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1、These trousers need cleaning. The pair of trousers is mine.3.数词与量词作主语的主谓一致(1)表示 时间、重量、距离、价格、体积等名词的复数作主语时,通常当做整体看待,后接单数动词。Twenty years is a long time in ones life.(2)分数和百分数修饰可数或不可数名词作主语时,谓语形式由名词所表达的含义而定。About one third of the books are worth reading.A large percentage of the wheat crop was ruined by

2、the flood.(3)由kind (form, type, sort, portion, series, quantity, amount) of 等修饰的主语,其谓语动词形式取决于这些词的单、复数而不是它们后面所跟的名词的单复数。A new type of bus _ (be) now on show.All kinds of difficulties _(have)to be overcome.Large quantities of water _(be) needed for cooling purposes.(4)a number of, a variety of, a group

3、 of等修饰名词作主语,谓语动词用复数形式;而the number of, the variety of修饰名词作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。A number of students are from the north.The number of the students from the south is small.(5)如果主语由“many a, more than one + 名词”构成,谓语动词用单数形式。 非谓语动词的常考形式与所表达含义非谓语动词形式所表达含义所充当句子成分doingdoneto doto be donebeing donehaving donehaving be

4、en done一、V-ing形式作主语v-ing形式若作主语或宾语时,也称作动名词。1.作主语动名词作主语通常有两种位置:一是位于句首;另一种是it作形式主语,而将动名词短语移至句末。Talking mends no holes.空谈于事无补。Its no use waiting here.在此等待毫无用处。常用动名词作主语的句型:It + be a waste of time doing sth. It + be no good / no use doing sth.It + worthwhile doing sth. There + be no point / sense (in) doi

5、ng sth.二、V-ing形式作宾语1.下列动词只能用动名词作宾语考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想。避免错过继续练,否认完成就欣赏。禁止想象才冒险,不禁介意准逃亡。consider, suggest/advise, look forward to, excuse/pardonadmit, delay/put off, fancyavoid, miss, keep/keep on, practicedeny, finish, enjoy/appreciateforbid, imagine, riskcant help, mind, allow/ permit, escape2.下列结构之后也用动

6、名词作宾语be used tolead todevote toobject toget down topay attention tocant standgive upfeel like insist onput offbe interested inbe fond ofbe good atspend in doinglook forward tosucceed inbe busy incontribute tothank you forapologize forforgive for have a good/wonderful/hard time (in)prevent / keep / s

7、top from have difficulty / trouble (in) doing3.下列动词后既可以用不定式也可以用动名词作宾语1. forget 2. remember 3. stop 4. try 5. mean 6. go7. cant help三、V-ing形式作定语、1.作定语的及物动词分词形式为:v-ing, being + 过去分词;过去分词2. 作定语的不及物动词分词形式为:v-ing 与过去分词四、V-ing形式作表语动名词与现在分词作表语区别:1.动名词作表语表示一般性、经常性动作。His job is teaching English.2.动名词作表语表示主语的

8、内容,可以把主语和表语交换;而现在分词作表语表明主语的性质、特征,此时主语和表语不可交换位置。The story is very touching. Our job is playing all kinds of music.The music they are playing is so excited. Seeing is believing.My work is looking after the children. The task of this class is practicing the idioms.With the help of the teacher, the stud

9、ents are practicing the idioms.五、V-ing形式作宾语补足语 动名词不作宾补,现在分词作宾补主要用法:1.感官动词 see, watch, observe, look at, hear, listen to, notice等作宾补2.使役动词作宾语补足语1.(2012陕西)The basketball coach, as well as his team, _ interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding performance.A. were B. was C. is D. are2.(20

10、05山东)With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _ each year.A. is washing away B. is being washed away C. are washing away D. are being washed away3.(2006浙江)The company had about 20 notebook computers but only one-third _ used regularly. Now we have 60 working all day.A. is B.

11、are C. was D. were4.(2009四川)The teacher together with the students _ discussing Reading Skills that _ newly published in America.A. are; were B. is; were C. are; was D. is; was5.(2009山东)The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _ rising steadily since 1997.A. is B. are C. has bee

12、n D. have been6.(2006天津)What we used to think _ impossible now does seem possible.A. is B. was C. has been D. will be7.(2009湖南)Either you or one of your students _ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.A. are B. is C. have D. be8.(2010湖南)Listening to loud music at rock concerts _ caused hearing

13、 loss in some teenagers.A. is B. are C. has D. have9.(2011安徽)The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which _ saved for other purposes.10.(2006陕西)The construction of the two new railway lines _ by now.A. has been completed B. have been completed C. has completed D. have complete

14、d11.(2013山东)The room is empty except for a bookshelf _ in one corner.A. standing B. to stand C. stands D. stood12.(2012陕西)_ in a long queue, we waited for the store to open to buy a New iPad.A. Standing B. To stand C. Stood D. Stand13.(2013重庆)When I was little, my mother used to sit by my bed, _ me

15、stories till I fell asleep.A. having told B. telling C. told D. to tell14.(2011山东)Look over there there is a very long, winding path _ up to the house.A. leading B. leads C. led D. to lead15.(2011辽宁)_ around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people.A. Gather B. To gather C. Gathering D. T

16、o be gathering16.(2010安徽)He had a wonderful childhood, _ with his mother to all corners of the world.A. travel B. to travel C. traveled D. traveling17.(2013福建)_ basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.A. Known B. Having known C. Knowing D. Being known18.(2009上海)A smal

17、l plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, _ all four people on board.A. killed B. killing C. kills D. to kill19.(2006湖南)The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert.A. covering B. covered C. cover D. to cover20.(2013福建)_ how others react to the book you have jus

18、t read creates an added pleasure.A. Hearing B. Hear C. Having heard D. To be hearingPart 1 单词拼写1. The prisoner _(努力,奋斗,斗争,挣扎)but couldnt escape.2. Several _(十年)have elapsed since I graduated from the college.3. His _(饥饿,渴望)for knowledge drove him to the library.4. Have you got the one that have an _

19、(输出,产量)of 150 horsepower?5. With _(膨胀,伸展)wings, the hawk soared above us.6. By persistence many countries won _(自由,自主)in the end.7. The soldiers are fully _(装备,配备), and they are ready to join the battle at any time.8. We do not have enough money. _(因此,所以)we can not afford to buy the new car.9. He re

20、turned from Paris and found his office was under someone elses _(占有,占据,职业).10. Those words are _(下划线,强调)in the English book.11. Joan _(评论,注释)that it was a better play than usual, and I agreed.12. He said that he _(后悔,惋惜,遗憾)their failure to reach an agreement.13. The soldiers _(战斗,战役)against the oppo

21、sing army all day.14. In those days poverty _(减小,减少,使落魄)many people to beg in the street.15. His eyes were so tired that he had difficulty _(焦点,焦距;集中,聚集)on it.16. The inventor was rewarded by the government for his several _(成就,实现,完成,达到).17. Thank you for making my visit so _(值得的). I shall treasure

22、your friendship and kind hospitality you have given me.18. _(观察,评论,庆祝,遵守)that she was very pale, I asked him what was the matter with him.19. He has _(表现,行为,举止)well in school.20. The terms of the agreement _(尊敬,尊重)the boundary line between the two countries.21. The failure _(激发,鼓舞)him to great effor

23、ts.22. The United States should, he _(争论,争辩), attempt to remain aloof.23. Hes involved in the _(组织,机构)of a new club.24. We are _(运动,战役,竞选活动)against corruption in government.25. The local doctor couldnt tell what was wrong, so he sent her to see a _(专家).26. They were _(支持,支撑,供养)by a local band at tha

24、t time.27. _(疾病,恶心)often results from eating too much.28. I had _(打算,计划)to catch the early train, but I didnt get up early.29. She _(提到,提及,查阅,参考)the subject several times during her speech.30. The police chief spoke of his _(决心)to catch the killers.31. With these incidents, Tang Ying consulted exper

25、ts from various vocations for measures in _(紧急状况,突发事件).32. Each _(代,辈)has its own standards of judgment.33. Young girls must be _(谦虚的,适度的)in speech, dress and behavior.34. Her motherly _(仁慈,好意)attaches us all to her.35. The postman at last _(投递,接生,发表演说)the letter we had been waiting for.36. Although she had never been interviewed on TV before, she _(表演,履行,执行,手术)well.37. Nowadays, electrical appliances have entered into _(平凡的,普通的)families.38. The candidates speech _(使信服,说服)the voters that he

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