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1、小学祈使句练习题doc小学祈使句练习题、连词成句并改写成否定句。1.on walk the grass2.ride a here bike小升初:祈使句精讲及练习一、祈使句定义:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的 句子叫做祈使句.祈使句因对象是第二人称,所以通常都省略。祈使句 的动词都为一般现在时,句末则使用句号来表示结束。2.表示“间接命令”或“愿望”。这句型里的动词宾语是第三人称名词或代词,如:Let Robert take charge of the marketing department.Let her join our choir.表示“警告”、“蔑视”、“威胁”等。这种祈使

2、句里的宾语也是第三人称为主。除了口气凶 悍之外,有时还语带讽刺,女口:Let him try and he will expose his inability to work on his own.Let the invaders come and our armed forces will wipe them out in no time.五、用” let”的祈使句时,必须注意下列几点:、” let”的否定句有两种。如果宾语是第三人称 用” Don t let ”;如果宾语是第一人称,则用” Let not” :例:Go and wash your hands.Be quiet, pleas

3、e. Be kind to our sister. Watch your steps.Look out! Danger! No parking.祈使句也常把主语“You”表达出来,使对方听起来 觉得柔和些,例如I: You go and tell him, Chris.二、相关口令祈使句无主语,主语you常省去;动词原形谓语当, 句首加don,t否定变;朗读应当用降调,句末常标感叹号。Don t let this type of things happen again.It s raining now. Let snot go o ut until after the rain.、” Let”

4、只适用于现在时态,可以有被动语态, 如:三、表现形式肯定结构:1.Do 型+其它成分)。如:Please have a seat here. 请这边坐。有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下,动词可省略。 女口:This way, please.二 Go this way, please. 请这边走。. Be型+其它成分)。如:Ee a good boy!要做一个好孩子!Let the man be sent to prison.Let all the excellent staff be promoted.、” Let”后头除了是不带” to”的不定式动词之外, 还可以是某些适当的副词,如out, i

5、n, down, alone3.Let 型。如:Let me help you.让我来帮你。 否定结构:1.Do型和Be型的否定式都是在句首加don,t构 成。如:Don t forget me!不要忘记我!2.Let型的否定式有两种:“Don t + let +宾语+动词原形+其它成分”“Let +宾语+ not +动词原形+其它成分”。如:Don t let him go. / Let him not go. 别让他走。Let the man out. Open the windows and let the fresh air in.The room is too sunny. Let

6、the blinds down. Let me alone, please.、用” Let,s”时,把谈话者的对象包括在内; 用” Let us”时,并不包括对方,女口:Let s try it, shall we? Let us do it by ourselves, will you?从里的” shall we”和里的will you” ,不难知道 前者包括听话人,后者并没有。祈使句练习一1.The TV is too loud. Please . A.turn turn it down C.turn down it D.toturndownit.late again

7、,Bill!A.Dont to beB. Dont beC. Not beD.Benot.crossthe road untilthe traffic lightsturngreen. A.NotB. Won tC. Doesn tD.Don t.Please help me carry it, ?A. will IB. will youC. shall ID. shall we. Don t make so much noise, ?A. will youB. won t youC. shall weD. do you.Do you know the girl under the tree?

8、A. standC. standingD. stood 13.有些可用no开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句。 如:No smoking!禁止吸烟 !No fishing!禁止钓鱼!四、” let”带头的祈使句由” let”带头的祈使句是个常见的动词句型,它的 主要用法有下列三种:1.表示“建议”。这个句型里的” let”后头紧跟着一个第一人称的代 词宾语,如I: Let me try. Let s do it. Let me go and look for it.这个句型语气委婉,比直接的祈使句客气。试比较a 和 b: a. Don t disturb him. b. Let

9、s not disturbhim.是直接命令,语气强烈,不如温柔悦耳。7.Kate, your homework here tomorrow. A.bringB. bringsC. to bringD. bringing. me thetruth, or I 11 be angry. A. TellingB. To tellC. ToldD. Tell. I ve keptthe dog Maomao for a long time. A.NameB. namedC. namingD. to name 10. Don t you know that is good for our heaIth

10、?A. swimB. swimmingC.swamD. swims祈使句练习二I.将以下祈使句改为否定式:10.Let s anything about it. VI.选择填空1 . Her doc tor said: “ work so hard AStopB Don t C Can t D No 2. Sindy, to behere at o clockA is sure B is sure that C will be sureD be sure3. when you cross the road.A Do careB Care C Do be carefulD To be caref

11、ul4. him the secret, will you?A Don t tellE Not to tell C Not tellingD No telling1.Come here early. 5. in bed. It s badfor your eyes.2.Ask him. A Not to readE Don t readC Don tto read D Not read. Please wait for her. Please don t wait for her6. Your child. We 11 look afterhim. . Read the book carefu

12、lly. Don t read the book carefully. A Not to worry about B Don t worry about. Sit under the tree, please. Don t sit under the tree, please. C Not worry for DDon t worry with. Let s go there together. Let t not go there together. II.选择最佳答案填空:1. If you are tired, a rest.A. have B. having C. to have D.

13、 had. mego. It is very important for me. A. Do let B. let do C. Doing let D. To do let. He is not honest. believe him. A. Not B. Don t C. To not D. Not to. If you want to stay, let me know, ?A. will youB. shall we C. do you D. do we. Never come late again, ?A. will youB. won tC. do youD. does he. up

14、 early tomorrow, or you can t catch the train. A. Getting B. Get C. To get D. Got. in the street.It s dangerous. A. Not playB. Not to playC. Don t playD. Don t to play. Please me some money, will you?A.lendB. lendingC. to lend D. be lend. The film is about to begin. Please sea ted. A. beB. are C. is

15、 D.being 10. the boxes. You may use them later. A.KeepB. Keeping C. To keepD. Kept III.用括号内所给 动词的适当形式填空。1.It s an important meeting. late. any noise! Your mother is sleeping. with your mouth full of food and polite.4. and read aloud. your homework for tomorrow, Larry. out! A car is coming.7. us ten

16、years and just see whatour country will be like.8. the baby cry.9.Wear more clothes or you a cold.25.不要让猫进来。 .3.亲爱的,高兴点儿! !.不要把书放这儿。 1.请照看好您的包。 让我们去学校吧! ! 7. They are very tired. Why have a rest?A not they B do not theyC don t they D not to You look rat her ti red. sto pping to have arest? All right

17、.A Why not B How aboutC Why not toDwhy don t tell a lie.A HardlyB Not C No D NeverlO. Please look outside. Look at the blackboard. A notE don tC aren, t D can t11.Why don t you join us in the game? A Whatnot B Why not C Why toD How to 1 go for thebook alone, Ms Zhang. A Let s B Let me C LetusD Allow

18、 ljohn, read the text for us, ?A does he B will he C do you D will you 14. Let s do it at once, ?A shall we B will you C do we D do you 15. Let us do it at once, ?A shall weB will youC do we D do you V.将下列 汉语翻译成英语。祈使句练习一答案:1-AEDEA -10 CADBB祈使句练习 二答案:I.将以下祈使句改为否定式:I.Don t come here early. . Don t ask

19、 him3. Please don t wait for her. Don t read the book carefully. . Don t sit under the tree, please. Let t not go there together.II、 选择最佳答案填空:1-AAEAA-10 BCAAA解析:3小升初英语祈使句专项一、填空1.Please wait for me. walk so fast.2. quiet, please.3. sit straight.4. go shopping now.5. spi tti ng.6. talking, class begin

20、s.7. a good time!& talk to your mum like that!二、 写岀下列祈使句的反义疑问句1.Let s go, ?2.Don t make such noise, ?3.Teacher, let us go out to play, ?4.Let s go together, ?5.Let each man decide for himself, ?6.Let us go together, ?7.Come and join us, ?8.Don t fight with others, ?三、 将下列句子变成祈使句1. Would you like to

21、wait a momen a moment.2.Can I use your bike?Please your bike.3.You d better not smoke here. here.4.You must be careful with your handwriting. with your handwriting.5.Will you please not play with my pencil?f with my pencil, .四、选择题1.Please , they re having a meeting.A. not be so noisy B. Be quite C.

22、mustn t talkD. no speaking2. to meet me at the station. I llbewaitingt here.A. Not to forget B. Not forget C. Forget not D.Don t forget3.It s a fine day. Let s go fishing, ?A. won t we B. will you C. don t we D. shallwe4.Don t smoke in the meeting-room, ?A. do you B. will you C. can you D. could you

23、5.- Don t forget to come to my birthday partytomorrow. -I .A. don t B. won t C. can t D. haven t6. down the radio. The baby s asleep in the next room.A. Turning B. To turn C. Turned D. Turn7.Lucy, the door or someone 11 come in.A. close B. closes C. not close D. is closing8. and play football in the

24、 street afterlunch.A. Let s not to go B. Let s not go C. Let s don t go D. Not let s go9.A sign with the words “ is often foundin a bus.A. Not parking B. Not smoking C. No parking D. No smoking10. Chinese in you English class.A. Not speak B. Don t speak C. Speak not D. Don t speaking五、翻译下列各句1咱们一起玩吧! 2.请不要迟至屮 3回答这个问题. 4.别那么写! 5.告诉我你的名字!6.一定要勇敢!7.来 加 入 我 们吧! &别浪费时间! 9.我们周日去游泳吧! 10.禁止吸烟!

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