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冀教版英语单元教案9年级上Unit 5.docx

1、冀教版英语单元教案9年级上Unit 5Unit 5Look into Science话题Topic谈论科学(Talking about Science)功能Functions谈论科学(Talking about Science)语法Grammar定语从句词汇和常用表达Words & expressions1.能正确使用下列词汇(按词性排列)experiment,jar,upside,method,raincoat,force,pressure,holder,lighter,match,oxygen,telescope,double,mystery,biology,butterfly,grand

2、child,female,milkweed,chemical,DNA,blueprint,twin,pattern,grandson,granddaughter,instruction,development,mobile phone,discovery,pour,force,conclude,match,examine,migrate,repeat,identify,affect,suggest,correct,scientific,shallow,solar,double,fantastic,puzzling,general,complex,related,certainly,double

3、,completely,unless2.能正确使用下列常用表达turnupside down,pour out,scientific method,takeoff,use up,be made up of,solar system,at night,even if,in general,except for,be related to,billions of,turnover,push up,push down,in place学习策略Strategies1.通过自己阅读,理解课文大意。2.自己发现和总结语言规律,并能加以运用。3.主动在听说交际中运用课文中的语言知识。文化知识Culture了

4、解更多的科学知识。三维目标Three-dimensionaltarget知识与技能1.能掌握以下单词correct,method,force,match,certainly,unless,double,fantastic,general,repeat,grandson,granddaughter,instruction,suggest,development,mobile phone,discovery2.熟练掌握单元短语turnupside down,pour out,scientific method,takeoff,use up,be made up of,solar system,at

5、 night,even if,in general,except for,be related to,billions of,turnover,push up,push down,in place3.能掌握以下句型Then I turn the jar upside down and take my hand off the cardboard.Thats called the scientific method.When the candle stops burning,it has used up all the oxygen in the air.Because about one fi

6、fth of the air is made up of oxygen,the water rises and fills about one fifth of the jar.I told my father that we were studying the solar system.Actually,double the size of your house!三维目标Three-dimensionaltarget知识与技能Well,its worth a try,even if I dont find a planet.Fantastic facts about the butterfl

7、y have been drawing Dr. Taylors attention.The butterflies that return to the south are the great-great grandchildren of the butterflies that left for the north.In general,a blueprint is a drawing that shows how to put a house together with many different parts.But building a living thing is far more

8、 complex than building a house.You have your own unique DNA,but it repeats patterns from your parents DNA.From your DNA,scientists can identify not only you,but also people who are related to you.I suggest you try it,too!Cover the jar with the cardboard and turn the jar over.The air pressure pushing

9、 up on the cardboard is higher than that of the water pushing down from inside the jar.The higher air pressure outside the jar holds the cardboard in place.Scientific discoveries are making our lives better and better.4.能了解以下语法:定语从句过程与方法1.通过师生问答,两两对话等多种言语交际活动,培养和提高口语交际能力和在日常生活中迁移运用英语的能力。2.能够听懂有关实验或介


11、课,以“丹尼星球”为题,让学生们了解社会中更多的流行工作。第二十八课讲述了生物科学的研究,揭秘大自然中的奇特现象,也提醒了大家对当代出现的生态恶化的关注。第二十九课是在班上讨论DNA。第三十课用两封电子邮件的形式,Wang Mei与Jenny分别表达了自己对科学的兴趣,科学对我们生活的影响。教学目标1.能够掌握并运用本单元的单词、短语及重点句型,谈论科学实验研究。2.能够掌握定语从句的用法。3.能够阅读并描述实验操作步骤并撰写有关科学或小实验方面的短文。1.掌握定语从句的用法。2.听懂有关实验或介绍科学方面的对话或短文。3.阅读并描述实验操作步骤并撰写有关科学或小实验方面的短文。4.运用所学的

12、知识表达对科学的观点。培养学生的口语交际能力,能够流利地用英语谈论科学实验。教学突破:突出口语表达,谈论科学实验。能听懂并读懂、描述实验操作步骤,并撰写有关科学或小实验方面的短文。注意方法与价值观的培养:定语从句采用归纳总结的方法,使知识系统化,口语练习采用Pair work和Group work相结合的方式,谈论伟人及其生活。让学生热爱科学,勇于实践。第一课时:Lesson 25第二课时:Lesson 26第三课时:Lesson 27第四课时:Lesson 28第五课时:Lesson 29第六课时:Lesson 30教学目标单词卡片名词:experiment,jar,upside,metho

13、d,raincoat,force,pressure,holder,lighter,match,oxygen,telescope,double,mystery,biology,butterfly,grandchild,female,milkweed,chemical,DNA,blueprint,twin,pattern,grandson,granddaughter,instruction,development,mobile phone,discovery动词:pour,force,conclude,match,examine,migrate,repeat,identify,affect,sug

14、gest形容词:correct,scientific,shallow,solar,double,fantastic,puzzling,general,complex,related副词:certainly,double,completely连词:unless短语归纳turnupside down把翻转,倒过来,pour out涌出,scientific method科学方法,takeoff把拿开,use up用光,用完,be made up of由组成,solar system太阳系,at night在夜间,在晚上,even if即使,纵然,in general一般而言,通常,except f

15、or除之外,be related to与相关,billions of数十亿计的,大量,turnover使翻转,push up向上推,push down向下按,in place原地,在适当的位置句型集锦1.Then I turn the jar upside down and take my hand off the cardboard.2.Thats called the scientific method.3.When the candle stops burning,it has used up all the oxygen in the air.4.Because about one f

16、ifth of the air is made up of oxygen,the water rises and fills about one fifth of the jar.5.I told my father that we were studying the solar system.6.Actually,double the size of your house!7.Well,its worth a try,even if I dont find a planet.8.Fantastic facts about the butterfly have been drawing Dr.

17、 Taylors attention.9.The butterflies that return to the south are the great-great grandchildren of the butterflies that left for the north.10.In general,a blueprint is a drawing that shows how to put a house together with many different parts.11.But building a living thing is far more complex than b

18、uilding a house.12.You have your own unique DNA,but it repeats patterns from your parents DNA.13.From your DNA,scientists can identify not only you,but also people who are related to you.14.I suggest you try it,too!15.Cover the jar with the cardboard and turn the jar over.16.The air pressure pushing

19、 up on the cardboard is higher than that of the water pushing down from inside the jar.17.The higher air pressure outside the jar holds the cardboard in place.18.Scientific discoveries are making our lives better and better.重点语法定语从句中考考什么1.考查定语从句的关系词。2.考查动词短语takeoff,put on。3.考查动词discover,invent与find

20、out的区别。4.考查分数的表达法。5.考查从属连词词组even if的用法。6.考查belong to,in place的用法。7.考查连词unless的用法。8.考查四个“花费”pay,cost,spend,take的用法区别。9.考查except,except for,besides,but的区别。Water Jet Science ExperimentScience experiments or projects for the kids are the perfect means to make children understand the fundamentals behind

21、the things that happen around them. These science experiments are not only easy to perform but are also pretty fascinating for the kids. The Water Jet Science Experiment is one of such experiments which is pretty popular among kids and is safe and simple to carry out.Water Jet Science Project:To per

22、form the Water Jet Science Experiment all you will need is an empty bottle of plastic,a needle,a bowl, water,a scotch tape and a table.First of all take the empty plastic bottle and with the help of a needle make a hole in it. An adult supervision is needed while using needles. This hole should be t

23、hree to four inches away from the bottles base. Now 20cm above this hole make a second hole.Take an adhesive tape and cover these holes with it. Once the holes are covered with the tape you can fill this plastic bottle with water and then place it on a table. Quickly remove both the tapes from this

24、bottle and soon you will see the jet of water coming out from both these holes. You will see that the jet of water coming out from the lower part of the bottle is stronger than the jet of water coming out from the upper part of the bottle.The reason behind this is that the weight of water in the bot

25、tle puts pressure on the lower region as a result of which the water rushes out with more pressure. Whereas the water jet coming out from the upper part of the bottle is not so strong because of less weight and pressure of water.第一课时Lesson 25 Lets Do an Experiment!1.记忆单词experiment,jar,upside,pour,co

26、rrect,scientific,method,raincoat,force,pressure,conclude;短语turnupside down,pour out,scientific method,takeoff。2.掌握重点句型:Then I turn the jar upside down and take my hand off the cardboard.Thats called the scientific method.3.能够运用所学知识介绍自己做实验的过程。4.能够确定定语从句的先行词和关系词。1.学会并能正确使用单词及短语:experiment,jar,upside,p

27、our,correct,scientific,method,raincoat,force,pressure,conclude;turnupside down,pour out,scientific method,takeoff。2.能够运用下列句型:Then I turn the jar upside down and take my hand off the cardboard.Thats called the scientific method.I am so sure of my theory that Brian can do the experiment over your head

28、 and I know you wont get wet.1.能够正确应用本课的重点词汇 experiment,jar,upside,pour,correct,scientific,method,raincoat,force,pressure,conclude;掌握短语turnupside down,pour out,scientific method,takeoff。2.能够运用所学知识介绍自己做实验的过程。3.能够确定定语从句的先行词和关系词。思路一:本课的教学内容是冀教版九年级英语第一单元的第25课,以“让我们一起做一个实验”为题,本单元的中心话题是“研究科学”,对于科学研究实验步骤的理

29、解,因此,本节要以直观的方式来导入新课。思路二:本课的教学内容是冀教版九年级英语第五单元的第25课,以“让我们一起做一个实验”为题,以讨论“Think About It”进行师生对话,得出实验步骤,通过小组合作探究,找出本课的重点句子和短语,共同解决疑难。教师在课前设计教学PPT,准备录音机和磁带,多媒体等,广口瓶,纸板和水。Step.Lead inLeading in 【情景1】The teacher brings a jar,a cardboard and water to the class.Show them to the students and ask what experimen

30、ts we can do with them.Let the students show them and explain the reasons to the students.Let the students work in groups and discuss the experiments.设计意图教师拿出与课文中的实验相关的教具,导入新课,让学生分组研究实验流程,为课文的学习奠定基础。Leading in 【情景2】T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.Today we are starting a new unit.Who can tell me th

31、e title of Unit 5?S1:I can.Its “Look into Science”.T:Very good.What is science?S2:Science is an area of study.S3:Science is something we learn about in school.T:In which subject do you often do experiments?S4:Science.T:Do you like experiments?S5:Yes.T:Experiments are part of something called the scientific method.The scientific methed:Ask questionsdo background researchconstruct a theorytest the theory with an experimentanalyze resultsdraw a conclusionrepo

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