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1、新视野大学英语读写教程第一册第三版Unit8TextA分析Unit 8 Text A Gender variables in friendship: Contradiction or not?友情中的性别差异:矛盾还是不矛盾?Pre-reading activities2 Work in pairs and compare your answers to see how differently you treat male and female friends.I prefer to have friends who can share my joy and sadness. Generall

2、y speaking, female friends are much closer and more emotionally attached while male friends enjoy doing activities together. (一)内容介绍本文作者通过对身边男性朋友和女性朋友情感的不同表达方式的描述,说明一些人的交流方式是多么因对方的性别不同而不同.对待女性朋友可以是开放的、真情流露的、直截了当的,而对待男性朋友似乎都无法表达.然后,作者进行探究,说明男性和女性似乎有着截然不同的情感和理性处理方式.男性确实往往在情感表达方面比较克制.(二)背景知识男人来自火星,女人来自


4、陆续又推出了三本畅销世界的图书,分别是男人约会往北,女人约会往南男人进卧室向左,女人进卧室向右和火星人的秘密食谱,金星人的健康法则。现在,约翰格雷被誉为世界上最著名的两性情感问题专家.他同妻子及三个孩子一道,居住在美国加利福尼亚北部。(三)课文分析1.篇章结构Para. 1 The author describes the pictures he had of his female friends and male friends are completely different.作者总体描述了他对男性朋友和女性朋友的不同情感表达方式.Paras.2-4 By giving some exam

5、ples, the author describes his different communication styles with his male friends and female friends.作者通过具体事例,分析了他是如何对男性和女性朋友表达情感的.Paras.5-6 The author expresses gender differences in his communication styles and the explanation.作者表达了要探究表达情感不同的原因,并得出结论:男性和女性似乎有着截然不同的情感和理性处理方式.2.写作特点本文总体的写作特点是先提出问题

6、,再通过具体事例解释为什么要提出问题,最后提出质疑并解决问题.Title: A Gender variables in friendship: Contradiction or not?MeaningThere are differences in the way people treat their male friends and female friends: Do people act inconsistently or not?【解析】本句中作者的言外之意: The author finds that his friendship is gender-based when deali

7、ng with his male friends and female friends. That is, he treats his male friends and female friends in different ways.1.gender: n.C, U the fact of being male or female性别Eg: Discrimination on grounds of race or gender is forbidden.严禁种族歧视或性别歧视.2. variable/veariabl/: n. C sth. that may be different in

8、different situations, so that you cannot be sure what will happen易变的事;可变因素Eg: There are too many variables in the experiment to predict the result accurately.实验中可变因素太多难以准确预测结果.a. likely to change often易变的;多变的eg Expect variable cloudiness and fog tomorrow.预计明天多云有雾.3.contradiction kntrdkn: n. C a diff

9、erence between two statements, beliefs, or ideas about sth. that means they cannot both be true矛盾;不一致Eg: There is a contradiction between the ten sets of figures.这两组数据相互矛盾.【派生】 contradictory a.互相矛盾的1 When I think of my good friends, I see them in cinematic terms. 想到我的好朋友们,我就会用看电影的眼光看待他们。Meaning When

10、 I think about my good friends in the past, I remember them like I am seeing a movie.1.Cinematic snmtk: a. connected with films/movies and how they are made 电影的;电影制作的2.interms(in terms of sth.): used to show what aspect of a subject you are talking about or how you are thinking about it 谈及;就而言;在方面Eg

11、: The decision was disastrous in political terms. 从政治上来看,这个决定是灾难性的。Hes talking in terms of starting a completely new career. 他正在谈论开创全新的事业。But it s still as comprehensive as ever, if not more in terms of software developmen.但是在软件开发方面,它仍然与以前一样全面如果不是更全面的话.The camerawork is entirely different for men an

12、d women. 对男性和女性的拍摄手法是完全不同的。Camerawork: n. Ustyle in which sb takes photographs or uses a film/movie camera 拍摄风格The movie memories I have of female friends are open and intimate. 我对女性朋友的“电影式”记忆是开放的、亲密无间的。MeaningMy memories of my female friends are like movies that show the friendship as being veryhon

13、est and close.【解析】本句中的词语 movie表达很形象.Intimate ntmt: having an extremely close friendship 亲密的;密切的Eg: Shes on intimate terms with people in government.她与政府官员关系密切【近义】 chummy, friendly【反义】 distantWe are talking, interested in each other in a magnetic sort of way. 我们交谈着,像磁铁般互相吸引着。MeaningWe are talking wit

14、h each other, and we show interest in each other with a feeling of strongattraction.magnetic mgnetk: a. (1) able to attract and interest people very strongly有吸引力的;有魅力的eg: To be a successful businessman you must be enthusiastic and magnetic.要做一个成功的实业家,你必须有热情和吸引力. (2) capable of attracting iron object

15、s有磁性的;有磁力的Eg: Their compass is the Sun, the stars and the Earth s magnetic field.它们的指南针是太阳、星星及地球的磁场.【近义】pulling, attractiveThey look straight into my eyes, sensitive to my feelings, listening to me with deliberate attention. 她们直视我的眼睛,她们善解人意,她们用心倾听。1.sensitive senstv: a.(1) able to understand other p

16、eople s feelings and problems善解人意的;体恤的Eg: It s made me much more sensitive to the needs of the disabled.它使我更加能够明白残疾人的需要(2) easily upset or offended by events or things that people say敏感的;容易生气的Eg: Throughout her career she remained very sensitive to criticism.她在整个职业生涯中一直对批评很敏感.【近义】perceptive, suscept

17、ible【反义】 dull, hard2.deliberate dlbrt: a. intended, not done by chance or by accident故意的;有意的;蓄意的Eg: The speech was a deliberate attempt to embarrass the government.这一发言蓄意使政府难堪.【近义】 intended, planned【反义】 fortuitous, hasty, accidentalIn comparison, memories of male friends are in an entirely different

18、 film altogether. 相比较而言,我对男性朋友的记忆是完全不同的另一部影片。MeaningCompared with my memories of female friends, my memories of male friends are completely different.【解析】本句中的 In comparison(with/to)= In contrast(with/to),但前者更侧重于某些共同点的比较,比如在大小、程度或强度等方面的不同.parison kmprsn: n. C, U the process of considering how things

19、or people are similar and how they are different 比较Eg: By comparison with other European countries, car prices in the UK are very high.和欧洲其他国家相比较,英国的汽车价格非常高.【搭配】by/ In comparison( with sb./sth.)相比之下in comparison: used for talking about the ways in which two things are different相比之下;比较起来eg: Your conc

20、lusion is wrong in comparison with their conclusion.你们的结论与他们的相比是错误的.An action or adventure movie! Not much in the way of dialog. 那是一部动作片或者冒险片!对话不多。The ritual of motion, or the sequence of action, makes up for the deficiency of dialog and honest narrative. 习惯性的行动,或者说一系列的动作,弥补了对话及坦诚倾诉方面的不足。1.ritual rt

21、ul n. (1)C,Usth. that you do regularly and always in the same way例行公事;老规矩;老习惯Eg: Sunday lunch with the in-laws has become something of a ritual.星期天,和姻亲们共进午餐已经成了例行的公事.(2)C,U a formal ceremony正式仪式;典礼Eg: She objects to the ritual of organized religion.她反对规范的宗教仪规.【派生】ritualism n.仪式主义【近义】pomp, ceremony2.

22、Motion mn: n. (1) U the process or action of moving运动;移动Eg: The rocking motion of the boat made Sylvia feel sick.小船晃来晃去,使西尔维娅感到恶心.(2)C a single movement of your hand or head, esp. one made in order to communicate sth. (手或头的)示意动作;手势Eg: He summoned the waiter with a motion of his hand.他打了个手势,召唤侍者.【搭配】

23、 go through the motions of doing sth,敷衍【派生】 motionless a.不动的3. sequence si:kwns: n (1)C, U a set of related things that happen or are arranged in a particular order连串;连续Eg: He s had a sequence of business failure.他生意上遭遇了一连串失败.C, U the order in which a set of things happens or is arranged顺序;次序;先后Eg:

24、The questions should be asked in a logical sequence.这些问题应该按逻辑顺序提出.【近义】 chain, series 4.make up for: do sth. that corrects a bad situation弥补;补偿eg: It s a universal truth that diligence can make up for one s intelligence.勤能补拙是普遍真理.5.Deficiency dfnsi: n. (1)C,U(fm,) a lack of sth. that is necessary不足;缺

25、乏Eg: Vitamin deficiency in the diet can cause illness.饮食中缺乏维生素可能导致疾病(2)C,U(fm.) a weakness or fault in sth.缺点,毛病Eg: There are deep deficiencies in this law.这条法律存在严重的缺陷.【搭配】 deficiency in/of sth.缺少;缺乏6.narrative nrtv: n.C(fm.) a description of events in a story.,esp. in a novel叙述;记叙Eg: At several poi

26、nts in the narrative the two stories cross.叙述中有几处地方两个故事互相交织2 My mind retreats back to my earliest childhood friend, Donald. 我脑海里回想起我儿时最早的朋友唐纳德。MeaningMy mind goes back to the days I spent with my first childhood friend, Donald.retreat/ritri: t/: vi. (1) move away from sb. or sth.后退;离开;退避eg: He saw h

27、er and retreated, too shy to speak to her.他看到她就躲开了,不好意思跟她讲话.(2) move away from the enemy after being defeated in battle撤退Eg: The rebels retreated to the mountains.叛乱分子撤退到山里.retreat back to= go back to,表示“追忆” I was still living in Europe at the time, and near my house was an old German truck left aba

28、ndoned after the war. 那时候我还住在欧洲,我家房子附近有一辆战后遗弃的德国旧卡车。at the time: at a particular moment or period in the past when sth. happened, esp. when the situation is very different now当时eg: The flight was carrying more than 100 people at the time.事发时该航班载有100余人 No wheels. No windshield. No doors. 没有轮子,没有挡风玻璃,

29、没有车门。But the steering wheel was intact. 但是方向盘还完好无损。1.steer/stIa/ v. control the direction in which a vehicle moves掌舵;驾驶Eg: He was steering with only one hand.他只用一只手驾驶.vt. guide sb. s behavior or the way a situation develops引导;指导eg: Teachers try to steer pupils away from drugs.教师试图引导学生远离毒品.【近义】 manag

30、e, guideSteering str: n. U the parts of a car,boat,etc. that allow you to control its direction(汽车、船等的)转向装置,操纵装置Eg: The two-seat vehicle does not need a gas pedal or steering whee.这款两座汽车不需要油门或方向盘【派生】 Steering- wheel n.方向盘2.Intact ntkt a. ( not be fore noun) not broken, damaged, or spoiled完好无损的;未受损伤的

31、Eg: Only the medieval tower had remained intact.只有那座中世纪塔楼保存完好.Donald and I continuously flew to America in that truck, our airplane. 我和唐纳德一直开着这辆卡车也就是我们的“飞机”“飞往”美国。Even now, I remember our daily ritual as we flew along, across Europe, across the Atlantic, on a mission of mercy. 即使到现在,我还记得我们每天飞行的那个套路。我们飞过欧洲,飞越大西洋,去执行救援任务。MeaningEven now, I remember our everyday routine of pretending to fly all the way across Europeand across the Atlantic, in order to help those who were in d

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