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1、油品码头常用英语油码头工作必备英语词汇锚地:anchorage 商检: draft surveyors A 泊位: berth A 海关:Customs 码头: dock 代理:agent 靠泊:come alongside 边检:Immigration 开装:commence loading 港监:Harbour master 装毕:complete loading 货主:the shipper 离港:departure 大副:chief officer 手续:formality 码头调度:foreman 水尺:draft 完货前调水尺:trim 排空:pump out 压舱水:ballas

2、t water 装船顺序:loading sequence 排压舱水:deballast 积载系数:stowage factor 搁浅:stranding 装船速度: loading rate 碰撞:collision 调整装船顺序:adjust sequence 意外事故:contingency 配载图:stowage plan 提出抗议:raise an objection 风级:0 级 calm 倾斜仪:clinometer 1 级 light air 淡水:fresh water 2 级 light breeze 海水:salt water3 级 gentle breeze 满载吃水:

3、full load draft 4 级 moderate breeze 空载吃水:light load draft5 级 fresh breeze 甲板:decks6 级 strong breeze 船首:bow7 级 near gale 船尾:stern 8 级 gale 舱口:hatch 9 级 strong gale 舱盖:hatch cover 10 级 storm 射灯:light 11 级 violent storm 手电筒:torch 望远镜:telescope 对讲机/高频:VHF 中垂:sagging 船长:captain 中拱:hogging 大副:chief office

4、r 拱头:trim by head 二副:second officer 电话:telephone 三副:third officer 安全帽:helmet 船员:crew 计算器:calculator 轮机长:chief engineer 值班水手:duty officer 装船机:loader 引航员:pilot 甲板:deck 木匠:carpenter 吊杆:derrick 纸:paper 货舱:hold 签名:sign 货舱盖:hold cover 电子称:shore scale 水仓:tank 停电:cease power 水尺标记:draft mark 生活区尾楼 accommodat

5、ion 大副办公室 ships office 舷梯:accommodation ladder 引水梯:pilot ladder 船首:forward 船中: midship 船尾:afterward 左舷:port side 出租车:taxi 高潮:high tide 低潮:low tide 验收单:receipt 误差:difference 故障:malfunction 缆绳:line 绳子: rope 右舷:starboard side 油品码头作业实用英语会话一、calling and answer 呼叫与应答 Contact with the ship 业务员与船方呼叫联系 1. M/

6、T Pacific Spirit. This is loading master calling, over. 译文:“太平精神”轮,业务员呼叫。 2. Loading Master. This is M/T Pacific Spirit. Please go ahead/come in! 译文:“太平精神”轮收到,业务员请讲! 3. Your signal is very poor. There is too much noise to hear your voice at all, Please repeat/pardon. 译文:你的高频信号非常差,太多噪音以至于根本听不到你的声音。 请

7、再讲一遍。 Contact with the pilot 船方与引航员联系 1. Hai Nan pilot. M/T Pacific Spirit calling .Do you read me? 译文:海南引航员。“太平精神”轮呼叫。听到了吗? 2. Yes! This is Hai Nan pilot. The pilot will come on board at 08:00 clock. Please stand by main engine and ready starboard side gangway. 译文:是的!引航员将在 8 点登船。请备好主机并准备放右舷舷梯。 Cont

8、act with the agent 船方与代理联系 1. Agent! M/T Pacific Spirit calling. Please answer, over. 译文:代理! “太平精神”轮呼叫。请回答。 2. Yes, come in please! 译文:收到,请讲! 二、The tanker arrive at the anchorage 油轮到达锚地 1. Where shall we drop the anchor? 译文:我们在什么地方下锚? 2. Our anchorages position is longitude 1183712E、(118degree 37min

9、ute 12second)latitude 382423N. 译文:我们的锚位是东经 118 度 37 分 12 秒、北纬 38 度 24 分 23 秒。 3. What time is your ETA(estimate time arrive)? 译文:你船预计什么时候抵港? 4. we arrive anchorage at about 11:30. 译文:我们大约 11:30 到达锚地。 5. Is there any berthing schedule about our tanker? 译文:有我们船的靠泊计划吗? 6. Yes,you have a berthing schedu

10、le。But you have to wait and stand by VHF channel 88 now。 Because, another crude oil tanker is discharging on the terminal。 译文:是的,有靠泊计划。但是另外一艘油轮正在码头卸货,保持 88 频道守听。 7. Sure!We will stand by VHF channel 88 all the time. Also,I wait your new instruction/notice。 译文:当然!我们会一直保持守听。同时等候新的指令/通知。 8. You should

11、drop anchor first If you arrive at anchorage. 译文:如果到锚地可以先下锚。 三、Get alongside 靠泊 1. I tell the chief officer to shift his tanker 5 meters ahead /foreside. 译文:我告诉大副将船向前移 5 米。 2. Your position is too much to head (foreside). Please shift your ship to stern (aft) 20 meters. 译文:贵船停泊位置太偏前了,请向后移 20 米。 3. T

12、he vessel is too far off the berth, please make tight a little bit the headlines, breast line and spring line. 译文:贵船离码头太远,请将头缆、横缆、倒缆搅紧一些。 4. How to arrange the mooring line? 译文:怎么样布置缆绳? 5. Two spring lines, two breast lines, four head (stern) lines divided in two groups. 译文:两根倒缆,两根横缆,四根前缆(后缆),分两组。 6

13、. Put down the line slowly/easy and easy/! 译文:慢点儿放缆绳!慢慢的! 7. Put down the line quickly! Be quick (slowly)! 译文:快点儿放缆绳!快点(慢点)! 8. Our capstan only keeps one speed. 译文:我们的绞缆机只有一种速度。 9. Put the spring line first, then the breast line, the headline and stern line at last. 译文:先放倒缆,再放横缆,最后是头缆和尾缆。 10. Is yo

14、ur line nylon rope or wire line? 译文:请问是尼龙缆绳,还是钢丝绳? 11. Please link the line with the rope, be stronger and longer, the nylon rope is the best. 译文:请在缆绳上加引绳,要结实一些、长一些,最好是尼龙绳。 12. If its wire line, we can carry two lines each time, if it is nylon rope, four lines together. 译文:如果是钢丝绳,请一次带两根,尼龙缆绳请一次带四根。

15、13. Stop putting down the line, please change a strong draw rope. 译文:停止放缆绳,请换粗引绳。 14. Set the safety net under the gangway (or at the gangway). 译文:在登船梯下面设置安全网。 四、Connection 接管 1. How many loading arm (loading hose) do you want to connect? 译文:你们准备接几根输油臂(输油软管)? 2. We are going to connect three loading

16、 arm. 译文:我们将接三根输油臂。3. Our loading arms size is 16 inch, please be ready the same size reducer. 译文:我们输油臂的尺寸是 16 英寸,请准备好相同的接头。4. Connect (disconnect) one loading arm. 译文:接(拆)一台输油臂。5. Where are the bolts and the packages? 译文:螺丝和垫片放在哪儿? 6. Do you have spanner, pincer and hammer? Would you lend me them?

17、译文:你有扳手、钳子、锤子?能否借用一下? 7. Make the bolts tightened please! Otherwise it will be leaking. 译文:请把螺丝上紧一些,不然要渗油的。 8. Dont worry about this, and we have many experience. 译文:不用担心,我们很有经验。 五、Discharge the dirty ballast or oily water 排卸压载污水和污油水 1. Is there any dirty ballast water to discharge ashore? 译文:有向岸上排放

18、的压载污水吗? 2. There is 1000 tons dirty ballast water on board to discharge ashore. 译文:船上大约吨压载污水需要排岸。 3. Is there any dirty oil in it? 译文:里面含有污油吗?4. There isnt any oil in it. Owing to discharge it through oil line only, we have to discharge it ashore. 译文: 没有污油, 只因为排水通过油管线, 我们才不得不向岸上排。 5. Do you want to

19、discharge oily water from slops tank? Yes, it will be discharged ashore also. 译文: 你想卸污油舱的污油水吗?是的,也向岸上排。6. How many quantities of oily water are there? There are about 90 tons. 译文:有多少污油水?大约吨。 7. How many quantities of oil in the oily water? 译文:污油水中含多少油? 8. Whats the pour point of oil? 译文:油的凝固点是多少? 9.

20、 The pour point is 30 , its the high wax residue. 译文:凝固点是摄氏 30 度,是高含蜡油渣。 10. The pour point is -5(below zero). Its very light. 译文:凝固点是零下 5 摄氏度。很轻。 11. Would you please heat the dirty oil to 60 first before discharging? 译文:请把污油加热到 60 度,然后再排。 12. The maximum discharging rate is 1000 tons. If over the

21、rate, accident will be happen. That will be trouble with both sides of us. 译文:最大卸量是 1000 吨,如果超过这个流量,会出事故,这对我 们双方都麻烦。 13. Ok, I can control the rate below 1000 tons. You may check it. 译文:好的,我能控制流量在 1000 吨以下。你可以核查。 14. Is shore everything ready? 译文:岸上一切准备好了吗? 15. Everything is ready except the manifol

22、d closed. 译文:除了出口阀没开其它一切就绪。 16. You may deballast the clean ballast water into the sea. 译文:你可以向海里排清洁压载水。 17. Please reduce (increase) the rate. 译文:请降低(增大)流量。 18. You should be sounding the tank first. 译文:首先,你应该检尺。 19. All tanks are finished. Now only stripping the pipeline. 译文:所有的舱都结束了。现在仅仅扫管线。 20.

23、Will you please arrange the cargo surveyor to come on board? 译文:请安排商检上船好吗? 21. Cargo surveyor will come on board after a few minutes. 译文:商检过一会儿就到。 六、Loading (Discharging) operation 1. This is BASUO port. This is Hai Nan refinery and petrochemical terminal. This is 1#berth. 译文:这是八所港。这是海南炼化码头。这是一号泊位。

24、2. These are documents. Those are tracers/stowage plan. 译文:这些是单证。 那些是查询单/配载图。 3. Are you chief officer? /You are the chief officer, arent you? 译文:你是大副吗?/你是大副,不是吗? 4. No, Im the duty officer/second officer/third officer/crew. Who are you? 译文:不,我是值班驾驶员/二副/三副/船员。你是谁? 5. Im the loading master/stevedore/

25、。 译文:我是业务员或码头长/码头工人。 6. I want to meet your captain/master. 译文:我想会见你们的船长。 7. The captain is over there. 译文:船长在那儿。 8. He has gone ashore. 译文:他上岸了。 9. I will come again tomorrow. 译文:我明天再来。 10. May I see your chief officer? 译文:我能见一下大副吗? 11. I want to discuss something about loading (discharging) with y

26、our chief officer. 译文:我想和大副商量一下关于装(卸)货的事情。 12. Would you please give me a copy of cargo plan/stowage plan/discharging plan? 译文:请给我拷贝一份货载图/配载图/卸货计划好吗? 13. How many quantities of loading are there in the voyage? 译文:这个航次装货量是多少? 14. What is the maximum draft at arrival? 译文:抵港最大吃水是多少? 15. What is the dra

27、ft of departure? 译文:离岗吃水是多少? 16. Please tell me the last port and the destination. 译文:请告诉我开来港和目的港。 17. The last port is XINGANG, the destination is Singapore. 译文:开来港是新港,目的港是新加坡。 18. Please tell me the time of anchor. 译文:请告诉我下锚和起锚时间。 19. Anchor down is 06:16; anchor up is 09:00 clock. 译文:下锚是 06:16;起锚

28、是 09:00。 20. Whats the max loading rate of the ship? 译文:你船的最大装船量是多少? 21. How many initial rates do you require? /what loading rate do you require at beginning? 译文:你要求的开装量是多少? 22. How many topping rate do you require? /what loading rate do you require at topping time? 译文:你要求的平舱量是多少? 23. When we start

29、 loading, First by gravity. 译文:当我们开始装油时,首先自流装船。 24. Cargo surveyors have already finished checking. Shall we start loading? 译文:商检已经验完舱了,开始装油怎么样? 25. If the cargo through manifold into your tank, please tell/inform me .we will start pump. 译文:如果油通过出口阀进入到油舱,请通知我。我将起泵。 26. Please stand by! We are going

30、to start loading. 译文:请准备流程!我们将开始装船。 27. Are you get ready everything? 译文:你们准备好了吗? 28. Yes, we have got ready everything. Only the manifold is still closed. 译文:是的,我们已经一切就绪。仅出口阀仍然是关的。 29. Please open your manifold. 译文:请开船出口阀。 30. What is the loading (discharging) rate now? 译文:现在装(卸)船速率是多少? 31. The loa

31、ding / discharging rate is about 2000 m3/h. 译文:装(卸)船速率大约是 2000m3/h。 32. Please full open your gate valve. 译文:请把阀门全部打开。 33. Now you can increase the loading (discharging) rate to the maximum. 译文:现在,你可以把装船速率增加到最大。 34. Can you increase the loading (discharging) rate a little again? 译文:你能再少量增加点装(卸)船速率吗? 35. Please decrease the loading (discharging) rate in the half. 译文:请把装(卸)船速率减到一半。 36. Please go to the manifold, the connection is leaking heavily. 译文:请到出口阀,连接处渗油严重。 37. The ship is listing to portside, please pay more attention. 译文:船偏杆左舷了,请注意。 38. Now only remain the last tank. 译文:现在只剩下最后一个舱。

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