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1、七年级英语下册教材听力录音及原文译文外研版 Module 1 Unit 1 2Listen and answer the questions. 听录音并回答问题。 Betty:Is this your football, Tony? Tony:Oh yes. Thank you. And thats my sweater. Are these your crayons, Betty? Betty:No, they arent. Tony:Whose crayons are they? Betty:I think theyre Linglings. But these gloves are mi

2、ne. Tony:And thats my wallet. 贝蒂:这是你的足球吗,托尼? 托尼:哦,是的。谢谢你。那是我的毛衣。这是你的蜡笔吗,贝蒂? 贝蒂:不,不是。 托尼:它们是谁的蜡笔? 贝蒂:我认为它们是玲玲的。但这手套是我的。 托尼:那是我的钱包。 Module 2 Unit 1 2Listen and check() the things in Activity 1 which Tonys dad can do. 听录音,在活动1中托尼的爸爸能做的事情处打“”。 Tony: Can you sing, Dad? Tonys dad: No, I cant. Why do you a

3、sk?Tony: Because we have singing today at school. Can you ride a bike, Dad? Tonys dad: Yes, I can. Tony: Can you cook? Tonys dad: Yes, I can. Tony: Can you speak Chinese? Tonys dad: No, I cant. Can you teach me?Tony: OK. I can teach you Chinese after school. Tonys dad: Thanks. Have a good day at sch

4、ool. And please be careful! 托尼:你会唱歌吗,爸爸? 托尼的爸爸:不,我不会。你为什么这样问? 托尼:因为我们今天在学校里有音乐课。你会骑自行车吗,爸爸? 托尼的爸爸:是的,我会。 托尼:你会烹饪吗? 托尼的爸爸:是的,我会。 托尼:你会说汉语吗? 托尼的爸爸:不,我不会。你能教我吗? 托尼:好的。我放学后可以教你汉语。 托尼的爸爸:谢谢你。祝你在学校里愉快,而且要小心! Module 3 Unit 1 1Listen and match the words and expression from Box A with the word and expression

5、s from Box B. 听录音,将方框A与方框B中的词汇相匹配。 1. check my email 2. go over lessons 3. have a piano lesson 4. see a movie 5. help with the housework 6. have a picnic 查看我的电子邮件 复习功课 上钢琴课 看电影 帮助做家务 去野餐 Module 4 Unit 1 2Listen and choose Linglings answers to the questions. 听录音,选择玲玲对这些问题的答案。 Ms Li: Do you often thin

6、k about the future? What will change in 20 years? Will our lives be different? The weather? Our clothes? Our school? Lingling: Yes, everything will be different. Well use computers and theyll be very small and light! And we only need one book to carry to school! Ms Li: Oh, good. Anybody else? 李老师:你经

7、常考虑将来吗?二十年后将发生什么变化?我们的生活会不一样吗?天气?我们的衣服?我们的学校? 玲玲:是的,一切将会不一样。我们将用电脑,它们会非常小巧轻便!我们只需要带一本书去学校! 李老师:哦,好的。其他人呢? Module 5 Unit 1 2Listen and answer the questions. 听录音并回答问题。 Lingling: Its Mothers Day soon,and I want to buy my mum a T-shirt. Betty: OK! I want to make a cake for my mother. How about going to

8、the shops tomorrow afternoon,Lingling? We can buy a T-shirt first and then buy some food in the market on our way back. Lingling: All right. What do you want to get for this cake? Betty: Strawberries and biscuits,and let me think, some lemons. Lingling: OK. See you tomorrow. 玲玲:不久就是母亲节了,我想给我妈妈买一件T恤衫

9、。 贝蒂:好的!我想为我妈妈制作一个蛋糕。明天下午去商店怎么样,玲玲?我们可以先买一件T恤衫,然后在回来的路上去市场上买些食物。 玲玲:好的,你想要买什么来制作蛋糕? 贝蒂:草莓和饼干,让我想一想,还有一些柠檬。 玲玲:好的。明天见。 Module 6 Unit 1 Now listen and number the places as you hear them. 现在听录音并按照你听到的顺序给这些地方排序。 1. Tony: Wheres the museum? Lingling: Look at the map. Its here. Walk along the street, turn

10、 right and go across the park. 2. Tonys dad: I need some money. Is there a bank near here? Tony: Yes, its in High Street,between the cinema and the bookshop. 3. Daming: Lets have lunch. Lingling: Theres a good restaurant opposite the station. 4. Betty: Can you tell me the way to the station? Daming:

11、 Yes. Cross the street and turn left. Its quite near. 托尼:博物院在哪里? 玲玲:看地图。在这里。沿着这条街道步行,向右转,穿过公园。 托尼的爸爸:我需要些钱。这附近有银行吗? 托尼:是的,它在商业大街上,在电影院和书店之间。 大明:咱们吃午饭吧。 玲玲:在车站对面有家好餐馆。贝蒂:你能告诉我去车站的路吗? 大明:好的。穿过街道向左转。它相当近。 Revision module A 11 Listen and check () the true sentences. 听录音,勾出()正确的句子。 Betty: What are you go

12、ing to do in the future, Tony? Tony: Well, Im not sure. I want to be a nurse because Im good at science. But my mother would like me to be a teacher like her.Betty: Mm, interesting. Do you want to be a teacher?Tony: No. Teaching is so difficult and I dont think I can do it well. And maybe there will

13、 be no teachers in the future and students can learn alone at home. What about you, Daming? Daming: My parents want me to be a doctor so I can help people in hospital. But you see, Im good at sport and I can play football very well. So I want to be a football player in the future and help China win

14、the World Cup!Tony:Wow! Then you will be a real star! 贝蒂:你打算将来做什么,托尼? 托尼:哦,我不确定。我想当一名护士,因为我擅长科学。但是我母亲想要我像她一样当一名教师。 贝蒂:唔,这很有趣。你想当一名教师吗? 托尼:不想。教学是如此之难,我认为我做不好。将来也许不会再有教师。学生可以独自在家学习。你呢,大明? 大明:我父母想让我当一名医生,这样我可以帮助医院里的病人。但是你知道,我擅长运动,我足球踢得非常好。因此将来我想当一名足球运动员,帮助中国赢得世界杯。 托尼:哇!那你将成为一个真正的明星! Module 7 Unit 1 1Li

15、sten and number the questions as you hear them. 听录音,将问题按照你听到的顺序编号。 Daming: Where were you born, Betty? Betty: I was born in Quincy, a small town in the US.Daming: What was your first school like?Betty: My first school was John Adams Primary School. It wasnt a big school and it was very friendly. The

16、re were 20 students in my class.Daming: Who was your first teacher? Betty: Ms Smith. Daming: Was she strict? Betty: Well yes, she was, but she was also very nice to us. 大明:你出生在哪里,贝蒂? 贝蒂:我出生在昆西,美国的一个小镇。 大明:你的第一所学校是什么样子的? 贝蒂:我的第一所学校是约翰亚当斯小学。它不是一所大的学校,它非常友好。在我班里有20名学生。 大明:你的第一位老师是谁? 贝蒂:史密斯女士。 大明:她严格吗?

17、贝蒂:哦,是的,她严格,但她对我们也非常好。 Module 8 Unit 1 1Listen and check () the true sentences. 听录音并在正确的句子上打“”。 Daming: Im reading an old English story called Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Do you know it, Tony? Tony: Yes. Its very famous. Once upon a time there was a little girl with hair the colour of gold. Her

18、name was Goldilocks. She lived near the forest. One day she decided to go for a walk. She walked into the forest with her basket. 大明:我在读一个叫金凤花姑娘与三只熊的古老英语故事。你知道吗,托尼? 托尼:是的。它非常著名。从前有个长着金色头发的小女孩。她的名字叫金凤花。她住在森林附近。一天,她决定去散步。她拿着篮子走进了森林。 Module 9 Unit 1 2Listen and choose the correct answer. 听录音并选择正确的答案。 B

19、etty: What was life like when you were young, Grandpa? Grandfather: It was very different! Betty: When were you born, Grandpa? Grandfather: I was born in April 1935. Betty: Were you born in America? Grandfather: No, I wasnt. I was born in England. Betty: When did you come to America? Grandfather: We

20、 came to America in October 1941 when I was six years old. 贝蒂:你年轻时生活是什么样子的,爷爷? 爷爷:那是非常困难的! 贝蒂:你什么时候出生的,爷爷? 爷爷:我出生于1935年4月。 贝蒂:你出生在美国吗? 爷爷:不,不是。我出生在英国。 贝蒂:你什么时候来到美国的? 爷爷:我们来到美国时是在1941年10月,当时我6岁。 Module 10 Unit 1 Now listen and number the places as you hear them. 现在听录音,按照你听到的顺序把这些地方编号。 Daming: Did you

21、 have a good time when you went to California? Betty: Yes, we had a great time! Daming: What did you do? Betty:We went to Los Angeles. We visited Disneyland. Next, we went to Hollywood. Finally, we went to Santa Monica Beach and swam in the Pacific Ocean. Daming: How nice! 大明:去加利福尼亚州时你们玩得愉快吗? 贝蒂:是的,

22、我们玩得很愉快! 大明:你们做了什么? 贝蒂:我们去了洛杉矶。我们参观了迪斯尼乐园。接下来我们去了好莱坞。最后,我们去了圣莫尼卡海滩,而且在太平洋里游泳了。 大明:真好啊! Module 11 Unit 1 2Listen and match the pictures with the nationality. 听录音并把图片与国籍相匹配。 Daming: What are they doing? Betty: Theyre saying hello. Theyre kissing. Daming: Are they German? Or British? Betty: Maybe theyr

23、e French. Daming: And these people are shaking hands. I think theyre Russian. Betty: I think so too. And these people are Japanese, I think. Daming: Why? Betty: Because theyre smiling at each other and bowing. 大明:他们在做什么? 贝蒂:他们在问好。他们在亲吻。 大明:他们是德国人吗?还是英国人? 贝蒂:或许他们是法国人。 大明:这些人正在握手。我认为他们是俄罗斯人。 贝蒂:我也这么认为

24、。我认为这些人是日本人。 大明:为什么? 贝蒂:因为他们正向对方微笑并鞠躬。Module 12 Unit 1 1Listen and number the words as you hear them. 听录音,按照你听到的顺序给单词编号。 Tony: What kind of music do you like, Dad? Tonys dad: I like traditional Western music, especially the sound of violins. What about you, Tony? What kind of music do you like? Tony

25、: I like modern music. I love rock. Its great. You like rock, dont you, Mum?Tonys mum: Yes, its very lively. But you dont like traditional Western music, do you, Tony?Tony: No. Its too slow. I cant dance to it. I like pop music. Tonys dad: Im not a big fan of pop music. Its too noisy. 托尼:你喜欢哪种音乐,爸爸?

26、 托尼的爸爸:我喜欢传统的西方音乐,尤其是小提琴的声音。你呢,托尼?你喜欢哪种音乐? 托尼:我喜欢现代音乐。我喜欢摇滚乐。它棒极了。你喜欢摇滚乐,是不是,妈妈? 托尼的妈妈:是的,它非常轻快。但你不喜欢传统的西方音乐,是不是,托尼? 托尼:是的,它太慢了。我不能随着它跳舞。我喜欢流行音乐。 托尼的爸爸:我不是流行音乐的狂热粉丝。它太吵闹了。 Revision module B 11Listen and choose the correct answer. 听录音,并选择正确的答案。 Lingling: Where did you go on holiday, Tony? Tony: We we

27、nt to Hong Kong. Lingling: What a wonderful city! How long did it take to get there? Tony: Well, it took four hours, and my uncle met us at the airport. Lingling: Where did you stay? Tony: We stayed in a hotel. Lingling: What did you do in Hong Kong? Tony: We went on a bus tour of the city.Lingling:

28、 Did you like the food? Tony: Yes, of course! We ate at a great restaurant near the sea. And we saw a dragon boat. It was fantastic!Lingling: Did you go shopping? Tony: Yes, we did. I bought you a present.Lingling: How nice of you! 玲玲:你们去哪里度的假,托尼? 托尼:我们去了香港。 玲玲:多美的一座城市呀!到达那里用了多长时间? 托尼:哦,用了4个小时,我叔叔在飞机场接的我们。 玲玲:你们住在哪里? 托尼:我们住在一家旅馆里。 玲玲:你们在香港做什么了? 托尼:我们乘坐巴士游览了这座城市。 玲玲:你喜欢那里的食物吗? 托尼:是的,当然了!我们在海边的一家很棒的餐厅吃了饭。我们还看到了一只龙舟。它真是难以置信! 玲玲:你们去购物了吗? 托尼:是的,我们去了。我给你买了一件礼物。 玲玲:你真好!

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