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1、英语语法2Chapter Six The Articles一 冠词的语法意义冠词是一种虚词,不能单独使用作句子成分,只能附加在名词、名词词组或名词化的形容词之前起限定作用,帮助说明其含义、所指的人或事物是泛指还是特指。二 冠词的分类:冠词只有两类共三个:不定冠词a(an)和定冠词the。定冠词the definite article不定冠词the indefinite article1不定冠词a用在以辅音音素开头的词前;an用在以元音音素开头的词前源于数词one,表示“一”之意用于泛指同类人或事物中的任何一个,与别类人或事物相区别,仅与可数的单词名词连用a hen;a unit;an appl

2、e;an hour; 2定冠词用在以辅音音素开头的词前读-;用在以元音音素开头的词前读-源于指示代词that,表示“那”之意用来特指某个或某些人或事物,与同类中的其他人或事物相区别,可与一切名词连用 the sun; the earth; in the morning; in the evening;三 冠词的用法1 不定冠词的用法1)表示数量“一” 之意,但意义不如one强.I have a pencil.She will return in a day or two.2)笼统地指某人或事物,但不具体说明.A boy is waiting for you.Im sure it was on

3、a Friday.3)表示类别,即以个体表示一类,用来区别于其他类,相当于“any”.A plane is a machine that can fly.This is a sheep, not a goat.An elephant is stronger than a horse.His father is a doctor.4)与表示时间、速度、价格等意义的名词连用,表示“每一”之意.They work eight hours a day.We have three meals a day.The car can go 80 kilometres an hour.How much is t

4、his meat a pound?The price of the vegetable is two yuan a kilo.5)起介绍作用,表示首次提到某人或某事物,但不具体说明.“What is he?” “He is a teacher.”There is a house in the picture and theres a dog in front of the house.She has just come back from a Changchun hospital.6)用在不可数的抽象名词或物质名词前,作具体介绍,有“一种”之含义.Reading is a joy to me.

5、Kong Fansen had a deep love for the country and people.7)与dozen/hundred /thousand /million等连用,表示“一打/百/千/百万” 之意.a dozen exercise books; a hundred teachers;a thousand students;8)用于“such /quite/many/rather + a/an” 和“so +形容词+ a/an +单数可数名词”结构中He has had such a busy day.On Sundays there are quite a lot of

6、 people in the streets.She is rather a collage student.We have not had so wonderful a day as this for a long time.9)用于what引导的感叹句.What a big family!What a fine day!What a difficult question it is!10)表示the same,“即”一样“之意.The two pairs of socks are much of a size.Birds of a feather flock together.11)与有姓

7、的专有名词连用.A Mr. Smith called to see you this morning, sir.12)用于某些固定词组中a few; catch a cold; go for a walk; have a rest;once upon a time; a li or so; as a rule;2定冠词的用法1)与特指某(些)人或事物的名词连用,特别是定语从句或短语所修饰的名词,以区别同类中的其他人或事物.Science plays an important role in the society in which we live.This is the book that I

8、 promised to lend you.the cover of the book; the road of socialism;2)与表示上文已提过的人或事物的名词连用,表示特指.An old cock is sitting in a tall tree. A fox comes to the tree and looks up at the cock.I have a pen and a ball-pen. The pen is black, and the ball-pen is green.3)与表示谈话双方共知的人或事物的名词连用,表示特指.Would you mind my c

9、losing the window?Come up to the blackboard, please.How do you like the film?Lets read the text together.4)用在表示世界上独一无二的事物的名词之前.the earth; the sun; the moon; the sky; the world;5)用在表示方向的名词之前.in the east/west/south/north; on the west; to the north;注:form east to west之类结构中不用定冠词6)与序数词连用the first/second/

10、third/forth time/world/floor/lessonHe is always the last one to come and the first one to leave.This exciting story is on the twelfth page.7)用在形容词和副词的最高级前,副词最高级前的定冠词可以省略。Autumn is the busiest season in a year.He is the tallest of us three.Who does the homework (the) most carefully in your class?Who

11、studies (the) hardest in your class?8)与某些形容词或形容词化了的过去分词连用,一起构成名词,表示一类人或事物.the rich and the poor; the old and the young;the aged, the weak, the sick and disabled;the wounded; the deaf; the exploited and oppressed;9)用在由普通名词构成的表示民族、国家、组织、阶级、党派、集体的名词前,表示一个整体。the working class; the labouring people;the L

12、abour Party;the Academy of Sciences of China;the Peoples Republic of China; The Chinese are well known for their diligence.10)用在表示江河、山脉、海洋、海峡、群岛名词的专有名词之前.the Himalayas; the Baltic; the English Channel; the Nile;the British lsles;11)与表示旅馆、建筑物或商店等名称的专有名词连用。the Great Wall; the Great Hall of the People;

13、 12)与表示某些报刊杂志名称的专有名词连用.the Peoples Daily; the New York Times;the Times;the Inspectator;13)用在姓的复数专有名词前,表示一家.the Randolphs; the Yangs;The Einsteins, however, could not afford to pay for the education that young Albert needed.14)用在表示乐器名称的名词之前. He can play the piano.Tom can not play the violin.15)用在带修饰语

14、的表月份和星期几的名词之前.The May of 1949 is always fresh in my memory.Mary will go to Shanghai on business on the Friday when her father is back form their hometown.16)用在“the , the ”结构中.The sooner, the better. / The more,the better.The harder you study, the more knewledge you will get.The more you work for oth

15、er, the happier you yourself will feel.17)在表示发明物的单数名词前加定冠词.The compass was invented in China four thousand years ago.18)用在固定词组中.in the morning/afternoon/evening; in the day-time; in the sun/shade/dark/distance; by the way;on the right/left; the day before yesterday;the day after tomorrow; on the one

16、/other hand 四 不用冠词的情况或场合 1大多数专有名词前不用冠词.Beijing is capital of China.Would you please tell me where Fudan University is?2在表示泛指的复数名词前不用冠词.Horses are useful animals.Books are my best friends.I like flowers.Children will be children.3在表示泛指的不可数名词(抽象和物质名词)前不用冠词.Labour created man.Coal is black.Life is gett

17、ing better and better.Language is a product of labour.Knowledge is power.We love science.They will do it with pleasure.We cannot live without air.Would you like tea or coffee?Water is necessary for life.4在表示三餐的名词前不用冠词.We usually have breakfast at six,lunch at twelve and supper at five.They invited t

18、he foreign teachers to dinner yesterday.5在表示季节、月份、星期几、节假日的名词前不用冠词.Autumn is the season of harvest .October 1 is National Day.We have no school on Wednesday and on Saturday.Christmas; May Day; New Years Day;6用作呼语的名词前不用冠词.Good morning, professor. What are you doing there, boy?Whats wrong with you, dad

19、?7在表示家庭成员间的称呼、专有名词前的称号或头衔和由一人担任的职务的名词前,不用冠词。Ill ask father about it.Aunt will come to see us next week.He is head of the foreign languages department.Comrade Li; Professor Wang; General Hu; Captain Hale; President Nixon;8在表示球类运动或棋类游戏名称的名词前,不用冠词.We go in for sports. We all like basketball/football/ v

20、olleyball/table tennis.Computers can even be used in playing chess.9当school/college/hospital/ market/prison/sea /work/bed 等名词具有引伸之意时,其前面一般不用冠词.He goes to school at six every morning.She usually returns from work at five.Marys still in hospital.Two years ago he went to sea.The child went to bed.Mum h

21、as gone to (the) market for food. 10当teacher/nurse/cook 之类的名词具有our teacher/nurse/cook之意时,其前面一般不用冠词。Teacher is very much pleased with the work done.Nurse will be here in a minute.Cook serves the teachers and students whole heartedly.11在表示语言和学科的名词前不用冠词.We are in Class Two, Senior One.We study Chinese,

22、 maths, physics, chemistry and English.12名词前已有作定语的指示代词、物主代词时,不再用冠词.That radio is very good in quality.There is some water in the cup.Beijing is our capital.Do you have any questions?13在与by连用的交通工具前不加冠词-by car/bus/train/bikeby boat/ship/sea; by plane/air14在一些固定词组中不用冠词(注:在有些词组中,有冠词与没有冠词其含义是不同的。)after s

23、chool;at home;at first; at night;by last;at noon; by day;on earth;in case of; in danger;in time;in town;day after day;hand in hand;in hospital/in the hospital;in front of/in the front of;out of question(没问题)out of the question(根本不可能)五 冠词的重复与省略1冠词的重复两个名词表示两个不同的人或事物,二者前均需加冠词.A teacher and a student en

24、tered together.Tom has bought an English dictionary and a French dictionary.用both and所连接的两个名词前均需加冠词.Both the boys and the girls did well in their exam.虽然有些名词常成对出现指同一个人或事物,但要强调每一个对象或想分别给以清晰的概念时,可重复使用冠词.I bought a watch and a chain.He has a father and a mother.She is a doctor and a nurse.The husband a

25、nd the wife were discussing the education of their son.2冠词的省略“冠词的省略”与前文中的“不用冠词的情况和场合”不同。“省略”是在该用冠词的地方,由于问题或篇幅等原因而省略了有关的冠词。“不用冠词”是指名词的泛指和一般概念而不需要冠词,否则就改变词义。两个名词表示的人或事物作为一个整体,即两个名词指同一个人或事物时,可省略第二个名词前的冠词,即只用一个冠词限定两个名词。The husband and wife have gone to Beijing.There is a horse and cart in front of the t

26、ree.Pass me the knife and fork, please.Mr.Randolph became the teacher and friend of the students.She is a dancer and singer.Read the sixth and last paragraph of the text.有时,在两个名词词汇意义不引起误解的情况下,可省略第二个名词前的冠词,但初学者要少用。A doctor and nurse were there.A man and woman were talking there.在作表语或同位语且表示头衔或职位的名词前往往

27、省略冠词Comrade Wang is secretary of the Party Committee.He is head of the biology department.Comrade Li, vice-director of the state farm, was there.报纸和文章的标题中、电报中常省略冠词Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair Closes.New Medical System Lauded./Boy Born Today.Send doctor urgent.广告中、公告中、商业信件或文件中多半省略冠词Fully furnish

28、ed flat to let.Secondhand typewriter wanted./School Ahead; Exit;/Copy of the booklet is enclosed.Duplicate of this letter is sent to our agent.提纲中、日记中省略冠词Algerian crisis led to the downfall of (the) French government in May 1958./Got long letter from MotherPerfect weather.Spent whole morning prepari

29、ng lecture on Elements of English Phonetics.做注释或定义时常省略冠词Dictionary: book dealing with the words of a language.六 冠词的位置冠词的位置比较固定,多半置于名词、名词词组或名词化的形容词之前。但由于名词前的修饰语的搭配要求不同,冠词的位置也呈现一些变化,具体情况如下:1有下列修饰名词的定语(形容词)时,不定冠词置于what, such , many后,形成“what/such/ many + a/an +(形容词)名词”结构.What an interesting story!What a

30、 fine book!Dont be such a fool!Ive never met such a good man.Many a man has made the same.2有下列修饰名词的定语(形容词)时,不定冠词置于quite/rather 之后,形成“quite/rather + a/an +(形容词)+名词”结构。It will take quite a long time.There were quite a lot of people at the party.She is rather a fool.It was rather a hot day in August. 3

31、有下列修饰名词的定语(形容词)时,不定冠词置于so , as , too, how 之后, 形成“so/as/too/how +形容词+a/an+名词”结构.Ive never seen so clever a child.This is just as good an example as the other.Its too hot a day to work.I dont know how old a man he is.4有all, both作名词定语时,定冠词置于all ,both 之后,形成 “all (both) + the+ 名词”结构.All the students are here now.Both the books are mine.5有half作名词定语时,两种冠词均放在half之后.We have to wait for half an hour.Half the cups were broken.冠词

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