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英语 structure analysis.docx

1、英语 structure analysisAn Analysis of the Whole Text StructureAn Analysis of the Whole Text Structure Section A, Unit Seven Book II NHCEThe passage, presenting the views of Dr. Robert S. Eliot, gives advice on how to lighten ones load and improve ones life. First, we learn the harms of stress. Then we

2、 learn how to deal with it. The passage can be divided into five parts.Part One is Paragraph I and Paragraph 2, presenting the topic of the essay: If you often feel the stress in your life is spinning out of control, you need to learn to take charge of your life where you can - and recognize there a

3、re many things beyond your controlPart Two consists of three paragraphs: from Paragraph 3 to Paragraph 5, mainly about the harmful effects of stress. In Paragraph 3, the writer introduces Dr. Robert S. Eliot, a clinical professor of medicine who wrote a book From Stress to Strength: How to Lighten Y

4、our Load and Save Your Life. This gives us a hint that the writer might tell us about Dr. Eliots opinions concerning stress. Paragraphs 4 and 5 tell us the harmful results of stress: high blood pressure, higher cholesterol levels, crazy heart rhythms, and possibly death.Part Three is made up of six

5、paragraphs, from Paragraph 6 to Paragraph II, mainly about the causes of stress. Paragraph 6 tells us stress was once nearly killing Eliot, but hes doing very well now. In Paragraph 7, Eliot analyzes the main predictors of stress一一fear,uncertainty,and doubt一一together with perceived lack of control.

6、In Paragraph 8, Eliot claims the root of some peoples stress is anger. In Paragraph 9, Eliot says one source of stress comes from seeking perfection, a terrible cycle that ends in perfectionists blowing their tops. In Paragraph 10, Eliot says others are angry because they have no compass in life. Th

7、at they give the same emphasis to a traffic jam that they give to a family argument is an example that they have little understanding of what is important in life. Paragraph 11 concludes this part by saying that stress can actually make you hot-tempered and blow apart due to a heart problemPart Four

8、 consists of another seven paragraphs, from Paragraph 12 to Paragraph 18. This part presents us with some suggestions from Eliot as to how to deal with stress. In Paragraph 12, Eliot advises us that one should learn to be less hostile by changing some attitudes and negative thinking. Starting from P

9、aragraph 13, Eliot recommends taking charge of life. Control is the way out of being stressed. In Paragraph 14, Eliot recommends that people should understand what parts of life are controllable. One should also find out what needs to be done in order to gain control. Paragraphs 15 to 17 go intodeta

10、il concerning how to set priorities. In Paragraph 15, Eliot gives us an example of something Ben Franklin did. Franklin wrote down what he wanted to do-be a better father, a better husband, financially independent, stimulated intellectually, and remain even-tempered. In Paragraph 16, Eliot suggests

11、that a person can first list twelve things and then cut the list down to six, only keeping things that will affect identity, control, and self-worth. In Paragraph 17, Eliot continues to advise us that since time is limited, a person must decide to do only the most important things. But Paragraph 18

12、warns that these priorities are likely to change as they are.Part Five includes the remainder of this passage. Paragraphs 19 and 20. In the two paragraphs, the writer presents Eliots opinion that some things, such as the economy and politicians, cannot be controlled. We must therefore learn to accep

13、t these things.An Analysis of the Whole Text Structure Section A, Unit Five Book II NHCEThe passage is a first person narrative about the writers responses toward the problem of her daughters smoking. The writer tries to show how smoking is harmful to her own father and to the people in poor countri

14、es as examples to support her feelings against her daughters smoking. And then she concludes that every home should be a no-smoking zone.The passage can be roughly divided into three partsPart One is the first paragraph. The paragraph tells us that the writers daughter smokes. The writer feels terri

15、ble about it and she wants to weep as smoking could cause her daughters death.Part Two consists of five paragraphs, from Paragraph 2 to Paragraph 6. Paragraph 2 is about the fact that the writers father, her daughters grandfather, smoked. Paragraph 3 is about the reason why her father smoked. The to

16、bacco industry, coupled with Hollywood movies in which both male and female heroes smoked like chimneys, completely won over people like her father, who were hopelessly hooked by cigarettes. Paragraphs 4 and 5 are about the results of smoking. Her father started to cough. When she was sixteen, his b

17、reath was a wheeze and he could not climb stairs without stopping every third or fourth step. And it was usual for him to cough for an hour. Her father died from pneumonia one winter as a result of long-time smoking. In Paragraph 6 the writer turns her attention to the Third World countries. She arg

18、ues that smoking is harmful not only to her father but also to people in the Third World countries. The large advertisement signs attract people in poor countries, and the money for food goes to tobacco companies. As a consequence, people starve themselves of both food and air, effectively weakening

19、 and booking their children, eventually killing themselves.Part Three is just based on the specific examples about the harmful results of smoking. This part is made up of two paragraphs. Paragraph 7 puts forward the writers point of view about her daughters smoking as a response to Paragraph 1: She

20、is strongly against her daughters smoking. According to what she says, she feels bad about bringing up her daughter to have her struggle to breathe through most of her life feeling half her strength, and then die of self-poisoning, as her grandfather did. Paragraph 8, as the last paragraph of the pa

21、ssage, argues for every home being a no-smoking zone. Smoking has killed her father, is killing her daughter and is also killing other smokers and those who have to sit by. things that will affect identity, control, and self-worth. In Paragraph 17, Eliot continues to advise us that since time is lim

22、ited, a person must decide to do only the most important things. But Paragraph18 warns that these priorities are likely to change as they are.Part Five includes the remainder of this passage. Paragraphs19 and 20. In the two paragraphs, the writer presents Eliots opinion that some things, such as the

23、 economy and politicians, cannot be controlled. We must therefore learn to accept these things.An Analysis of the Whole Text Structure Section A, Unit Four Book II NHCEOne of the ways for discourse organization is to project the discourse into questions and answers. Questions are often used as a mea

24、ns of clarifying the organization of a discourse. In Unit I Book 2 we have introduced it to see how it can enable us to see the structural organization of a passage. Text A of this unit is typical of that structure: The organization can be clearly spelled out by questions and answers.The passage is

25、a short story, and its structural organization can be brought to light when we insert some questions between paragraphs. Generally speaking, the story can be divided into nine parts. Please look at the following chart with questions inserted between parts to find out how each part links with the nex

26、t part.Part One is the First paragraph, which is the beginning of the story. The paragraph tells us about a tall young army officer, John Blandford, waiting to meet a woman at six oclock. We learn something strange here. He has never actually seen her before, but this woman has filled a special plac

27、e in his life and her written words have given him strength.The first paragraph may lead readers to ask who the woman is, why the young man should wait to see her, how she has given him strength and what the relationship between the young man and the woman is. The questions build a sort of expectati

28、on for the readers to continue reading to find answers.Part Two includes two paragraphs, Paragraphs 2 and 3, which answer at least some of the inserted questions. Paragraph 2 tells us who the woman is and how she emerges in the young mans life. The woman is Hollis Meynell who writes him letters, wis

29、hing him safety and courage and giving him her support during his military service. He gets a book from her and appreciates her support for his cause. He reads her letter to him again and again. Paragraph 3 goes on to tell us more about the woman, which makes the relationship between the two clear.

30、The womans letter-writing goes on nonstop for 13 months. She even writes to him when not getting his letters of reply. During the difficult time of war, her letters give him much courage to survive the war. Then gradually hebelieves that he loves her and she loves him. Fate has brought them together

31、. Since love is there between them, readers will naturally ask what will happen after that.Part Three is only one paragraph. Paragraph 4, which serves to an answer the readers question. It is only too natural that the young man wants to have a photo of the woman since they have never met each other

32、before. Dramatically enough, the woman declines the request. Detailed reasons have been offered by the woman. The woman is seeking true love, not love because of beautiful looks or loneliness. She would rather leave the question of love undecided until they meet each other in New York some time late

33、r.Up to now we are clear about why the young man is waiting at the station for the woman. Here readers might insert another question: Are they going to meet there? Or what is going to happen next?Part Four is made up of three paragraphs. Paragraphs 5, 6 and 7, which describe the moment of their meeting. Only one min

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