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1、高考英语一轮复习Unit10Money课时作业北师大版必修4Unit 10 Money 基础训练.用适当的介词或副词填空1Bill Gates was so nice that he decided to give _ ninety percent of his money to the charities.2.The police appealed _ the crowd to keep calm and the problem was being solved.3In the old days many girls in the countryside had to drop _ of s

2、chool.4Soon after he fell ill,he dropped _ the rest of the class.5The man on Thursday urged Tom to stop making irresponsible comments _ the incident.6He turned his back _ his friends when he became famous.7.Being _ of work and having three children,they found it impossible to make ends meet.答案1.away

3、2.to3.out4.behind5.on6.on7.out.完成句子8_(如果可能的话),Ill drop by you on my way home.9My English _(和你一样不好)10_(他要来的消息)gave us much pleasure.11The story _(与相关) a Russian family in the 19th century.12_(据我所知),there hasnt been any real discussion of that.答案8.If no better than yours10.The news/Word t

4、hat he intended to concerned with12.As far as Im aware.课文浓缩语法填空 A lot of people,who spend half their time thinking about the ways _13_ (become) rich,are determined to become a millionaire. In fact,even if some of them get rich,they are not content with their life at all._14_,Charles Gray i

5、snt such a person. Charles Gray,who used to be a college professor _15_ a huge sixbedroom house,lives in a small dormitory room _16_ there is only old furniture. He felt happy to give _17_ the lifestyle of a rich man,_18_ (get) clothes or other things from charity shops. A few years ago,Charles beca

6、me aware that there were a lot of people who _19_ (be) lacking in food,so he donated all his money _20_ charities. In Charless opinion,most people never make much money and _21_ (have) only a little money makes one free and _22_ (happy)答案 become14.However15.with 16where17.up18.getting19.were20.

7、to 21having22.happier.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Harsh truths that help you grow1You cant always be in control of everything._23_ But if you want to continue to grow, there are times when you need to give up your control on everything and let things unfold how theyre meant to be.You ca

8、n still strive for greatness, but put the work in and then let go with complete faith that the universe will make things right for you.2You cant accomplish great things without taking great risks.If you dont take risks you will have a lot harder time accomplishing what you want in life._24_ Theyre t

9、he ones who are willing to put everything on the line and fail for something they believe in.And they treat each failure as an opportunity to grow and get better.3_25_ Theres someone in your life you care about deeply who is holding you back.Thats not to say you should give up on the people you love

10、.However, there comes a time when you need to make the tough decision to say no to people who arent helping you grow.4Death is a part of life._26_ However, theres something you can do to make losing someone you love a lot less painful:make them a part of your life right now.Dont put off making that

11、phone call or paying a random visit to a friend or family member you havent seen in a while.Treat every moment with your loved ones as if its your last, and you wont have any regrets.5Sometimes bad things happen to good people._27_ Theres a randomness to how the world works thats really hard to unde

12、rstand.We see evidence of this every day, and it can really make you question the future of mankind.How you choose to view the world is up to you.Just remember, the truth, however harsh, will set you free.ALetting go is hard.BThe first step is always the hardest.CNot everyone will support you along

13、the way.DSuffering is part of life but makes us stronger.ENothing can prepare us for the pain of losing a loved one.FPeople who truly change the world are the biggest risk takers.GYou may be better off without some of the people you currently care about.答案23A空格后面的句子开头用But连接,说明前后两个句子意思相反。根据But所在句子的意思


15、无所适从。”符合标题内容。故选E。27D本段标题为“有时候好人也会遇到坏事。”选项D意为“磨难是人生的一部分,它会让我们更强大。”磨难是一件坏事,这与标题内容相符合。故选D。能力提升.完形填空体裁:记叙文话题:回报词数:263时间:16His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer.One day, while trying to make just enough money to_1_ for his family, he heard a cry for_2_ coming from a nearby bog(沼泽)He_3_

16、his tools and ran to the bog.There, made dirty to his waist in black muck(污泥), was a_4_ boy, screaming and struggling to_5_ himself.Farmer Fleming saved the boy from_6_ could have been a slow and terrifying death.The next day, a fancy carriage_7_ to the Scotsmans sparse(稀疏的) surroundings.An_8_ dress

17、ed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had_9_“I want to_10_ you,” said the nobleman.“You saved my sons life.” “No, I cant_11_ payment for what I did,” the Scottish farmer replied, waving off the_12_At that moment, the farmers_13_ son came to the door o

18、f the family house.“Is that your son?” the nobleman asked.“Yes,” the farmer replied.“Ill make you a_14_Let me take him and give him a good education.If the boy is_15_ like his father, hell grow to a man you can be_16_ of.”And that he did.In time, Farmer Flemings son_17_ from St.Marys Hospital Medica

19、l School in London, and went on to become_18_ throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the_19_ of Penicillin.Years afterward, the noblemans son was_20_ with pneumonia(肺炎)What saved him? Penicillin.The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill.His sons name? Sir Winston Churchill.

20、1A.believe in Bremind of Clive on Dput on 答案Cbelieve in“相信某人”;remind sb.of sth“提醒某人某事”;live on“以为生”;put on“穿上;上演”。根据句子意思“全家人以他挣的钱生活”可知答案。 Bsolution Csorrow Dcare 答案Aa cry for help“救命的呼声”,从下文可知,一个孩子掉进了沼泽,他在喊救命。3A.searched Bdropped Csurvived Dreplaced 答案B听到孩子的叫声,Fleming扔掉干活用的工具,跑向沼泽去救孩子的命。4A.te

21、rrified Bhonest Cbrave Dexcited 答案A从后面的screaming and struggling可知,孩子掉进了沼泽,所以非常害怕。terrified是形容词,“害怕的”。5A.transport Bexperience Cprotect Dfree 答案Dfree在本句中的意思是“脱离;摆脱”,free oneself (from)“使自己摆脱(困境等)”。6A.where Bwhat Cwhen Dwhile 答案B空格处所填的词既作from的宾语又作后面句子的主语,故应选what。7A.pulled up Bdrove past Cwatched out D

22、got through 答案Apull up“停下来”,一辆豪华的马车在Farmer Fleming的房子前停了下来。8A.impolitely Belegantly Csincerely Dabsolutely 答案Belegantly“优雅地”,elegantly dressed nobleman“穿着优雅的绅士”。从上文的a fancy carriage可以判断这个人穿着优雅。其他选项不能与dressed连用。9A.depended Bappointed Cexpected Dsaved 答案D从句子意思可以判断来的人正是Farmer Fleming所救的孩子的父亲。10A.interv

23、iew Bdefeat Crepay Dforce 答案Crepay“报答”。别人救了自己孩子的命,父亲当然想到的是报答这个人。11A.receive Baccept Cadapt Ddevote 答案B根据下句的waving off.可知Farmer Fleming不愿意accept“接受”这位绅士的报答。12A.offer Btopic Cvalue Dmaterial 答案Aoffer“提供的东西”,是名词,指这位绅士提出的要给Farmer Fleming的报答。13A.another Bsecond Cown Dsmart 答案C文章没有提到Farmer Fleming到底有几个孩子,

24、所以A、B答案排除;D在文章中也没有提到,所以选C。 Bdebt Cbet Ddifference 答案Amake a deal“做交易”;根据下文,这位绅士要给Farmer Fleming的孩子好的教育来作为对Farmer Fleming的报答,他认为这是一场交易。15A.something Bnothing Canything Deverything 答案Canything like“完全像;全然”。16A.shamed Bproud Cafraid Dfond 答案Bbe proud of“以为自豪”。这位绅士认为,如果这个孩子能像Farmer Fleming一样,长大后

25、会让Farmer Fleming感到自豪的。17A.removed Bfled Cescaped Dgraduated 答案DFarmer Fleming的儿子从St.Marys Hospital Medical School in London毕业。18A.known Bcomfortable Cinspired Dgenerous 答案Aknown是形容词,意思是“著名的”,Alexander Fleming因为发明Penicillin而闻名于世。19A.champion Bsettler Cdiscoverer Dconductor 答案Cdiscoverer“发明者;发现者”。20A.

26、stricken Bintended Coperated Dsuffered 答案Astrike“袭击;使突然发生”。指the noblemans son突然患了肺炎。suffer不与with连用。.阅读理解A体裁:记叙文话题:人物与文学词数:329时间:7“Compared with poems by other poetesses in China, hers stand out like a killer among groups of ladies,” Liu Nian, editor of the Chinese literary journal Poetry, said about

27、 Yu Xiuhuas works.“She is the poetess with cerebral palsy (大脑麻痹症) and Chinas Emily Dickinson,” he said.And her blog, previously with less than 200 followers, has now climbed to over 5,000 followers, with more than 400,000 hits.Her fans are not shy of expressing their love of her works.One left her a

28、 message:“Your poems moved me.Its been a long while since I tasted my tears.” Another wrote:“Your poems made me realize that the poetry is still alive.”Putting her feelings into words has always worked for Yu, but she does not intend to teach.“When Im not happy, I write it down, and the words are ba

29、sically an expression of my mood at that particular moment.I do not write in order to show something,” says Yu in an interview with Peoples Daily Online.Yu shakes her head when she talks, and her speech stutters(结巴)sometimes.The habit also shows in her walk, as she stumbles(蹒跚) to move across the ro

30、om.When she types, she presses the keyboard the hard way with her finger.When she was told she was compared to the famous American poet Emily Dickinson, she said she didnt know who that was.In fact, the only thing the two have in common is probably their love of reading.Often she will pull a chair in the yard to read in the daylight, or sit in her simply equipped bedroom by a plain wooden table, with a bulb lighting from the ceiling.Her son, a student at the university in Wuhan, says his mother has a peaceful heart, yet s

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