise (太.以至不能.)217.Adj+enough to do sth218.Take an active part in.219. You are old enough to go to school. Youre so young that you cant go to school.220.Take 1.带 take to do 2.吃喝 take the medcine 3.乘坐 take the bus 4.花费 It takes 时间/金钱 to do sth 5.买 Ill take it 6.量取 take ones temperature 7.与名词连用表动作

24、 take a walk,take a trip,take a shower221.I arrived work with a smile222.Besides 除了,除此之外 课外补充()223.Fashion 时尚224.All over 全身225.It is harmful to do bad to doMoudle5226.end in a happy way 227.Fight sb 228.Fight for sth229.Its time for (doing)sth230.Finish our homework231.Finish doing sth232.Suggest I

25、magine doingEnjoy233.Why dont we do234.Why not do235.He can fly through the sky and fight bad people 236.Keep doing237.I dont think we agree with you.238.Climb up buildings with his hands and feet239.Humorous cartoons240.I cant wait to do 241.Beat the cat242.Fight a lot243.Protect each other244.Teac

26、h sb a orange-and-white fish246.Be popular with247.An ugly green man248.Both of them 249.Win the hearts of young people250.The pictures of these popular cartoon heroes251.Monkey King252.Havoc in heaven253.He leads a group of monkeys against the Emperor of Heaven and his men.254.He is br

27、ave ,clever and humorous255.We laugh together as the Monkey King makes a terrible mess in heaven.256.Expect to do 257.Tintin has been popular for over eighty years ,ever since the artist invented him in 1929.258.Ever since259.Red hair260.Work for a newspaper261.Have lots of exciting experiences262.2

28、00 million copies of263.Two pieces of news 264.The bottle of milk265.In more than fifty languages266.Appear in 267.Collect these black-and-white Tintin books268.Celebrated his sixtieth birthday269.Live in his own private world 270.Find real life hard to understand271.Charles Schulz created Snoopy an

29、d his friends,and drew the cartoons to satisfy older people as well as children 272.Lead to sth 导致273.Of ones own274.Be satisfied with sb(sth)275.A member of/the member ofMoudle6276.which hobby does Tony think is expensive?Tony认为哪个爱好贵?277.take up 占据 interested in 对感兴趣279.give sb sth.=give sth.

30、 to sb.280.have a wonderful collection of=collect sth.281.a bit of a mess 一团糟282.put the fans on the shelf 把扇子放在架子上283.have a look 看一看284.people often give me fans as presents because they know I like them人们经常把扇子当做礼物送给我因为他们知道我喜欢扇子285.collect coins and notes 收集硬币和纸币286.they must be really valuable 他们一定很值钱287.Ive collect stamps from all over the world.我已经收集了来自全世界的邮票2

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