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1、考研英语写作整理资料经典句型上英语写作整理资料首段:1.The past decade has witnessed a dramatic development of _(相关因素).过去十年见证了_(相关因素)的巨大发展。(这句话可以在首段开头使用)2.The picture vividly portrays _(图画内容描述).图画生动展示了_(图画内容描述专用句式)。3.The artists real purpose is not the picture itself, but to lead us find what behind it.图画作者的真正目的不在于图画本身,而在于引导我

2、们察觉图画背后的含义。(首段结尾用这句,引出下文)主旨段:4.To reverse the trend is not a light task. It requires a good awareness of.要想扭转这一趋势并非易事。这需要充分意识到5.With great improvement of., . will prove to hold great superior over.随着的改善,将证明比更具优越性。(常用对比句式)6.Whatever you do, please remember the saying. If you understand it and apply i

3、t to your study or work, youll necessarily benefit a lot from it.不管你做什么,请记住这句老话。只要真正懂得它的意思,并付诸实践,定将获益匪浅。7.The influence of. has not been confined to. It also.影响不仅仅局限于。它还尾段:8.Therefore,after a comprehensive consideration of various factors, it is wise to _(措施建议).因此,经过深思熟虑,明智的做法是_(措施建议)。 9.Hopefully,

4、by employing these methods, _(预期结果) can be created.通过践行上述措施建议,我们有望_(结尾用预期结果)。考研英语作文第一段的展开第一句:图画描述句:As is shown above,in the middle of the picture walks a man,trying to attain the goal of innovation and development with the help of the Internet and its related technologies.(试图通过互联网及其相关技术来实现创新和发展的目标。)

5、补充:The implications of this picture are explicit(明确的) and clear that: anyone who aspires to embrace great achievement must be the one who dares to start from small steps.(这幅图景的含义是明确的: 任何渴望拥抱伟大成就的人必须是敢于从小事做起的人。)The portrayal ,symbolic and metaphoric,unfold a scene to us,in which a man who wears a mas

6、ter gown and look knowledgeable and capable is applying for a job.(这个象征性和隐喻性的画面向我们展示了一个场景,一个穿着礼服,看起来很有知识和能力的男人正在申请一份工作。)第二句:图画影响句This picture has sparked a heated discussion on Wechat friend circle,the most attractive and influential social network form these day in China.(这张照片在微信朋友圈引发了热烈讨论,微信朋友圈是当今

7、中国最具吸引力和影响力的社交网络。)This has sparked controversy(争论) on Chinas social media, with some saying that(在中国的社交媒体上引发了争议)第三句:图画意义句(深刻)The picture,at the first glimpse,seem to be simple,but only a penetrating sight can capture its essence.(这幅画乍一看似乎很简单,但只有洞察一切的眼光才能抓住它的精髓。)If posted on the Internet,this cartoon

8、 will definitely draw much attention and arouse abundant imagination for its revealing of a trending topic.(如果把这幅漫画放到互联网上,一定会引起人们的极大关注,激发人们丰富的想象力,揭示一个热门话题。)第二段的展开:第一句:提出论点1. The picture tells us that nothing can be compared with +重要主题 when it comes to the cultivation of individual characteristics.(这

9、幅图告诉我们,在培养个性方面,没有什么可以与之相比。)2. The picture tells us that 重要主题 remains to be an integral(不可或缺) part in this ever papid(快速) changing modern society.(图片告诉我们,这仍然是一个不可分割的一部分,在这个不断变化的现代社会。)3.The presence of this improvement will make our social fabric stronger,our families healthier and safer,and our peopl

10、e more prosperous.(这种改善的存在将使我们的社会结构更加牢固,我们的家庭更加健康和安全,我们的人民更加繁荣。)4.The picture does reveal that 有害主题 is not only harmful, but also damaging for the personal growth.(这张照片确实揭示了这不仅有害,而且对个人成长有害)5.The picture does reveal that 有害主题 is in large measure(很大程度上) detrimental(有害的) not only to the personal life,b

11、ut to the further development of the whole society.( 这幅画的确表明,在很大程度上不仅不利于个人生活,而且不利于整个社会的进一步发展。)1. To sum up,it does exert a negative effect on our society if we still overvalue the importance of degress.(总而言之,如果我们仍然过高地估计腐败的重要性,它确实会对我们的社会产生负面影响。)2. To conclude,it is highly unfeasible to put all eggs j

12、ust in one backet. (总而言之,把所有的鸡蛋放在一个盒子里是非常不可行的。)第二句:加强论点(附加句)In no country other than China,is has been said,is this phenomenon more obvious.(据说,除了中国以外,没有一个国家的这种现象比中国更明显。)In no country other than China,is has been said,is this problem more urgent and serious.(据说,除了中国以外,没有一个国家的这个问题更加紧迫和严重。)The past de

13、cade has witnessed a huge development in economy owing to some policy being carried out,bringing some problems at the same time,with the above one being the foremost(近十年来,由于一些政策的实施,我国经济取得了巨大的发展,但同时也带来了一些问题,其中以上述问题最为突出).加强论点时需要用到的连接词:1.To be sure,当然2.That is to say,就是说3.In other words,换句话说4.Put it an

14、other way,换句话说5.Obviously,显然6.Specifically speaking,具体来说7.Beyond any dispute,毫无疑问8.It would not be a stretch to say that 可以毫不夸张地讲9.Undeniably,不可否认10.To put it strong,进一步地讲11.It is not hard to imagine,不难想象12.Furthermore,此外13.additionally,另外14.Form my personal perspective,从我个人的角度来看15.It is not hard to

15、 imagine不难想象16.personally speaking,就我个人而言第三句:公众态度(社会话题都适合,而个人话题有时适合)1.The public does attach due(适当的) attention to importance of the公众确实十分关注2.The public fails to attach due attention to the bad effects brought by公众未能充分注意到这些措施所带来的不良影响第四句:加强公众态度(附加句)People form all over the world,governments and inter

16、national organizations stress the fundamental role of 。世界各国人民、各国政府和国际组织都强调People form all over the world,governments and international organizations fail to notice the damaging consequences of 。世界各地的人们,政府和国际组织都没有注意到Individuals,enterprises,organizations and even the whole society stress the fundament

17、al role of 。个人、企业、组织乃至整个社会都强调的基本作用Individuals,enterprises,organizations and even the whole society fail to notice the damaging consequences of。个人、企业、组织,甚至整个社会都没有注意到这种行为的破坏性后果。第五句:段落展开(为一个句群)第一种展开法:平行展开法物质回报1.can offer people with not only delicious food but fashionable clothes and such benefits as c

18、omfortable dwelling and handsome automobiles. 不仅可以为人们提供美味的食物,还可以为人们提供时尚的服装,以及舒适的住所和漂亮的汽车。2.Individuals and organizations can make money,take profits and even obtain wealth by doing。个人和组织可以通过赚钱、获取利润,甚至获得财富3.The industrious(勤劳) and insightful (有见地的)people will never fail to benefit from doing.勤奋而富有洞察力

19、的人永远会从中受益4.It can improve ones living standards and make an easy and conforable life.它可以提高一个人的生活水平,使生活变得轻松而舒适5.It can bring people fresh air,clean water,bright sunshine ,clean food and comfortable dwelling. 它可以给人们带来新鲜的空气、清洁的水、明亮的阳光、清洁的食物和舒适的居住环境时间角度saves time/takes up little time/occupies little tim

20、e.节约时间1. saves people a great deal of time by eliminating hours spent on hesitation, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their meaningful work.消除人们在犹豫上花费的时间,从而为他们节省了大量时间,这样他们就可以把更多的时间和精力集中在有意义的工作上。浪费时间As is well known,the days of youth should not be idled away and time shoul

21、d be cherished,but wastes hours,lavishes days and even squanders(浪费) years,which leads us to say it kills and even murders youngsters prime time.众所周知,青春的日子不应该虚度,时间应该珍惜,但是浪费时间,浪费日子,甚至浪费年华,这使我们说它杀死甚至谋杀青年的黄金时间。效率角度(e.g.Star worship/Addiction to the internet) makes people weary(疲惫) of other important th

22、ings,discourages him to learn more.)(例如崇拜明星 / 沉迷于网络)让人们对其他重要的事情感到厌倦,阻碍他学习更多的东西。方便和快捷角度(e.g.MSN)can shrink the distance between cities and even continents,smooth the communication between residents and rid of the barrier between people. MSN可以缩小城市甚至大陆之间的距离,缓和居民之间的交流,消除人与人之间的障碍。身心健康can relieve not noly

23、 pressure but also anxiety and such problem as depression,stress,isolation and solitude(孤独).不仅可以缓解压力,还可以缓解焦虑和诸如抑郁、压力、孤独和孤独等问题生活娱乐角度It provides a variety of leisure activities that enhance your energy,enthusiasm and charm.It adds a special means of entertainment to your seemingly tedious,routine and

24、monotonous life.它提供了各种休闲活动,增强你的能量,热情和个性。它增加了一个特殊的娱乐手段,你似乎乏味,例行公事和单调的生活。有助成长和成功It can promote communication between people,rid of barriers between people and bridge gaps between people.它可以促进人与人之间的交流,消除人与人之间的障碍,缩小人与人之间的差距。People who treat others with love,sincerity,sympathy,enthusiasm,hospitality or g

25、enerosity always win respect from others.那些以爱心、真诚、同情、热情、好客或慷慨待人的人总能赢得别人的尊重。文化价值观角度:The trend will exert more positive influences on the sustainable development of Chinese culture.The increasing cultural exchanges integration bring with it far greater rewards than culture itself.这一趋势将对中国文化的可持续发展产生更为积

26、极的影响。 日益增长的文化交流整合带来的回报远远大于文化本身。It would promote mutual understanding,enhance friendly ties,and shorten/shrink gap between people.这将促进相互了解,增进友好关系,缩小人与人之间的差距。And it is clear that aside from politics and business,it is particularly the cultural dialog that bering people together and which serves as a b

27、asis for a better mutual understanding.We can see the promising progress on the cultural communication.Today,home-grown Wechat has a translator that easily permits those with no shared language to talk with each other.This only to show,nevertheless,that so much work remains to be done.很明显,除了政治和商业之外,

28、尤其是文化对话使人们走到了一起,并成为更好地相互理解的基础。我们可以看到文化交流取得了有希望的进展。 如今,国产的微信有一个翻译器,可以方便那些没有共同语言的人彼此交流。 然而,这只是为了表明,还有许多工作要做。社会宏观角度It means that people can have equal opportunity to college education,employments,self realizetion,and pursuit of material wealth.它意味着人们可以有平等的机会接受大学教育,就业,自我实现和追求物质财富。Our dreams are the inte

29、rnal powerful engine and the compass that may enable us to bring up our potential glowing capacity and to guide ourselves into the future.我们的梦想是内部强大的引擎和指南针,它们可以使我们发挥潜在的光辉能力,引导我们走向未来。创新Apple,a great company creating an industial legend with its series of category-killer(爆款,即畅销产品),give us a clear mess

30、age that innovation powers the engine that generates value.To put it the other way around(换句话说),Apple would gradully fade out(消亡) and into nowhere(出局) with the absence of creation in designs. 苹果,一个创造了一系列产品类别的伟大公司,给我们传递了一个明确的信息: 创新驱动着产生价值的引擎。换句话说,苹果将逐渐淡出,并且随着设计中缺乏创新而消失。传统文化(传统节日):The picture does dem

31、onstrate that,traditional Chinese festivals,the invaluable cultural heritage embodying our shared belief,spirit and history,have been increasingly neglected by us.It is mournful(遗憾) that such time-honored holidays are playing an ever insignificant role in our lives and gradually declining into the b

32、ackground.Traditions like them are powerful cohesive forces bonding us together,giving us clues(痕迹) of our ancestorsstruggles and achievements,and infusing sense of pride into us as the direct lineage of great heros. 这幅图片的确表明,中国传统节日,这种体现我们共同信仰、精神和历史的宝贵文化遗产,正日益被我们所忽视。这样一个历史悠久的节日在我们的生活中扮演着越来越微不足道的角色,并逐渐退居幕后,令人感到悲哀。 像这样的传统是强大的凝聚力,把我们联系在

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