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初中英语第三部分 中考听力题型详解对话理解英语听力.docx

1、初中英语第三部分 中考听力题型详解对话理解英语听力初中英语第三部分 中考听力题型详解对话理解asf听力文件无病毒,请放心打开考点讲解对话理解题是听力测试的主要题型之一,考查抓关键词或主要信息的能力。考点一般是对话发生的地点、对话人之间的关系以及对话所包含的意思等。命题形式可以是听一段对话回答一个问题,也可以是听一段对话回答几个问题。1. 听对话。根据你所听到的对话和针对对话所提的问题,从下列A、B、C三项中,选择一个能回答问题的正确答句。试题:A. She comes from England.B. He comes from England.C. His name is Henry Hunt

2、.录音原文及答案:W: Whats the English boys name, please?M: Henry Hunt.Question: Where does Henry Hunt come from?做该题时,要注意听对话和问句,对话里的关键词语是“英国男孩”的名字,问题中的关键是“Henry Hunt从哪儿来?”由于是“英国男孩”,肯定是“他”来自“英国”了。故正确答案应为B项。2. 听对话,根据对话后的问题,选择正确的答案。( ) (1) Are Ann and Kate talking on the telephone?A. No, they arent. B. Im not s

3、ure. C. Yes, they are.( ) (2) When will Ann go to Kates home?A. This evening. B. Tomorrow evening. C. Tomorrow morning.( ) (3) How will Ann go to Kates home?A. On foot. B. By air. C. By boat.( ) (4) Where is Anns building?A. Near the post office.B. Next to the post office.C. In front of the post off

4、ice.( ) (5) Which floor does Ann live on?A. The second floor. B. The fifth floor. C. The third floor.录音原文及答案:M: Hello, 6129985.W: Hello, could I speak to Ann please?M: Speaking, please.W: This is Kate. Would you like to come to my home tomorrow evening?M: Id love to. When shall I get to your home?W:

5、 Before six oclock.M: But how can I get there? By bus or on foot?W: On foot. First you get to our school, then walk along the road and take the third turning on the right. Its about 300 meters away from the gate. Our building is next to the post office. I live on the third floor.M: OK. Thanks a lot.

6、 Bye.W: Goodbye.该题为对话理解题。在听对话的过程中要弄清对话的双方所交谈的话题及具体内容以及涉及的人或物。从录音原文中我们发现这篇对话是Ann与Kate之间进行的。Kate邀请Ann明天晚上到她的家里去,并告知到她家的路和她家的位置。在听对话的时候我们一定要捕捉与选项相关的信息。第1题答案为C,因为电话是在Ann和Kate之间进行的。第2题的答案为B,这在上面已提到。第3题的答案为A,因为Kate叫Ann步行去。第4题的答案为B,第5题的答案为C,这些Kate都在对话中告诉了Ann。技巧点拨1. 听前预览选项,并预测话题及内容。2. 集中精力听对话中的关键信息,如地点、人物的名

7、字、时间或数字的变化、职业、关系等。3. 注意对话人的“弦外之音”。一般来说,听到but一词,要特别注意but之后的句子意思,句子的重点往往在but之后。4. 在听对话时,边听边作记录,以防漏听一些关键信息。听力强化训练. 听对话和对话后的问题,选出问题的正确答案。(读一遍)( ) 1. A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot.( ) 2. A. Milk. B. Water. C. Tea.( ) 3. A. Australia. B. Canada. C. America.( ) 4. A. To a park. B. To the cinema. C. To

8、school.( ) 5. A. To do the housework.B. To clean their classroom.C. To visit the Science Museum.( ) 6. A. Hes lost his way. B. Hes got a cold. C. He cant find his ruler.( ) 7. A. 60 yuan. B. 70 yuan. C. 80 yuan. 听对话和对话后的问题,选出问题的正确答案。(读一遍)( ) 1. A. By plane. B. Tomorrow. C. On Monday morning.( ) 2. A

9、. At home. B. At school. C. On his way to school.( ) 3. A. Listening to music. B. Reading a book. C. Writing a report.( ) 4. A. Bob. B. Bobs father. C. Bobs mother.( ) 5. A. Stone. B. Wood. C. Special wood.( ) 6. A. In the cinema. B. On the way home. C. In a car.( ) 7. A Mr. Whites brother. B. Mr. W

10、hite. C. Lucys brother.( ) 8. A. 120 000 000. B. 60 000 000. C. 240 000 000. 听对话及对话后的问题,选出问题的正确答案。(读一遍)( ) 1. A. 16. B. 15. C. 60.( ) 2. A. Beethoven. B. Mark Twain. C. Thomas Edison.( ) 3. A. By train. B. By boat. C. By plane.( ) 4. A. 4:20. B. 4:30. C. 4:40.( ) 5. A. She didnt want to lend her era

11、ser.B. She felt sorry for the man.C. She didnt hear him clearly. 听下面五个对话,每个对话后有一个问题,请根据对话内容选择最佳的一项。(读一遍)( ) 1. What does the man want to drink?A. Tea. B. Coffee. C. Water.( ) 2. Where will Peter go this Sunday?A. Kunming Lake. B. Beihai Park. C. The Great Wall.( ) 3. What happened to Alice?A. She wa

12、s ill. B. She did something wrong. C. She failed in her exam.( ) 4. Where are the two speakers?A. In a factory. B. In a hotel. C. In a shop.( ) 5. When may Mary get to the party?A. At 8 oclock. B. Before 8 oclock. C. After 8 oclock. 听对话及对话后的问题,选出问题的正确答案。(读一遍)( ) 1. A. 50 yuan. B. 5 yuan. C. 15 yuan.

13、( ) 2. A. In Shanghai. B. In Changsha. C. In Canada.( ) 3. A. Studying. B. Working. C. Playing.( ) 4. A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot.( ) 5. A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A worker. 听对话,根据你所听到的对话以及针对该对话所提出的问题,选出问题的正确答案。(读两遍)( ) 1. Where do you think these two people are?A. At home. B. Outside. C. I

14、n a baby shop.( ) 2. What is the man worried about?A. Having meals outside.B. The womans parents smoking.C. Their small house.( ) 3. Who will tell the parents to smoke outside?A. Nobody will. B. The man will. C. The woman will.( ) 4. How long will the parents stay?A. For a week. B. For about two day

15、s. C. For a few weeks.( ) 5. Which of the follwing is right?A. The man doesnt smoke himself.B. The man and the woman will have a baby.C. The woman has made a joke. 听下面三段对话。每段对话后面有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(读两遍)听第1段材料,回答第12小题。( ) 1. Where does Miss Evans come from?A. America. B. Australia. C. Canad

16、a.( ) 2. What does Miss Evans teach?A. History. B. English. C. Music.听第2段材料,回答第35小题。( ) 3. What are they talking about?A. The sports meeting. B. The headmaster. C. Their favourite sport.( ) 4. What will Susan take part in?A. The long jump. B. The high jump. C. The 100-meter race.( ) 5. Why doesnt Bi

17、ll want to take part in the competition?A. Because he doesnt like sports.B. Because he feels too nervous.C. Because he has to look after the things for the players.听第3段材料,回答第69小题。( ) 6. Why is Sam going to Sydney?A. Because he wants to spend his holiday there.B. Because he wants to visit some good f

18、riends there.C. Because he wants to look for a good job there.( ) 7. How many times has Sam been there?A. Once. B. Twice. C. Never.( ) 8. When is Sam leaving for Sydney?A. At 9:00 p. m. on Friday, July 27th.B. At 9:00 a. m. on Friday, July 27th.C. At 9:00 a. m. on Friday, June 27th.( ) 9. How will h

19、e go there?A. By air. B. By train. C. By sea. 听对话,根据你所听到的对话以及针对该对话所提出的问题,选出问题的正确答案。(读两遍)( ) 1. How long has the man had the radio?A. Two days. B. Two weeks. C. Two months.( ) 2. Why does the man come to the shop?A. He wants to buy a radio.B. He wants to get a different radio.C. There is something wr

20、ong with his radio.( ) 3. Why cant the man wait long?A. He needs the money very much.B. The factory is too far away.C. He is using it to learn English.( ) 4. What does the man hope to do?A. Change his radio for another one.B. Send it back to the factory.C. Get it repaired.( ) 5. What may be the resu

21、lt?A. The man gets back his money.B. The man gets a new radio.C. The man gets the radio repaired. 听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(读两遍)听第1段对话,回答第12小题。( ) 1. What are the two speakers talking about?A. A birthday party. B. A new bike. C. Lucys parents.( ) 2. What does Lucy ask Mike to do at

22、the end of the conversation?A. Try her new bike. B. Join her in the party. C. Say thanks to his parents.听第2段对话,回答第35小题。( ) 3. Who is going to buy a car?A. John. B. Stella. C. Dick.( ) 4. How much did John want for his car?A. 500 dollars. B. 1000 dollars. C. 1500 dollars.( ) 5. What did the man speak

23、er decide to buy at last?A. A second-hand car. B. A new car. C. A toy car. 听对话,对话后有几个问题,根据你所听到的对话和问题,选出问题的正确答案。(读两遍)( ) 1. A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.( ) 2. A. In a factory. B. On a farm. C. In a shop.( ) 3. A. A coat. B. A skirt. C. A book.( ) 4. A. White. B. Red. C. Blue.( ) 5. A. 34 yuan. B. 24 yu

24、an. C. 20 yuan.听力原文:. 听对话和对话后的问题,选出问题的正确答案。(读一遍)1. W: Jim, how do you usually go to school?M: By bus. Its far from my home.Q: How does Jim usually go to school?2. M: Which would you like to drink, tea or milk?W: Some milk, please.Q: What does the girl want?3. M: Where are you from, Lucy?W: Im from A

25、merica.Q: Wheres Lucy from?4. M: Did you have a good time last Sunday?W: Yes, we went to a park and had a wonderful time.Q: Where did the woman go last Sunday?5. M: What are you going to do tomorrow?W: Were going to visit the Science Museum. Will you come with us?M: Yes, Id love to.Q: What are they

26、going to do tomorrow?6. W: Whats wrong with you?M: Im not feeling well, Doctor.W: Mm. Youve got a cold.Q: Whats wrong with the man?7. M: Can I help you, madam?W: Yes, I want a T-shirt. How much is that blue one?M: Eighty yuan.Q: How much is the blue T-shirt?. 听对话和对话后的问题,选出问题的正确答案。(读一遍)1. W: Ive been

27、 told we are going to visit Japan next week.M: Yes, we are. Well go by plane.W: Great!M: Could you get ready by eight next Monday?W: OK.Q: When will they leave for Japan next week?2. W: May I speak to Jack?M: Sorry, he isnt in.W: This is Betty speaking. Im his friend. I have something important to t

28、ell him.M: He hasnt come back from school. Shall I take a message for you?W: All right. Thank you.Q: Where is Jack now?3. W: Please turn down the radio a little.M: Why? I thought you like the music.W: Yes. But not when I am writing a report.M: Oh, sorry.Q: Whats the woman doing now?4. W: Hi, Bob. Wh

29、at are you doing here?M: Im looking for a present for my parent.W: For your father?M: No. The day after tomorrow is my mothers birthday.Q: Who will receive the present?5. W: What a nice table it is!M: Do you know what its made of?W: Isnt it made of wood?M: No, this table is special. Its not made of

30、wood but of stone.Q: What is the table made of?6. W: Dont you think you should slow down? You are always driving too fast.M: I know, but if I do, well be late for the film.W: But safety is the most important.Q: Where are the speakers?7. M: Lucy, do you want me to fix that broken bicycle for you?W: Thanks, Mr. White, but Ive already asked my brother, Mike, to repair it.Q: Who will repair the bicycle?8. W: It seems that our company has planned to buy some planes.M: Yes, they will spend 120 million yuan on these two planes.W: Thats a lot of money!M: Yes, but the planes are wonderful.Q: H

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