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1、PEP7小学英语Unite1教案共六课时PEP7Unit1 How do you go there A Lets learn一、教学目标:1.能够听、说、读、写下列词组:on foot, by bike, by bus, by train.2.能够听、说、认读词组:by plane, by ship, by subway.3.能够在现实生活中灵活运用句型“How do you go there?”How do you go to school?来询问别人的出行方式,并能用句子“I go by”进行回答。并力求做到语音准确,语调自然。4.能够和小组成员合作表演对话和chant。教学重点:1.熟练

2、掌握本单元的重点词组on foot, by bike, by bus, by train.2. 能够在现实生活中灵活运用句型“How do you go there?”How do you go to school?来询问别人的出行方式,并能用句子“I go by”进行回答。二、课前准备:1 教师准备教学挂图。2 教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。3 学生准备一些玩具,如自行车、汽车、火车、飞机等。4 教师和学生准备A Lets learn部分的单词卡片。三、教学步骤:Step1 Warm-upLets do 师引导学生做第一册第64页的Lets do出示该段内容:Drive the car .

3、 throw the plane .2.Free-talkGood morning! Welcome bank to school.Glad to meet you again.How are you? Fine, thank you.Whats the weather like today? Its very hot.3.Lets chantGo to the door ,Go to the door ,Go to the window,Go to the window,Go to the canada,Go to the canada,Go to the USA,Go to the USA

4、Lets go to school.Lets go to school.Step2 Presentation(1)教师拿出一辆玩具自行车,自问自答:“Today I go to school by bikeI usually go to school by bike.”师利用肢体语言让学生理解句子的意思。同时出示骑车的图片。并在黑板上写下:by bike教学单词T;How do you I go to school?引导学生回答: by bike.T :Yes, You are right.I go to school by bike.师板书并教学:I go to school by bike

5、.2.T:But sometimes ,I go to school on foot.师利用肢体语言帮助学生理解出示学生步行上学的图片,教学 on foot学生看图,教师提问学生,T:How do they go to school? S:on foot.T: Great! They go to school on foot . What about you? How do you go to school?教师以采访的形式提问学生,同时板书:How do you go to school?引导学生回答:Ss:I go to school by bike/on foot.T:Xiao ming

6、s brother is a university he go to school by bus.出示图片,公交车图教学:by busT:How do you go to school? Ss:I go to school by bus.Work in pairsT:You can go to school on foot. Can you go to Beijing on foot?Ss:No.T:Of course,Bei jing is so far,Then how do you go to Bei Jing?由此引:By plane/by train.示飞机和火

7、车的图片4.比较火车与地铁的图片,由此引出By subwayT:Canyou see the subway in Tan Cheng? S:No.T:Where can you see subway? In Shang Hai?S:Yes.T:Good !in shang hai,hongkong,We can see subway.and the students can go to school by subway.示图片小船和轮船比较 (boat/ship) 引出by shipStep3 PracticeListen to the tape教师注意纠正学生的语音和语调听指令读图片 分别请

8、几个学生,听音在课件上选相应的图片,选对的图片回放变大,选错的话,图片没有任何反应。(适时给予学生评价) Whats missing: 完整的七幅图,同时在一个屏幕上,点一下,会有一幅图消失。让学生猜消失了什么。小小调查员:运用句型:How do you go to school? 用上I go to school by bike/.并做好记录,调查完后,请几名同学作汇报。准备两份单词卡片,一份是地点,如:school,Bei Jing,Canada.一份是方式 如:by bus ,on foot,by train.请两位学生抽卡,抽到地点的同学问:How do you go to schoo

9、l? 抽到交通方式的同学回答:Igo to school by bike/.NamePlaceVehicleWuYiFanDa Lian ship.Step4 ProductionMike a now dialogueT:Good morning!S:Good morning! T:How do you go to school/.?S:I go to school by bike/. What about you?T:I go to school/. on foot.ProgressStep5 Sum-upRead togetherFind the differences.On foot b

10、y +.c.Pay attention to the pronounce of trainDo exerciseListen and writeAmy : I go to school _ _Mike:I go to school _ _Sally:I go to school _ _Zhang:I go to school _ _Peter:I go to school _ _3.Homework a.listen to the tape b.Ask you friend how do your friends go to some place.板书:教后反思: PEP7Unit1 How

11、do you go there A lets talk一、教学目标1 能够听说读写句型:How do you go to school? Usually I go to school by bike. Sometimes I go on foot. 并能在实际情景中运用。能够针对具体情况正确熟练使用usually sometimes 两个频度副词。2 能够描述目的地位置的远近如:Its near。3 能够听懂并完成Lets try部分的练习。4 能够理解Lets chant的内容。二、教学重难点分析本课时的重难点是:能够听说读写句型:How do you go to school? Usual

12、ly I go to school by bike. Sometimes I go on foot. 并能在实际情景中运用。能够针对具体情况正确熟练使用usually sometimes 两个频度副词。三、课前准备1课前准备录音机和磁带2教师准备本课时所需的头饰及活动所需表格3自制多媒体课件四、教学步骤和建议一、Preparation1热身(Warm-up)(1)师生对话,复习上一课时内容,比如:“Good morning!How do you go to school today?What about you?Do you go by bus,too?”然后学生复习Lets chant部分的

13、歌谣。(2)Lets sing 教师放c Lets sing部分的歌曲“How Do You Go to School?”第一遍学生听并轻声跟唱。第二遍学生跟录音大声唱一遍。2预习(Preview)(1)教师出示单词卡片,提问:“How d0 you go to school?”学生根据图片内容回答:“I go to school by”师生会话直到班级里大部分学生能够准确说出图中交通工具的名称以及该句型。然后学生两人一组用单词卡片练习句型:“How do you go to school?I g0 t0 school by”教师对表达仍有困难的学生给予个别辅导。(2)Letstry 教师放录

14、音,学生看图选择正确答案,并从听觉上进一步感知主要句型。 录音内容如下: John:How dO you gO tO school,Mike? Mike:I usually go t0 school by bikeSometimes I go 0n foot John:Is your home near our school? Mike:Yesit is J0hn:Thats fine!二、Presentation 设计主情景:“柯南中国行”“初到中国”教师运用课件的形式出示一个动画人物柯南T: Look! Who is he?Ss: He is Ke Nan.T: Where is he f

15、rom?S: Hes from Tokyo.T: Yes. Its far. Today he will come to China to take a trip. How does he come here?Lets listen.让学生听声音判断交通工具的名称,并作简单回答:(He comes here ) byKe Nan: Hello, everybody! Nice to meet you! Ss: Hello, Ke Nan. Nice to meet you , too.T to Ss: Ke Nan wants to know sth about us.S1: Hello, K

16、e Nan. Im . Im 12. I like you very much. T: Hello, Ke Nan, Im Miss . Welcome to China!Ke Nan: Oh, Miss , how do you go to work?T: Usually I go to work on foot. Because my home is near. Sometimes I go by taxi. Because its fast. Ke Nan(T acts Ke Nan): Hello, How do you go to school?(板书)S2: Ke Nan: Wha

17、t about you?S3: (板书: Usually I go to school by. Sometimes I go .)三、practice1.Listen to the tape.2.Listen and repeat.3.Read and act.四、Production1、“小小调查员” 柯南想要了解大家每天都是怎样到学校来的,请帮助柯南做一个调查。表格如下: WaysName on footby bikeby busby planeby trainothersUSUSUSUSUSUS注:Uusually Ssometimes 2、“结伴而行”学校大队部为迎接柯南中国行,特组织

18、同学去旅游。旅游公司推出了一些线路,让大家选择自己喜欢的旅游点及其交通方式。然后进行全班活动,去寻找和自己去同一个地方并且乘坐同样交通工具的人为伴,并说明选择的理由。(如cheap/ expensive, fast, near/ far)可借助下列表格完成活动。West LakeGreat WallShanghaiJiufeng ParkTianyi geBy busBy trainBy shipBy planeBy subwayBy bikeBy taxiOn foot可用句式:Hello! . Where are you going?Im going toHow do you go to

19、?I go to by Because itsOh, me, too. Lets go together.OK!(五)Progress1Sum-upFind the differences between“ usually ”and “sometimes”. 2Do exercises读句子,根据图片在相应的横线上写出单词(12分)1. How do you go to school? I go to school _ _2. _ _ _ go to Shanghai?I go _ _3. How do you go to the _(公园)?Usually I go to the park

20、_ _. Sometimes I go _ . 3家庭作业(homework)调查住宅区居民使用频率最高的交通工具,以适当形式进行反馈和交流。PEP7Unit1 How do you go there A lets read教学内容: A Lets read教学目标:1.能够熟练用英语表达交通方式:on foot, by bike, by bus, by train. by plane, by ship, by subway.2.能充分理解并正确朗读对话,并完成对话后的练习题。3.学会如何指引他人在不同地点换用不同的交通工具到达某一目的地。教学重点: 1.能够充分理解并正确朗读对话。2.学会如

21、何指引他人在不同地点换用不同的交通工具到达某一目的地。教学准备: 1.与本课时相关的教学挂图。2.录音机和本单元的教学录音带。3.教师准备作为奖励的小奖品。教学过程: Step 1 :Preparation 1.Greetings 2. Lets chant 3.学生就上节课老师布置的作业,对家人、朋友所采用的交通方式进行信息交换,如My father goes to work buy bus, because its cheap. My brother goes to school on foot, because my home is near教师要对同学们的表现及时做出评价。Step 2

22、: Pre-reading排除阅读障碍,降低阅读难度1T:How do you go to school ?Ss: .T: Is your home near ?Ss:T: Where is your home ?Ss: T: Is it a building ?Ss: Yes .(如果教师回答不是,教师就接着引下面的)T : Can you draw a building ?Ss: Yes T : Good ,its easy .(引出板书并教授)T: What a beautiful building ! Which floor do you live ? (教师强调Which floor

23、并用汉语解释)T:教师指着学生话的building指,引出the first floor ?;the second floor? the third floor ?the fourth floor? the fifth floor ?板书the fifth floor并教授T: Do you want to know my home ?Ss: Yes .T: My home is near the post office.( 引出并教授post office.)T: This weekend ,I want to Linyi .Would you like with me ?Ss: Yes .

24、T : Good ,come to my home by bike .We can go to the bus stop by taxi .Then we can go to Linyi by bus .Ok ?Ss: Ok .T : How can we get to Linyi?(让生重复一遍加深印象)Ss: .T: Ok ,this weekend .See you at 8Oclock .Step 3:In-reading1.T: What about Zhang Peng and Sarah ? (1) Where are they want to go ? 板书go to the

25、park (2)When are they want to go ? 板书 2 oclock2. (1) How do they go to the park ? 板书:by bike ; Zhang Pengs homeon foot ; bus stop by bus ; park (2)Where is Zhang Pengs home ?在post office旁添上near3. Finish the blanks .(1) How do they go to the park ?First ,the meet at Zhang Penghome .Next ,they can _.T

26、hen they _.(2) Zhang Penghome is _.Its on the _,Room 5A.4.听录音,模仿5.大声朗读。Step 4:Post-reading1. 分角色表演2根据黑板上的关键词组复述本课的内容。3以小组为单位讨论去加拿大的具体最佳路线,形成文字并讲述出来。How do you go to Canada?Step 5:Progress(1) Sum-up(2)Exercises选择最佳答案1.How _ you go to the park ?A. are B is C do D does 2. I go to the park _foot .A. on

27、B. by C. with D. for 3. _floor is your home ?The _floor ,Room 5A.A. Which fifth B. What fifthC. Which five D. What fifith4. My home is near the school .I go to school _.A. by ship B. by bus C. by bike D. on foot (3)Homework课下统计一下你的家人或朋友要去加拿大所选择的最佳路线,准备在下节课上汇报。PEP7Unit1 How do you go there B lets lea

28、rn一、教学目标:1能听、说、读、写四会单词及词组:stop、wait、traffic lights、traffic rules。2能听说、认读句子:Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light.并能在实际情景中运用。3了解一些简单的交通标志,增强学生的交通意识。二、教学重难点分析:重点:1、掌握四会单词及词组:stop、wait、traffic lights、traffic rules。2、听懂会说三条交通规则,并能在实际情景中应用。难点:1、四会词组:拼写traffic lights、traffic rules。2、理解并会说:Remember the traffic rules!三、课前准备:小黄帽、交警帽、图片、水彩笔、课件、磁带等四、教学步骤及建议:(一)Preparation1热身(Warm-up)“兔子舞”游戏教师放兔子舞的音乐,全班学生排成长队,后面学生把手搭在前面学生的肩膀上,随着音乐的指令“Left-Right-Go-Turn around-Go,g。,go”,队伍开始向前慢慢移动,教师最好也参

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